View Full Version : lonely on a rainy night

Kyle Krogen
Nov 11th, 2002, 04:42:34 PM
I was running down a street it was raining and it was dark

I finaly came to master yogs bar and grill I entered and left my light saber withone of the guards

I went to a table andsat down a service droid came yo get my order " a steak and a glass of water please" I said slapping down a cupple of credits

the droid came back shortly with my order I took a bite of my steak and washed it down with my water

I was lonely I had no one to talk to and every one else was busy tonight so I decided to come here to find someone to talk to.

Kai Amamiya
Nov 11th, 2002, 05:00:18 PM
Kai Amamiya entered to bar and grill to get out of the rain. Her wet hair was plastered on her face, and she, like her hair, was very wet.

The bar and grill was empty except for a boy, sitting by himself, eating a meal.

She smiled to herself, for he was also wet and alone.

The droid came by and she ordered a light wine.

She walked over to the boy and raised an eyebrow.

"Mind if I join you?" she said, a smile forming on her lips.

Kai was a quite attractive woman, of 17. She had white and black 'stripped' hair, and crystal blue eyes that seemed to change with her mood. They just happened to reflect the heavy rain outside, along with its mood. She wore tight clothing which could be considered slutty, but she wasn't really.

She awaited his response.

Kyle Krogen
Nov 12th, 2002, 03:43:42 PM
I turned as Kai walked up to me "sure" I said with a smile.

I was a tall boy of 13 with green eyes and brown hair that was very wet at the moment

"My name is Kyle Krogen Jedi padawan of the GJO."

Kai Amamiya
Nov 12th, 2002, 05:50:53 PM
Kai sat down in front of Kyle, and pushed her wet hair out of her face.

"Nice to meet you, Kyle. I'm Kai," she said contently.

The droid came by and she took her light wine from it, and turned back to Kyle.

"So, Kyle, I guess we both came in to get out of the rain," she laughed, noticing he was very wet like her.

Kyle Krogen
Nov 12th, 2002, 06:47:35 PM
"yea we did" I said finishing off my steak and my water "I think I could use a drink" I called a service droid and ordered a bottle of wiskey.

Kai Amamiya
Nov 13th, 2002, 03:10:00 PM
Kai raised an eyebrow at the boy's choice of beverage, but said nothing about it.

She took a slow sip of her wine and cleared her throat, setting her glass down on the cold table.

"So, you come here often then?" she asked Kyle, starting a conversation, or at least trying to, which she wasn't particularly good at.

Kyle Krogen
Nov 13th, 2002, 05:46:59 PM
"Yes I like to come here a lot" I said as a service droid came and set down a bottle wiskey and a cup

I filled the cup and drank it slowly "If you wondering why a young boy like me drinks I used to it I'm a orphan I was lived on the street most of my live."

Kai Amamiya
Nov 13th, 2002, 06:51:33 PM
Kai didn't flinch,"Well, I can relate in a way," she said, smirking.

'Not only can I relate to the drinking, but I've been through difficult things myself...' she thought solemly.

Kyle Krogen
Nov 13th, 2002, 09:22:59 PM
I filled my cup again I didn't know what to say to the older woman I just sat there and kept drinking my wiskey.

Kai Amamiya
Nov 14th, 2002, 06:12:41 AM
Kai looked around her. The bar and grill was still empty, and everything was still.

She turned her head back to Kyle, "It's quiet here tonight, is it usually this way? I wouldn't know, I've only been here a few times."

Kai wasn't particularly good at starting new conversations.

Kyle Krogen
Nov 14th, 2002, 02:06:47 PM
"I usually packed full and most of the time you can't even get a table" I said filling my cup again and draining it in one gulp "Man this is good stuff."

Kai Amamiya
Nov 14th, 2002, 02:50:32 PM
Kai smiled and laughed a little at his remark.

Her hair was still drenched, she noticed, as she pulled it away from her face again.

Kai sighed contently as she took a sip of her wine.

Kyle Krogen
Nov 14th, 2002, 08:58:56 PM
I sat there silently raking my brain for something to talk about

"The rain stoped I can't hear it anymore it's to hot in here I'm going outside for somefresh air"

I said putting down a couple creds for the wiskey and standing up and walking to the guard at the entrance to get my Light saber and walked out side into the night.

Kai Amamiya
Nov 15th, 2002, 05:04:46 PM
Yes, it had stopped raining some while ago, she concluded, as she watched Kyle go outside. She didn't quite know what to do, and she really didn't want to be alone so she followed him outsided. She had watched him take his light saber from the guards and was reminded by that, as she took her dagger from them.

She pushed the bar and grill doors open to see Kyle standing there. She put her rare and intricate dagger at her side and then sat down on the steps to the bar and grill.

"So, where are you from, Kyle," she said with a sigh.

Kyle Krogen
Nov 15th, 2002, 08:36:56 PM
"I grew up on the street of city on arcan 4 I never knew my real parents and was taken in by a nice couple a wealthy couple that had no children when I was older my step parents sent me here to train as a jedi ........ I always wanted to be a jedi when i was little ggrowing up with a grope of other misfits I used to dream about comeing her one day and now I am here and its been one of the happyist thing ever for me"

I said to kai enjoying the fresh air about me but unseen my both Kyle and Kai was two men armed with blasters looking out a alley at Kyle and Kai after thay heard that Kyle had come from a wealthy family they wanted to see if He had any money on him and were willing to kill both of them

right before they fired there blaster Kyle senced the danger and spun around pulled his saber and activated it on one quick movement the thugs shot at kai abd kyle but kyle's saber blocked there shots and sent them back at them

Kyle raised his hand and used the force to tear the blaster from there hand they fell at the Kai's feet with a clang and the thugs ran off

"are you all right Kai"

Kai Amamiya
Nov 16th, 2002, 09:29:44 AM
Kai smiled, not shaken at all, "Yes, thanks."

Kai, for some odd reason Kyle didn't know, hadn't put her hand on the dagger at her side when the thugs attacked. Nor did she even flinch, she showed no fear of them. Which was a puzzle to Kyle, and any one else who would have stood beside her at that moment.

Kai directed her glance down at the blaster at her feet.

Kyle Krogen
Nov 16th, 2002, 02:46:23 PM
I was very shacken up from what had just happend

" I think im going home now i dont feel to good"

I said as I walked away without even saying goodbye.

ooc: this is Kyle first time to be attack by someone and is shacken up and thats why he's going home.

Kai Amamiya
Nov 16th, 2002, 03:21:59 PM
Kai noticed how shaken he was and felt sorry for him. She watched him walk away and as she did realized something.

He may have been 13, but he treated her with a respect she hadn't remembered ever having.

She hated who she was, and how she could hardly remember anything about herself or her past. But she knew things were different for her.

She stood there for some while before leaving herself.

Once again, it started to rain.