View Full Version : And Now I own AOTC on DVD...

Nov 11th, 2002, 07:16:44 AM

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 11th, 2002, 07:20:15 AM
So? I have FOTR:EE on DVD


I dont really see myself getting AOTC in hte short term. Helen hates that movie like you would hardly believe. She likes the OT, but AOTC she was full of fire and brimstome in her damnnation.

Nov 11th, 2002, 07:40:33 AM
I'll probably get FOTR:EE just after christmas.

AOTC is just awsome though. Its an excellent movie. Plus im really looking forward to the extra features.

Leeloo Mina
Nov 11th, 2002, 08:42:12 AM
Wait.. Someone fill me in here, I don't pay much attention.. ATOC, LOTR: EE... what dates did they come out? o_O

Edit: Off Topic.. That was post 2666 >D

Nov 11th, 2002, 08:52:08 AM
AOTC is out here in the UK today (11/11/02) and I think everywhere else is getting it tomorrow.

Not sure when the LOTR:EE DVD was released, could have been today cos its in the shops here now.

Dae Jinn
Nov 11th, 2002, 08:56:27 AM
I saw a commercial for Lotr:EE last night on tv....I need a dvd player....or at least a vcr :cry

Nov 11th, 2002, 09:22:55 AM
You could probably get a DVD Rom for the PC for around £30 which is about $45 I think (?)

Dae Jinn
Nov 11th, 2002, 09:25:38 AM
it would also help if i wasn't pema-poor :(

Nov 11th, 2002, 02:08:10 PM
EP2 kicks the snot out of LOTR. Getting both, mind :)

Judas Escariot
Nov 11th, 2002, 02:08:20 PM
Don't worry
*hands Dae a money bag

Leeloo Mina
Nov 11th, 2002, 05:02:54 PM
Hey Dae.. I just saw a DVD player for $58 at walmart.. the same kind I have.. I've had it forever and I love the thing to death, it plays MP3s, normal CDs, Mpegs.. and will display JPGs. Want me to send it to you? :D

and I would, too.. if I had the $58.. and the money to ship it ^_^;

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 11th, 2002, 05:19:41 PM
LOTR kicks the kiving poodoo out of AOTC!

Still.... AOTC's audio / visual quality is excellent

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 11th, 2002, 06:46:14 PM
Im getting AOTC tomorrow morning as it is the first day it comes out. :D

Nov 11th, 2002, 07:31:35 PM
not for all :)

Dae Jinn
Nov 11th, 2002, 07:51:10 PM
I haven't even seen TPM yet.......:uhoh I doubt I'll see AOTC. I don't watch a lot of movies anyways....:lol And thanks for the offer Leeloo, but I can always mooch money off relatives :)

Nov 12th, 2002, 04:33:52 AM
Ok, I watched about three and a half hours of the features last night before watching the film for the.... seventh time I think. The DVD is superb and the film beats of FOTR no problem IMO.

I watched the 'From puppets to pixels' last night and I have to say it is brilliant. I never realised how much work really goes into making an annimated character. There is a huge bit about Yoda on there and its simply fantastic. I can do nothing but take my hat off to the annimators and indeed Lucas.

Helenias Evenstar
Nov 12th, 2002, 04:52:48 AM
I have never been so disappointed in a movie as I was in AOTC. I thought it was a sellout and one of the most contemptable movies I have ever seen. Which makes me sad, becuase I I love watching the old trilogy :(

And as for the Special Edition - I wish Marcus didnt get the first version, if he knew quite well he was going to get the second. Seems like a waste of money to me.

Nov 12th, 2002, 05:14:02 AM
The Clone war and Yoda were enough to make the film a success. We begin to see the dark side in Anakin meanwhile moving the love interest along (even though this was pretty poor). Very good acting from Ewan McGregor, Christopher Lee and Sam L Jackson gets a bigger part. The chase in Courascant. The film is cool, the fight scene are excellent and it drives the story along.

Dae Jinn
Nov 12th, 2002, 08:52:41 AM
:x I agree with Helen, I liked the original movies...TPM seemed kiddified with Jar Jar, and AOTC is hyper-CGI'd, which I hate. :lol
I would like to see Yoda's fight scene, since it's supposed to be awesome though. Maybe one day.....a long long time from now >.<

Nov 12th, 2002, 01:44:48 PM
Dae, you havent seen TPM, so dont make opinions. You could be so wrong it hurts :)

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 12th, 2002, 11:01:14 PM
And then she could be quite right.

Dae Jinn
Nov 12th, 2002, 11:14:01 PM
Sorry, I don't wanna see a movie I think will be a waste of time Fett, seen enough of it in previews, etc to know I wouldn't enjoy it very much :)
Actually, I take that back, I did see maybe 4 mins of it. Once. And I went upstairs to my room and didn't watch anymore. The kid annoyed me :lol

Nov 13th, 2002, 01:17:02 AM
Fine, you keep to making an opinion out of what others say. You do like so many of the TPM reviewers did. Not my problem :)

Helenias Evenstar
Nov 13th, 2002, 02:22:45 AM
Your not missing anything Dae. That's my opinion, formed watching TPM.

Nov 13th, 2002, 03:05:57 AM
But not hers. And thats what matters :)

Nov 13th, 2002, 03:17:33 AM
I hated TPM with a passion. But I actually quite liked AOTC. I think that largely has to do with the fact that I flew across the country, waited in line for 20 hours and finally saw it with LV, LW, LD, LL and Tatiana at the midnight showing. I was just so full of energy, I don't think there was any way for me to not enjoy it.

Granted, it had a few parts which made me cringe. But it got quite a bit right, too. I think Lucas really needs to focus less on the crazy "OMG THEY GOTS LITESABRES!!!1" action and more on character development. Also, whoever writes the dialogue needs to be shot.

Nov 13th, 2002, 03:37:42 AM
TPM was a huge film for me. I always liked the original films but I wouldnt say I was really into them. Then TPM came out and I was hooked on Star Wars. I went to see that film 11 times at the cinema and have now got it on video and watched loads more. It was that film that inspired me to go back to the Originals and enjoy them more. The lightsaber battle at the end was superb. Ewan and Liam were excellent.

I owe TPM for my liking of Star Wars. AOTC is excellent too. The Yoda fight, the begining of the Clone War, the fall of Anakin etc etc were just excellent.

A common mistake I find a lot of people have is they forget that when they watched the original movies they were so much younger. The special effects were extreamly groundbreaking and nothing like it had been done before. Now though, everyone is many years older and the special effects dont seem so magic.

A guy at work said he's been watching the Original movies (as they have been on TV) in recent weeks and he never realised how geared up for kids they were until now. He had completely forgotten about the fact that he's grown up since watching it. Whereas for me, TPM and AOTC has brought me the originals.

The story is good, the special effects are good. I would have to agree that some parts make you cringe and the dialoge does need to be better but all in all I love all of the movies. There isnt a single one I dont like.

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 13th, 2002, 04:09:36 AM
Lets see, I first saw ANH when I was 10. ESB at 12, ROTJ at 13 I think. Since then, I've always been a fan. I thought Luke i black was cool as! And the explody bits? AWESOME!

Now, TPM and AOTC appear to be the same formula, but I've worked out why I just dont like them like the originals. There is soem thign missing, a spark... and believe me, it's not Jar- JAr I dont like or the whiney brat.

Where's the heart and soul? It's all dry and emotionless, there nothing for me in AOTC to connect with the characters. There is nothing I really care for. Hell, when a cG character to me shows the most emotion, you have a big, big problem. And the big explody bits this time were really more of the "Wow, look what we can do!"

And dont get me started on the love story. Ack. Or Portman. Get rid of her and put a plank of wood in her place, it would act better.

Now, that is not to say I didnt actually liek the move, cause I do. Obi Wan's stroy was always the most interesting, Dooku was bad <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>, Yoda was an excellent creation. Anakin sold me he will turn into Vader. Christensen CAN act. But really, there is just simply no heart and soul I can connect to.

Nov 13th, 2002, 05:22:45 AM
The one thing I really think the recent films lack is Han and his relationship with Leia. He was so funny and such a loveable character. There was the sexual tension between the two that had everyone interested. There is nothing like that now and in my opinion, thats the only thing it lacks.

I have to agree with Portmans acting. Perhaps its her lines or something but she is pretty terrible. I also think Hayden played his part very well. I couldnt help but think how cool he looked as a Jedi too.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 13th, 2002, 05:28:11 AM
Originally posted by Helenias Evenstar
I have never been so disappointed in a movie as I was in AOTC. I thought it was a sellout and one of the most contemptable movies I have ever seen. Which makes me sad, becuase I I love watching the old trilogy :(

And as for the Special Edition - I wish Marcus didnt get the first version, if he knew quite well he was going to get the second. Seems like a waste of money to me.

Oh, Helen, it's the feeling that counts...being able to tell all of your friends that your Marcus spent 20 dollars on the same DVD twice....

And then watch them laugh at him...>D

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 13th, 2002, 06:05:41 AM
32 dollars for the August edition, 150 for the November 5 disc, in Aussie dollars.

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 13th, 2002, 06:25:56 AM
The one thing I really think the recent films lack is Han and his relationship with Leia. He was so funny and such a loveable character. There was the sexual tension between the two that had everyone interested. There is nothing like that now and in my opinion, thats the only thing it lacks.

I dotn think it's the only thing lacks,ing, but to me its an example of what they DO lack. Heart and soul and a sense of rollicking fun and danger. Lucas can make pretty things and lots of explosions, wow us with technology, but at the basis... you have to have something more. A human touch and human attractions. The OT had that in abundance, as well as a gobsmackingly brilliant villian.

Palpatine's role is brilliant and quite clever... but it's not really like Vader, is it? Maul was a sword monkey and not a particularly clever one. I wince at his stupidity at the pit. Such a swordsman and he makes a bloody mistake as he did. Dooku had potential, but he was wasted in all too brief bits.

Nov 13th, 2002, 07:07:11 AM
Perhaps. I belive that there can not be a villian with the pressence Vader had though. We both know the star wars story and all the bad things are sitting just below the surface, waiting to happen. I dont see how this could be any different.

As for what your saying about the human touch, you could be right. I see what your saying. Looking back, I think a lot of the fun is out of star wars in the last two movies. Instead its become a lot more serious to which the dialogue in the movies struggle to pull off. But I think it has to be serious. Things are bad, you know they are bad and they are only going to get worse. I think its hard to have fun when you know things are on thier way down.


You know when you start typing away, then you start to forget what you were talking about and you end up just talking complete rubbish, ta da! :lol

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 13th, 2002, 07:35:04 AM
You know when you start typing away, then you start to forget what you were talking about and you end up just talking complete rubbish, ta da!

I do that all the time!

Been an interesting night of good debates and discussions all round..

I belive that there can not be a villian with the pressence Vader had though

I think Dooku had the chance to be one. Tho, more of a Tarkin evil villian. Tarkin to me is the true evil, due to his lack of compassion and the way he just acts. No gloating either. Dooku had a screen presence as well, no doubt because Christopher Lee knows how to play sinister.

As for what your saying about the human touch, you could be right. I see what your saying. Looking back, I think a lot of the fun is out of star wars in the last two movies. Instead its become a lot more serious to which the dialogue in the movies struggle to pull off. But I think it has to be serious. Things are bad, you know they are bad and they are only going to get worse. I think its hard to have fun when you know things are on thier way down.

Maybe Protman just has no chemestry with Christensen, I dont know. But really, I just could not bring myself to care for her fate. Plus, with Han Solo, even in the worst situations, he had a quip ora look, or an idea. He was interesting. Serious, but still, you had to smile at his attitude and flippancy.

Now, the OT dialogue aint Shakesphere, but the acotrs do make it okay and even classic in their delivery. *Brain fart, who played OBi wan in the new movies?* could pull off some of those terrible lines and make it Han like. Most of the memorable lines are his. Plus, he has attitude. Very much underused tho, or the next line / scence ruined the effect. Like "Anakin, I swear you'll be the death of me!" is a classic. The "Sorry Master" reply flattens the effect and kills it. Would have been better to have Anakin give Obi-Wan an odd look or cringe.

One other thing - One thing I remember about LOTR commentaries is that the actors said it was so easy to slip into character, because all around them, the worlds they were to be in were bought to life. From what I understand, blue screen acting makes it much harder for an actor to think their part and imagine effectively. I think that also made it hard for the actors to stay in their roles. Maybe Portmna, whom so many say can act, just cant do anything in front of a blue screen. Must be hard to imagine acting all this stuff around you when all you have are blue screens and 3/4 of the set and what's in it will be CG'ed in.

It also seems hard to me to pretend your sword fighting against droids in front of blue screen. I think Jackson's approach is better - he used real enemies, real swords, real armour, real props and real stages. Hobbition is staggering what they did to make every detail real. Edoras, which we see in TTT took seven months to build and was real sized. Now that may be paistaking, but the payoff is your actors and crew obviously get swallowed by the world your creating and they go that bit further, making themselves and their surroundings believeable.

Dae Jinn
Nov 13th, 2002, 08:51:25 AM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
But not hers. And thats what matters :)

Oh, please forgive, I didn't feel like lining MR Lucas' pockets by going to see a movie that I don't want to see! (I think he just made these movies to make more money myself...)
And, omg, I did see a little bit of it, I don't CARE to see anymore of it!

Sorry you have some sort of ethical issues with how people form opinions on movies Fett. I'm glad that this thread has sparked an interesting debate on Old Tril vs. New Tril, but I hate that you always seem to think my opinions on this don't count cos I haven't seen some crappy movie. I saw trailers, commercials and an actual part of the movie. Didn't like it, not going to watch it.

End of story :D

Nov 13th, 2002, 09:01:26 AM
I think he is trying to say that you cant say the film looks bad and that you wont like it until you actually see it, which I agree with. many films Ive been to see that I didnt like the look of from the trailer or whatever. Moulin Rouge and the Shawshank Redemption are two of my favorite films and I thought both trailers are utter trash. Still do actully.

Lucas had a story to tell and he had a hell of a lot of fans that wanted to hear that story. Thats why I think he's making the new trilogy.

Dae Jinn
Nov 13th, 2002, 09:07:13 AM
Okay, but I won't go out and see a film that I think I won't like, that's just me :) I've had pleasant surprises with few movies lately and because of that, I'll rarely see a movie unless it's something I reallly think I'll enjoy.
Yes, a hell of a lot of fans who'll shell out big bucks for more SW..:lol I'll still like the original tril best, that's just my opinion though.

Nov 13th, 2002, 09:55:29 AM
We're just saying you cant say a film is no good, if you havent seen it.

Dae Jinn
Nov 13th, 2002, 10:22:12 AM
Well, I just explained the whole thing to you on MSN, so if anyone else feels like hearing it, IM me :mneh :lol

Nov 13th, 2002, 10:51:04 AM
I know, but I have to be seen having the last word! ;)

Nov 13th, 2002, 11:54:54 AM
A common mistake I find a lot of people have is they forget that when they watched the original movies they were so much younger.

I know this isnt the case for all, but most saw the originals as kids. So how can they say its kid directed, when thats how you remember it too?

I think Dooku had the chance to be one. Tho, more of a Tarkin evil villian. Tarkin to me is the true evil, due to his lack of compassion and the way he just acts. No gloating either. Dooku had a screen presence as well, no doubt because Christopher Lee knows how to play sinister.
For me, noone will become Vader-esque due to the armour making him imposing. Dooku more Tarkinesque? I agree.

And dont get me started on the love story. Ack. Or Portman. Get rid of her and put a plank of wood in her place, it would act better.
Try the deleted scenes. A lot in the higher up forums are saying they showed her acting well, in the family scenes.

I liked her performance. Christiansen was far worse in the first 1/2 of EP2, IMO

Now, that is not to say I didnt actually liek the move, cause I do. Obi Wan's stroy was always the most interesting, Dooku was bad -Censored-, Yoda was an excellent creation. Anakin sold me he will turn into Vader. Christensen CAN act. But really, there is just simply no heart and soul I can connect to.
You make it easy to understand what you mean :)

Oh, Helen, it's the feeling that counts...being able to tell all of your friends that your Marcus spent 20 dollars on the same DVD twice....

And then watch them laugh at him...
I have the Evil Dead trilogy. Im expecting to rebuy all of them :)

Oh, please forgive, I didn't feel like lining MR Lucas' pockets by going to see a movie that I don't want to see! (I think he just made these movies to make more money myself...)
And LOTR was made to line the pockets of the Tolkein Estate and Jackson. And SPiderman was to fund Marvel for a few years.

Hmm, anyone would thing films are a business or something ;)

Sorry you have some sort of ethical issues with how people form opinions on movies Fett. I'm glad that this thread has sparked an interesting debate on Old Tril vs. New Tril, but I hate that you always seem to think my opinions on this don't count cos I haven't seen some crappy movie. I saw trailers, commercials and an actual part of the movie. Didn't like it, not going to watch it.
Ive not seen TTT, but that sliding down the stairs thing looks dumb. Hence, the entire film is terrible ;)

I think he is trying to say that you cant say the film looks bad and that you wont like it until you actually see it, which I agree with. many films Ive been to see that I didnt like the look of from the trailer or whatever. Moulin Rouge and the Shawshank Redemption are two of my favorite films and I thought both trailers are utter trash. Still do actully.
Jeez, Shawshank did look dire, didnt it? :)

We're just saying you cant say a film is no good, if you havent seen it.
Preach orrrrrrrrrn! :)

Pilot Akito
Nov 13th, 2002, 12:00:09 PM
Oh, yes you will all enjoy the DVD...

It's a good one that has had a lot of time put into it, right down to the THX optmizer. After all with out that optmizer I'd still be seeing Windu's head curved by the background lighting.

Nov 13th, 2002, 12:04:03 PM
Not played with that yet :)

Pilot Akito
Nov 13th, 2002, 12:06:40 PM
You will be, yes you will be.....

Playing with the settings!
Otherwise how will you get that great picture and smashing sound...

Nov 13th, 2002, 12:12:35 PM
By watching the DVD with great picture and smashing sound! ;)

Sanis Prent
Nov 18th, 2002, 09:14:40 AM
The only issue I had with AotC was the love scene...and it wasn't that Hayden did a bad job, but more like Natalie seemed restrained and wooden during them. After seeing the deleted scenes, I can say that she was pretty hamstrung by time management, as they cut out some pretty vital character development things. :grumble if they'd only left those in...

Aside from that, AotC is one of my favorites in the trilogy...coming in just behind ESB, and close with RotJ.

Nov 18th, 2002, 01:36:10 PM
Yeah, didnt you think her best acting was CUT? :)

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 18th, 2002, 04:59:56 PM
:lol...I believe so, Reaper....

Nov 18th, 2002, 05:04:42 PM
I mean, the family and bedroom scenes were EASILY the best scenes in developing their relationship for me. ANd we saw R2 playing :)

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 18th, 2002, 05:08:32 PM
All he did was roll back and forth...that's not much more than we saw in the other 4 movies, eh?


Nov 18th, 2002, 05:23:38 PM
He rolled playfully! :)

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 18th, 2002, 05:25:19 PM
But its.... its... R2 character development! He rolled a diffrent way!

Nov 18th, 2002, 05:33:15 PM
He shows a sensitive side! :)

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Nov 18th, 2002, 05:49:02 PM

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 18th, 2002, 05:55:36 PM
You mean sensitive slide

Nov 18th, 2002, 06:17:09 PM
lol :)

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Nov 18th, 2002, 06:30:07 PM

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 19th, 2002, 12:30:12 AM
:lol :lol :lol

(I'm at school using Choir time to play w/ the computers...bad me....:D)

Nov 19th, 2002, 03:42:07 AM
I think that the bedroom scene wasnt really that good. Bit boring really. Sounds as if it should be good though ;)

The family scene should have stayed though I think. Portmans acting seemed much more natural in this scene. GL did say he had a very hard time cutting this scene though.

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 19th, 2002, 03:50:13 AM
Portman's acting more natural? That wouldnt be hard. Almost the single worst thing about the two Prquels is her. Big, big casting mistake. I dont know why, but she does not work at all. I suspect a different director could have gotten a better performance from her.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 19th, 2002, 04:15:59 AM
Doesn't seem like she's really giving her script a try...:)

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 24th, 2002, 02:25:53 AM
No, she didnt.

Okay, I have OTC on DVD now. You know, as a DVD, not thinking about the film itself... it sucked. Really, blew hard. I was very disappointed by the so called extas and especially the deleted scenes. Oh, quality wise it's up there, no denyign that. But really, it lacked a lot, esp compared to the EE of FOTR. Fact, is I would have to say it was a very bad idea to watch AOTC DVD after FOTR:EE. A very bad idea. The AOTC DVD just simply does not stand up in comparision.

I honestly believe the TPM DVD was better content wise. And I'm startign to think TPM was in fact a better movie. AOTC does not in my thinking stand up to lots of viewings and even the Clone War seemed just.... dry. No suspense. Just images and noise. ESB's battle scene comes off so much better I think and its 20 years old.

AOTC also loses marks for being the single SW movie my wife refuses to ever see again. All in all, quality of production is almost falutless, but the quanitity is lacking badly.

Nov 24th, 2002, 05:54:43 AM
Really? A DVD doesnt hold up against an Extended Special Edition? Who would have thought ;)

And I do think TPM was a better content DVD.

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 24th, 2002, 06:21:40 AM
Even taken by itself, it's so called features are lacking. Or just not interesting. LucasFilm could have done a hell of a lot better, made it oh so much more interesting.

I'll clarify one thing - aint comparing the films themselves. I comparing features. Even going back to the admittedly lacking features of the LOTR:FOTR August release, AOTC suffers.

Which is puzzling, given the features of the TPM DVD were very good.

Nov 24th, 2002, 07:27:10 AM
I think the extras on the AOTC Dvd were far better than those on TPM. I cant compare it with the features on the Special edition FOTR DVD although I do think its a little unfair to compare a special editon to that of a standard DVD. Compare the two standards and AOTC is by FAR better.

Youve got all the trailers, short character sequences shown on TV then there are the deleated scenes, something like 15 (I think its more) small documenteris on various different things to do with the film, how they created the cgi how they created the cgi characters, the posters, some still pictures plus loads of other things I cant remember without looking back.

There are hours of stuff on there so I cant belive you think its 'lacking'. Most of the reviews Ive read have said its among the best DVD's out at the moment and id have to agree.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 25th, 2002, 04:22:07 AM
The problem is, a lot of the stuff on the AOTC DVD is extremely, extremely boring. I much prefered watching the FOTR:EE extras. It seemed so much more animated than the droning on and on that accompanied the AOTC DVD. The deleted scenes showed more of the stuff that I hated about the second movie (I suppose that's why they were deleted...:lol)

The movie lacked the replay value of ROTJ or even TPM...I'll watch it because I bought it, and because I didn't HATE the move, but I don't love it, either...

Nov 25th, 2002, 04:32:14 AM
I thought the extras on the DVD were way cool. From puppets to pixels was certainly not boring.

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 25th, 2002, 04:48:03 AM
Was to me and I'm hardcore for that sort of thing.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 25th, 2002, 04:51:09 AM
lol...it just went on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.....

Helenias Evenstar
Nov 25th, 2002, 05:24:05 AM
I refuse to accept Ep II ever existed.


Nov 25th, 2002, 05:27:30 AM
So, what do you think the DVD was missing? What would you have included?

That was aimed at Lion and Marcus by the way. I know Helenias's feelings on the film. Although, I just can understand how any star wars fan can not at least think the film is decent.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 25th, 2002, 05:31:34 AM
It just seemed so...rushed. Like they just removed a few film reels, taped a few interviews, and put in some music. I seemed like they were just going to do it for financial reasons.

Nov 25th, 2002, 05:36:52 AM
How would you like to see it different then? Specifics.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 25th, 2002, 06:03:22 AM
I don't know. It just felt dry. No emotion.

Nov 25th, 2002, 07:21:54 AM
Im sure Lucas was happy with it, otherwise it wouldnt have got released. Almost everyone I know that has it is happy with it and think its one of the best DVD's out and since you cant think of anything its lacking or think of anything that should have been put in, I cant see how you can complain that its features arent good enough.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:29:21 AM
Like I said...It's not so much the content as the feeling I got from it. It didn't make any attempt to include anything we couldn't have gotten from interviews on the web. Everything was standard. Nothing new or exciting, like prerelease scripts and stuff.

Also, the movie sort of alienated me...I always thought of the clone wars as much cooler and less political.

Nov 25th, 2002, 07:44:12 AM
What kind of 'feeling' were you expecting from a few interviews, deleted scenes and documenteries?

I dont think ive seen any DVDs with prerelease scripts either. For the bits you couldnt get from the web, id be interested to know where you can get from pupets to pixels downloaded from and how long it would take you.

Also, there arent any wars that arent political or involve politcts in some way.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 26th, 2002, 05:24:18 AM

Wars are political, but the battles in the senate took too much away from the beginning of the war. How does it start off? The Trade Federation running away? An army of near-stormtroopers rampaging around?

Now, we're discussing the movies faults...terrific...:lol

Nov 26th, 2002, 06:20:06 AM
:lol This has turned into a right old debate :p

I think the bits in the senate were just right and it had to start there so we knew how and why the clone wars took place.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 26th, 2002, 06:45:56 AM
True...I think that they've left too much to be explained in the 3rd movie...

Nov 26th, 2002, 07:02:23 AM
That is really my only fear. There are a hell of a lot of loose ends to be tidyed up and I just wonder if Lucas has left himself enough time. Guess we can only wait and see.

Nov 26th, 2002, 07:54:40 PM
It just seemed so...rushed. Like they just removed a few film reels, taped a few interviews, and put in some music. I seemed like they were just going to do it for financial reasons.

And whats the LOTR extended version for then? :)

Everything is money eventually.

Remember, TPM had the big documentaries, as it was the start. WOuld you want docs that tell you what we already know?

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 27th, 2002, 02:41:17 AM
:lol...I guess so, Reaper.

As for Oriadin's post, I really wonder how Lucas is going to tie this all up in only one movie.

Nov 27th, 2002, 02:55:28 AM
He wont, he'll just confuse us ;)

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 27th, 2002, 03:00:41 AM
Yup..that sounds like the general idea...:D

Nov 27th, 2002, 03:26:17 AM
What ever the outcome, Im really looking forward to seeing the final chapter. It will be sad though, knowing its the last one and that after that, Lucas wont make another Star Wars movie :(

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 27th, 2002, 04:27:59 AM
Unless somebody waves great, great sums of money under Georgey's nose...:lol

Actually, George doesn't sell out, which is a pity...I think that Zahn's Thrawn trilogy would make a great movie.

Helenias Evenstar
Nov 27th, 2002, 06:44:24 AM
Actually, George doesn't sell out

When watching AOTC, I had a lot of trouble believeing that statement

Nov 27th, 2002, 06:52:12 AM
Well, that vast majority thought it was a good film and I loved it. I think George did a good job.

I think he doesnt sell out either. I mean, its all his vision. His dream and he doesnt nesesaraly do what some people want him to do because he sees it so clearly in his head. Its his story to tell he he wants it to be told.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 27th, 2002, 07:09:46 AM
George has great ideas...they just haven't turned out so well on film. It's the acting, and he seems to be taking a less direct part in the making of his films.

Nov 27th, 2002, 07:14:55 AM
The acting is generally good I think. Except for Portman. Also, GL takes a bit to much of a direct part in the film making I think. He is involved everywhere! Producing, Directing, Script Writting, Sound effects, Special Effects everything. One of the things that let the Star Wars movies down is the dialogue. Sometimes there just seems to be a bit much faffing about and not getting out the words that really matter. I dont think its too bad all in all but its certainly something that could be improved.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 27th, 2002, 07:34:02 AM
Yes...he involves himself in everything, but then it seems like he withdraws from it halfway through and leaves the designers to their own very confused thoughts...:D

Also, I meant that Portman pretty much embodied the bad acting...:lol...I think the best actor in that movie was R2...he rolled back and forth just perfectly!!!!

Nov 27th, 2002, 07:36:06 AM
If you watch the extra features on the DVD you will see just how involved Lucas is right the way through production from start to finish. Everything gets run past him.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 27th, 2002, 07:42:33 AM
...Hmm, I must have missed that part.

It seemed like he was yelling:

"You do this! You do this! You, I want all of this animated! Make sure those sound clips are okay! Find something that whistles! GET ME COFFEE!"

Of course, Lucas isn't this loud or angry..it just seems like he took on too much and withdrew.

Nov 27th, 2002, 07:52:23 AM
Where did you get this idea from???

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 27th, 2002, 08:06:56 AM
Actually, I think that the DVD focused too much on other people, which is why I got the idea the Lucas was slacking off...:lol

I'll watch it again on Saturday. I'll see if my opinions change..:lol

Nov 27th, 2002, 08:14:53 AM
You sure it *was* attack of the clones you saw?

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 28th, 2002, 09:12:45 PM
:lol...yes, dude...

I'm sick with a fever right now...ergh!

Nov 29th, 2002, 02:52:03 AM
The acting is generally good I think. Except for Portman.
Only Anakin for the 1st half of the film was bad for me.

Also, GL takes a bit to much of a direct part in the film making I think. He is involved everywhere!
Thats what happens when you get directors from small roots. Robert Rodriguez is the same. It's good they care.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 29th, 2002, 03:03:30 AM
Ooo...Robert Rodriguez is awesome...watch the director's commentary on El Mariachi, and you'll get the idea.

There's one scene where the dude falls on the bus hood, and you can see robert shooting from the buses rearview morrior...:lol

Nov 29th, 2002, 03:30:33 AM
Havent seen much of his work actually. What films has he directed?

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 29th, 2002, 06:58:40 AM
El Mariachi, Desperado, Once Upon a Time In Mexico, Spy Kids, Spy Kids 2, Dusk till Dawn, The Faculty...

Nov 29th, 2002, 07:05:13 AM
Ive seen the faculty, but thats it. Enjoyed it too.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 29th, 2002, 07:12:37 AM
...That was violent,:lol...like watching Soldier of Fortune...:D

Helenias Evenstar
Nov 29th, 2002, 07:28:27 AM
Well, I guess I will join in with what I didnt like.

One - Anakin. He creeped me out and I really, really thought he was pure creep. Ugh. Mark pointed out that's how he's supposed to be, but still.... just really was a big turn off

Two - The so called love story. Zzzzzzzz

Three - Was I watching The Clone Wars or a video game?

Four - The Jedi are protrayed as a helpless bunch of arrogant asses, who walk straight into a trap. What I want to know is why didnt the Jedi use their much vaunted mind powers and swept droids into big piles? Why are they trying to wave sabres against barrages of blaster fire? I'm really beginning to think Jedi of TPM / AOTC are not that powerful at all, nor do they think.

Five - Amidala. Sack her. Immediatly

Six - Who the hell writes the dialogue? It's bad, even for Star Wars!

Seven - Amazingly boring for a supposed action adventure. It seems to me Lucas' idea of action and storytelling has remained fixed from twenty years ago, when the movie world has moved on and we expect better.

Eight - The Sith were excellently protrayed, which showed up the rest of the actors badly. Except for ObiWan. Sometimes.

Nine - Somthing else I get from this thread, Lucas is a control freak and doesnt trust anyone with 'his' vision. Well, that's fine and dandy, but he clearly was doing too much. Stick to what your good at, and delegate.

Ten - Lucas seems to believe technology is needed in bucketloads. Why? Lord of the Rings, when you view the documentaries has a stunning lack of technology, but instead has incredible artists creating the worlds in reality. Who else was going to create Hobbition as Jackson and crew did?

Eleven and last - The how the hell did they do that factor. With LOTR, there was always a sense of wonder of how they possibly managed to do the things they did. And if you took a guess, you were almost certainly wrong, ebcause Jackson seems to me to have taken no shortcut or easy way outs. Only if it was impossible, was it done on computer. With Lucas, well you know it's a computer.

Oh on more thing... Even LOTR haters would be forced to admit LOTR is drool bucket territory for women.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 29th, 2002, 07:34:07 AM
Oh on more thing... Even LOTR haters would be forced to admit LOTR is drool bucket territory for women.

Also for men, as long as you were looking at the right part of the screen...:lol

Nov 29th, 2002, 09:08:47 AM
1. As Marcus said, that is exactly the point. Your not supposed to like him. Especially since you know who he grows up to become. I dont see how this can be a fault with the film.

2. Agreed. Love story was pretty pants.

3. Whats that supposed to mean? You were watching the clone wars, or the begining of it anyway.

4. The Jedi can not simply use their mind to puch all the droids to one side because of the sheer number of them. On the whole they are trying to defend themselves from the laser blasts rather than to attack. Their complete concentration has to be on where the hundreds of laser blasts are coming from so they dont get killed. You suddenly stop using your saber and your fired upon by 50 droids.

5. The character of Amidala is too good to sack. She brought an end to the blockaid in the first movie and so the people wanted to "change the constitution to keep her in power". She didnt want to, or they couldnt so she became an ambassador type person who is one of the main reasons the galaxy didnt go to war with the serpratists. The character is good at her job.

6. Agreed in some places. Lucas should seek help here.

7. I didnt find it boring at all and the vast majority of Star Wars fans (Many of them beliving this was the best of the movies and if not then the second best) didnt find it boring either. You seem to be part of the very select few who thing so and no film will ever please everyone. Its impossible.

8. I happen to think all the acting was average or above except from Portman and the guy at the begining who says, "We are making our final aproach into Couruscant". I hate that guy. Youve also got to think how difficult it is to act a scene out with nothing there but your imagination. That to me shows extreamly good acting. Ewan was class as he is in everything he does.

9. Perhaps he gets involved a little to much but at the end of the day its his story. Everything about this is from his imagination. Its not Like Jackson had the perfect vision of LOTR. There were a teem of people to say, how do you think this would have looked? Its Lucas's story and he should be allowed to tell it however he wants, to what ever level of detail he wants. The only thing he should perhaps seek more help on is the dialogue for the scripts.

10. Much of LOTR is set in woods, castles, mountains, caves and whatever else. All things we have here on earth. There are no such places where there are skyscrapers miles upon miles high spreading over hundreds of miles in order for you to film the Couruscant seens. The same sort of reasons apply to most of the scenes in star wars. There are no places on this plannet that are remotly like the ones we see in the movies. Plus its far far cheeper and easier to create a scene digitally than it is to build a set. Keeping the cost of the movie down, the production times down and the producers happy.

11. Kinda relates to the above. I was wowed by the chase at the begining, the clone wars, the fight with Jango and especially the fight with Yoda. Also dont forget that Star wars is now in its fith installment. There is only so many new things you can do new afterall. LOTR probably had a better 'wow' facter for you because it was new.


Why is it so many people belive they cannot like AOTC simply because they like LOTR. Personally I liked both but given the choice id rather watch AOTC any day of the week. I dont really know why people always compare the two films because they are so totally different. If Lucas read this thread and decided that people dont really care for star wars and that he wasnt going to bother making the third film can you imagine the uproar? I need to hear the rest of the Star Wars story than I do the Lord of the Rings story.

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 29th, 2002, 12:23:05 PM
2. Agreed. Love story was pretty pants.

Erm...what the hell? Pants? Time for your Ritallin treatment...:lol

10. Much of LOTR is set in woods, castles, mountains, caves and whatever else. All things we have here on earth. There are no such places where there are skyscrapers miles upon miles high spreading over hundreds of miles in order for you to film the Couruscant seens. The same sort of reasons apply to most of the scenes in star wars. There are no places on this plannet that are remotly like the ones we see in the movies. Plus its far far cheeper and easier to create a scene digitally than it is to build a set. Keeping the cost of the movie down, the production times down and the producers happy.

...No giant building? Only Castles? I've got to get out more...:D

Nov 29th, 2002, 05:20:31 PM
Three - Was I watching The Clone Wars or a video game?
You were watching action scenes. LOTR had them too :)

Four - The Jedi are protrayed as a helpless bunch of arrogant asses, who walk straight into a trap. What I want to know is why didnt the Jedi use their much vaunted mind powers and swept droids into big piles? Why are they trying to wave sabres against barrages of blaster fire? I'm really beginning to think Jedi of TPM / AOTC are not that powerful at all, nor do they think.
Lift hand, push....BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM

And some ARE pushed over. Note Kit Fisto, or the Jedi igniting next to Coleman Trebor

Eleven and last - The how the hell did they do that factor. With LOTR, there was always a sense of wonder of how they possibly managed to do the things they did. And if you took a guess, you were almost certainly wrong, ebcause Jackson seems to me to have taken no shortcut or easy way outs. Only if it was impossible, was it done on computer. With Lucas, well you know it's a computer.
Not true. THere was still people in suits, they still went on location, had sets etc.

I happen to think all the acting was average or above except from Portman and the guy at the begining who says, "We are making our final aproach into Couruscant".
Got to love how we criticise the one line casters. My one was always the Admiral in ESB, who managed to say "Good, our first catch of the day" in a way that made it sound like he was doing a bad Captain Kirk impression with pause :)

Oh on more thing... Even LOTR haters would be forced to admit LOTR is drool bucket territory for women.
Agent Elf, girly elf and the man with the large nose :)

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 30th, 2002, 09:05:44 AM
..Don't let Xazor catch you..or Kelt...or Dasquian...or Marcus...:lol

Nov 30th, 2002, 09:10:59 AM
They dont scare me :)

It's a film where Gimli has a chance of getting the girls ;)

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 30th, 2002, 09:15:16 AM
:lol...The only film of its kind, I hope...:D

Nov 30th, 2002, 09:33:14 AM
Yeah, he had competition in Sliders and Indiana Jones ;)

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 30th, 2002, 09:41:21 AM

Nov 30th, 2002, 07:02:48 PM

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 1st, 2002, 07:37:38 AM
This has turned into a debate about the movie. I watched the DVD again today, and picked up more on it. It does seem that GL was immmensely involved in everything...I just didn't pick it up...

So, from DVD terms, this wasn't that bad. I still didn't like the deleted scenes, though.

Dec 3rd, 2002, 09:16:19 PM
Hence why they werent included in the film?

I did tell you about GL being involved in everything. :D

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 4th, 2002, 02:55:46 AM
...I mean...erm, right...

WTG Oridian...I move for a vote of confidence in AOTC DVD...all who agree say "I"!

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 4th, 2002, 03:01:41 AM

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 4th, 2002, 03:10:01 AM
:lol...*whispers to Marcus*...

"I'm only doing this to shut him up!"

I think it's okay, for a DVD...It's no FOTR:EE, but it's a perfectly good DVD...:)

BTW, Marcus, check your Private Messages...we've got a problem in the NR...:(

Dec 6th, 2002, 07:34:59 PM
Originally posted by Lion El' Jonson

"I'm only doing this to shut him up!"

I think it's okay, for a DVD...It's no FOTR:EE, but it's a perfectly good DVD...:)

Good luck in shutting me up.... I can talk forever!!

To compare the AOTC DVD with a Special Edition type DVD is completly unfair. There is no way you can compare the two. To be fair you have to compare the AOTC DVD with the original FOTR DVD which was severly lacking.

Oh, and 'I' :D

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 7th, 2002, 12:36:49 AM
True...but what would a Special Edition Episode 2 AOTC DVD look like?

Dec 7th, 2002, 10:09:42 AM
all the stuff we have and then some. Extended. All the extra scenes. More documentaries, maybe about SW as a whole :)

Dec 9th, 2002, 07:57:21 PM
At least you got your value for money feature wise on the first DVD. Personally I thought the way the FOTR was first released on DVD was pretty sad. The only thing in its favour was that they let people know a special edition was due out.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 11th, 2002, 05:20:46 AM
:lol...how were sales on the FOTR first DVD, then?

Dec 11th, 2002, 04:25:53 PM
I havent seen any figures but I imagine they were good. Doesnt mean the extras on the DVD were worth anything though. Dont forget you also get a film with the disks. Apparently The Phantom Menace was crap, how well did that do at the cinema? Doesnt really prove much.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 11th, 2002, 08:21:43 PM
:lol...I forgot there was a film on the DVD...definitely time for Winter Break...:lol

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 11th, 2002, 08:23:22 PM
Pardon? LOTR:EE? I know LOTR is Lord of the Rings, but the EE part is not clicking.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 12th, 2002, 06:38:46 PM
Ah...poor Wei.

Dec 13th, 2002, 03:24:12 AM
Lord of the Rings : Extended Edition

At least thats what I know it as.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 03:47:47 AM
Th first LOTR:FOTR DVD is currently No 3 in yearly sales in the USA. I blieve it's No 2 of all time worldwide at the least, maybe has even beater Potter for all time No. 1.

THe EE is currently No 32 just by itself and has consistently outsold AOTC DVD on Amazon.com. All reviews and feedback say the FOTR:EE is a better movie, has a bewildering array of extras and is the best DVD set to date. I can vouch for that - there is nothing in my collection that even begins to compare. The EE is definantly the best DVD sey you can buy right now and that's just not my opinion - I really think that's a fact.

AOTC is currently rated No 6 for the year in DVD sales. I think I would point out that the only place you could get a group of people together to say AOTC is better than FOTR is at a site liek this - and it's tellign even some big fans of SW in the Box Office section readily admit FOTR is superior to either of the prequels.

And outside a SW forum? You'll get mowed down. There's no real dispute outside of SW fans FOTR is superior.

And even more, AOTC will get compared to TTT. It's already not lookign good for SW, with the second LOTR movie gaining critical praise. We will be able to directly compare and contrast for the first time.

Only five more days for most of you lucky buggers....

Sejah Haversh
Dec 13th, 2002, 03:48:11 AM
No no no, it's Lover Of Cactus Thongs: Engorged Elephants.

Dec 13th, 2002, 04:19:29 AM
Yeah but the subject we got to and were discussing just there was that the features on AOTC is far far better than that on the FOTR DVD. Not the EE edition but the first one. I felt that was severly lacking in extras and so have waited for the EE edition. I havent got it yet though as I may or may not get it for christmas but If I dont get it for christmas, I'll buy it for myself in the new year.

I wonder though, if some people have been reluctant to see or buy AOTC simply because they were disapointed with TPM. There must be some.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 04:38:17 AM
I'd more say AOTC and FOTR first release are on par with each other for features. They are pretty standard feature sets and neither really stands that far ahead of the other

Dec 13th, 2002, 05:09:58 AM
I would strongly disagree with that. I thought the extra features on AOTC were far better. Went into a lot of depth of the story, told you about the behind the scenes, they had the whole story about the computer graphics and the work thats involved in the sound. As well as the usual deleted scenes, trailers, interviews and what not.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 05:20:32 AM
Oh well if we are goign to rate features, I can do that. The most notible thing was the Cult Of Lucas. And the Making of Yoda was a snoozefest. And I love finding out those type of things. Badly disappointed.

The deleted scenes were bloody awful too. Surely there were better ones.

AOTC as I have stated before was a good movie - the DVD however left much to be desired quality wise. TPM's DVD was superior and much more worthwhile.

FOTR's DVD was standard by the numbers content wise. Some interesting stuff, some thier stuff not so good.

Of course, the EE edition blows everything away.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 13th, 2002, 05:38:21 AM
Sejah...that's your car?????? Beauty....


Dec 13th, 2002, 05:40:57 AM
I found the Yoda making interesting. The deleted scenes werent that great I agree but thats why they were deleted and not in the final product.

I cant compare the DVD with TPM DVD because ive only had a quick flick though. I have yet to see a bad AOTC DVD review though. Most I have read have said it is amoung the best DVDs available at the moment and from what ive seen I would agree.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:03:30 AM
Picture and Soundwise the applause was for, qulity of production. That I agree with. Not the extras however.

Lion, are you taking about the V8 Interceptor, the car mostworshipped by hoons around the world?

<img src=http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/attachment.php?s=&postid=443558>

Moive car. Mad Max. Hottest movie car EVER.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:06:00 AM

I want a Viper, just because it looks so sexy...:lol

MARCUS...do you still have AIM?

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:18:39 AM
Yes I do.

Darth Turbogeek

And VIPER???? Blech. I want MONARO. 427 HRT. 7 litres of OMG Holden missile. 11 second quarters. If I cant have that, I'll have a Aussie Falcon BA GT - quad cam V8, 300 Kw in a family car that rips Porsches and the odd Ferrari for a tenth of the prce.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:30:56 AM
.....I WANT ONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 13th, 2002, 06:31:04 AM
Lada, anyday. :p

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:37:12 AM

...and then I'm 16...and I get a car...:lol

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:38:28 AM
Nah, Skoda.
With a 2l turbo, 4wd. Yeehah

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:39:26 AM

There is some wicked machinery there.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:45:59 AM
...My dad wants to buy a Jaguar XKR...I just want to ride in it...:lol

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:50:23 AM


Lion El' Jonson
Dec 13th, 2002, 06:52:55 AM
Is that a yum as in "tasty!!!!" or a yum as in "I want to eat it?"

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 07:05:00 AM
As in TASTY!!!!


Lion El' Jonson
Dec 13th, 2002, 07:08:35 AM
I hope so...I don't imagine that metal and gasolines tastes all that great...:lol

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 07:21:16 AM
You would be surprised how good it does taste.

Dec 13th, 2002, 09:29:34 AM
Now this, is a car. You'll have to read the text :D


Sejah Haversh
Dec 13th, 2002, 01:36:46 PM
Yeah, that's Max's kick-hiney car. Mine is a 1967 Ford Falcon. No special model numbers or class. It's bottom of the line, but the body and interior is in fantastic shape.

Now if only it ran....

Anybody got a mid to late 60's Ford V-8 289, 302, or 351? I'll even take a Winsor 351, or a Cleveland of similar variety. Honestly, I wouldn;t mind takign it off your hands.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 13th, 2002, 04:45:50 PM
There's no Datsuns in that list!

How could you not have the Datsun 120Y, the car whihc came with D2O, Or Datsun DiOxide (rust) standard?

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 14th, 2002, 06:59:59 AM
...Well...I'll leave you car dudes to your own devices, since I'm too tired to look everything up on google...:lol

Dec 16th, 2002, 03:45:03 AM
I wish I could really contribute to the conversation but I dont really know anything about cars. Except they have four wheels and they dont work when you need them too most! :p

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 17th, 2002, 12:15:23 PM
Hey...My dad has a 30 year old Mercedes that's never broken down...ever...

Never smite the good with those evil phrases of "Non Working Cars..."

Dec 17th, 2002, 05:16:13 PM
Ever heard of the phrase, Spoke to soon?

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 18th, 2002, 11:28:31 AM
"I shot the sheriff...and the deputy...and your lil' doggy too!!!!!"

~Warcraft 3~

Dec 19th, 2002, 03:35:22 AM

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 19th, 2002, 04:13:03 AM
"We come in peace----'s"


"Ge' in mah bellah!"

"My life for Aiur! Erm, I mean, Nerzhul..."

"I said a BOW string, not a G-str...nevermind..."

Blizzard Entertainment is a god...or a bunch of demigods...:lol

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 19th, 2002, 04:27:01 AM
Quote two is a rip from Evil Dead 3.

Dec 19th, 2002, 04:28:19 AM
the third one is Fat bas*ard from Austin Powers I belive.