View Full Version : A girl and her guardian

Lillian Snow
Nov 10th, 2002, 01:43:33 PM
Lillian Snow is a weak, fragile girl born to a family of arms dealers. She is afflicted with an unidentifiable illness. Thus far, there seems to be no cure. This illness saps her strength and forces her to cough blood. After modern medicine fails to have any effect on her, her family sends her to stay in the care of the Jedi.

Fearing for their daughter's life, having seen the havok wreaked by Sith against Jedi, Lillian's family sends its prototype combat droid Reason to protect her. Reason follows its programming faultlessly, though occasionally does a more thourough job of protecting her than is necessary. It is capable of some logical thought, and can learn from past battles, but is by no means sentient. Cyberphobia, a hacker allied with the Drow, corrupts Reason with a second program, a sentient personality within Reason, which dubs itself Logic. Logic is slowly corrupting Reason, and soon will drive it to the cybernetic equivalent of insanity.