View Full Version : An ordinary girl, leading an ordinary life. [Aevenon Cloak]

Nov 10th, 2002, 04:59:19 PM
"You'll love me for who I am. No angel - Just an ordinary girl."

Evelyn's eyes opened slowly, as the light of the morning sun hit her porcelain face. She winced, squinted her crimson eyes then turned her head to the man besides her, in her bed. She smiled, running her hand across his face gently, pushing back a few locks of his blue hair, longing to see his beautiful cerulean eyes. She snuggled in closer to him, pulling the bed sheets up to cover her naked body. She brushed her lips against his neck before kissing there gently.

Wake up, love. She whispered in his mind softly.

It only been a few weeks, Evelyn's hair grew long, pass her shoulders. During fights, she had bat wings growing on each side of her head, but during moments like this, they seemed to vanish when she felt loved, happy, at peace. She trailed her finger down the man's nose, gently over his lips then down his chin.

It's morning now ... She smiled. Wake up, Aevenon.

Aevenon Cloak
Nov 11th, 2002, 11:12:07 AM
In sleep he dreamt of Slayn. He wondered subconsciously when he would see him again, if their training together would ever continue – but his conscious mind was preoccupied. His eyes fluttered somewhat before opening (had he not been so well rested lately he would have slept on until mid-day). The sight he first saw caused a bright yet sleepy smile to come over his lips. Evelyn still lay atop one of his wings, nestled in against his side.

Good morning, Evelyn, he replied, revelling in the simple fact that he was here beside her.

He had not yet come to fully understand the nature of their time together, but knew one thing – that he was to care for her and look after her as best he could.

Nov 12th, 2002, 10:41:35 AM
Those were the eyes she wanted to see. She smiled. Good morning.

She sat up slowly, careful not to hurt his wings and slid out of the bed silently. Her back facing him, she walked towards the large window and opened it. She didn't really care that her body was unclothed as she leaned against the window frame, looking outside. A gentle breeze hit her face, flowing through her hair softly. After a moment, she looked over her shoulder at Aevenon.

Did you sleep well ?

Aevenon Cloak
Nov 12th, 2002, 11:29:16 AM
I dreamt of Slayn, and the Jedi… it was pleasant.

He sat up slowly in the bed. The mop of blue hair he bore was tousled and a little out of place, though it was barely noticeable – more attention was drawn to the angelic expression he showed, and the wings that currently shielded his body from the cold.

And you?

Nov 12th, 2002, 05:08:38 PM
The same. Eve. She frowned.

She turned her head back at the view, her head slowly hanging. She couldn't Eve out of her head. At least when she wasn't "sober", she almost never thought of Eve. Lately, the former Sith Knight AKA Dark Angel has been haunting her. She shuddered, biting on her lower lip.

Aevenon Cloak
Dec 12th, 2002, 12:45:43 PM
Why is it that you are so infatuated with her? he sighed, on the verge of hypocrisy.

Dec 12th, 2002, 12:52:54 PM
"And you aren't, with Slayn ?" She replied coldly.

She lifted her head back up, rotating her neck roughly, then her shoulders. She lifted her arms in the air and stretched them, though her face didn't change its blank expression, it was getting more angry. Without wanting to, she let the bat wings show up on each side of her side. She flapped them gently, the wind of it beating her hair softly.

"Liar." She muttered before he could answer.

Aevenon Cloak
Dec 12th, 2002, 12:58:36 PM
I don’t want to talk about either of them, Aevenon replied after some thought, smiling.

Though he felt chilled by Slayn’s absence, he could well see himself growing and strengthening without him; with Evelyn. He had much planned for the future, and neither Eve or his maker were fixed in these plans, therefore he changed the subject.

What would you like to do today?

Dec 15th, 2002, 01:48:45 PM
Evelyn stepped away from the window, going over to her pile of clothes. She put on her outfit slowly, starting with the pantyhose, along with the underwear, then the maint outfit. She tightened her gloves around her wrists and approached a mirror nearby. She leaned gently over the desk and grabbed a pale pink lipstick lying there.

I wanna be with you. She replied with a sincere tone, but didn't turn to look at him.

Aevenon Cloak
Dec 16th, 2002, 04:02:13 PM
He watched her reflection in the mirror for a moment, and wondered what made her so sad so often. Aevenon pulled his usual clothing into hand and got dressed in the blink of an eye, applying his robes last of all.

Where would you like to go? It’s a wonderful day outside… no point in staying inside.