View Full Version : Rule Abuse: Swear Filter

Figrin D'an
Nov 13th, 2002, 02:36:21 AM
A recent thread, in which a heated debate took place, turned rather ugly when two particular posters chose to abuse the fact that the swear filter has been turned off.

This rule has been brought up before, and everyone was given a fair warning. Rampant abuse of the lack of a swear filter would lead to a temporary dismissal from the GJO board, the definition of abuse being "gratiutious or superfluous use of inflammatory language, or use of inflammatory words directed specifically at another poster."

It is still the hope of the board staff that those who have access here will have enough maturity to abide by this rule, and employ a degree of common sense when considering the use of potentially inflammatory words. Instances of the rule being broken will be judged by one or more administrators, and punishment enforced at their discretion.

This will be the last official warning given to anyone on this matter. Questions or concerns may be addressed any of the board admins.


On a personal note... don't push your luck. I am not quick to anger, but if it becomes necessary, I WILL be an indignant jerk about this policy. Unless you want to be booted from the board for, at minimum, 2 days, you'll learn to comply rather quickly. If you chose to act like a child, you will be treated like a child, regardless of rank or reputation. It's that simple.

IM or PM me if you have questions or concerns. Just don't expect me to change my approach on violation of this rule.

Master Yoghurt
Nov 18th, 2002, 04:55:30 AM
Amen to what Figrin said.

Now for a clarification: Disabling the swearing filter does not mean people should swear more often in their posts. I have noticed a rapid increase in the amount of swearing since the filter was removed. That was not the intention. Granted, this forum may be used for ranting and venting, but the posters are still expected to behave in the same polite manner as they were posting in any other forum. Flaming, name calling or being rude just for the sake of it, is not appreciated.

The freedom is there to enable you to use such words at key moments, only when it is the most appropriate and accurate way to describe or convey your feelings. Excessive and overly frequent swearing does not bring a point through any better (instead, there is a risk you sound like a whining brat or a moron ;)).

Much like real life, when you talk, there is no alarm that says *beeeeep* or a filter that replaces your words with a 'sensored' statement. Does that mean it is a good idea to swear a lot when you talk to people in public places? Of course not.

Imagine you are on a bus, and you are sitting next to and talking to your friends. Being a small local bus, you know most of the people, but some you know less than others, and some are complete strangers you never have seen before. Talking loudly, all the other passengers of the bus can hear you, swearing and cursing a lot. I dont know about you, but I would find that behavior awkard, and I am sure it would annoy some of the passengers too. Now imagine those passengers you did not know are new members of these forums. What kind of impression do you think it makes when we swear in every thread, often several times per post? Not a good one, I promise.

So.. please tone down the swearing, and be conciderate. It is the members' responsibility to socialise without the staff babysitting their posts. If the posters cant handle that responsibility, the filter will simply be turned back on :|