View Full Version : A seemingly empty room

Sol Invictus
Nov 8th, 2002, 07:10:04 PM
Sol looks in, the door is hanging wide open.
Inside is fairly dark, with a slight glow from outside being the only light source.

"Dalamar! Show yourself!"

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 8th, 2002, 10:26:16 PM
Coming out of the dark shadows dalamar appeared. Sitting in his red and gold highback chair he greeted his guest. The seat across from him was open he beckoned for his guest to sit and drink some wine. "So what brings you to my room?"

The carving's over the fireplace lit up in the weird lighting of the room. The faces threw eerie shadows on the dark walls. With a smile Dalamar poured himself a drink. "Well?"

Sol Invictus
Nov 8th, 2002, 10:41:54 PM
Sol walks to the chair, eyeing Dalamar as if expecting an attack. He sits, ignoring the wine for now.


Sol sits back and steeples his fingers in contemplation.

"Let's hear about the Shrine."

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 9th, 2002, 02:56:49 PM
The Shrine was formed by the mother for her pleasure. It later came to be a haven for her lost children. The children of the mother ageless, eternal and evil. We have been gathered and summoned and more join our ranks everyday seeking the kiss that will give them the dark life. No longer will we be obscure and hidden. We walk proud into the night and will not allow ourselve's to be hunted any longer.

Any who seek us find that we are not to be trifled with. We are the Lords of the Darkness. The thing you fear in the night. When your alone and a chill goes up your spine you know we are near. Notice is given, attack us and we will take your family your children your reason for living with us to the black inky depths of the Shrine.

Sol Invictus
Nov 9th, 2002, 02:59:15 PM
Sol listens intently, hearing only one thing.


Here was something he didn't know.

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 10th, 2002, 02:51:58 AM
The Empress, no one see's her but she is the Master of the Shrine. She has called her children back. Ancient and old the power and the promise. She the eternal female. The Lady of Darkness born and formed before memory. Does that answer your question?

Sol Invictus
Nov 10th, 2002, 02:56:24 AM
"Yes...it does..."

No one has seen her, have they? Perhaps he will be the exception to the rule...To see this matriarch of the universe's greatest race...an honor, that would be.

"The mother of all Vampires...but I doubt if she has given birth to all of you," he says with a slight smirk. "How is it that your ranks grow still?"

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 10th, 2002, 05:12:30 PM
We grow because supplicants still arrive everyday desiring the kiss of eternal death and life. You can wish all you want even Soth and I, master's among vampyre's don't dare tread into the sanctorium of the Empress. The last to try has had his soul taken and his entrails handed to him. I will not tempt such a fate with one such as her. I suggest you do not push your luck my fiery headed friend to do such would indeed be the height of foolishness.

Sol Invictus
Nov 10th, 2002, 05:17:49 PM
Sol considers this, it seems there is something he may never know. It angers him, in a way, but what use would such knowledge be if he were not alive to utilize it. Instead, he would focus on what Dalamar had said first.

"Kiss of eternal death and life...you're contradicting yourself. Life and death are mutually exclusive; one does not exist with the other simultaneously." He smirks. "You are either dead or alive, you cannot be both."

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 11th, 2002, 10:59:19 PM
"Yet I am both. I am dead yet I live. There is no contradiction. As you can clearly see I am dead and alive standing here before you."

"Do not let it confuse you. The mother does as she will and her power is not to be questioned you do not understand but it does not matter we are what we are."

Just then a woman entered with a tray she was clearly a vampyre but she had a leash around her neck. She wore a soft black cotton dress which was translucent enough to be seen through. She was beautiful and powerful yet here she was waiting upon Dalamar and his guest. Sol looked at her with interest.

Sol Invictus
Nov 11th, 2002, 11:05:21 PM
"And what of this girl?"

Sol gestures toward her with one hand, the other lifting the wine cup next idly.

"How is it she, a vampire, is forced to be your slave?"

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 12th, 2002, 07:56:46 PM
This is Seti I called her out here to serve us and to further explain to you the folly of trying to see the mother. Seti and her lover tried once long ago to see the Empress. Sneaking down to the inner depths they went hand in hand. Sneaking past the guardian's they came to her inner chamber's. Seti here is powerful and was able to remove the ward that was on the door. Foolishly they chanced upon the mother in her sepulcher to there eternal regret.

Now Seti is a shrine slave for as long as the mother deems it. Word came from the empress her self to make her toil exceptionally trying. Standing up Dalamar looked the woman in the face. "Would you have me treat you better or release you?" A look of terror spread across her face "No master Seti is very happy do not release me." You see Sol she is terrified of the mother. But even she was the lucky one I almost hate to tell you what happened to her lover.

Dalamar paused looking at Sol. Hmnn I know you will ask so I might as well show you. Seti turn around, the female vampyre was hesitant Sol could see she was angry and could it be ashamed? Nevertheless she did as she was told. Her gown had a highback Dalamar unzipped her gown to the small of her back. There on her back was a man's face and feature's when the garment was opened all the way the man's eye's opened. Fear and sorrow filled his face. "Is it done, are we to be released please I am sorry let it be done please."

" It is not done." Dalamar spoke to the sorrowful face. You are brought forth to teach the lesson again. The tears streamed the face stuck to the back of the woman. Then eerily it sung of time's past and of there adventure to see the Empress. How they where found out and altered to give the 'lesson' to others. The song chilled Sol's bones as the fire blazed higher with each sung word. The shadows flashed across the high vaulted ceiling of Dalamar's room giving shape to horror's and monstrosities that left little to the imagination. "You may go now Seti. So now you see Sol why none of us are foolish enough to try to catch a glimpse of the Mother. Learn the lesson because I do not want to see what shape she will twist you into. o_O

Sol Invictus
Nov 12th, 2002, 08:03:11 PM
Sol's shoulders and chest are shaking. If Dalamar looks hard enough, he can see it isn't fear that's causing it; Sol is laughing. He suppresses it, but is unable to. Laughter erupts suddenly from him as Seti turns to leave.

"Pathetic! Absolutely pathetic!"

He suppresses the laughter and smirks.

"Would you not think, Dalamar, that I am wiser than that?"