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Nov 11th, 2002, 11:02:58 PM
I hope nobody turns out like this clown. I read about it yesterday in my local paper, and it was on Jim Rome's radio show today. His take is hilarious, so here it is:

Hockey Father is now the worst of youth sports league parents. They are quickly becoming the standard for crazed parents in sports. It used to be the Little League baseball fathers. They were the psychotic ones. Well, actually they still are, but Hockey Fathers have earned their stripes now too.

Little League fathers were the ones climbing backstops during games, fighting youth umpires, fighting other Little League fathers, etc. You know Little League Father’s M.O.

Now we’re learning about Hockey Father’s M.O.

Michael Croteau is seeking $300,000 in psychological and punitive damages from his local Youth Hockey Association. Was it because his kid was attacked? Was his kid mistreated by a coach? Was his kid injured in a malicious play?

No, no and no.

Michael’s kid wasn’t selected as the League’s MVP. That’s why. Dude is suing because his son didn’t win the MVP award. That’s good.

But wait, there’s more.

Croteau wants the kid who won stripped of the honor and given to his son.

Wait, there’s even more.

Croteau also wants his son to be awarded the ‘Playmaker Of The Year’ award (also which he didn’t win) and be guaranteed a spot on the New Brunswick Canada Winter Games roster.

I will say this, at least he’s being reasonable.

Stuff happens, dad. Your son didn’t win. Deal with it. If he’s that good, he’ll get his props somewhere down the line.

Reportedly, the son led the league in goals and assists. It’s clear to me now. They stiffed the kid to get at the dad. I can almost guarantee you that’s what happened. Don’t tell me this is the first time that Hockey Father has lost his mind. They stuck it to the kid, just to get a reaction out of the old man.

How embarrassing must it be for the kid? The kid is probably more mature than the dad. He has to be. He couldn’t possibly be more immature.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Sometimes you even get screwed. That’s life. That’s also a lesson that Hockey Father won’t be able to pass on to son.

“Sorry kid, you didn’t get the job.”

“Oh yeah, my pops will sue you!”

“Sorry son, you weren’t accepted into the college of your choice.”

“Oh yes I am. Daddy is going to sue!”

This Hockey Father is out of control. He even says his son bought a tie and shirt for the awards banquet and says he was “humiliated” because he didn’t win.

No, he was humiliated because his father out of control and acting an <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>. If you acted like more of an adult, your son would probably be just fine. But don’t sue me if I’m wrong.

I just hope that the father gets shafted by the courts and gets absolutely nothing.

Nov 11th, 2002, 11:20:50 PM
Yeah, I read about that just a couple of days ago. Seriously... guess someone forgot to tell him the adage, "It's not about whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game".

Nov 11th, 2002, 11:22:02 PM
Wow. I remember playing Little League baseball. I also remember the kids and parents who weren't rewarded taking it rather well, with a "try again next year" attitude. This guy is nuts.

Nov 11th, 2002, 11:25:06 PM
The only thing I can think of is that this guy is either the biggest crybaby on the face of the earth, or is just another person looking for any reason to cash in big time.

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 12th, 2002, 12:58:53 AM
I'm soooo glad I dont have a father like him.

Nov 12th, 2002, 06:35:46 AM
This will get thrown out in Court. Theres a nice article in this weeks Sports Illustrated about this sort of thing, quite often these suits get tossed out. If I can find it online I'll post the link.

Nov 12th, 2002, 08:55:33 AM
I remember seeing something on this too. I think it was on Sportsecenter about a week ago. :\

Nov 12th, 2002, 08:57:59 AM
From the stats that I saw, his kid did deserve the awards. But that's no reason for the Dad to sue. Hell, the reason the kid got snubbed was probably because the voters knew his father and hated his guts. What a putz.

Nov 12th, 2002, 08:59:54 AM
Well who knows but what if there was a great goaltender? A great goalie can't lead the league in goals...but they can be more dominant than anyone else. ;)

Or they mighta been trying to screw the dad over. ;)

Nov 12th, 2002, 09:03:00 AM
From what I read the award went to an offensive player who stats didn't measure up to the kid. But again, that's no reason to sue. This Father is embarrasing himself and his son. If it were my Dad I'd beg him not to go through with him. I'd never do that to my son. This guy deserves all the ridicule he's getting. I just feel sorry for his kid. Unless the kid thinks his father is doing the right thing. Then he should get ragged on as well.

Nov 12th, 2002, 09:40:58 AM
Maybe this kid, despite his terrific numbers was not a great teammate which actually means something in amateur sports.

And speaking of getting everything you deserve, did anyone see that fan attack the football player in that CFL game? Boy that kid got it WAY worse than those 2 idiots who attacked Gamboa. Is it EVER a good idea to attack a pro football player?

Nov 12th, 2002, 09:55:49 AM
I didn't see that. There's a pummeling to look out for. Crazed fans who attack hulking athletes deserve their beatings. If they were smart they'd take on golfers or soccer players.>D

Nov 12th, 2002, 07:21:20 PM
This story just gets better and better. This guy is really sick upstairs. God help him. I'll post the story with the new developements, as well as the original story that has all the specifics.

Mad hockey dad may sue again to get son reinstated

Michael Croteau is considering suing -- again -- the New Brunswick Amateur Hockey Association for suspending his son from the league after his father filed the initial lawsuit.

(posted Nov. 12, 6:23PM EST)
FREDERICTON -- The family of the 16-year-old hockey player suing the New Brunswick Amateur Hockey Association for not winning an MVP award will meet with its lawyer Wednesday to decide how to respond to his suspension from his hockey league.

Michael Croteau and his son Steven of Lameque Island, N.B., are embroiled in a lawsuit after Steven wasn't named the league MVP. Steven has since been suspended from play by the provincial amateur hockey association.

“He is suing because his rights have been infringed by this association and because of that, they kick his <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> out? That's not right,” said Euclid LeBouthillier, Michael Croteau's lawyer.

“A hockey player must play. The worst thing you can do to a hockey player is to suspend him from the league for the rest of the term.”

Michael Croteau said he is ready, if necessary, to launch a second lawsuit to have his son's suspension overturned.

“My son is fed up and I am fed up,” Croteau said. “All we wanted was a clarification about how these decisions were made. How come they can't answer my questions?”

Croteau is seeking $300,000 in psychological and punitive damages from the association. He claims that his son was robbed by the association of two awards he should have won: the league's most valuable player award and the top playmaker award.

The trophies were awarded to other boys.

Croteau, who plays for the Acadian Peninsula AAA team, led the bantam league last season with 45 goals and 42 assists in 27 games. The league MVP, Lucas Martin who plays for Moncton, had 21 goals and 39 assists, fourth in the league.

Croteau also wants his son to be guaranteed a spot on the New Brunswick Canada Winter Games roster.

“My son is a hero,” he said.

There was no comment Tuesday from the New Brunswick Amatuer Hockey Association.

LeBouthillier, who is based in Tracadie, N.B., said he doesn't believe there is anything in the hockey association's bylaws or constitution giving it the right to suspend the player.

He said it appears to be a pressure tactic.

“What they put in this notice to me is as long as we keep this lawsuit going against them, they won't reinstate Steven Croteau.”

Michael Croteau said he has received strong support from his community on the Acadian peninsula in northeastern New Brunswick. He said over 3,000 people have signed a hastily arranged petition calling his son to be given the awards.

“In a sense it was not only Steven Croteau who was deprived of the joy of winning his trophies,” said LeBouthillier. “His team, his coach, and the population of this region who were following this lad, they were all deceived.”

I can't believe he's going to file a SECOND lawsuit. This is insanity!

And no, people in Canada don't habitually have 'effed up names like Euclid Lebouthillier. Friggin Newfoundlanders...except Natasha Henstridge.

Nov 13th, 2002, 01:40:13 PM
“My son is a hero,” he said.

Does he know the definition of that word? What an as*&^%$! I think the league made it worse by suspending the kid. They just should have dealt with the lawsuit and let him play. Again, this Dad is a friggin' idiot.

Nov 13th, 2002, 03:23:07 PM
What a drama queen.
Maybe they should just make a stamp of his son...