View Full Version : OOC - I'd like to join the group...

Garrett Blade
Nov 10th, 2002, 12:03:01 PM
...but I'm somewhat lost. I don't want to "miraculously" appear in some kind of council room and demand to be accepted in some intimidating fashion - a tactic I have seen all too often by fledgling characters. I'd much prefer to roleplay the entire thing, from arriving on the planet to finding some character of authority to answer my queries, show me around and eventually sort out my acceptance into the group. Of course I would like to know a bit more about the group first, and I'm sure the group would like to know a bit more about me. Can anyone help?

*Sorry, I just realised this is the wrong forum!*

Alana Stormcloud
Nov 10th, 2002, 12:15:06 PM
I can help Garret :) Please im me at alanastormcloud7 :)

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 10th, 2002, 03:26:15 PM
OR me warlord Dalamar is my Im.