View Full Version : A Past Come Back To Haunt

Zatania Duvall
Nov 9th, 2002, 06:48:23 PM
The woman had once been a lost soul, unguided and lonely to any knowledge of past which would have ultimately affected her future. Though, the past events that had separated the doubt within herself, or rather, the rat Jedi soul that had inhabited the same body, changed that. Zatania had recovered from stealing the girl's body, which had left her weak. That was what centuries of limbo would do to you, especially when your memory was laying dorment within time and space, then finally within the mind of a child that grew over two decades.

Zatania smirked, knowing that the path to her destiny, her promise would be to train. What she knew long ago was forgotten, she had been asleep for far too long. The mind of the untrained Jedi body she inhabited probably affected her own mind this way. She may have had her memories of the past, but the skills she used to know were so vague now. Pride wouldn't stop her from going back to do things all over again. She was just as helpless as an untrained apprentice again. The only thing she could do was fancy moves, nothing a force user couldn't easily do.

She looked upon the palace for a moment, recalling how she had to allow that girl to leave. She hadn't the power to destroy her that day, but would another. This would be the first stepping stone.

Her footsteps were slow, yet quick up to the palace. She didn't quite know what to expect from those within, only that they probably knew what she wanted. Training, to have a master that would help her utilize the power she knew she had within her.

"Enjoy your final days while you can, Ceres. If you're smart, you'll do as I am and train." Zatania whispered to herself.

Nov 11th, 2002, 10:14:57 AM
The presence was familiar. He’d felt it vaguely as he’d been walking through the halls. He’d been planning to go into the city to attend a benefit. It wasn’t something he necessarily loved doing, but it was always good for there to be a Sith presence at events in the capital city of Corellia. The Sith had found a balance with the people of the town, and efforts were always made to keep it that way. Sasha had lately fallen into that sort of role, his rather mild temperament for a Sith making him well suited for such things. But curiosity had made him instead change his plans, if only for a short while, and head towards the recruiting center instead.

As the doors opened before him and he stepped into the room, a curious expression crossed his features. Zatania. He’d been there with her when she had sent Ceres from her physical body and into another. He had not known that Zatania would now go in search of the Sith Order.

But he was glad to see her there. If that was, in fact, the reason she had come.

He was dressed more for business than pleasure, and though he rather detested suits and ties, he wore them comfortably.

His violet eyes looked to her, and a smile crossed his features.

“I could have given you a lift here…” He stated as he walked down the marble steps toward her.

Zatania Duvall
Nov 11th, 2002, 01:04:08 PM
Zatania turned, now realizing why there was something familiar nearby. She chuckled slightly, shrugging at the offer that would have been of help earlier.

"Well, I managed to find my way here anyways. Can't have someone holding my hand all the time."

The last time the two had met was during a less enjoyable time for her. She had been struggling for control over Ceres and stuck out in the cold in a nightgown because of the brat. But now, she was more clothed in a black turtle neck sweater and dress pants. She looked more suitable that way, instead of like the drowned street rat that she had looked like that night.

"Nice outfit. Were you on your way to a fancy party?"

She brought her hands out of her pockets, somewhat glad to see a familiar face. Yet that side of independence about her shyed away from asking for a tour of the place even though she knew she'd probably need it.

Nov 11th, 2002, 01:24:54 PM
Well, I managed to find my way here anyways. Can't have someone holding my hand all the time.

He grinned, the gesutre actually making it to his violet eyes in an amused sort of sparkle.

The last time he’d seen her been struggling with freeing herself from the soul of another, and she’d been wearng only a nightgown. She looked different now in a black turtle neck sweater and dress pants, but no less attractive.

Nice outfit. Were you on your way to a fancy party?

He chuckled.

“Sort of. With all of my charm and even temper,” He began, sarcasm in his voice, “I’ve fallen into a slightly more diplomatic role…” He finished, rolling his eyes and grinning as he came to the landing where Zatania stood.

“But its nothing that cant wait.” He added with a dismissive gesture.

“Is there anything I can help you with?” Violet eyes studied her, and briefly, he tugged on his tie as he waited for her answer.

Zatania Duvall
Nov 11th, 2002, 01:34:12 PM
“Is there anything I can help you with?” He said.

"Sure, just tell me how to find the best master I can and I'll be out of your hair. So you can go play diplomat."

She had a hint of teasing in her voice, but nothing more than that.

"Being out of practice for too long is a horrible thing. Especially when you're in someone else's body. I still don't have all of my memory back either, so thats why I'm here, to get some training on what I forgot."

Nov 11th, 2002, 01:53:50 PM
Sure, just tell me how to find the best master I can and I'll be out of your hair. So you can go play diplomat

He laughed.

“If I wanted to be doing that now, playing diplomat, that’s where I’d be.” He replied easily.

Being out of practice for too long is a horrible thing. Especially when you're in someone else's body. I still don't have all of my memory back either, so thats why I'm here, to get some training on what I forgot.

He nodded, his violet eyes flickering past her at something, and then refocusing on her.

“Im sure it will come back quickly…” He replied.

He gestured towards the entrance to the castle, the massive door from which he’d come.

“If you’d like to come in, perhaps I can help you find what it is you’re looking for.” He suggested.

Zatania Duvall
Nov 11th, 2002, 02:16:45 PM
“If I wanted to be doing that now, playing diplomat, that’s where I’d be.” He replied.

She chuckled at this, knowing that he was probably glad for the distraction for the moment. Playing diplomat probably was boring compared to doing your own thing.

“Im sure it will come back quickly…” He said.

"I'm hoping. Or I'll start to become quite impatient."

As he gestured towards the castle entrance, she looked over her shoulder towards it. Her gaze followed up to the doors' complete height before she looked back to him to reply.


Zatania motioned for him to take the lead since he knew where they were going. Once he stepped past her, she followed by his side.

Nov 11th, 2002, 02:44:08 PM
As she requested, he led the way up the marble steps. Only feet away, as they approached the massive door, it slowly opened before them, moving perhaps through the use of the force, or perhaps by the Sith magic that could be encountered in every crevice of the spacious, and sometimes overwhelming castle.

“The one thing you should know,” He began as they passed through the doors and into the candlelit halls, “Is that acceptance into the order means acceptance of the other Sith here – without question. The order considers all members to be part of a family, and bickering among the ranks is rather…looked down upon. You’re free to come and go as you please – of course, your master might tell you differently….”

Until this point, he had been looking ahead, speaking very much as a diplomat of sorts might. He caught himself, and he looked to her. A slight expression of amusement crossed his features.

“What are you looking for in a master?” He asked, thinking it might give him some sort of clue about who he might suggest for her to speak with about being her master.

Zatania Duvall
Nov 11th, 2002, 02:54:12 PM
“What are you looking for in a master?” He asked.

She looked away from the decor of the hallway and back to him. "At this point, I don't care who it is. As long as there's someone to train me that isn't a total moron."

A smile crept up on her face. "But I haven't met a single sith like that in centuries. So I'm sure whoever you can refer to me is a great master."

Nov 11th, 2002, 03:22:47 PM
He chuckled.

“Are you that unselective about everything in life?” He teased, knowing her well enough at this point to know full well that she was not.

“If so, I might have to appoint myself your master just to protect you from yourself until you learn better…” He added, though, admittedly, he wouldn’t have minded training her. She was intelligent and witty, and he knew that she would learn quickly.

Zatania Duvall
Nov 11th, 2002, 03:28:53 PM
"Unselective? No, just anxious to get things moving again."

She laughed none the less, keeping her strides at the same pace as his were.

“If so, I might have to appoint myself your master just to protect you from yourself until you learn better…” He said.

She smiled, raising a brow in a teasing manner as she looked to him. "So the diplomat plays teacher as well?"

Her gaze went forward again. "Not that I mind, I trust you enough to handle my training."

Nov 11th, 2002, 03:39:53 PM
So the diplomat plays teacher as well?

He chuckled at this as they stepped into a wide, open space within the castle walls. The windows were made of stained glass, and the dark colors cast an eerie, but oddly comfortable glow to the area.

“Yes….” He replied slowly.

“Occasionally, he does.” With this, the corners of his eyes rose just the tiniest bit in amusement, showing only the faintest in the rest of his expression. His eyes were where most answers about him could always be found. They betrayed him all to often.

He watched as her gaze left his.

Not that I mind, I trust you enough to handle my training.

He stopped there in this room, and stared up at a particular scene. And then he looked back to her.

“Then it’s settled.” He replied, and began walking again, motioning for her to begin to climb the marble staircase that led up to the quarters of the members of the order.

“We will begin this evening.” He had already been planning on a walk in the gardens late that night. She would come with him.

He raised an eyebrow, perhaps in a bit of challenge.

“That is, if you’re up to it…?” He added. He was a fair master, but he would push her to her limits. It was how he had been taught, and it was how he in turn, would teach others.

Zatania Duvall
Nov 11th, 2002, 03:50:21 PM
"This evening it is then." She said, looking to him as she climbed the steps.

Her gaze had barely left him when he said “That is, if you’re up to it…?”

She did a small little double take and looked back at him, laughing. "Of course I am! If things like this were easy, there wouldn't be any strong sith."

Zatania was one that loved to do things the hard way. If there was a fork in a road and both led to the same place, she'd take the longer and harder road over the easier. She thought that this would make a better warrior.

Nov 11th, 2002, 03:58:48 PM
He had to bite his lip at her doubletake.

Of course I am! If things like this were easy, there wouldn't be any strong sith.

At this, he let a grin escape.

“Good.” He replied as they reached the landing.

“I’ll show you to an empty room, then, that you can call your own and you can get settled.” He led her down the hall, and they were almost to the far end before he stopped and pushed open the door.

“There should be a key on the desk…” He began, “And there’s a map of the castle on the back of the door…meet me at 10 this evening at the entrance to the gardens.”

His violet eyes lost their relaxed sparkle for a moment, and narrowed in a serious expression.

“Do not go in them without me.” He warned. He knew that she might take this as a challenge, and so he added.

“Not tonight.”

Zatania Duvall
Nov 11th, 2002, 04:15:35 PM
"Don't worry, I won't. I'm not a silly apprentice thats curious enough to disobey an order. Give me enough credit, my soul is wise beyond this body's years."

With that she smirked then went into her room.

"Ten right? I'll be there. But right now I'm going to get settled."

Nov 12th, 2002, 09:31:02 AM
Don't worry, I won't. I'm not a silly apprentice thats curious enough to disobey an order. Give me enough credit, my soul is wise beyond this body's years Ten right? I'll be there. But right now I'm going to get settled.

He only stared at her for a moment. Never had his words been meant to make her think he thought of her as silly or unwise.

“Yes, ten.” He replied, turning away and walking without another word down the hall. He checked the watch that he wore. There was time, still to get into the city for the benefit, though, truth be told, it was the last thing he wanted to be doing.

And so he didn’t. As he walked down the hall, he loosened the tie he wore. He had other plans to fill the next few hours, and they involved anything but being any sort of diplomat.