View Full Version : Something About This Place.....(open)

Zara Drecker
Nov 8th, 2002, 08:09:27 PM
::I entered the establishment of Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill and could not help but be amazed at how many people actually went to this dump. Sighing to myself, I pushed back my short dark hair and passed through security, flashing my NR badge at them with not the slightest hint of a smile. They simply saluted and offered the same stone hard face back. What a life...., I thought to myself as I nearly tripped over a service droid before finding an empty table at the front of the large room.::

"Can I get you anything, Commander?"

::A familiar voice rang out from across the way. I looked up to see Avolon and I finally offered up a bit of a smile with a nod. He soon brought me what I liked best: a flask of good ole' Corellian Whiskey.::

"Thanks Avolon....."

::I said in a not so cheery voice. He knew when to leave a woman alone and did so by offering a mock salute and going about his business. Sitting back, I took a healthy sip from my drink and let my brown eyes wander about the place. All seemed to be in order and so I was satisfied for now.....though a fight was more to my liking. I adjusted my Rail Gun at my side and sighed quietly, wondering what this eve would bring to me. I just hoped it was not another pitiful soul looking for something....or I'd send a bullet through their skull.::

Judas Escariot
Nov 9th, 2002, 12:03:41 PM
Judas sat at the bar. He noticed this peculiar figure. Turns and took a sip of his drink.