View Full Version : The Darkside

Nov 12th, 2002, 01:43:12 AM
A pale hand extended from a blackened cloaks sleeve and stayed there at chest level only to be followed by a deep yet familiar voice.

Leave us... and be still

He was of course speaking these stern words to the shadows and other creatures of the night that stirred about with wanton motion. They indeed did fade back into the corners and cracks where the light was most dim.

Saurron's eyes pierced the dark vale without fail. Vampyre could see in the dark as a human man staring off to the horizon on the clearest day ever.


Alana Stormcloud
Nov 12th, 2002, 02:14:41 AM
From the black folds of night a voice came to her fevered mind. The comforting touch of the shadows faded. There tender embraces left her, and took her tenuous hold on sanity with them. They were what kept the mothers words at bay. Alana's soft moan, filled the chamber. Her eyes were squeezed shut as the mothers memories came to haunt her.

She felt a presence, one that pulled her back from the edge of insanity. One that called to her blood and bid her to come. His voice alone commanded her obedience and love.

"Master Saurron...." She called from the darkness...

Nov 14th, 2002, 01:36:41 AM
His hand met with hers. Their palms slid to meet one another slowly. Saurron sensed the despair from his Vampyre. His ice blue gaze split the night to fall upon her beauty. How he missed her. He felt as if a piece of him had been removed by a lightsaber when his Vampyre were gone or worse yet...destroyed. It was a pain like non other, but for every pain there was pleasure. The pleasure was making such beautiful creatures...creatures such as Alana herself.

Come Alana, embrace me, embrace the Darkside. Cast away your lingering affliction for humanity.

Alana Stormcloud
Nov 14th, 2002, 12:47:59 PM
Alana turned her bitter eyes to her master. They softened at his touch. The hands of the eternally damned, offering comfort to one another. Alana's thoughts haunted her, she opened her mind to her master. She clutched his hand tighter as her memories flooded her mind.

"I have never had humanity, my master. Mockadane.... He made me from his sister. He gave me life and then took it from me. All of my memories are lies, implanted so I would be what he wanted. My rebirth into the darkness, killed her." Alana's words were broken, hurt. Saurron knew how much she loved her uncle. How much pain it brought her knowing that she had been nothing more than a vessel to Save Mockadane's sister.

The shadows edged forward toward Alana. There black eyes looked at the master Vampire fearfully. They wanted to call her back, and make her forget. They wanted to fill her with the Ashiva's memories.

Saurron's dark power held them at bay. Alana sat up on the bed. The sheets she had twisted in, fell and crumpled at her waist. Her skin was translucent from not feeding. The mothers blood would sustain her forever in this manner but Alana's skin had changed. It had taken on a stone like quality.

"She wants me to be as she is, to sleep, and dream. To join her so she will not be so alone." Alana said she pulled on Saurron's hand. Pulling him closer, or pulling herself back from the abyss she faced.

Her eyes glimmered softly in the dim light, pain raced through her as she spoke the forbidden words. The mother had warned her. "I am a lie...." She pulled herself to her knees and wrapped her arms around Saurron's neck. Her soft body pressed into his. He could feel her need, her want.

"Save me..."

Nov 22nd, 2002, 12:46:10 AM
The blood of the ancients ran through her passing memories of thousands of years. It was enough to drive anyone insane let alone a relatively new born Vampyre. Ashiva was selfish to be sure, but the Dark side, the place in which they all resided now would not be denied her services unto it. Saurron and the Dark side of the Force where her masters now...

The long, clear, perfect nails touched her hair slightly as he felt her wracking pain that filled her mind and Vampyre soul. Speaking in his deep voice his words floated to her ears like wisps of smoke, brushing her porcelain skin with the touch of fine velvet.

Your love for your uncle is your humanity my dear Alana, but it will pass. You were truly reborn when I gave you the Dark Gift, becoming his creation no more...
His deep words trailed off in the distance stinging the shadows causing them to retreat even further backwards from him and Alana.
Cloaked arms that light could not penetrate encompassed her body as she felt his strong embrace tighten around her, and with that the hand that stroked her hair in time with his words gently guided her lips to his neck, for she would feed from her master again.

Alana Stormcloud
Nov 23rd, 2002, 12:28:07 PM
Alana took comfort in her Masters embrace. She could feel the seeds of pain, that Ashiva had planted, slipping away at his touch. His blood ran through her veins, calling her back from the dark vale of offered oblivian. The dark folds of Saurron's cloak cradled her, his arms offering the comfort she longed for.

Alana could feel the blood rushing through his veins. Calling to her own. Her cool forehead rested momentarily against his powerful shoulder. Her hungry lips grazed the pulsing artery. The sharp points of her teeth touched and slid in. his warm, familiar blood washed over her lips. A soft moan of remembered pleasure filled her throat. Her body jerked upright against him, her small hands clutched at his back as his powerful blood washed away the mothers cold memories. She trembled against him.

Alana pulled away, her tongue darted over her blood stained lips. The whites of her eyes had take on a pink cast, around the glowing green. She let them slip closed as she savored the release Her master had given her. Tipping her head back, Alana's hair spilled in soft folds to her bent legs. She offered her porcelain neck to her master.

Dec 5th, 2002, 11:27:16 PM
The master straightened his neck and brought down upon her a gaze of ice blue. A knowing gaze laced with deep intent. His pale hands were under her hair flat against her back . One slid upwards slowly to the base of her neck then turned to intertwine fingers and hair to feel the soft locks adorned her.

His eyes glimmered swimming with white and blue mixing as if gleaming shadows washed over them. If one looked deep and could hold their gaze against Saurron's they would see space and time unfold before them along with untold horrors within.

Leaning down he passed his fangs over the artery as it beat wildly from the erotic rush of attaining new blood. Alana felt the slight pressure of perforation, mixed with splitting skin that would heal within seconds after he had fed. Saurron soon tasted her liquid of life pool around his fangs caressing his lips and sending him to the place where all Vampyre go when they feed...especially from one another.

He gripped her tighter while leaning her over backwards, laying her down on the lavish bed. He totally covered her small frame with his large body, and draping cloaks as they contrasted with the color of her sheets showing the shadows who dared stay in the room what true darkness really was.

It was euphoric...to say the least.

Empress Ashiva
Dec 7th, 2002, 12:00:19 PM
The light flickered softly against the ebony walls of the mothers room. Dark shadows danced across the ceiling, creating faces from the past. The mother's face, etched like marble, timeless in grace and beauty. Cold and serene as usual. She may have appeared to be without thought or worry but Ashiva's mind was indeed in a place it had not been in a while. She worried for the fledglings that had come. She knew there safety was in question. Just as the Queen of the damned knew her time was drawing nigh.

There was one that gave her hope, one that she knew, loved her fledglings as much as she. One she would grant all of her power to. Though Alana and Tatiana had fed from her, Ashiva had held back the true essence of what she was. She would not hold back with the one that would take her place. Her eyes opened, glimmering an eerie green, her lips pulled into a grim line. She began to call to the one who would reign supreme.

"Saurron, it is time." Ashiva knew he would understand. His second sight into the future was almost as strong as hers. The Mother of all vampyre's had awakened and would sleep no more....

Dec 21st, 2002, 11:42:50 PM
Saurron's eyes opened, glowing, his iridesalmost white. He let Alana swim in the ferver that was feeding. Brushing her hair from her face he smiled as a father would over his daughter. With Vampyre there was always the stare. To some it was death. To others it was heaven or the equivilant. Saurrons gaze shifted now however. it turned into the direction of the mother...

Laying Alana down in her satin sheets he rose and proceeded through the Shrine seeking Ashiva. The shadows again parted wishing no contact with him or his focas. His brow lowered he continued on past moving statues crying for the mother and her fate. Saurron knew of another with power as well as Ashiva.

Crichton was his name...and from him Saurron was born.

Empress Ashiva
Dec 23rd, 2002, 01:37:01 AM
Ashiva felt Alana's mind slipping back from the dark place she had taken it. The blackest of shadows had clouded her mind, and Saurron had called her back. Ashiva had expected no less. Had he not, Alana would have fallen to insanity, becoming a mindless being. To Ashiva it had been a risk worth taking. She knew Saurron loved his wayward apprentice.

Her cold eyes watched the writhing shadows, the ones she had sent to Alana's side. They had cared for her while she was in the Mothers memories. Lost there, they had protected her. As they would always do from this time on.

She could feel him coming. The one who would take her place. The one who would be the ruler of all Vampires. His power had increased, his love matched her own. She had taken her husbands life to save her fledglings when they had been threatened by him. She had slew ancients to keep fledglings alive. She would do no less now to secure their future.

Ashiva rose from the chair that had held her still form for many millennia. Her dress smelled of sweet Myrrh. Pandora had never failed in her duty as handmaiden. Ashiva's green eyes pierced the darkness, the candles that filled the room flickered softly to life at the sound of her ancient tongue. He was at her door.

Her lips, set in a marble face, smiled. "Saurron.... Enter."

Jan 7th, 2003, 06:09:24 PM
Saurron could hear her whisper. An ancient tongue spilled forth, past her fangs, past her lips, and caressed his ear. He embraced what he had become many a century ago and took to study his new race that was not so new to the galaxy he found. Through these years spent he learned the ancient Vampyre tongue. It was not easy though. The artifact books and treasures had been spread wide, Vampyres themselves were hard to find let alone their history. They prefer to be thought of as a legend to the masses. An unbelievable tale of evil.

That they were...

The doors opened as his ice blue irides met with swimming pools of green. His hands folded in front of him he respectfully bowed to her, his eyes never leaving hers throughout the motion.

I am...honored.

Empress Ashiva
Jan 15th, 2003, 01:21:21 PM
Ashiva ran her eyes over Saurron as he stood before her. It was a well known fact among the Shrine members that had come, that the Queen of the Damned had a lower view of the males. To her they represented nothing more than chaos in her well honed world. Her own mate had proven to be nothing more than a fool.

But this one..... This Master Vampyre, which stood before her now, was nothing like the men who had come, and gone before. His mind was not clouded or indecisive. He was the one that matched her in thought about the future of the fledglings under them.

Ashiva moved closer to him, her movements slow and languid. Her sweet scent permeated the air. In her ancient tongue she spoke.

"Saurron, I have sat silent in this room, unmoving and unmoved at the visions that lay before me. The darkside hides nothing from those who travel its paths freely. I have watched our race wax and wane. I have watched countless times as our blood was weakened, and then strengthened. Through all of this, I have watched for the one that would take my place. You Saurron are right in your assessment as to what we are. There are none such as us. We are the darkness that smothers the light." The mothers voice softened, her marble face revealing nothing. There was no passion left in the ancient being, humanity had drifted away long ago. The blood that coursed through her veins had thickened with time. She was beyond beautiful, painful to look upon. As all Vampyres become when time fades even the slightest hint of having been mortal.

"All Vampyre become weary, life becomes nothing more than passing moments. After so many countless centuries is there anything our eyes have not seen, and in truth though we come together, what do the damned really have to say to the damned? But in you I see a new future, a new darkness that will be unmatched by any. In you I see a beginning. No matter the outcome of your existence you will set the path for all of them." Saurron's eyes had never left the mother as she spoke. They had remained stead fast on her. He did not blink when she moved closer to him. Her cold hands caressed his cheek, touching him as she had not touched another in many years.

"You must care for them Saurron, for they would be lost without a strong hand to guide them. I have loved them, though as you know, my love is a selfish one. Love them Saurron but do not let our blood be weakened by fools. Some may have to die by a father's hands, so the strong can step forward to claim what is there right." Though her words were cold, and bitter, Saurron heard something that not even Pandora had heard in the Mothers voice, Regret.... "I have loved them Saurron....." Her ancient tongue became still, and shadows had gathered in the mothers eyes. He would be the last one she touched in such a loving manner; he would be the only one to see the blood tears glistening in her eyes. Though, all vampyre can weep, Ashiva never had….

Jan 24th, 2003, 10:20:52 PM
Her beauty was as if running against a gale force wind. It was as intoxicating as any Force users warm running blood. He could not close his eyes. She moved slowly like a stretching feline yet moved quickly as if own memory had to catch up with her. He tilted his head into her palm and whispered...almost gasping as she touched him. No....there are none like us

He reached up and shed his long cloak revealing his uv combat suit. The cloak fell in dark folds around his boots in a muffled heap followed closely by the neck seal that protected his neck from the Cursed Star.

A tear fell slowly, streaking his cheek.

I have had my own visions Ashiva. Unsettling visions...

Empress Ashiva
Jan 31st, 2003, 12:37:11 AM
Ashiva's hand cupped Saurron's cheek like a mother would a child, like a woman would with an errant lover. She knew of his vision's, and there cold reality. They were Ashiva's own...

Tell me of them Saurron, and what you see in them." Her silken whisper filled his ears, and washed over his troubled mind. Her cold eyes strayed to his neck, bared to her touch. She had no need to feed from another, and she had in fact forgone the pleasure long ago. It was a temptation to say the least but she had not brought him here for such pleasure. The Mother had brought him solely to give him all that she was.

Ashiva ran her arms over his shoulders, her hand trailing first across his face, taking with her touch the red tinted tears. She caught a wisp of his thoughts, "the cursed sun is not so cursed to these eyes Master Saurron. They still see the beauty of the dawn. As can you." She stated retreating back to the tongue of old. Her voice caressing the syllables comfortably.

"Tell me what you see when you close your eyes, and the future rush’s up to meet you..."

Feb 9th, 2003, 04:05:05 PM
Those centuries of time could not erase away the memory of his last site of the Sun. Now called the Cursed Star by him his vision of it was not aged, it was fresh as any feeding and warm as the blood that flowed from it. It touched his face as he turned to make sure all of his comrades had boarded the assault shuttle all those years ago. Orange with a tint of yellow accompanied by a second rising behind it. The second was blood red in fact. Ironic to say the least considering more current times. He blinked and shakingly breathed inward. The thought of seeing dawn again shook his very being. The queen had reminded him...

Seic tsui diu, un diacla tsu san yaaa... He fluently answered her with his smooth deep voice, restraining it to a whisper in the learned tongue of the ancients. I see only death and destruction for you.

Her hand still cupped his cheek as he turned his head to kiss her palm tasting of her flesh. As if in a trance he moved ever so slowly up her extended arm rubbing his face along her skin as nuzzling her presence of power and silken skin. Even the stars would turn red this night...the deepest red he thought.

He met her eyes again, straining to contain himself with her beauty then answered her.

Yeiu...yeiu trus vlan sacui du bluud. I...I see rivers of blood.

Saurron knew know his fate he could see even more clearly things to come as he stood in front of Ashiva. Her power was already flowing into his body elevating his awareness of time and space. He instinctively moved to her neck. The beating, pulsating sound was defending as he drew nearer to her skin. He paused breifly to gaze upon her taking in her bodies aromatic entrancing scent. He could only cry at the dark beauty of it all, shedding red tears upon her neck as if to mark where his future would now begin.

His hands slid against her ancient threads..hands against material ...was the only sound until it itself was over run by the sound of splitting skin...skin giving way to two long fangs that sank slowly into perfect flesh...

Empress Ashiva
Feb 18th, 2003, 11:12:45 AM
Ashiva's head tipped back at the touch of Saurron's mouth. She to could see rivers of blood, and her impending doom. She had always known this time would come, and she had waited for the moment when the dark Master before her would come.

The Queen Mother had not allowed a male to feed on her for many millennia. It was intoxicating to feel his breath whisper across her skin, to feel the two sharp points sink in. He would take into him all the power that had made there race what it was.

Ashiva's eyes filled with blood, her lips parted, and a soft moan of pleasure filled her throat. Pale arms circled Saurron, drawing him ever closer to her body. They lifted from the floor, his cloak shifting around the entwined forms, enveloping them in its dark folds.

"I had forgotten...:" She whispered as he drank deeply...

Apr 25th, 2003, 12:00:11 AM
His eyes opened briskly to reveal irides of pure white. They were not white from anger however but white from the rush of power that filled his body. He drank deeper still and it seemed as if forever had passed. She was endless. Tracers flowed from points of light in the room, hanging there like blury white and yellow ice cicles frozen in time.

Releasing from her he withdrew his fangs and breathed in what was a new life in death. He had not felt this way since he had first been passed the Dark Gift. Only this was eroticism on a divine scale. Saurron looked upon her with his still glowing white irides as he floated backwards away from her to basqe in the power flowing through his viens. His head tilted back and his arms outstretched as if ready to embrace some unseen lover. He turned on axis slowly in mid air as his chest heaved in and out...