View Full Version : The Conversation

Kai Amamiya
Nov 11th, 2002, 02:36:47 PM
Kai Amamiya strided into the bar and grill and took a seat. Soon enough, a droid came over and she ordered some sort of stew and a light wine.

Kai was a quite attractive woman, of 17. She had white and black 'stripped' hair, and crystal blue eyes that seemed to change according to her mood, and in fac, were now the shade of moonlight on water. She might be tough as hell, but she couldn't help who she was. She didn't really have a choice to be.

She sighed and thanked the droid, and took a spoonful of her stew.

'Not bad,' she thought contently.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 11th, 2002, 02:43:07 PM
“You know, I think you might just be the first person I’ve ever seen who has liked the stew on their first taste,” a voice remarked from above.

A lithe, fair figured stood by Kai’s table, a smile on his lips and a look of curiosity in his eyes, as he wondered what the melancholy was that he could sense from this girl.

Kai Amamiya
Nov 11th, 2002, 04:46:21 PM
Kai looked up at the figure, and she couldn't help but smile and laugh a little.

"And who would you be?" she said kindly, gesturing him a seat in front of her.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 12th, 2002, 11:02:16 AM
Before sitting, he gave a light bow as a mark of greeting.

“Dasquian Belargic, Jedi Knight. To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?”

Kai Amamiya
Nov 12th, 2002, 03:06:02 PM
"Nice to meet you Dasquian," she said calmly. "Name's Kai. I suppose you come here often?"

Kai pushed her hair out of her way and took another bite of her stew.

She wasn't really hungry, she just wanted someplace to enjoy herself. She wasn't just happy because she met a polite gentlemen to talk to, but he was quite handsome as well.

It looked like this would be an interesting conversation.

Roddy Two
Nov 12th, 2002, 04:29:39 PM

A pitiful, bedraggled excuse for a dog rolled over the floor, coming to a stop by Kai's seat. The yellow-furred thing lay on its back, tongue lolling out the side of its mouth as it watched her eat.


It rolled up, pausing to sniff its own crotch, before its posterior rolled over its own head, resulting in the creature flopping back on its haunches, halfway sitting on one of its own ears.

<center><img src=http://www.bama.ua.edu/~hicks020/pics/roddyhid.jpg></center>

Kai Amamiya
Nov 12th, 2002, 05:44:31 PM
Kai stopped, raising both eyebrows at the creature in front of her.

"Looks like we have company," she said, pushing her stew forward into the middle of the table.

She reached down and gently picked up the small animal and set it in her lap.

"What happened to it?" she wondered aloud.