View Full Version : A Breeze in the Hurricane (Xazor, closed)
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 8th, 2002, 09:41:57 PM
Peace. A mere wish to some, a rejected belief to others. Some people desire it, some people use it, some people are repulsed by it, but many people find it something difficult to maintain in such a corrupted galaxy where the most vile evil runs rampant.
It was a brisk, fresh morning on the swarming planet of Coruscant, and has usual, the Jedi were up and at it. Kindo walked silently through the halls of the Living Quarters, heading for the base's main hangar. He was dressed in his regular flowing black attire, with duel blasters placed under his each arm. Has he strolled towards his destination, his thoughts were dwelling upon the day's task.
He had been asked to give fellow Jedi Knight and good friend Xazor Leo Dawnstrider a lesson in peace, for she had recently lost control and allowed anger to rise within her. Though she had been a Knight far longer than he had, everyone needed help sometimes, everyone slipped and falled. Ki, for one, knew this all too well. He had been asked because he had become well known for his compassion and gentleness, but what most people didn't know was that even he many times had issues in obtaining peace. He had constructed methods of maintaining his calmness though, and he found himself constantly relying on them. Being a Jedi was never an easy task, peace was a necessity.
After a few mintutes of walking, he finally approached his ship Glory. Xazor would meet him there, and he would take her on a day's trip to many locations, showing her many things. He had planned it all out. He casually leaned against his ship, awaiting the soon arrival of lady Dawnstrider.
Xazor Elessar
Nov 8th, 2002, 10:30:13 PM
After a restless night sleep, Xazor was up and about. Her morning was short and soon she was out the door of her living complex, headed for the Order's main hanger. She was to meet someone there this day.....and that someone was a good friend and fellow Knight, Ki Adi Kindo. Taking in a deep breath of air as she walked through the halls, she exhaled and eyed those around her as she took the few minute trip by foot. As she walked, her long flowing black robes waved behind her with small ripples in the soft fabric. The silver coins in her waist length blonde Garou Warrior Braids, swung together and clanged softly with each gentle step that she took.
Soon the young woman reached the hanger and looked about, then locked eyes with Ki. She smiled to herself and made her way through groups and small crowds before finally reaching his ship. This would be a great learning experience for her.....and she knew it. This particular Knight was extremely compassionate and caring.....peaceful and patient. He was a rolemodel to the other Jedi in that he lived the life of one to the very last words of the Jedi Oath. I hope that he is able to help me......Force be willing that I am willing enough to learn...... she said to herself. She knew that it was important for her as a Teacher to step back and learn some things too.....and that she would do.
"Greetings dear friend.....I have arrived......."
The Knight said softly and moved closer to him as a group of travelers nearly wiped her out as they laughed and fell over one another. She let out a heavy sigh and her tired eyes looked to him as if asking for help already.
"I'm ready when you are......."
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 9th, 2002, 10:57:47 AM
A genuine smile appeared across Kindo's face has Xazor entered into main hangar and approach him.
" Xazor. "
This particular Knight was very special amongst the Jedi, known for her gentleness and kindness. She always held a special place in Ki's heart, being the one person who had first welcomed him into the Order. She was always appealing to others with her humble spirit and willingness to serve, and to him, a good friend with whom he could always go to.
Dawnstrider had lost control, however this did not surprise him. Having to carry the task of defending and protecting the galaxy's innocent was extremely difficult. Oftentimes, Jedi Kindo would have to venture to various locations to rediscover his serenity, which was what he was going to do this day, except this time, he had someone tagging along with him. He felt honored inside to be able to help another Jedi of such impact, impact in his own life and that of others.
" Get a good night's rest? "
Xazor Elessar
Nov 9th, 2002, 11:08:30 AM
Xazor smiled gently as she looked into Ki's warm eyes. His gentle spirit was truly of the Jedi and the young Knight Xazor remembered welcoming him into the Order. It had been some time ago, though the time they had spent together after that was still in her memories. She nodded slightly in reply to his question and yawned, exposing her elongated canines.
"Indeed, I did.....and you? You look ready to greet the day with open arms....something I have trouble with at times."
She said softly, again coming face to face with another of her faults. The Garou figured that if she was to make herself 'better' she would have to identify her problems and tackle them....or she would never overcome her anger issues. Xazor smiled inside with a warmth that came from knowing that she was setting out to make herself into the best Jedi she could be....and she was so happy to have Ki's friendship and advice helping her along.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 9th, 2002, 11:30:18 AM
Kindo turned to gaze towards the endless horizon of lofty towers and massive structures, such a view only Coruscant provided. For a brief moment he shut his eyes and took a deep breath, then gradually turned his focus back towards Xazor.
" It's a new day, for me, and for you. "
Turning around to face his ship, he pressed a concealed command on it's side panel that made the shielding that covered the main cockpit become accessible. Considering the Naboo starfighter originally only provided room for one, the advanced features this particular one possessed included one additional seat behind his.
" Whenever you are ready. "
Xazor Elessar
Nov 9th, 2002, 12:06:53 PM
Xazor smiled gently and nodded, taking in a breath of air and exhaling as he spoke. She was truthfully feeling better about things already and knew that he would be able to give her the help she so desperatly needed to reach something she desired immensly: peace.
"Indeed.....tis a new day for all....."
She said softly with a gentle smile; the same warmth resting in her eyes like the day she had welcomed him to the Order. Nodding slightly, she climbed into his ship to sit in the extra seat behind his. Having never flown in a Naboo Starfighter, she was naturally excited and curious about it. The craft was much different from her X-Wing which she took so much pride in....but it looked like a sturdy flight. The Garou strapped herself in and smiled.
"I am ready.....may the Force be with us......"
She said softly, looking out over the edge of the cockpit enclosure. So many people were coming and going.....missions and other going ons drew bodies away from the Order, but not for reasons like this. This was truly a Peace mission.....for that is what they were seeking....and that is what they would find.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 9th, 2002, 02:19:24 PM
Kindo climbed up within his pilot seat, latching himself in tight. Following a few routine system checks, he looked foward and gave a sly grin.
" Here we go. "
After flipping a few switches, the ship began to hover a few feet above the hangar floor. Increasing the throttle of the main engine, the starfighter shot out of the Jedi Complex and through the open sky with great acceleration. Ki felt his stomach sink has he flew high above the towering buildings, but not out of the atmosphere. He hadn't planned to leave Coruscant, not yet.
Xazor Elessar
Nov 9th, 2002, 02:24:09 PM
Xazor looked down as the ship flew over the tall buildings of Corsucant. She let her eyes wander over the places she knew to be grand.....and of those to be of the slums. Both, she had visited....but somehow, she felt more at place with the people of the slums despite having grown up in lavish royalty. Her heart went out to those people and it angered her that not much was being done about their condition. Sighing inwardly, her mind wandered as she wondered where they were off to.
"It's a beautiful day, truly!"
She exclaimed as the suns light seemed to engulf everything in her sight. Coruscant was beautiful during the day too when the sun gleamed off of the high rise buildings. It was a magnificent view as they flew through the planet's atmosphere.....
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 9th, 2002, 02:55:40 PM
The pair did not have long to enjoy the exquisite outlook however. The starfighter began to plunge has Kindo began directing it down below the majestic skyscrapers and towards the area that didn't carry the beauty and harmony has the canopy of the vast city did. It was where a majority of the galaxy's poor dwelled, and where many vile criminals and thieves resided also. Nothing at all was splendid about the slums. For it's unfortunate residents, all hope had vanquished. It was painful even to look at, much more depressing to visit.
Glory began descending to a desolate building, gradually docking itself against it's corrupted rooftop.
" Here we are. Our first destination for the day. "
Xazor Elessar
Nov 10th, 2002, 05:49:48 PM
Xazor looked out the cockpit windows and lofted a brow. She knew that coming here to help was good for the poor people....but how was seeking Peace here going to help her? Sighing in confusion, she exited the ship when Ki opened the hatch.
" shall we find Peace here when criminals are at work and while the poor cry out to us for money and possessions?"
Always a reason there is, Xazor.... she recalled Master Yoghurt's words in her mind and sighed, nodding to herself in silent understanding.....then awaited Ki's motion to set out....
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 12th, 2002, 06:33:05 PM
Both Jedi walked across the filthy rooftop and stopped at it’s edge, overlooking a deserted road cut between other abandoned structures. Many unusual things could be seen from that standpoint; beggars leaned up against walls, a gang of thugs banded together, heaps of trash that seemed to flood the street corners. It was quite discouraging just hearing about the slums, and being there was an entirely different story.
" Xazor, why have you been angry lately? "
Xazor Elessar
Nov 15th, 2002, 04:31:22 PM
Xazor looked at Ki and sighed as her eyes fell upon the oppressed at her feet. She shook her head and closed her eyes, letting her closed gaze fall to the ground.
"....I.....I don't know. It has always been that way Ki....I just hid my feelings well. I was tired of hiding and figured I would follow the advice of a friend and start standing up for myself because no one else would...."
Her thoughts drifted upon the wind to that 'friend'....Vega. How she despised him now....pitied the poor soul that lived within his body.
"I have had no good reason to be angry, though. These people have every right to be mad....but....they're not. They're"
She said softly, allowing her eyes to open and search the faces of the poor that were standing against buildings and resting in makeshift homes of cardboard. Her heart sank and suddenly she began to realize all she had been missing.....
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 16th, 2002, 04:42:49 PM
Kindo sighed has his stare fell upon the monumental towers that encompassed them from all directions.
" I too, know what it feels like to be overwhelmed with anger. "
He grew silent for a brief second, and his gaze shifted towards Xazor.
" Shortly after my father was murdered, the feeling of grief for his death and hatred for the killer in me all at once. I remember many nights crying myself to sleep, others not sleeping at all. I spent all my time by myself, thinking of what if would have been like if perhaps he had not been able to give make that public speech that day. When I was a little boy, him and me would oftentimes go out into the wilderness at the spur of the moment, but I wouldn't do that anymore. "
A tear or two streamed down Ki's cheek, but wasn't followed with any sniffle or whimper.
" A few weeks after that, of course I was now Count of Serenno, and I had to attend an important meeting regarding a few development issues or something. I remember halfway into the meeting some of the planetary council members getting into an argument, and being overwhelmed with stress has it was, got up and ran has fast has I could out the door and to the nearby woods. I ran till I could no more, finally resting at a spot where my dad and me used to camp. Has the daylight faded and the night settled in, something came over me that I hadn't felt in a while, peace. This happened because I was looking out beyond the trees and onto a lake where the moonlight reflected off its still surface, a lake me and my father used to swim in after waking up at our camp site in the forest. It was then when I realized I had lost myself in all of my anger and sorrow, and the only way I was to get over the tragedy was to move on with my life. I woke up early that morning after a good night's rest, something I hadn't done for a while, and sprinted my fastest straight to that same lake and jumped right in. At that exact moment, when I had let go of all my depression, I found myself again. "
Xazor Elessar
Nov 17th, 2002, 12:13:10 PM
Xazor listened as Ki spoke. Her eyes rested intently upon his face and she couldn't believe he was telling her these, of all times especially.
"That's wonderful....but how come I've been consumed with anger all my life and I've never been able to find that serenity? I've never been able to let go of things. Now, there's a dark omen overshadowing the birth of my child, Ki. What am I supposed to do? Being at Peace is so difficult....but it's something I so long for."
She said softly, letting her eyes wander out over the oppressive wastelands of the slums. Things were simple, yet difficult here...they had so much to be angry about yet, were not. She...she had so much to be angry about yet so much to be grateful for. Sighing, her eyes fell to the ground in a plight of confusion.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 19th, 2002, 05:26:43 PM
" Xazor, when my father was killed I first reacted in anger, but it wasn't till I took a step back from it all that I realized that instead of acting in anger and acting in peace that I got past the most difficult situation I've ever had to face. "
He lightly placed a hand on her shoulder, a compassionate smile upon his face.
" Dear friend, take a step back from it all, and then and only then will you see your anger. Once you do that, then you will find the peace you have so longed for. "
Xazor Elessar
Nov 20th, 2002, 06:01:15 PM
Xazor nodded and sighed to herself, letting her eyes meet those of Ki. She smiled gently and began to realize the truth in his words.
"I can no longer be selfish and dwell upon my own problems...I didn't become a Jedi to help myself."
She said softly, recalling the oath she had made when joining the Greater Jedi Order.
"Putting others before myself....that is something I haven't been doing much of, honestly my friend. I am ashamed to think I have not been fulfilling my duties as a Child of the Light."
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 22nd, 2002, 11:52:54 AM
He glanced back at Xazor with the same gentle-hearted smile she had shown him.
" See what I mean. Now that you have took a step back, you can see your mistakes and improve upon them. We all slip and fall, crash and burn, but unlike most others, we have brothers and sisters to lean on in times of stress and strain. "
Ki had learned through personal experience that whenever he needed it, his fellow Jedi would be there by his side. It brought him tremendous joy to be able to be a part of a devoted and loving family within the Greater Jedi Order. He knew that the reason they all worked so good together was because they all cared for each other so much.
Xazor Elessar
Dec 22nd, 2002, 12:40:07 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled gently though her heart ached for those of the slums. Marcus was right....the Jedi spent too much time meditating in their tall ivory spires and not enough time reaching out to people like these.
"People like you and Navaria who help me through times of trial like are my Brother's and Sisters. I have many within this Order, in fact...the whole Order is. I had nearly forgotten that, my dear friend. Thank you....."
She said softly as a little girl with a dirty face and tattered rags for clothing ran up to Xazor. She grabbed onto her leg with both hands and looked up at the Knight.
" look like an angel! Mommy told me someday they would come! You must be one!"
The girl exclaimed in a squeaky voice. Xazor did not wish to lie to the child, but to give her hope anyway.
"I maybe like an angel, but I am not one. I am a Jedi....and I love all in the galaxy."
She said softly, kneeling down and bringing a hand to wipe a dirty smuge from the girl's face. Smiling, Xazor let her eyes seep into the child's as a calming wave of the Force ran through her arms and into her hands, then into the girl's body.
"Here, take these to your Mother and eat for a few some clothes...."
With that, the Knight unclipped several silver coins from her hair and placed them in the girl's hands, then folded her fingers over the coins. They were worth a thousand Republic credits each, but it was the Edenite currancy. It was a lucky thing for them that it could be changed in though. Smiling, the girl giggled and hugged Xazor before running off to her Mother.
"I like the feeling I get from that more so than if I were to condemn her Mother for not having a job and not providing for the child. Many unfortunate situations could have happened to cause that....I can see now."
She said softly and rose to her feet to stand beside Ki and look out over the people once again. Sighing silently to herself, she nodded.
"I am starting to see now...."
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