View Full Version : Padme Speculations...

Nov 6th, 2002, 07:33:25 AM
Ok, this is all just speculation...

Is it necessary that Padme has to die? Obviously we think she does, because Leia claims her mother "died when [she] was very young". Could there be another possibility though? Could she fake her death somehow? What I'm thinking is this - Padme sees the path that Anakin is taking and wants out. She voices her concerns to Obi-Wan, who of course will confront Anakin about it. Following whatever kind of duel they have, Obi-Wan and Padme see it is in the best interests of the children to hide them, which we know happens (Luke with Owen and Leia with Bail Organa). But is it possible that Padme herself simply goes into hiding as well? We've seen enough instances of Padme acting selflessly to know that this is something she might do - deny her being with her children for their benefit and safety.
So if this is the case, then she could not be dead, although Leia, being only a young child, might have believed she was dead. Or even Bail Organa may have told her that her original mother was dead to make it easier on her and to protect all of their secrecy.
If she isn't dead, then, what is she doing during the time of the original trilogy? Somehow I doubt that Padme would be idly sitting by if there were a galactic conflict going on - she is too much of a leader to sit back and do nothing. So perhaps we may see Padme in the OT? Perhaps we've seen her already... Is it possible that Padme is Mon Mothma?
We know they were both human female senators, and would probably be roughly the same age. Both would probably have supported the same causes. And the actress who plays Mothma in the OT could pass for an older Natalie Portman - certainly not a spitting image, but possible.
The name also suggests this. Mon Moth-Ma: very similar to Mom Mother-Ma - as in she is the mother of Luke and Leia. It could be analagous to "Darth Vader", which is Dutch or something for "Dark Father".
Two other things which might factor into this. Mon Mothma wears a pendant. Now it is difficult to make it out exactly (I tried in ROTJ, but there aren't any real clear shots of it), but we know that Anakin gave Padme a pendant on TPM on their way to Coruscant. That could just be a subtle tie-in. The other thing is that in the novelization for TPM, Anakin has a dream in which Padme is leading a large army against him. This could be a foreshadowing of Padme (AKA Mon Mothma) leading the Rebel Alliance against Vader. Somehow I don't think that passage would have been included in the book if they didn't intend to use it later.
The only two things that I can see that don't fit are that the databank entry for Mon Mothma lists her home planet as Chandrila while Padme's is Naboo. However, that could either be something out of the EU, which GL could contradict at any time, or it is part of an assumed identity that Padme takes when faking her death. The other thing is that the actress who played Mon Mothma in ROTJ has an english accent while Portman doesn't. I guess it is possible that in her hiding, she was around with people with that kind of accent and picked it up? Like I said, those two things may not fit perfectly...
So, that's it - I know, maybe its way out in left-field, but who knows - it could be possible... Any thoughts on this?

Nov 6th, 2002, 05:57:45 PM
I've always thought the same thing McBain.
Staging her death is certainly something she would do if it ensured her children's safety, and one day allow them to grow up to be Jedi. She could easily tell Bail to tell Leia that she had died, but only when she was old enough to understand the meaning of death.
And if she is alive during the OT, I don't think GL would have left her out, unless we specifically hear her say that no one will ever see her again.
I've also though about her actually being Mon Mothma, and it's very interesting to think that it could be her. We can't rule it out, because Chandrila could be thrown to the wayside in an instant.
But Mon Mothma's appearance in ROTJ is nothing more than a cameo, and there doesn't seem to be any impact when she appears on screen. There's nothing to indicate that someone of prior importance is being shown. It's pretty debatable IMO though.
However, if that's how things pan out, I think I'll go into convulsions. There's not really any reason to have another "Leia, I AM YOUR MOTHER!" scenario...

Nov 8th, 2002, 07:00:15 AM
It could also be for Padme's protection too - that she tells Bail to tell Leia that she was dead. The less people that know who you are the better.

Nov 8th, 2002, 09:53:11 AM
Have you not read the black fleet crisis books? Do some reseach on the Fallanassi.

Nov 8th, 2002, 10:11:07 AM
No one cares about them! :p Throw EU to the dogs!
While it's possible that Luke found out about his mom living with these folk, I give absolutely zero credence to the EU when discussing the movie.

McBain, I don't doubt that Padme would have been 100% thourough if she was staging her own death, but even if Leia was told that Padme was dead, and it did infact turn out to be Mon Mothma, it would still call for some kind of indication in ROTJ. If not, then the only way it would work is if she told Bail, I'm leaving, tell Leia I'm dead, but secretly I'm changing my identity to Mon Mothma. Mon Mothma's name is never mentioned in ROTJ, so how would we know its even her? There's no tip off.

But it's about time this thread got off the ground...

Nov 8th, 2002, 10:49:56 AM
It may not have anything to do with the movies but it does indicate she did just what you are speculating. She faked her death and told everyone to tell Leia she had died.

Nov 8th, 2002, 11:03:22 AM
Yeah, I can agree with that, I just don't want to get the Fallanassi involved. Though I wonder if Lucas would leave her out of ROTJ altogether if we knew she was still alive? Maybe that's where all this talk of Portman ROTJ reshoots are coming from...

Tyreal Dalarsco
Nov 8th, 2002, 11:53:47 AM
I never thought of this before, but in the Trilogy whith Admiral Daela (I forgot the Trilogies name) Mon Mothma hands over control of the New Republic to Leia when she is poisoned. It would make sense for her to hand it over to her daughter. And, it would also make sense for GL to allow the EU books that could possibly hint to something he thought up.

Nov 8th, 2002, 05:17:52 PM
But if that were the case then the Black fleet Crisis books would contradict the Jedi Academy books. And it has been said lets not get EU confused with what GL has in mind. I dont think Mon Mothma was her mother. Liea was mon mothmas assistant and protege so it makes since for her to hand it over. Kinda like a understudy type of thing. They have too much background on her for her to be padme. And I feel that pamde wouldn't be seen as long as vader was alive anyway. She faked her death , went into hiding and wil remain there in my opinion . EU explained it in the BFC books, but what GL has planned only he knows.

Nov 8th, 2002, 07:07:25 PM
That would have been my next point. As long as Padme was near (relatively speaking) Vader, he would sense her. If she went to the other side of the galaxy and stays there, she's safe.

Nov 8th, 2002, 08:14:11 PM
Originally posted by JMK
Yeah, I can agree with that, I just don't want to get the Fallanassi involved. Though I wonder if Lucas would leave her out of ROTJ altogether if we knew she was still alive? Maybe that's where all this talk of Portman ROTJ reshoots are coming from...

I was thinking the same thing. I think it was McCallum who said that there were no re-shoots planned, but I know that rumor was going around for a while and who knows - maybe there actually is some credence to it - McCallum's been wrong before... Only the flannelled one himself probably knows what's in store for Ep. III and any possible rework on the OT. As to all of the EU stuff, I haven't really delved in to EU stuff at all, so I'm not sure what you're getting at with the Fallanassi.

Obviously there might be problems with this if it pans out this way, the most obvious being that there is no mention of it in ROTJ. I think it would be an interesting twist, though, and considering how we all have a decent idea of how Ep III will transpire, a plot twist like that could make things really interesting. I mean, until I started thinking about this a couple days ago, I never had any reason to doubt Leia when she says her mother was dead and I always just accepted that as fact. But considering the desperate state of affairs affecting the galaxy, Padme just might fake her death so she can lead an opposition in secret. Obviously she has a tremendous sense of duty, I wouldn't put it past her...

I don't know - I just got off of work and I'm really tired, so if I'm rambling here I'm sorry.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 8th, 2002, 08:22:18 PM
I have heard this theory before and I am not sure if it will happen or not. Personally I think Padme will die in between 3 and 4 probably when Leia is very young (maybe 2 or 3) I think Yoda will allude to her death telling Obi-Wan she will die soon, but that is just my speculation.

Nov 8th, 2002, 08:45:34 PM
I still lean toward her dying between Episode 3 and ANH. I'm about 60%-40% toward her really dying. Though I wonder of what? By this time she will have to be safely tucked away with Leia with Bail Organa. What would kill such a strong, young woman? Disease has never been a part of GL's galaxy, so I rule that out. Obviously no Sith or Imperial or Bounty Hunter could get to her otherwise Leia's secret would be out.
Would Lucas have her die of depression/sadness? Leia does say that remembers her mother being sad. Sad enough for her to die of it?
One possibility that I have always thought about would be if Palpatine himself poisons her and she dies an extremely slow death...over years. We all know he really doesn't care for her at all. And he wants Anakin's life as a Jedi to be erased. Killing Padme would go along way in achieving that.

But at this point I really don't know what to think. Maybe I'm at 55%-45% for her really dying now. ;)

Nov 8th, 2002, 08:56:16 PM
I'm 99% sure she will not die, Obi-wan and Bail will get together hide her away and Anikin will think she is dead. I bet Lucas even has Us believe she is dead until she drops off luke at Tatoonie.I think Lucas will never , ever let us know how/when she really die's, just to mess with Starwars fans.So I have spoken so it is truth;)

Nov 8th, 2002, 09:37:54 PM
I beleave Lucas has to ok all the EU story line does he not? or at least someone high up in lucas arts. If this is so then i dont see him destroying a EU storyline with his movie. Now he will leave what isnt known unknown thats his way. Im looking at the back of the book now and under the story explination it says Lucasfilms LTD. I have the benifit of having read it and know what it says about this . It just wouldnt be right for lucas to go aginst the EU.

Ryla Relvinian
Nov 10th, 2002, 10:20:15 AM
Ya know, I think this is all a great concept, and would love to see it in the next movie... However, I don't think Lucas is that smart. There were all sorts of speculation on ep2... and ep1, for that matter, and although they would have worked seamlessly, once again Lucas chose to bow to the gods of CG and neglect all sorts of plot mechanics.

Figrin D'an
Nov 10th, 2002, 10:17:36 PM
Lucas has gone against the EU before. His backstory for Boba Fett in AOTC basically totally debunks the Bounty Hunter Tales story about Boba Fett (like his real name being Jaster Mareel). The EU has a big story about how the Death Star concept came out of the doctrine set forth by Grand Moff Tarkin and about the engineer that designs it. AOTC kind of put a wrinkle on that with it being shown that the original Death Star plans were developed by the Seperatists.

Lets also not forget the very first EU book, Splinter of the Mind's Eye, which was totally debunked by ESB and ROTJ.

Lucas is going to do whatever he wants to with his story. He's not going to let anything in the EU dictate the plot development of Episode III.

Nov 10th, 2002, 10:54:11 PM
And thank God for that!

Nov 12th, 2002, 03:15:03 PM
Yes that is true but It still just makes sence for her to go into hiding. And If she did so she would not show up ever as long as Vader lived for fear of leading him to the twins. The idea of a race that Hide all the time seems like the best place for her to hide. He may change it and if so thats cool . He is the man so He can make anything happen.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 13th, 2002, 01:43:18 AM
Of course most of the Eu can be adaptaded to fit the movies you just have to be creative.

Doc Milo
Nov 13th, 2002, 10:35:39 PM
Here's the wrench in the Mon Mothma as Padme theory: Leia remembers "images mostly" of her mother. While Mon Mothma is older, and played by a different actress, if she is to be Padme, then wouldn't it be conceivable that Leia would recognize her own mother, just aged? Of course, Padme could have had some kind of surgery to change her appearance so no one would tell, I guess...

Nov 14th, 2002, 09:46:24 AM
Even *if* Leia didn't recognize her, being the Jedi that he is Luke would have to sense her. Especially if he had been thinking about her.

Figrin D'an
Nov 15th, 2002, 02:18:20 AM
Something key to keep in mind here is that Lucas doesn't have to explain everything and spoon feed the audience every tidbit of information. Back when TPM was being made, Lucas, in an interview, said that the prequels would be made in such a way that so that certain "surprises" throughout the entire saga would be preserved, meaning that some hypothetical person, whom had never seen any of the films before, would be able to watch all 6 chapters, in chronologial order, and still be surprised by certain revelations in Episodes IV-VI.

I don't expect everything to be explained, and the ultimate fate of Padme may be one of those things. There is an 18 year gap between the end of Episode III and the beginning of Episode IV. I can envision a lot of details being left up to the imagination of the viewer.

Who knows... we might even see a whole new branch of EU books that cover those missing years...

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Nov 19th, 2002, 02:20:44 PM
You know what this is a very interesting subject and if i would have read more of the books i could probably have entered in a very good 2 cents of my own. It is very possible that padme survives and lives on with out anyone ever knowing about it.

As for the EU books not fitting into the movies I have seen you guys post tons of contradictions between the books and the movies there is a very simple explanation for why they contradict each other but its just a theory of my own.

First off thinking of the EU books as existing a long side of the movies to expand the story past what has been done and said. Why would the truth be distorted because theres always lies and deception, tales that get bigger with time, and History that has been changed to benefit someone else. Even real history is distorted and just as screwed up as the EU books. So think of the EU books as way of getting your mind to think something totally different then you where taught. History of the movies teach's us that Padme dies the EU books say she didn't.

Think who would benefit if she was dead and who would benefit if she did live on. If you don't like History the way it was written, rewrite it so it benefits you when you need it to.

Jan 4th, 2003, 12:10:03 AM
here's a thought.. what if Anakin/Vader kills Padme? Perhaps out of anger of her leaving him? We know that Vader is extremely twisted and his vision is clouded, he makes decisions out of anger.