View Full Version : Second meetings - Tondry
Helenias Evenstar
Nov 12th, 2002, 05:21:24 AM
I raised the Assault Gun to my shoulder and fired. The target that I was aiming for blew apart in a blaze of fragments, anohter took it's place as I reloaded and fired again. And again.
Mabe this was not quite a Jedi thing, but there was soemthing soothing about target practice. Usually I trained alone, but today, I had made an invitation. For, I wanted to talk and also give back something of value.
Pierce Tondry
Nov 13th, 2002, 10:00:46 AM
Helenias felt someone tap her shoulder. She swung around, bringing the Assault gun around with her but not firing. The presence she had sensed was not one that was on her list of "Beings to beat to death with their own arms" even if he had snuck up on her while she was concentrating.
Pierce smiled, stuck his fingers in his ears, and razzed the muzzle. "Bang!" Helenias said, then lowered the weapon and engaged the safety.
Pierce laughed, then mimed removing a muffler headset from his ears. Helenias took off the one she was wearing.
"You're going too fast," Pierce said. "You need to slow it down a hair. Gives you more accuracy."
"Marksmanship lessons aside," he added. "I got your message. What's up?"
Helenias Evenstar
Nov 21st, 2002, 02:38:34 AM
I allowed a slight smile come to my face, hefting the weapon so it pointed over my shoulder
"With this thing, accuracy isn't really a concern. It's pure takedown power, nothing more - if I really wanted accuracy, the gun in the case over there" I pointed with the barrel of the gun, befor ejecting the spent shell "... would be what I would use. Or one much like it, for that's one reason I did ask you here. To me weapons are much like an old friend, or a part fo us. We learn their balances, their uses and the best techniques to use with them They become part of us. As much as I took care of it, used it and made sure it was in perfect order.... it's not mine. Please, open the case and see if it is yours"
Pierce Tondry
Nov 21st, 2002, 10:20:32 AM
Pierce laughed softly. "I've already got pretty good evidence that it is," he said. "I've lost the thing twice in my career- the first time I got it back, I had a homing chip installed. The second time I got it back, I modified it so that the chip would hold a residual power supply even if the power pack was disengaged. After that little talk in the garden the other day, I went and activated the remote for it and got a readout."
Pierce took a sidelong glance at the case. "Of course, there's only one way to be sure," he added.
Pierce opened the case and lifted the weapon inside, hefting it in his hands. It certainly did look and feel like his, and had been adequately maintained during its' absence, but there was only one real way to be sure.
Pulling a multitool from his pocket, Pierce set himself to the task of disassembling half the weapon's casing. It took him almost no time, and with that increasing feel of familiarity, he lifted up a section of plate.
And there it was- the Verpine inscription.
Emotions, memories, images from long past flooded through Pierce and he couldn't move his eyes from where they stared. When he finally went to put the weapon back together, it was with reverence. "Yeah," he said huskily. "It's mine."
He lifted the rifle and turned, aiming carefully at the next target that had come up. With four quick shots, he blew four bits from the edge of the circular target disc, nearly perfectly equidistant from each other in a squared shape.
"Oh, yeah," he murmured.
Helenias Evenstar
Nov 24th, 2002, 05:01:36 AM
"It would appear" I said as I finished loading my favoured sidearm, a MkIII Rail Gun "That a part of you has been returned"
I lifted the hand gun up, carefully sighted along the barrel, gently squeezed the trigger. With the familiar crack and lack of recoil, the bullet ripped a hole almost dead centre of the target Tondry had already clipped four times.
CRACK! Another hole appeared, slightly to the left ofthe first hole I had shot out "That your rifle is part fo you." CRACK! To the right this time. "I can understand that. I would be most vexed if my Pike ever was lost. Even now, I favour it over a sabre".
Two more shots, placed up and down of the first two.
"Tell me" I asked, as I lowered the gun once agin "The inscription. If you dont mind, would you be able to tell me what it means? I never worked out what language it was in either. But if you rather not tell me, that will be fine. I'm just a bit curious"
Pierce Tondry
Nov 25th, 2002, 11:23:36 AM
Pierce hefted the weapon in his hands. It felt good- natural, as though it really did belong there. But then, Pierce had customized it so much over the years that it would have been hard for someone else to pick it up and use it as he had.
"It's Verpine," he said, staring through the sightscope at the target. "Their language is all spidersketch scrawlings, and I had more than enough trouble learning the language from the Intel teachers. I did it because I wanted to know what the thing said. A squad of mine gave it to me as a present when I got transferred to Intel. Told me if I wanted to know what it said, I could learn 'clack-tongue' and figure it out for myself."
"I always thought," he said quietly. "That it was their way of telling me it was important without having to say the words."
Pierce lowered the rifle and put on the safety trigger.
We got this to help you keep leading from the front. Never stop.
-the 302nd"
When the last word had left his mouth, Pierce fell silent.
Helenias Evenstar
Nov 26th, 2002, 06:12:22 AM
I allowed the silence to drag on a bit, thinking about those words.
We got this to help you keep leading from the front. Never stop
Such a simple statement. Such a deep and profound one as well.
"It is no wonder you treasure that weapon" I eventually stated, "it is rare for men to look up and ask for leadership from one man like that. A rare gift that the Empire would find hard to allow for a soldier to have. Men like you tended to be purged in my experience - someone would become jealous or suspicious... and they would disappear or be reassigned"
Pierce Tondry
Dec 1st, 2002, 09:15:52 PM
"I was reassigned," Pierce laughed bitterly. "They took me out of the front line unit I was on and stuffed me into stationary defense on a backwater for six months. If Ysanne Isard hadn't taken interest in my case and needed an unassigned and dependable sharpshooter, I'd probably still be there."
Pierce ran his fingers along the rifle's barrel, wiping off some slight dust. "They were originally going to do a hero angle on it, you know?" he said. "Savior of the Imperial 20th armor. Defender of Coyn. But my CO had pull with the Emperor, and he didn't like his orders disobeyed."
Pierce shrugged and aimed again. "Not like I really hold a grudge on him. Heard he died a couple of engagements later, anyway."
Helenias Evenstar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:25:37 AM
Iceheart. I had met the woman a few times, hadn't really formed an opinion. She however only met the armour that encased Lord Fire Blade. I wondered what Isard would have thought if she knew what was underneath. What would she have seen? A rival maybe?
Or just another tool to use?
"Doesn't really surprise me to hear you got shafted" I replied, allowing my thoughts to drift back. "The Empire had some good points, but it's blatant political nature, added with xenophobes and sexism... you immediately counted out good beings who would have been a great asset. I'm seeing the Republic up close in the Senate and some days I am not sure I like what I see. But what would a perfect system be? I am hopeful it is one where ones like you and me are no longer needed. But I don't see that day coming in a hurry. Which, in a roundabout way, brings me to the other reason I asked you here. Well, two reasons. One, I would like to offer you a job. I'm in need of someone of your special talents for a task force. It would mean being re-assigned directly to my staff, which also has the benefit that Cracken can't go and send you out and about while I am trying to training you in the Jedi ways"
"That is" I added, "If you will accept my offer to train you - of which I make now, for it is my understanding you need a new Master?"
Pierce Tondry
Dec 2nd, 2002, 09:16:38 AM
Pierce set the butt-end of the rifle down on the floor and held it upright by the barrel. "Reassigned? There's pros and cons on that, I guess. And yeah, I'm just not getting anywhere under Morgan's tutelage- not his fault, I just don't seem to get it."
Fingertips traced the rifle's muzzle as Pierce thought. "It sounds good, but- I don't know. Give me some time to consider it, I guess. I have... things I need to work out before I could go for it."
Helenias Evenstar
Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:52:30 AM
"That's quite allright" I answered in return "I would have expected you to think first. Jedi training is not what I would call something to be taken lightly, if you do so at all"
The assault gun I hefted, turning to look down at the targets at the far end.
"However you decide with being Jedi, I would be most keen for you to take up this new post. It's tenatively called Project Bluebird - a group of soldiers and Jedi that act as Intelliegnce and Special Forces. I really don't know how best to put it other than saying what is proposed is like the NRSF, with it's freedoms and strike power, mixed with Intel abilities. It's mandate may change if we find it needs to be. But for now I'll tell you it's first job - there's someone in the Senate trying to assasinate me. They have tried once. Marcus thinks they will try again. You might say that vexes me I have to get help putting a stop to that - but if I have to get someone to help me out, then I want the best"
I sighted, clicked off the safety and then fired. The target I had chosen disintergrated as the gun's shell blasted the target to pieces.
Pierce Tondry
Dec 12th, 2002, 11:24:45 PM
"Well, if you want the best," Pierce began, then paused. "I guess I'll just have to go find him for you."
Both of them laughed. "Yeah, I'll give it some thought," he continued seriously. "But if I get into this, I want you to know that I'm gonna need a hell of a lot of that freedom you mentioned. And you're gonna need to do a hell of a lot of what I say, if you want me to keep you safe."
It was a bit of a challenge, and one Pierce was very interested in seeing Helenias react to.
Helenias Evenstar
Dec 15th, 2002, 05:26:41 AM
A hell of a lot of what he said?!?!?
Now just how did he think I was going to answer that?
"Let me put it this way Master Tondry - freedom to operate is exactly what I offer. But as for doing a hell of a lot of what you say - then I would tell you flat out, that is going to be something you will need to prove yourself with. With me, all have to prove that I can trust their judgement . The times I have gotten into most trouble was when I was forced to trust another without knowing their worth. While I have only heard good things about you, I would be a fool if I did not witness that for myself"
"Consider that a challenge" I added. "I am no dim witted heiress or idiot official, too fat to scratch their own <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>. You want me to believe I can trust you, then proof it is you need to show to me. I don't work with blind faith. I never have"
Pierce Tondry
Dec 17th, 2002, 06:16:03 PM
"My record speaks for itself," Pierce countered without blinking. "You seem to think you need protecting, with or without the ability to scratch your rear. My universe is a lot of long missions with sleep breaks. Trust happens in the off season. I don't have time to quibble with you over your personal pride or your paranoia. If I call you and tell you to get the hell out of a room, you need to be out of the room before you start asking questions. I don't do things without a reason, and if you have a problem with that arrangement, this ain't gonna work."
"If you learn anything in my line of work," he added. "It's that trust is a two-way street that you don't have time to travel."
Helenias Evenstar
Dec 19th, 2002, 06:34:32 AM
Two weeks before. It was the last day apparently that Marcus had his sight. He had come to see me, to talk about what he had found and other things on his mind. It had been the last day I had seen him or even spoken to him.
"Helenias, after I pay this visit, I will be returning to the Republic as Tohmahawk. I've made my mind up"
I remembered he was standing with his back away from me, but I could still tell his mood. Resignation. Bitterness. He wasn't happy and he was not hiding it well.
"Your going through with your plan?" I asked.
"Yes. Xazor is fully with me. Marcus Q'Dunn will cease to exist"
I knew why. I understood. But I still didn't approve. I walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder, feeling his warmth on my palm. "There is no other choice? The Lost is a perilous path. Once you start, you can't go back"
"I.... I know. I just fear the other Jedi won't understand. I have to do it and abandon what I loved and fought for, for so long. The Jedi don't need a Warlord, but the Republic does. I must go." He fell silent, but I could tell sonatina else was on his mind. I waited him out until he chose to speak again. "Jina should be safe with Arya, Jax is with Pierce again and other arrangements have been made for other things that need to kept safe. Or, I should say, all but one"
"What do you mean?" I asked. He turned, looking me in the eye.
"You. Your a target. I can't have you vunerable. I can't be here to protect you any more.... "
"Excuse me? What do you mean, protect me?" I asked, suspicion on my voice.
"When you were moving about as Fire Blade, you couldn't be caught easy. Now, your a Jedi Knight and a Senator. Your no longer a moving target. Even your skill in a fight wont be any use if your feet are stuck in duracrete. I want you to have someone watching your back, so I don't have to worry"
"Are you insulting me?" I snapped, anger flaring. "I have no need for a bodyguard like... like some stupid gormless heiress! Not you, not anyone! I can handle this by myself!"
"Listen to me, woman. If you don't shelve your pride, you will die. Your no match for the resources of some of these Federations. You try to fight them single handed and it matters not you wiped out the Temple by yourself and can wipe the floor of just about anyone, I'm going to come back here one day and find you dead. I have no wish to lose you again and I know I will if you don't swallow your bloody pride and accept you can no longer walk freely. Do you hear me Helenias? Your going to get a good dose of humility and ask for help"
"And what about you?" I yelled back. "Don't you think I lie awake thinking about that vision I had of you? Who's going to watch your back?!? Do you think I want to cry at your funeral?"
"What's in the future, I will face" he replied in sudden calm and peace. "I've got a lot of burdens, my dear wife. Don't add another to them. Please. Get someone to watch your back. Learn to trust someone other than yourself"
As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. I also had to admit he was acting not to insult me, but because he loved me. He wanted his wife and his adopted daughter to remain alive. Still, if you had spent most of your adult life as a Guardsman and after that a highly skilled fighter by yourself or with a group like the Jedi, it was a hard shift of mind to accept. Even now, I was struggling with it, for the exposure of my pride was a difficult lesson to take. Marcus was right, hell, Pierce was right.
It still sucked harder than a vacuum. And I certainly did not like it. But any good Warrior or soldier knew at times they would have to do things they didn't like.
"Maybe if it was my idea I needed someone to watch my back, then I'd accept what you say easier" I stated. "If I had my choice, I'd...."
What? Go be Fire Blade and rip their throats out? Face it I thought, those days were over.
"... I'd be as far away from here growing old in peace"
Pierce Tondry
Dec 22nd, 2002, 03:51:14 PM
"Yeah," Pierce said. He put a hand on her shoulder. "I know. I know. But if you don't fight the good fight, nobody's gonna."
He sighed. "Anyway, this sounds like a good idea. I'll think it over and let you know."
Helenias gave him a curious look. "Yeah," he said. "I've got a few problems I gotta work out. Unfortunately, you being able to trust me to do that job is a valid point. I wouldn't trust myself to do it right now."
Helenias Evenstar
Dec 23rd, 2002, 03:58:55 AM
"Problems?" I asked, somewhat surprised. "Anything you want to mention, or strictly private?"
Pierce Tondry
Dec 25th, 2002, 11:52:06 PM
"Ha!" Pierce laughed bitterly. "Just a few bugs in my personality profile I need to get deleted. They're bringing me more harm than good."
Helenias Evenstar
Dec 26th, 2002, 04:27:51 AM
What an odd way of putting his thoughts forward.
"Depends on what kind of bugs" I replied. "Some are worth keeping. But others... yes, I can well understand what you mean. Like to talk about it?"
A small smile began to gather on my face, as I thought of a rather apt thing to say.
"Or don't you trust me?"
The smile would show I was more poking fun at myself and what I had said earlier. I wasn't really expecting my fellow ex-Imperial to say what was troubling him.
Pierce Tondry
Jan 6th, 2003, 01:35:08 AM
Pierce's lip tilted. "I don't even know myself," he said heavily. "Pride maybe. Hurt, anger, I just don't know. But I'll work it out. I always do."
Helenias Evenstar
Jan 6th, 2003, 02:12:14 AM
"But not all things can be worked out alone Pierce" I replied, setting the gun I had been holding onto the table, making sure the safety lock was on, "It is never good to just work out things alone, especially those of which you speak"
The expession on my face said it all. Regret, sadness, for those same things were problems I too faced.
"But if you can... more power to you. But if you look at yourself, can you do that alone? I don't mean to pressure you, I just ask you to look at yourself... much like someone else forced me to do the same to myself"
Pierce Tondry
Jan 6th, 2003, 07:38:22 PM
"I don't have any other choice," Pierce said quietly. "Not this time. Every so often you've got to stand before someone, someone who'll judge everything you've become. Sometimes, friends are a part of that. Other times, you have to go it alone. That's where I am right now. It's like sprinting through crossfire to reach a bunker- you don't like it, but no one else is gonna work your feet for you."
Helenias Evenstar
Jan 7th, 2003, 03:48:49 AM
"Maybe I should re-phrase myself" I replied "by using your allegory. Yes, you have to run by yourself, but who's going to give you covering fire? Do you think your chances of making the bunker are increased by running for it by yourself, or are they increased by support? While there are things that indeed, only you can do, they are made easier with someone to fall back on, to exhort and to encourage when you feel that you can't"
Nice self reflection Helenias, I considered. Who are you speaking to, Pierce or yourself? And whose words are they anyway? Certainly not yours - even if they apply to you as well.
True. They applied to me. But the wedding ring on my left hand reminded me where my support usually came from.
Pierce Tondry
Jan 13th, 2003, 12:22:31 AM
Pierce simply shook his head. "You don't always get cover fire- if you've ever fought in a disorganized retreat, you know that. Besides, who'd give it to me? You? Another Jedi? Another Intel agent, maybe, or soldier? Someone who might be needed elsewhere at a moment's notice? No. I won't jeopardize lives by dragging someone else into this. I'll muddle my own way through, and if I need help, I'll find it."
Helenias Evenstar
Jan 15th, 2003, 05:00:49 AM
"What about your wife, Pierce? Won't she be there for......"
I suddenly had the feeling I had put my foot in it.
Pierce Tondry
Jan 17th, 2003, 09:42:22 PM
"She has her own things to take care of," Pierce said calmly. "And I don't want to interrupt that. I'll manage just fine on my own."
Helenias Evenstar
Jan 20th, 2003, 05:48:42 AM
"And that is the truth" I stated, remembering a vision I had not long ago. "She will indeed have many things to take care of"
Pierce Tondry
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:26:03 PM
"Yeah," Pierce said. He suddenly felt cold. "I suppose she will at that."
He shifted uncomfortably. "I've got things to take care of. I'll catch up with you later, okay?"
Helenias Evenstar
Jan 31st, 2003, 01:28:42 AM
I nodded, saying a brief word of farewell. For some reason, I had the feeling our ways had parted for a while. How long, I was not sure.
There was one thing I did realise from this meeting - if Pierce did accept my offer to train him in the Jedi ways, I would have my match in many ways. A challenge he would be - a challenge I was not sure I was up to.
Not that it ever stopped me in the past. Challenges was something I thrived on.
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