View Full Version : Outside the Gardens(Zatania's Training)
Zatania Duvall
Nov 11th, 2002, 04:19:57 PM
Zatania leaned against the wall with her back, remembering to heed Sasha's warning. She wouldn't challenge it, but she was curious what was so special about tonight that she couldn't go in without him. Oh well, she wouldn't think anymore of it. She'd probably find out anyways.
All she was worried about was getting herself trained and her life set on track. When she had died all those centuries ago, she was young and hadn't lived out her entire life yet. So this was like a second chance that she wouldn't screw up. No more of this dying business. Things were going to far more difficult than she had ever had it because thats how she wanted it. Maybe she was too easy on herself in the past, but this time she'd be pushed further.
Nov 12th, 2002, 09:14:00 AM
He found her leaning against the wall, just outside the gardens.
“I’ll admit…” He said as he approached.
“I didn’t think I’d actually find you waiting outside…” It was a relatively warm evening. A record breaking high on Corellia for this time of year. And he was not dressed, as he had been earlier, in a suit. Instead he was dressed rather casually, despite the lightsaber and blaster he still carried with him.
He pushed open the gate. The force, he liked to use when necessary. There were other things, the opening of a door, putting logs on a fire, normal things that non force users did that he refused to give up.
He motioned for her to pass through the gates, and then he followed and closed them behind the two as they began their walk through the gardens.
“How have you found things so far?” He asked. She had only been there a matter of hours, really, but he found himself sincerely wanting to know.
Zatania Duvall
Nov 12th, 2002, 01:38:56 PM
“I’ll admit…” He said as he walked towards her.“I didn’t think I’d actually find you waiting outside…”
She simply smiled and shrugged, unfolding her arms as she leaned away from the wall.
"You don't know me well enough then."
She had changed her attire since the last time they met that afternoon since she was getting dreadfully uncomfortable in the sweater. Now she wore a black tanktop and jeans,
Zatania looked up at the gates, staring at them for a silent moment as they opened. Her gaze broke away slowly as she began to follow Sasha within.
“How have you found things so far?” He asked her.
"I haven't been here too long yet, but so far I like it around here. The palace is beautiful, kind of reminds me of my old home."
Nov 12th, 2002, 02:09:59 PM
You don't know me well enough then
At this, he bit his tongue and said nothing. Instead he’d asked how she was finding things. Her answer to that question was equally flippant, and he could feel the tension slowly rising within him. He wasn’t sure what it was about her that put him so on edge. Or perhaps he did, and it wasn’t something he wanted to think about.
“Well I hope you’ll be happy here. If there’s anything you need, just let me know.” He responded, his tone of voice completely formal and almost somewhat devoid of emotion.
They walked in silence for a few moments before Sasha finally spoke again.
“Is there anything you remember from your training before?” He asked, his gaze ahead on the path rather than looking to her.
Zatania Duvall
Nov 12th, 2002, 02:29:23 PM
“Well I hope you’ll be happy here. If there’s anything you need, just let me know.” He said.
"I'm sure I will be." She said, looking towards him. "I'm already happy that I'm in good hands and in the presance of so many dark souls."
“Is there anything you remember from your training before?” He asked her.
"Simple things. I mostly remember the hand to hand combat without the use of the force. As for force techniques.. not very much. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe being in that girl's body when she herself didn't know anything affected how much I knew."
She folded her hands together behind her back as she chuckled. "But I have time to learn all over again."
Nov 12th, 2002, 05:50:08 PM
Simple things. I mostly remember the hand to hand combat without the use of the force. As for force techniques.. not very much. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe being in that girl's body when she herself didn't know anything affected how much I knew. But I have time to learn all over again.
Very well, he thought, they would start at the beginning if needed.
“You never know.” He commented in reference to her having time to learn all over again. “Fate has a strange way of dealing out the cards…” He commented, perhaps with a bit of an edge to it. Time. There had not been enough time, he thought, for so many things in his life.
“At any rate, I just got word this evening after I spoke with you that I’ll have to travel on business. Im leaving in the morning.”
He still did not look at her, but straight ahead. He was well practiced at hiding his thoughts and emotions, but his eyes - his eyes would always betray him.
“As my time here will be cut short, I thought perhaps you would want to come along. There will be enough downtime along the way, and after the meeting to continue your training…”
Zatania Duvall
Nov 12th, 2002, 06:06:46 PM
“You never know.” He said. “Fate has a strange way of dealing out the cards…”
"Yes, it does. But didn't I already tempt fate once? I mean, here I am."
She meant it in a way, yet also felt that toying with fate wasn't very wise either. She'd always be careful, but sometimes there was a way out..
“At any rate, I just got word this evening after I spoke with you that I’ll have to travel on business. Im leaving in the morning.” He said, with a strange look in his eyes. “As my time here will be cut short, I thought perhaps you would want to come along. There will be enough downtime along the way, and after the meeting to continue your training…”
Zatania nodded, understanding that he couldnt help that he'd have to leave on such short notice. But maybe it'd be a good chance to learn something, if not remember anything. No one got anywhere by sitting in their quarters to wait after all.
"I'll come along. Although I'll warn you, I'm not much of a morning person." She said with a laugh, obviously joking about what kind of person she was or wasn't. "What's this about anyways? I'd like to know what to expect now instead of later."
Nov 12th, 2002, 06:32:50 PM
I'll come along. Although I'll warn you, I'm not much of a morning person. At this, she had laughed.
Her laugh cheered him only slightly. He was a morning person. He liked the quietness of it, and the fact that being up that early left a whole day ahead. He smiled faintly, and cast a quick glance in her direction before looking away again.
What's this about anyways? I'd like to know what to expect now instead of later.
He shrugged.
“It’s not something I’m free to discuss” He stated. And it was true. Knowing his love of travel, his mentor, Lady Vader, had asked him to deliver a message for her. A message that she did not want transmitted. And it was no one’s business, he thought, but hers.
“But you’ll have a few hours in the morning to sleep in while I take care of business…and then we’ll continue on to a nearby system. Ive been wanting to go there for a while, and I think it will provide a stimulating location for training…” He added.
As they continued to walk, he inhaled the fresh air deeply.
“Are there any particular aspects of your training that you were hoping to learn first…anything that might trigger memories…?” He asked. It mattered little if she did not. He would start at the begining, and they would move along as quickly as she was able to learn.
Zatania Duvall
Nov 12th, 2002, 06:41:00 PM
“It’s not something I’m free to discuss” He said.
"Thats alright. I guess it'll help keep me alert instead of knowing whats going to happen. I'd be too relaxed then."
“But you’ll have a few hours in the morning to sleep in while I take care of business…and then we’ll continue on to a nearby system. Ive been wanting to go there for a while, and I think it will provide a stimulating location for training…” He added.
"Good, enough time for me to wake up and get a cold shower."
“Are there any particular aspects of your training that you were hoping to learn first…anything that might trigger memories…?” He said.
She shook her head, not knowing anything that would. "Nothing. I'm guessing that any training at all might."
Her gaze was all over the place now, wandering the garden itself and the walls around it. "Places might even trigger a memory. So where ever we're heading might help."
Nov 13th, 2002, 01:19:59 PM
“I travel quite a lot.” He stated as she suggested that places might trigger memories , “And for most trips, you’re welcome to come.” He seemed at ease at the moment. The garden was a peaceful place – a place where he came often when he needed some time to think, or meditate.
“What do you remember from before?” He asked, “Anything?”
He wanted to know all that he could about this woman before they began the training process. To know certain things would help. And what she would not tell him, he would seek out on his own. He would find the key to her anger, he would find a way to help her connect with the dark side once again, and wield the power that she could, and had once, commanded.
Zatania Duvall
Nov 13th, 2002, 01:58:23 PM
“I travel quite a lot.” He said. “And for most trips, you’re welcome to come.”
"Thanks, I'll take you up on that offer. Maybe one of those trips'll cause a memory to revive."
“What do you remember from before?” He asked, “Anything?”
"I remember a few things here and there, just about enough to know who I really am. But there are parts of my life that feel like they've been cut out with a sharp knife."
She looked back towards him. "I don't remember my childhood much, except for where I lived. My parents and any siblings I might of had are a total blank.... But... I do remember what it's like to die."
Her voice sounded grim at that moment, but she continued on as though she hadn't said anything creepy at all. "Mostly, all I remember was that I was furious with someone, one of Ceres' anceastors. I'm putting two and two together, but I don't remember if I'm right or not, but I think he was a Jedi. Don't quite know why I was angry with him, besides the fact that he was a Jedi."
Her gaze went ahead of them, her hands releasing from behind her as she put them in her pockets.
"The last confrontation I had with him is the one thing I remember the most."
In her mind, she was replaying the whole memory to herself, her voice sounding kind of distant since it was bringing her into her own train of thought which was like another world for her. He had his back turned to her, she was trying to catch him off guard with a vibro blade. Her force signiture had been hushed so that maybe she could have a chance at a surprise attack. But he was too smart for her, and it had turned into an all out battle between them. Even that memory seemed a bit cut apart, since not much of the battle itself wasn't clear enough for her. The only thing that was clear was that she didn't have the weapon she had started out with.
"I was so young then, so I was still foolish enough to be more of a showboat than an intentive fighter. I let my guard down and he managed to get me with my own weapon."
She paused, looking at him and wondering if she was boring him. "My final words are what gave me the idea of poisoning his blood line. 'May your two sons forever rival. Your only daughter to fall at my feet'."
She smiled and laughed. "I dont know how, really, but the next thing I knew, I was stuck inside of that little brat and had to work at her spirit to finally take it over. She always thought that those nightmares she had were nothing. But that was how I managed to chip away at her soul in order to take control."
Zatania went silent, looking ahead again. "Tell me if I'm boring you and then I'll just tell you my favorite color is and what music I absolutely detest."
Nov 13th, 2002, 02:03:52 PM
They had passed through the gardens as she spoke. None of what she had told him bored him. He rather liked hearing it, and knowing what was behind the façade of the woman he had encountered several times now.
He smiled, even released a chuckle.
“None of it bores me.” He assured her.
“Though I suppose if we’re to travel together often, I ought to at least know the music you most like and detest…” He replied with an easy grin.
By now they came to a narrow path, almost overgrown, and not one that someone would easily find. The moonlight made the trip easy, and in no time, they found themselves at the end of the path, looking out upon the lake, where at this time of night, the water lay a smooth, glasslike surface.
The moon shone brightly upon it, and lanterns lit the clearing in a warm glow. The darkness could be felt all around them, seeping into their bones, their blood, settling over the lake like a thick, enveloping fog. For those who believed in the darkness, it had the effect of a warm blanket. A comfortable place to be.
Sasha led Zatania over to a smooth rock, and lept up, aided by the force. He offered his hand to her, and moments later the two of them sat on the rock, looking out at the lake.
“Tonight we’ll start small. I just want you to begin to get in touch with the force once again. On our trip, we’ll press further.” This was almost a promise, as he knew she was eager to relearn, or to remember.
As he spoke, the waves began to slowly lap against the shoreline, caused by the touch of the force.
“Give me your hand for a moment…” He suggested.
Zatania Duvall
Nov 13th, 2002, 02:19:19 PM
“None of it bores me.” He said.“Though I suppose if we’re to travel together often, I ought to at least know the music you most like and detest…”
She laughed and shrugged, answering him for the heck of it. "I don't like the stuff they were playing at that club we were at that one night. It's not relaxing and just irritating."
By the time that they were on the rock, she was back to enjoying the scenary again until he finally spoke again. She looked back to him to make sure she could pay perfect attention.
“Tonight we’ll start small. I just want you to begin to get in touch with the force once again. On our trip, we’ll press further.” Sasha said.
The sounds of the waves was relaxing, and yet the whole area was to her, and she was sure it was like that for all sith. Her eyes had wandered to those waves as she nodded in agreement.
“Give me your hand for a moment…” He said.
Zatania looked back towards him, held back any humorous comments she might have with a small grin, and offered her hand to him.
Nov 13th, 2002, 02:27:37 PM
As she gave him her hand, he worked to conduct the force through her – through the tips of her fingers, gently letting her feel the energy as it passed from him, through her. His anger ran deep, and he carefully dipped into it. He could feel the darkside as it became a part of him, it was a heady feeling, one that while familiar, he never tired of.
“I want you to continue the waves in the water. Think back to your anger, think back to your emotions, to your hatred of Ceres, and of her father. Feel the hatred and the anger at being stuck in her body for all of those years as it comes to you. Let this anger come, hold it in for a moment, feel the power of the dark side as it gather there, and then release it into the water. Gather your anger again, and release it once again into the water. Let your emotions come, invest them in the water, make it do as you command.
He kept his hand on hers for a moment, letting her feel the soft, undulating pull and then release of the force. And then, slowly, he pulled his hand away, letting Zatania do as she could.
Zatania Duvall
Nov 13th, 2002, 02:54:37 PM
OOC Great great grandfather, not father. :p But oh well. lol
Zatania had that anger inside of her still, even if she didnt understand why she had been angry in the past before Ceres. But Ceres angered her, she was a loose end. Zatania frowned and did as Sasha told her, bringing up that anger, holding it in silence for a moment before releasing it towards the water.
It appeared as though someone might have skipped a stone all the way across the water, only more dramatic than a simple stone. She tried again this time, feeling more familiar with doing this that she was confident that she could do more than just that. While the tiny little waves that she created began to die down into the normal waves that had been there before, she once again dipped into her anger.
The thought of Ceres still alive was aggrivating enough. And then a thought came to her, she had Ceres' blood flowing through her veins. The thought that she had never considered before shocked her into a further fury which she released into the water. This time the waves started out a little bigger than before, yet grew with the more fury Zatania felt. The waves nearly touched her foot, which dangled loosely off the side of the rock.
Nov 13th, 2002, 03:11:55 PM
As she concentrated on the water, on her anger, he took this opportunity to probe gently in her mind. He knew, now, as she gathered her anger, exactly where her source was. He stared out at the water as he did this, conscious and ever watchful of her success.
“Good….” He stated softly.
“Now control the waves more, learn to control your anger, your emotions, and release it as you choose, make the waves steady now, not larger, but steady….”
His request was not an easy one. It would take concentration, for sure, and it would test her limits. Control over the force – when to hold it in and when to release it was not an easy task, but he would push for it, and if she did not get it tonight, they would continue to work on it over and over until she did.
He continued to watch from his seat on the rock, his feet dangling over the edge.
“Control it.” He added as a reminder as he looked down at the waves coming dangerously close to his feet.
“I don’t want my feet wet.” He was half serious. He wouldn’t have cared if they both ended up soaked, except that the point of the lesson was control over the force – and control she would learn.
Zatania Duvall
Nov 13th, 2002, 03:20:36 PM
It wasn't easy for her to do, obviously, but she slowly began to release her anger in less force so that she'd be able to slow down the churning waters so she could try again. When the waves weren't as rough, she watched the water intently while releasing her anger into attempting to control the waves in steady motions.
The waves were still somewhat choppy, yet were small enough not to cause danger of wetting their boots. Soon the waves began to look at if they were waving inward instead of outward, towards the center in choppy little motions.
She tried to smooth the waves down a bit more, finding it difficult to control her anger at the moment since she had discovered a new way of dipping into it.
Nov 13th, 2002, 03:34:47 PM
He smiled. This was good. She was finding control. He could feel the tension in her, knew that it was not easy for her to contain the anger. And so he decided to reward her for her efforts. Not to mention, pent up anger, he knew from experience, was dangerous.
“Very good….” His words of encouragement were sincere.
“Now that you felt control, give way to chaos.” He encouraged, a mischievious, perhaps even evil smile creeping into the corners of his lips. His violet eyes stared out at the lake as he spoke. In chaos, there was power – the power of the dark side. Chaos instilled fear in those who would not accept it, and it was what the Sith code called for: to be the heart of Darkness. To be the one who knew no fear, but rather I instilled it in their enemies
Zatania Duvall
Nov 13th, 2002, 03:43:16 PM
She smiled without saying anything and released her anger with concentration steady on her face in another way. The water suddenly broke backwards into the way that it had normally come. From the center, the waves rushed out all along the shore, almost touching their feet again, then was brought back in to cause the waves to collide harshly in the center. Water sprayed up a few feet into the air, causing an almost rain like appearance against the entire body of water itself as the droplets came back down. A few drops landed on their laps, but nothing big.
Zatania turned her head, allowing the water to relax on it's own and laughed. "Your feet are still dry."
Nov 13th, 2002, 04:23:08 PM
He watched the display, pleased with her abilities. She was quick to learn.
Your feet are still dry.
At this, he laughed. He wiped a droplet of water from his face and nodded.
“So they are…” At this he sighed softly, and leaned back on his elbows to stare up at the stars.
“Practice controlling the force and your anger.” He stated, looking back to her for a moment.
“You must know control, in order to know anything else.”
He stared back up at the sky.
“Did it feel familiar to you? To use the force again?” He asked.
Zatania Duvall
Nov 13th, 2002, 04:46:34 PM
"Very, but it didn't remind me of anything. It's kind of like remembering a familiar face but not being able to remember their name."
She felt a little frustrated because of this, but kept that bottled up so she could use that tiny bit of anger for any further training later.
"All in due time I guess. At least I managed to find something familiar about it."
Nov 13th, 2002, 04:56:09 PM
Very, but it didn't remind me of anything. It's kind of like remembering a familiar face but not being able to remember their name. All in due time I guess. At least I managed to find something familiar about it.
He felt her frustration and nodded in understanding.
“It will come back. And if it doesn’t..” He shrugged.
“You’ll learn it all over again. They say repetition helps learning, you know…” He commented with an easy grin, trying to get her to ease up on herself.
It was only her first attempt.
“And this was only the first step. With what you’ve done tonight, other pieces will soon fall in line.”
With that, he stood and jumped down from the rock, he offered a hand to help her, knowing full well she didn’t need it, but it was the gentlemanly thing to do.
He looked to a pile of rocks along the shore line.
“This is simple, and very basic,” He began, “but a skill, nonetheless that will be the building block of others.” He stated as he began to levitate one of the rocks.
“Summon the anger you felt before, concentrate it on the stone I’ve lifted, and use your control to manipulate the rock.” He suggested.
As soon as he felt her control of the rock, he would release it from his.
Zatania Duvall
Nov 13th, 2002, 05:59:19 PM
"I'm fine. If I'm not, then I'll just land on top of you."
She chuckled then jumped down, bending at the knees so that her ankles wouldn't take all of her weight on from the height of her jump. When she stood back up, she looked towards the rocks Sasha pointed out.
“This is simple, and very basic,” He began, “but a skill, nonetheless that will be the building block of others.” He stated as he began to levitate one of the rocks. Summon the anger you felt before, concentrate it on the stone I’ve lifted, and use your control to manipulate the rock.”
Zatania nodded and did as she had done before, yet concentrated it onto the rock, concentrating on holding it with that anger.
Nov 14th, 2002, 10:25:42 AM
When he felt her take control of the rock, he tugged on it for a moment, pulling it away from her, pushing her to concentrate a bit harder.
He could feel the anger building inside of her, her concentration as it increased. And then he released his control over the rock, allowing her to move it at will as she chose.
“Control the movement of it…make its movement fluid….” He commanded.
Every now and then, he would take control of the rock again, shifting its movement on her. He did this not to toy with her, but to show her that she would have to work harder. It seemed an easy task, and one day, would come to her with little effort, but until she had mastered the skill, it would take work.
At one point, when he could feel her comfort level in the exercising rising, he sent the rock hurtling toward her, challenging her to assert herself.
Zatania Duvall
Nov 14th, 2002, 10:44:44 AM
When he dropped the rock into her possession, it sank slightly, but came back up to the same height Sasha had it in at first.
Zatania frowned everytime Sasha tugged on the rock, but pulled the rock back into it's motioned up down to the side forward or backwards. She found it easier whenever she set it in her mind that she was the anger, and she was lifting the rock. It didn't seem to make sense at first, but it helped.
She blinked when she felt the rock pull from her again, causing it to come hurtling at her. She flinched slightly, but managed to stop it before it got too close for comfort. Now she knew what he meant by pushing her hard. Either go to bed tonight with a concussion or leave with a new technique learned. With that she just chuckled slightly, but continued moving the rock with more ease, instead of slowly.
Nov 14th, 2002, 01:13:30 PM
Good, he thought. She had not panicked, but had instead worked harder to stop the rock in mid flight. As she worked with the rock, continuing to move it, he moved to lean against a tree, arms crossed over his chest.
“Now, release your anger on the rock. Make it implode – find the center of it, and drive your anger there to make it shatter to pieces….”
These were basics, yes, but in combat, could prove quite useful in protecting oneself.
Zatania Duvall
Nov 14th, 2002, 03:55:41 PM
Zatania nodded, concentrating her anger towards the center of the rock, imagining it implode in her own mind to make the task somewhat easier. She sat there for quite a while, trying to do this, and no success with this yet.
Nov 15th, 2002, 10:16:34 AM
This task, Zatania could not seem to do. Perhaps she was tired, for it had likely been a long day for her, or perhaps, perhaps this task would take time. He would push her, and if she did not get it tonight, then they would work on it again and again another time until she got it.
He let her struggle with it for some time before finally, rather violently, he yanked the rock from her control, and made it shatter to pieces himself. The pebbles fell to the surface of the water, each sending out their own ripples across the smooth surface.
He looked to her, his expression serious, his violet eyes cold as they stared at her.
And without warning, without a word, he gave her a good shove through the force, causing her to stumble back a bit. He did not do it to bully her, or to punish her for not being able to do the task – rather – he was trying, without her knowing, to get her angry enough to be able to complete the task.
Another rock, nearby, flew to his hand through the use of the force, and then he walked toward her, his serious expression unrelenting. He gave her a good force shove again, and this time she stumbled back, tripping over the root of a tree that had begun to pop up through the ground. She fell to her back.
And before she knew it, she found Sasha holding her down, the rock in hand, raised as if he would strike her with it.
Zatania Duvall
Nov 15th, 2002, 06:12:05 PM
Zatania was getting fully angry with Sasha, it didn't take her long to get that way. The first moment he had shoved her was the first and final straw. But he hadn't allowed her enough time to say nor do anything before he had her on the ground.
She looked up at him, almost immediatly shoving him off of her with the force and yanked the rock from his hand. Without even realizing it, the rock shattered as soon as she yanked it away.
"Nice way of helping me along. Although I dont think my jeans agree."
She stood up, brushing grass off of her bottom as well as off her knees. Grass stains. She was still angry, but knew that he was only trying to help her.
Nov 17th, 2002, 08:42:19 AM
She had done it. She had destroyed the rock. She had also used the force to shove him off her. He smiled faintly at the fact that she was remembering - or perhaps just acting on instinct. Using the force as it came naturally to her.
Nice way of helping me along. Although I dont think my jeans agree
At this he shrugged.
"It's training, not a beauty pageant..." He replied offhandedly.
He would not apoligize. She had asked for help, and he was doing his best to give it.
He glanced up at the stars. Much time had passed since they'd begun their walk in the gardens. And they would be getting an early start the next morning.
"I think thats enough for tonight..." He stated as he began walking back toward the path that led from the lake back into the gardens.
Zatania Duvall
Nov 17th, 2002, 02:01:31 PM
Zatania nodded, not even looking up at the stars. She just had enough for tonight, she could feel that her body was telling her that she needed sleep. After all, they needed to be awake in the morning to leave.
She looked up as Sasha began to walk away and followed, picking grass out of her hair.
Nov 17th, 2002, 03:46:18 PM
Finally, after they had walked a bit, he looked to her.
"Are you ok?" He asked. He realized that he might have been a bit rough with her, and though he knew she would want it no other way, to be treated any differently, he did harbor a small bit of concern.
Zatania Duvall
Nov 17th, 2002, 04:06:21 PM
"I'm fine. I just don't want to find out later that I still have twigs in my hair."
She groaned when one of the twigs she was tugging at wouldn't come out.
"These are times I wish I didn't have thick hair."
She finally managed to pull it out then looked at Sasha. "Don't worry about it. I asked to be toughened up, and you're doing a good job."
Nov 18th, 2002, 11:17:28 AM
Don't worry about it. I asked to be toughened up, and you're doing a good job.
Slowly, he nodded at this.
“I didn’t have a lot of guidance when I was first learning…” He offered as they walked.
“And I lost my first apprentice…” He added.
“So I’m trying to find a level somewhere in between letting you learn on your own and pushing you just a little harder, I suppose….”
He looked away from her as he spoke, and then finally, his gaze came back to her.
“You’re different from the other apprentices, though…” He added.
Zatania Duvall
Nov 18th, 2002, 01:40:38 PM
She raised a brow when she learned that he had lost his first apprentice, but she merely shrugged.
"First time for everything. Everyone loses someone that they have mentoured, and it's not so rare that a master loses an apprentice or vice versa. At least in my time that was true."
“So I’m trying to find a level somewhere in between letting you learn on your own and pushing you just a little harder, I suppose….” He said.
"Well, make sure you keep your senses up and try to prevent from anything bad actually happening. I mean, hitting me with a rock might not have been a good idea if I couldn't stop it."
She started to laugh at herself. "It sounds like I'm training you on how to train me. My God, that sounds so silly."
“You’re different from the other apprentices, though…” He added.
"How's that?"
They were reaching the gates slowly, almost at the end of this first night.
Nov 18th, 2002, 03:26:18 PM
She was wrong in some of the things she said. He wouldnt have hit her. He wasn’t so far removed from what it was like to be in the beginning stages of training to know that sometimes, some skills took time and repeated practice to learn.
He didn’t expect it all to come in one day.
“I’m not asking for your advice.” He retorted, a cold tone entering his voice. He would be careful what information he shared with her in the future.
“You’re different because you’re more mature.” He replied.
“The tactics to that would be successful on a younger apprentice will perhaps not work with you.” He added as he pushed open the gate, holding it for her, and then securing it behind them.
Zatania Duvall
Nov 18th, 2002, 03:29:01 PM
She shut her mouth when she heard the cold tone in his voice, being one to know when to be quiet. Too bad she didn't know that beforehand. That would just be a godsend.
Zatania then walked through the door, only stopping for a moment to say "Goodnight."
Nov 18th, 2002, 03:46:37 PM
His voice softened slightly.
"Good night, Zatania." He replied, watching her walk off before he made his way to the hangar to begin to prepare the ship for the trip in the morning.
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