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Sejah Haversh
Nov 11th, 2002, 02:26:52 PM
It was possible to find nearly any kind of information one could ever need in teh Jedi Archives. If you knew where to look, that was, and if you could read it once you found it.

The latter of the two was what Sejah Haversh was attempting to learn how to do. Over the past few momths he had spent with the Jedi, he had been teaching himself to read in secret. He sat in a little used corner, his stack of books looking nearly comical to most who would pass by. Titles often reserved for kids and younger readers sat around him, and he struggled through a copy of <u>The Jungle Books</u>. The story of Mowgli, a boy who grew up amongst animals stood out in his mind, and each skill the animals posessed reminded him of strengths of his friends. When he stumbled upon the story of "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi", he was transfixed by it. It was about one of his species, at least in animal form, who protected those who cared for him. It was a simple story, but the cunning of the creature was something he would remember.

When he finally was halfway through the book, his eyes hurt. Sejah had been reading for nearly eight hours straight, and his speed was only barely increasing. He often stumbled across words he didn't know, or were too big to recognize, so he had to look them up and that made him take even longer. Reading was a skill so many took for granted, but it was difficult to learn, and required countless hours of practice. But, after rubbing his eyes and getting a drink of water, Sejah sat down again and continued to read.


Days were spent in such a manner, though they were often seperated by a day of physical training, or other activities.

He had searched the archives for lore and history of his home planet, but nothing was to be found, only technical data and excerpts from travel magazines. Books on fencing anf fighting were either too difficult to understand, or too simple for one of his skills, so they were quickly abandoned. Folklore and adventure stories began to interest the mongoose, and he would force his slow way through one of them every few days or so, but then something happened that he did not expect. He selected a volume that was mis-labeled. It was supposed to have been a tale of Old Republic Knights, but it turned out that the dust jacket had been put on it. The inner title page read "A Guide to Simple Physics". He was about to put it back before a small voice inside him said that he should at least give it a shot.

Plopping back into his seat, Sejah started with the introduction, and slowly fought his way through all the large words he came across. Many he had heard before, but was unable to recognize in print. Those were fed to his talking dictionary, which had been an amazing help so far.

Before he realized it, hours had passed. Had his body not told him he needed to visit the little boy's room, he might have stayed there all night reading.

On his way through the door, the touch of the doorknob sent a shock of awareness into his mind. It was aluminum, and he could feel the mulecular composition of the alloy for a split second. Snapping his paw back, Sejah paused, looking at it and wondering what had jsut happened. With a a cautious and slow movement, he reached his paw out and touched it again.


Convincing it was just a fluke brought on by reading the science book, he went on to go about his business, then washed his paws and returned to his seat, though a bit leery of the physics book that lay next to him. After a moment's deliberation, Sejah picked up a book on exotic animals instead, wishing to get his mind off the sensation it had been flooded with earlier.

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Nov 13th, 2002, 08:21:39 PM
A little boy toddled through the halls, away from his father's rooms, bent on seeing how far he could get before Dad swooped down and scooped him up again. It was easy enough now for Jax to climb out of his crib, which he was getting almost too big for, and the doors had been his next accomplishment.

Always before his father had been only a step behind him, but at this late hour, Jax had been undetected. He felt tired, and found himself among tall things full of the pads and flimsies that his father always gently pulled away from him. The bookshelves were a new experience, but he knew what a datapad was. He had a few with pictures of animals and colors on them, little teaching devices for the very young.

Jax stood on his tippy-toes, reaching for a datapad that was just barely sticking out from a shelf above his head. It was stuck, and he yanked on it, putting his two year old body behind the motion, and finally getting it free. He fell backwards onto his diapered rump, stunned, but not hurt. Unfortunately, there had been other padds stacked on top of the one he had loosened, and they slowly tipped forward, piling on top of him.

Sejah Haversh
Nov 13th, 2002, 11:59:01 PM
Sejah's head snapped around as he saw the stack of datapads and books tip over the edge of his end table and was more than curious when they didn;t sound like they hit the floor right. Closing his book on fauna, the mongoose set it aside and leaned over to see what had caused the text landslide.

His pink eyes went wide when he found the reason. There, on the floor under a stack of datapads and books was a young child, a young human child. All Sejah could do at first was look at him slack-jawed, then his gaze darted around the immidiate area to see if he could possibly find the boy's parents. Seeing nobody else, at all, the brown mongoose got up from his seat and went over to Jax's side and hurried to unbury him from all that Sejah had assembled for reading that night. Setting them aside in no particular order, he knelt down and looked the boy over curiously, then spoke in a soft, friendly tone, "Uh, hi there, pal. How'd you get in here? Where are your mommy and daddy?"

Sejah had worked with kids before, but as a fencing instructor, and they had always been at least seven or eight, never as young as Jax. He was utterly perplexed on what he should do.

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Nov 14th, 2002, 12:06:06 AM
Jax sat up, jabbering at the new face that greeted him with questions. "I'sa Jax. I'sa rwun awaee, a' bwrig badda fwaan Dad."

He pointed at the brown face, fascinated, and lightly running his tiny fingers against the short soft fur. "Goo' dog?" He laughed, suddenly delighted, and clapped his hands.

Sejah Haversh
Nov 14th, 2002, 12:28:24 PM
It was almost a marvel that Sejah could understand even a word that the boy babbled, but he ended up picking up the gist of it. His name was Jax, he had run awa from his home and he also thought Sejah was a dog.

All the mongoose could do was smile and laugh as Jax approved of him as a dog, then he shook his head lightly and explianed, "I'm not a dog, I'm a mongoose. Mon-goose. Can you say it?" He found himself being a little more child-friendly than he had originally thought, but it was okay. As Jax struggled with teh word, Sejah chuckled, then picked him up and set him down on the couch he himself had been sitting on only moments ago. He decided that instead of running around and looking for the boy's parents and possibly getting him even more lost, it was wiser to kep him in one place until his parents could come find him.

Sitting down next to him, Sejah tried to think of what to do to keep him entertained, and the first thing that popped to mind seemed to be a good start. "Do you like stories, Jax? Would you like to hear one?" the mongoose asked, lookign down at his tiny face.

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Nov 14th, 2002, 02:24:58 PM
He understood the word story and clapped his little hands. "Storwy! Fro de mon...mongwoo.." He frowned in concentration, trying to get the new word right. Mongoose was challenging. Suddenly he saw something interesting, and scooted to the end of the couch, leaning out over the arm, trying to get a closer look.

It was a quiet cleaning droid, trundling around, and picking up stray bits of dust. Jax waved happily to it, and then overbalanced on the arm. He almost fell, but with the luck that babies are born with, he managed to keep his balance at the last minute. Eyes wide he turned back to his new friend, and crawled over to his side once more. "I'sa falled!"

Sejah Haversh
Nov 14th, 2002, 03:43:20 PM
"You almost fell, that is," Sejah corrected him, then scooted him further back onto the couch so the risk of falling again would be lessened.

"Okay, a story. What kind of story do you want to hear? An adventure story with swords and arrows and fighting?" he waved his arms as if he were fighging an invisible enemy, "Or a fairy tale with a good moral to it?"

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Nov 14th, 2002, 04:46:19 PM
His eyes widened at the mongoose's gestures, and the little boy laughed. "Storwy 'bout blassnnt... in bom an waa. An' Dad!" Jax reached for his toes and wriggled them freely, as he had no shoes on. They were dirty from walking all over the Academy, and he touched them lightly, as if they were alien objects he'd never seen before in his life.

"Dirry!" He made a face of revulsion, and then stood to his feet, balancing on the cushions and against the back of the couch. "Storwy?"

Sejah Haversh
Nov 15th, 2002, 02:08:25 AM
Sejah stood up and paced to stand before the couch like an actor before his stage. Clearing his throat, the mongoose selected a story from deep in his race's history and started out like every good storyteller should.

"Once, long ago in a place far from here, there lived a young mongoose who lived on his own in the wilderness. Now, this young mongoose loved to..."

The story was one he knew well, and had recited it before, so he knew just how to tell it, and made motions to go with it as well, keeping Jax's attention riveted. It went on for nearly a half hour until he reached the end.

"...And so, our hero stabbed the great beast through the heart, and it turned to dust from his magic blade. The beautiful princess ran up and kissed him, and agreed to marry him after all, for he had demonstrated true love and courage. They were married, and both lived very contentedly for the rest of their long lives in a great palace made of ivory and gold."

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Nov 15th, 2002, 02:20:33 AM
Jax clapped and stood up again, since he had sat down during the story, and jumped up and down on the couch cushions. "Mo! Agin!" He beamed at Sejah, and then fell on his behind, laughing uproariously as his feet went into the air.

"Falled!" He yawned hugely, and smiled at his new friend.

Sejah Haversh
Nov 15th, 2002, 02:34:32 AM
Again? Sejah thought, okay, let's see...

He was full of legends and folklore, having listend to much of it during his years in training and listenign to older beasts relate the tales so they would not be lost.

"Okay, this is the story of Ramastan the Great, and how he foiled the evil plot of vice Chancellor Kethar. It started in the royal Nehantite palace, when Ramastan recieved a letter from far away..."

This story was logner, and slower than his other one, with more intruige than action, but he made sure to embellish the good parts to keep Jax's interest. But near the end he began to yawn as he told it, and he was beginning to feel how tired he really was. It was half past midnight when he was done, and if Jax's parents hadn't found him yet, then he decided he had to do something.

Witht he tale ended, Sejah sat down on the couch again and asked, "Do you know who your mommy and daddy are? Do you know your last name?" Hopefully he'd get some kind of clue as to just were the youg'n was from, otherwise he had no idea what to do next.

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Nov 15th, 2002, 02:42:57 AM
Jax leaned against Sejah and wrapped his little arms around his bigger one, closing his eyes tiredly. "Dadda stwong...Jax is'a wittle..." He yawned again, and rubbed his cheek against the fur on Sejah's arm, making himself comfortable. "Ni..nie hit. I's -" his mouth stretched for another yawn, and then he closed his eyes again, giving up on talking.

Pierce Tondry
Nov 15th, 2002, 09:38:02 AM
"It's about time the little squirt got tired," Pierce said. He was leaning against a nearby storage shelf with a mysterious smile. "I was beginning to think his energy just wouldn't run out."

He levered himself off the bookcase with a foot and walked over to where Sejah was holding his son. "You tell a captivating story, Mister Mongwoo," he chuckled. "Had my interest, too."

"Pierce Tondry," he introduced himself. "And I see you've already met my son Jax."

Sejah Haversh
Nov 15th, 2002, 11:19:17 AM
Sejah looked upas Pierce started to talk to him, having sterted to grow a bit sleepy himself. Glancing back down to the sleeping boy on his arm, the Nehantite replied quietly as not to wake him, "Thank you, and, how long have you been there? Oh, I'm Sejah, Sejah Haversh. I was about to some looking for you, or, at least whoever he belonged to if you hadn't shown up. Quite the adventurer he seems to be."

Pierce Tondry
Nov 15th, 2002, 11:52:28 AM
"I came in somewhere around the beginning of that Nehantite story," Pierce said. "I don't know if there were others. Fortunately for me, I've rigged up a few cameras so that I can see when he sneaks off. He's almost as talented as his old man."

Pierce held out his arms. "If you don't mind, I'd like him back. Nothing against you, just natural fatherly paranoia."

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Nov 15th, 2002, 01:32:06 PM
Jax reached sleepily for his father, his eyes almost sealed shut already. He was ready to go home and go to bed, and didn't seem surprised that his Dad was there.

Sejah Haversh
Nov 15th, 2002, 02:12:03 PM
"Oh, certainly," Sejah replied, glad that Jax's father had shown up. Gently pulling one of the child's arms off from around his own, the mongoose picked Jax up and carefully passed the drowsy boy to Pierce.

"I take it he tends to wander off often?" Sejah asked once Jax was out of his arms and into those of his daddy.

Pierce Tondry
Nov 21st, 2002, 10:26:53 AM
Pierce chuckled. "You could say that," he said, quietly rocking the toddler in his arms. "He's pretty inquisitive, and has fast feet. If I built enough walls, I could keep him at home, but I don't want to do that. I want him to be able to go out and explore, see what the universe is like."

With a backward glance at the file stacks, Pierce returned his attention to Sejah. "Anything you were looking for in particular? I'd like to help you somehow, in return for looking after my son, and I'm pretty good at ferreting out information."

Sejah Haversh
Nov 21st, 2002, 10:34:40 PM
Glancing at his stack of datapads and books, Sejah just shook his head and replied in a quiet tone as not to wake Jax for he looked to be asleep, "Nothing in particular, I was just... working on my reading."

He was about to bid Pierce a good night, but then he remembered something. "Actually, there is one thing. My master, Marcus Q'Dunn. I've searched through all the archives, but have not found a shred of information about him. I found that odd, considering he is a Jedi Master. I found things even about myself, and I am rather insignificant, so, would you perhaps know where I might be able to find some information about him?"

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Nov 22nd, 2002, 02:27:37 AM
Jax opened his mouth in a tiny yawn, and then snuggled against his father's chest, contentedly asleep.

Pierce Tondry
Nov 22nd, 2002, 09:59:22 AM
Pierce laughed, quick and sharp, but quiet. "Boy, you don't ask much, do you?" He laughed again. "There's a reason Marcus doesn't show up in the regular databases. He's got a history so long and involved I haven't pieced it all together, and I've only been trying over the past seven years."

Pierce stopped, then regarded Sejah with a curious smile. "Wait. You're his Pad- and he's your Mas- and-" Abruptly, Pierce broke out in loud laughs. Jax tossed slightly in his sleep and Pierce cut his volume again.

"Yeah," he said after he'd recovered. "Well, I could give you what I've found out. One story-" he smiled at Jax, "For another. But only on the condition that you don't tell anyone else, not even Helenias."

Sejah Haversh
Nov 23rd, 2002, 02:02:55 AM
Sejah wasn't sure what was so funny, but seeing as Pierce seemed to know something, he went with it.

"On my honor, I won't tell a soul. And considering I've only ever met Helenias on one occasion, I don't think that me telling her would be very likely. And what do you mean one syory for another?" He asked, though he believed he already knew the answer.

Pierce Tondry
Nov 25th, 2002, 11:45:45 AM
Pierce chuckled again. "Come with me and you'll see," he said.

Cradling his son in his arms, Pierce left the library and led Sejah on a trip down to the Jedi Living Quarters, finally stopping in front of the door to his apartment. The door opened after the identity scan finished and Pierce stepped inside. "Let me just put him down for bed and then I'll be back. Make yourself comfortable."

After Pierce had disappeared, Sejah had nothing really to do but take a look at the living room's furnishings. Although they were nice and tasteful, everything seemed slightly underused as though Pierce just wasn't home very often.

When Pierce returned, he found Sejah sitting on the couch. "Here," he said, handing Sejah a datapad. "Read this ( It's a report from an operation I headed up once."

(ooc) For further information, see also: Lilaena's Study. :)

Sejah Haversh
Nov 27th, 2002, 02:07:32 AM
Taking the pad in his paw, Sejah swallowed at the sight of how much information there was. Placing it on his lap, he looked back to Pierce and nodded lightly. "Thank you. I doubt I'll be able to finish it anytime soon; I'm not the fastest of readers yet, but I'm sure I'll learn from it."

Though he was tired, his smile was genuine. Any information about his master would be welcome, and it seemed that Pierce had a fair amount.

"Now, about your proposition."

Pierce Tondry
Dec 1st, 2002, 09:01:21 PM
Pierce's eyebrows lifted. "Proposition?" he asked. "Which one was that?"

Sejah Haversh
Dec 2nd, 2002, 01:57:20 AM
"One story for another," Sejah reminded him, realizing he had not been very clear himself.

Pierce Tondry
Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:58:48 AM
Pierce cocked his head. "Well, that file is a story, and a pretty damn twisted one," he said. "But if you want a real story, that's fine. Any particular subject of interest?"

Sejah Haversh
Dec 13th, 2002, 01:58:21 PM
"Actually," Sejah rubbed his chin with a thumb as he thought, "There is something else. Do you know how the Jedi came into being? I mean, how did people learn to use the Force, and that they can do awesome things with it? Do you know how the Jedi began?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:59:00 PM
The youth walked along the hall-way in attempt to find the Jedi Archieves, where he would search for information on the late Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Jedi Canidate placed his hands under his sleeves as his head was hung down in thought, buggling on knowledge that he had recieved from the Jedi Archieves in his younger years in the Jedi Order on Acran IV, maybe Coruscant would have more information on him.

Sitting in one of the chairs, he leaned back and stared at the screen, placing his hand on it and searching through the Old Republic Jedi Names that were presented, and in the O section he found that of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Clicking on his name, information popped up along the screen, and readings that were suggested under catergorize of Obi-Wan's Documented life.

The young Jedi Canidate smiled with pleasurement, and clicked on the bookings, and they were implaced in his holo-self-messaging pad that was held at his belt along with his lightsaber. Clicking of the program, he went back to the general databank for the next user of the information locator, and was off to search through the Jedi Archieves. Noticing hte face of Sejah, he smiled with happiness, as maybe he could have a companion in the studies.

Grasping his book that he had found he sat next to him, and began looking into it. Finding himself attracted to Sejah's reading, the reason of it, he smiled as he presented him.

"Hello, my name is Jamel Croko'yn, I think I have seen you in the halls once or twice. You must be Sejah Haversh, I heard of you around the Jedi Canidate Sector of Resignation. Who is that you are under in padawanship, and also whatcha reading?" The young boy commented, his brown hair hanging over his brown eyes.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 29th, 2002, 10:56:18 PM
Sejah had found his way back to the Archives and plopped down to read once more when shortly thereafter a young man approached him. Looking up, the mongoose blinked his pink eyes hard to refocus to a length that was beyond that of his wrist and tried to smile politely, though it came out as more of a tired grin.

"Hello, and yeah, I'm Sejah. Didn't think I was talked about much. Whatever they told you, it's not true." he chuckled, then reached out a paw in handshake manner. "Good to meet you, Jamel, was it? Have a seat, I'll be up for a while longer. And my master is Marcus Q'Dunn. You have a master yet?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 29th, 2002, 11:01:23 PM
He reached out and shook the man, or whatever species it was of heritage hand, and smile politely at him. He didn't have much conversation with people around here, so it was clear he wanted to do as best as possible in one. Leaping down to his seat, he leaned back and pondered, his lips curving to a line of seriousness, and his whole face was masked in such an expression, other then his eyes which were wondering crazy for an answer along his archieve data, as if it reside there.

He finally spoke, coming back down from his leaning state, and staring over his shoulder at the feline, humanoid statured creature," I dont have one as of yet, it's beginning to anger me to no end, I really want one. I just wish...", He stopped himself immeditately, clutching his fist and banging the foundation of the desk in a showing of anger.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 29th, 2002, 11:04:22 PM
"You've never played pinball, have you, kid?" Sejah asked, knowing full well that the subject was quite off Jamel's topic. "And I'm reading about cultural differences, in reponse to your other question"

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 29th, 2002, 11:18:18 PM
Jamel turned his head quickly, staring at the man weirdly, and confused. He had never heard of such a game in his life. Shaking his head as if he was to catch the answer to the question, he looked up at the man's eyes. Frowning in displeasure, he began to speak once more.

"No I haven't, I dont even know what such a game is or like"

Sejah Haversh
Dec 29th, 2002, 11:26:34 PM
"Hang on..." Sejah told him, then picked up and AXXess datapad and performed a search on pinball. Coming up with a few good images as a result, he passed the pad to Jamel and explained.

"It's a game. You drop in a coin and you get three silver balls to play with over the course of a game. You do well, you get more balls, do bad, you lose quickly. It's a game a patience, timing, and control. Object is to keep the ball on the table as long as you can and hit all the things that give you points." Repositioning himself in his seat to be more conversational, Sejah continued, "You, my friend, need to learn patience. Every ball wants to go down the hole, but those fippers can stop that from happening. So, you learn to take your hits, get bounced around a lot and do things for somebody else while you wait to drop in the hole.

"I waited two and a half months for a master, okay. I've not see you before, so odds are that you've only been here a few days. Settle down, take the hits, and score some points while you're at it. After all, who is remembered, the high score, or the guy who just sort of made his way down the hole?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 29th, 2002, 11:44:43 PM
The young boy contemplated on the issue, and a quick smiled cam eto his face. It was a wide grin that seemed to reach the sky's and past that limitation. The Padawan was very wise, and he only wished he would one day in the shoes of that man, and as well be as wise.

"You are right Mr. Haversh." The young boy's voice drained away, and his lips straightened, staring down into his palm once more. He couldn't help to feel distress in his situation, but he didnt know how to hold the pain back of loneliness. It seemed like this was th eonly one he had conversated with, but he was nice to him. No one ever showed love, and compassion, or even the slightest smile to him, they all frowned, or keep straight faces without emotion.


That girl, he remembered her. She was amazingly attractive humanoid, but he could barley remember her name. It started with a D, and was orientated with some great thing of some sort.


This name lead him to a question that he would have to get an answer to for his own personal state.

"Have you ever meet Destiny, is she a Padawan such as you?" He questioned, his eyes targeting those of Sejah, a smile coming to his face as he awaited the response in timid silence.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 29th, 2002, 11:54:46 PM
Pulling a nervous cheek that exposed one of his fangs, Sejah scratched the back of his neck and replied, "No, can't say that I know her. I don't really get out too much, actually. Not exactly the guy you want to go to for current news and stuff, y'know."

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 30th, 2002, 12:06:10 AM
Jamel thought quietly to himself, looking down into his palm which was throbbing on the desk from his previous horrific attack on it during his frustration drive. He inhaled deeply, excereting a sorrowing sigh, looking back at the man with a smile of kindness.

"Do you know if you could look up the data manual on your holopad datapad compotent?" The boy questioned concernly, and interested. The boy didn't await for a reply this time, he only continued with more comments, "And also, could you transmitt the information on her profile if it is there into my compotent, data number is code is 5.45685.20.23" The boy ended, his smile slowly dimming down.

He leaned back in his chair, wondering if Sejah would obey his request.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 30th, 2002, 12:21:10 AM
Sejah looked nervous and he glanced down at his own datapad. "Uhh, okay. Let me see if I can figure it out. I haven't done something like that before, you know."

With that, he cracked hsi ckuckles and set about looking for Destiny's records and information profile. After a few dead ends, he came upon a figurative "locked door". Holding his pad up so that Jamel could see it, he smiled glumly and read what it said.

"Authorization to access Jedi personnel files required. You are not authorized for this information, Jedi Padawan Haversh."

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 30th, 2002, 12:26:58 AM
Jamel hadn't done much Archeive Data Pad working himself, but he was certainly much more expirenced in the issue then that of Haversh, but that wasn't to matter, he'd just attempt himself. He noticed that Haversh datapad holo compotent was more advanced than his, so it was a certain he had the ability to do such things.

"Haversh, are you up for me doing the assisgnment, and both of us can look at it?" He questioned, wondering if his actions would be unfit, as culutures had different point of views on the idea of items.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 30th, 2002, 12:30:46 AM
"Um, I'm afraid I don't quite follow what you're getting at. Could you be a bit moe specific?" Sejah asked, puzzled.

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 30th, 2002, 12:37:38 AM
Jamel corked his lips side ways laong his face, and then began to act when adjusting them back after his thought process came to an end. He hated to be rude, but he wanted this information immeditately. Reaching for the holo pad compotent, he placed it in his lap and began searching for objects amoungst it. Placing his hand upon the screen, he moved the an object down into another.

These actions trailed one like a circular roller coaster, going on and on. Then he came to a finish, and he placed the pad down upon the foundation of the desk, looking into the screan <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> it projected before the both of them.

"Lets look at it shall we." He commented on the situation, as his eyes narrowed in interest, and his face sunk deeper toward the screen itself.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 30th, 2002, 12:43:33 AM
As Jamel hacked into the Archive's mainframe, Sejah shut off his own datapad and set it aside. His face was a stony visage of disapproval.

With a quick snap of his paw he reached out and flicked off Jamel's pad and looked into his face, his own pink eyes deadly serious. "We're not supposed to be in there, Jamal. If we don't have authorization, then we shouldn't be there. This isn't a good way to attract a master, kid."

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 30th, 2002, 12:46:59 AM
Jamel frowned in displeasure by the abrupt action that happen immeditately when he got into the screen. Glancing over at the furry creature he shook his head as he began to speak.

"It wont leave any trace behind, you wont get any punishment, as long as neither of us speak of it. Now.." He grasped Sejah's datapad compotent, and pulled it closer to himself to begin once again on hacking on the system to get to the mainframe for data.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 30th, 2002, 12:51:30 AM
That was enough. Jamel would need discipline if he wanted to be a Jedi, and Sejah was good with discipline. Standing up, he ripped the pad out of the boy's hands and roughly pulled him up by the shirtscruff.

The Nehantite's voice was a firm growl as he stared into the newcomer's face and said, "I said we're not supposed to be in there. I meant it. Deceit is not a Jedi way. If you want information about her, why don't you go find her. If I find you hacking inot the mainframe again, I will report you, and you willy probably not get a master after that. Do I make myself clear, Jamel?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 30th, 2002, 12:56:53 AM
Jamel arrogantly shot back at Sejah, his voice sly, cunning and young. It was not as stern as his counter-part, but the words were much more powerful.

"I studied that Quin-Jon Jin, one of the greatest of Jedi Knights/Masters managed to be very defiant against the order of the Council, for his personal views in the best of the Order, this is yet another example of a thing. Also, let go of my shirt" He ended, his eyes tainted with a visible arrogance, and slow smirk rolling along his face.

"I mean no disrespect, but this is in order to also to find more on the Sith along with this one known as Destin. I must know of their existence, and if so we have to look for them and tear them at their root."

Sejah Haversh
Dec 30th, 2002, 01:03:15 AM
Sejah was not phased by the juvenile's arrogance. Instead he made it a point to shove him back into his seat as he let go of his shirt, though he held onto his datapad.

"It is the first fool to think himself wiser than another, a man once said. You are hasty, and in your haste you err. Whatever information you find would be used for personal gain, not for the greater good, though you seem to ahve convinced yourself that it will. If you want information,t eh ask for it from someone who would know. Find a Jedi Master to ask, or at least a Knight. By starting devious you mark yourself a possible turncoat. I want to help you, Jamel, but you've made it hard already for me to trust you."

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 30th, 2002, 01:09:01 AM
Jamel growled under his breath. It was hot, resembling his temper that was evidently rising, and reaching his face that was expressed with a snarl. Holding his chair arm, he stared toward the Padawan's face which was filled with seriousness.

"This is not a measurment of wisdom my friend, and nor personal gain. This is a search for the Sith who I have heard to remain in the galaxy terrozing. If I...no, we in the Jedi Order were to manage to attack their root, their would be no chance so much pain that has been uprising in the government. This is for the better. You are blind if you can't see that."

Sejah Haversh
Dec 30th, 2002, 01:12:24 AM
Stepping up into his face, the fencing instructor replied, "And why haven't you taken this to a Master yet? They are the ones who can do something about it. I am not blind, kid. I see things a bit more clearly than you do. Don't play the hero here, okay. We all work as a team, so if there is a problem, let the team captains know. "

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 30th, 2002, 01:17:48 AM

He bellowed with inragement in his soul, his words echoing thorought the hushed arena of archives. He slammed his fist against the desk, as he stood up, staring upward at the being.

"They will not do anything, they are too stuck in the action of peace, and can't understand that attacking that of the evil you will only retalating the darkness. They try to go through verbal agreements, and we end up the losers. They are so stuck in national government they'll even stray to address them in this action. It is foolish to place this into the media scene, it'll splur around immeditately and they'll be prepared for our attack. We must do this in silence, slow and instantly withou the consulting the Masters. They are their to teach, nothing else! They hold us back!" He screamed his last two setences in dailogue, slamming his fist down every word.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 30th, 2002, 01:23:22 AM

Sejah backhanded him hard across the face, then shoved him back into his seat where he held him there with a large footpaw against his chest.

"You know nothing!" Sejah roared, his pink eyes flaring red. "It is no wonder you have no master! You ahve the stink of the Dark Side all about you, boy. Attack is not the Jedi way. It would be a fool wo does attack first. We are not so powerful that we could form an assault on our own; we rely on NR allies, whom we would lose if we were to attack without provocation. You would be expelled from the Order for such an act, and I am giving serious thought to telling the council of your plans."

Snapping a quick bit of pressure to his foot against Jamel's chest, Sejah pulled it back and stepped back a pace. "You need to learn much, kid. Most of all patience."

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 30th, 2002, 01:29:14 AM
The boy held his chest as he came to a stand, and his hand quickly pushed down on the closest desk, holding himself up, but also creating a horrific snapping sound, as he screamed.

"You.." He slowed down his pace of breathing, and looked down "Are simply right.....but I still believe that we shouldn't go into war with NR troops, it's a possibility they will die, and this is only a confrontation between us two Orders."

Sejah Haversh
Dec 31st, 2002, 02:32:22 PM
"The New Republic is also involved in this, Jamel. If it concerns any activity on any NR planets, then it concerns them. And they have weapons that are far-reaching, further than we posess. It would be unwise to go in without backup. But even mroe unwise to go in with heads full of anger. If you plan on doing anything about this, you must tell the Council first." Sejah remained adamant in his stance.

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 31st, 2002, 04:17:11 PM
Jamel's head was down at the moment of the words, but it immeditately struck up toward Sejah's face, leaning upward toward it. The boy's eyes were filled with glee, and pleasurment, meanwhile his cheeks expanded like elastic strings, with his smile maintaining this.

"Then you shall accompany me in the council confrontation. It wouldn't be right to leave a partner behind-", Jamel began his smile dimming down, as his nail came to his teeth, grinding down on it in a gesture of thought. Rising his head up before Sejah could response, he continued his statement previously, "But how will we get any information on them, it's only a rumor, but Im sure it's true. They know of the Archive Info, but they do not know of the present situation, and the root of the situation completely. We'll need to consult ourselves in meditation for such a wiggle out of that loose end." Jamel ended, falling down back in his seat as he stared over at Sejah, wondering what he was thinking, and somewhat on the notion of "how" he would respond to such a comment.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 31st, 2002, 05:24:37 PM
Sejah returned to his own seat and picked up his datapad book again, looking it over as if reading the newspaper at a breakfast table. Turning to the next "page", the Nehantite spoke aloud, "I will accompany you in no such thing. You have done nothing to demonstrate that I could trust you, and you went against my advice only moments ago. No, I will tell the Council that there might be a problem that should eb looked into, but I will not partner with you for any reason until you can show me a level head and an unambitious heart."

He didn't even look at Jamel as he spoke, instead only scanning along his datapad. "Things that are rumor can often be just that, though they may hold a shred of truth, it is often best to act on something solid rather than the words of busybodies and gossips. Settle down, gather facts in legal ways for now and alert those you feel need to be alerted, but never act to a Master or Knight as you did to me just now. It is very disrespectful, and they will not stand for it."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 1st, 2003, 04:24:23 AM
Jamel didn't even show signs of emotion on his face, he only nodded in agreement, and began with a comment he had been holding off since Sejah's words about the discomfort with the accompany issue and all that such.

"I understand that I shouldn't disrespect one even in Padawan Rank, no matter the rank. I still suggest that we both come as partners for we have two different perspectives which would be essentails in delivering the idea's of this. I was more in an inner situation, with conversation on the rumor, you got it by second-word with search. If we were to come with these views to the Supreme Counciler, and the Jedi Order Council, we will feed them particles of the idea, and what they must search on." He started, leaning back in his chair as he grabbed his own datapad compartment and began searching through his information on the Dark Side of the Force. He began once again, "If you were to go yourself, you wouldn't have to bring up the fact that you heard it from me, they'd most likely ask me in for consulting along with you in the first place. So we might as well partner each other in the confrontation with the groupings." Jamel ended, looking up quickly.

Placing his hand on Sejah's compartment he pulled it down, and shooved a his own datapad compartment into Sejah's face, pointing at a weird, dark man who was floating on the screen in hologramic model form.

"You see this, this is a Dark Jedi. I have gotten word that though these people are consider Sith, and are of Sith culture, they are only Dark Jedi's those with the lifestyle of a Jedi, with using the Force and studying in the laws of the living Sith, who are insctinct now. Well, I have seen one of these beings once when I was taken to Corellian with my canidate sector for the point of accury Republic authorized saber-crystals. I wasn't sure at the time, but I felt a devilish, sadistic aura from him when I was there, but the others only said I was worried. Well maybe the roots are on Corellian?" The boy said, blinking only once during this sudden enthusastic comment.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 5th, 2003, 01:51:38 PM
The boy began again, his fist clutched at his side as he returned to a seating. Releasing his grip on his hands, he motioned them into his sleeves and began to talk in a more tranquilized form. The enthusastic stature of his comment before might not have even phased his fellow Jedi, and it would be better to show him more tranquilized form of respect in conversation.

"I believe if we come together it'd be better Sejah. It would be better to have someone that I wish to be a friend be by my side when we tell the Council of this situation. You also would present much more wiser sense, as I'm only a novice, they might brush me off as if I dont know of what Im talking aobut. If you are to come...well, your a Padawan yourself, their are extreme possibilities that you'll have the chance of being seen more accurate. With your presence, and my knowledge of the situtaion, it'd combine when in the same room and we'll have the ability to truly gain their attention."

Jamel stopped there, he slowly rolled his head up to scan even if Sejah had his full-attention on him, or even emotional responses to him. He just awaited for a second, his eyes were filled with dust from lack of slumber, but it was alright-it wasn't need in such a conversation that had went this indepth on the two's first aquanting.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:25:07 PM
As Jamel continued on, Sejah kept reading, but finally he couldn't take it anymore so he shhut off the data pad and set it aside, looking at the boy from under furrowed brows.

"Jamel, stop this right now. You don't know me, you don't know anything about me. For all you know I could be a Sith myself masquerading as a Jedi padawan, or even a very cleverly build droid here to amuse small children." Sejah spoke in a biting tone, his pink eyes not wavering from Jamel's.

"It would make no difference if I were to go with you, for I would still fight your idea, and only hamper your efforts. And, another thing you didn't know, I'm not exactly in the best of standigns with the Council right now. So, again, if I were to go with you it would guerantee you nothing. Stop, think, and most of all listen when someone tells you something. If you feel you have the need to see th Council, then go see them, but I will not stand beside you if you insist on startting a war, is that clear, kid?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:44:55 PM
Jamel didn't manage to control himself after that statement, he couldn't handle the word "kid" being directed toward him, and the insolence of the man's confronting words of how he was so different.

"You are the moronic fool who hasn't seen past his own hypocritical statements. You dont know me! Neither of us do, and you seem to manage break through the Jedi Code with your idiotic-ness. Hypocritical actions probably place you in the tide of adversary against the Jedi Council, it is not my problem that you can't control your emotions and come at me as if you dont understand the idea of friendship. I dont care about your seperation in creed, all races that I know in this galaxy all manage to have the ability to create friendship, and I attempted. Their is no need for this conversation any longer, you made yourself clear that you can't help me in your need. I have been thinking, and I've been thinking that you are the FOOL who called me a kid.

You made yourself superior, you made yourself individual in the communication, you ignorant being. You didn't use your calmness as a Jedi must, and I a novice in the action would only follow in your steps, one of superior rank, but I would never even my inferior rank would state as a superior to anyone within the Order. You are most likely apart of the Sith Order, you have leaned a step closer, even then my anger has with your superior statements.

Leave me alone!


He bellowed with the whole libary hearing his comment, and he quickly jumped out of his seat and headed toward the door. He stopped only once at the door itself, and looked over his shoulder staring at the face of the man who had encouraged his anger. Snarling at the man, he opened the door and walked out with his cloak drapped along the surface.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:56:40 PM
Sejah just returned to his book, yawning out of how tired he felt. Jamel was confused, and above all, he was angry. Sejah had tried to be nice, he had tried to help, but Jamel wouldn't listen.

He was too stuck on his own agenda.

Surely Sejah could have caught up with the boy and set him straight, but it was simply not worth it; Jamel wouldn't hear him. So instead he let the youth go, and focused again on his own studies. If any were swayed in feelings by Jamel's shouted statement, they could come to him to find out what really happened. Now it was on to page 214.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:20:51 PM
The door of the silent libary was opened with a slow creaking sound revealing Jamel. He glanced about at the Archive Libarian who glared at him weirdly, and cautiously, most likely remembering his previous visit. Turning around he stared at the door, an easy escape from the shame and embarrasment that was carried with his every movement toward the table. He did know the easy way was normally not the best way, so he turned his head with a sense of stiffness as if his head had been pointing that way all his life.

A tear streaked his eye as he rushed the settlement of Sejah, diving forward. Jamel didn't know much of what was going on in his mind at the time, but his emotions overflowed him and he fell into a hug. He held tightly onto Sejah, he knew the source of this, but he had no words to explain in at the moment. Holding tightly, he seemed to squeeze Sejah in his action. Tears overflowed his eyes, streaking down into a small puddle upon the carpet of the sheltering.

"I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry.." He repeatidally said, and those were the only words.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:36:27 PM
Sejah closed his eyes as Jamel hugged him, but made no movement whatsoever to embrace him back. Instead his voice wa crisp as he re-opened his pink eyes and said, "You should be. Not control yourself, and get off of me."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:41:50 PM
He obeyed as told and moved back sitting down where he previously had satten. Leaning against the seat, tears continued to roll down his cheek as he attempt to sniff them back with a continious jerk of his head. The young boy's emotions had still been jumping with a fringy, and he didn't paticularly know how to explaint it to the furry creature, but he would try.

"I'm sorry what I said, I was..." He searched the word for a moment as if his fingers were in a dictonary. He found it quickly after scanning the definition of it in the program of his brain, "Disrespectful, I should have shown you my full friendliness. I was the hypocritical one. My anger wasn't needed at all...It is not Jedi-like of me to do so, as now I have ascended to the Padawan state." He said, blinking as the tears continued to roll down.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:50:26 PM
"I'm not going to accept your apology yet, Jamel," came Sejah's first reply. "You have demonstrated a wide variety of mood swings and anger toward me. I can't trust you, so I can't trust that you are sorry yet. That will have to be earned."

Setting his datapad aside, yet again, Sejah yawned, then continued. "You have far too much anger, and almost no patience, kid, and you take offense at things you should let slide. I'll be here to answer some of your questions, but don't go expecting me to be your friend just because you introduced yourself and gave me a hug. Friendship is something that takes a lot of work to buld as far as I'm concerned, and you've got some rubble to clear before you can even start building. Now it's good that you have a master now, but still, a Jedi should be in control of his emotions, not them in control of him, you understand?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:56:29 PM
Jamel looked away for a second, thinking back to the teachings of his Jedi Master Zeke. He frowned in displeasurement.

"But Master Zeke told me to search my feelings and use them for that of the Force. Positivty for that of the Light Side, and which I have managed to use in the ability of Force Jump. I dont know why now when my apology is to be shown why should I discard of that emotional linkage?" He questioned the fellow Padawan, blinking a few times.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 11th, 2003, 12:21:56 AM
As he awaited a reply he grasped for his "Archive" Database manual, placing it on the desk, and rearranging himself for some studies. He was searching up the "Jedi Philosophy", the creed of the Jedi. It was the way, and he would have to follow that code if he wanted to achive the state of a Jedi Knight. Leaning back in his seat, he went through, slowly and easily, following over word and contemplating the meaning of it.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 27th, 2003, 11:57:57 PM
Sejah shook his head. "Zeke has been with this order for a shorter period of time than I have, and quite frankly he needs to learn a lot more in my eyes before he should ahve taken a padawan.

"Your demonstration of acting on feelings was an atrocity, and I pray that you never act in front of another Jedi as you have in front of me. You showed utter disrespect for someone who is trying to help you." Sejah wasn't angry, but bitter that Jamel would be so lacking in common sense. "Now, excuse me, I have to go and get some sleep, it is a good many hours beyond my bed time."