View Full Version : Issue II: Membership

Branwen Morcant
Jan 11th, 2002, 03:35:30 AM
1) General: Applications are invited to be made in an IC manner on the Grand Parlour Forum. An especially appointed "welcomer" takes the request and brings it before the Circle for voting.

2) Test: Every applicant has to answer to the "welcomer". He/she will test the applicant to get an idea of his skills with both his powers IC and his knowledge of RPing in OOC. The Circle can use the development and result of this test to make a judgement about how to vote for the person.

3) Voting: Applicants are judged by their performance IC and by their level of trustworthiness and honesty OOC. Anyone in the Circle who thinks any of these criteria cannot be met by the person applying will have to show conclusive evidence of the matter, otherwise a vote on the Applicant is set aside for the duration of 2 weeks in which anyone who wishes can inform himself further. Upon second failure to provide evidence (facts, not speculations), in such cases as the vetoer should be the only one against, his/her vote is annulled, and all other votes stand.

4) Accepted: Upon haveing their application accepted, applicants enter a trial period during which they are members of the Shrine, yet not member of the Circle , Members of the Circle may share whichever information thes think necessary with the accepted, but at their own risk. The trial period lasts for a limited amount of time (6 weeks, or 3 RPs?). At the end of the trial period, the Circle will again vote for or against making the accepted a full member, and, upon positive agreement, the accepted will then be welcomed to the Circle.

Branwen Morcant
Jan 14th, 2002, 02:50:04 AM
Does anyone have anything to say for or against this? It was meant to be as a basic idea but needs everyone's input.... so post away and discuss things! (same goes for the other one about Group Structure)

Jedah Lynch
Jan 15th, 2002, 02:49:47 PM
Whoops, had the flu so thats keep me from posting or thinking much lately.


1) General: Applications are invited to be made in an IC manner on the Grand Parlour Forum. An especially appointed "welcomer" takes the request and brings it before the Circle for voting.

I agree with this.

2) Test: Every applicant has to answer to the "welcomer". He/she will test the applicant to get an idea of his skills with both his powers IC and his knowledge of RPing in OOC. The Circle can use the development and result of this test to make a judgement about how to vote for the person.

Good call here. It can be hard to judge a new person(especially if they are actually new and not an alt) and how he responds or what his capabilities are. This would show us his skill level or give us a good example of how well he can Rp so we can point out any tipes to help improve him/her. And of course to vote on them to determine if they are indeed up to standard of of Ron Thrawn quality which should not be allowed here. That might be mean but saves us a great deal of trouble.

3) Voting: Applicants are judged by their performance IC and by their level of trustworthiness and honesty OOC. Anyone in the Circle who thinks any of these criteria cannot be met by the person applying will have to show conclusive evidence of the matter, otherwise a vote on the Applicant is set aside for the duration of 2 weeks in which anyone who wishes can inform himself further. Upon second failure to provide evidence (facts, not speculations), in such cases as the vetoer should be the only one against, his/her vote is annulled, and all other votes stand.

Got no real problem here. Although I do think we should have the right to vote no on any person that we deem to be a liability or if some might have issues with them IC or OOC wise which can cause friction inside the Shrine itself.

4) Accepted: Upon haveing their application accepted, applicants enter a trial period during which they are members of the Shrine, yet not member of the Circle , Members of the Circle may share whichever information thes think necessary with the accepted, but at their own risk. The trial period lasts for a limited amount of time (6 weeks, or 3 RPs?). At the end of the trial period, the Circle will again vote for or against making the accepted a full member, and, upon positive agreement, the accepted will then be welcomed to the Circle.

Hmm I like this, I really do. That could be good and I like where they need to prove themselves in actually RPs before they are made a member.

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 15th, 2002, 03:31:27 PM
1) General: Applications are invited to be made in an IC manner on the Grand Parlour Forum. An especially appointed "welcomer" takes the request and brings it before the Circle for voting.

Love this makes people feel the realism of the setting.

2) Test: Every applicant has to answer to the "welcomer". He/she will test the applicant to get an idea of his skills with both his powers IC and his knowledge of RPing in OOC. The Circle can use the development and result of this test to make a judgement about how to vote for the person.

hmmm well i agree with this to an extent as long as we do give new rpers a chance. i know when i first came in i dident know a whole lot and wasent very good at all so i think some chance to develop shold be given if new to rping.

3) Voting: Applicants are judged by their performance IC and by their level of trustworthiness and honesty OOC. Anyone in the Circle who thinks any of these criteria cannot be met by the person applying will have to show conclusive evidence of the matter, otherwise a vote on the Applicant is set aside for the duration of 2 weeks in which anyone who wishes can inform himself further. Upon second failure to provide evidence (facts, not speculations), in such cases as the vetoer should be the only one against, his/her vote is annulled, and all other votes stand.
I agree this is a good one


4) Accepted: Upon haveing their application accepted, applicants enter a trial period during which they are members of the Shrine, yet not member of the Circle , Members of the Circle may share whichever information thes think necessary with the accepted, but at their own risk. The trial period lasts for a limited amount of time (6 weeks, or 3 RPs?). At the end of the trial period, the Circle will again vote for or against making the accepted a full member, and, upon positive agreement, the accepted will then be welcomed to the Circle.

LOVE THIS ONE I do think we should offer help to any who need it in rping and like areas.

Just a few other tings i woud like to discuss i do like the name the circle for the group as a whole but i do beleave we should have levels that tey can attain so they feel they are accomplising something. I also feel that though we will hear everyones vote on matters if they are a member of the shrine an all votes will be taken into consideration , i feel that we should have a council of 7 the original 7 that are in here now. if we dont i do think it will lead to probems and dicisions going unsolved . we can hear everyone ad take there votes to heart but the final dicision to be fair to all should come down to the 7 council members as a 3/4 vote and on much more important matters all or none (important meaning the merging of us with another and the like) .. i would also like to have the members all able to eventually drink from the mother that is something the council can strive for to give us a little excitement in rping lol and i do like soths ideas on the levels assigned... i would also like to ask how you all feel about when a new mmber does come in to have a small or large which ever, rp with them to make them feel welcome we could all do one big rp togeather or if you want seperate but i think it would make each member feel wanted and good.:)

Branwen Morcant
Jan 16th, 2002, 11:49:51 AM
Got no real problem here. Although I do think we should have the right to vote no on any person that we deem to be a liability or if some might have issues with them IC or OOC wise which can cause friction inside the Shrine itself.
As I said, you can vote against someone for any reason you like - as long as you can back up your vote by a legitimate piece of evidence why you think that way about that person. It can be OOC or IC related, doesn't matter. As long as it's not just something based on speculation.

hmmm well i agree with this to an extent as long as we do give new rpers a chance. i know when i first came in i dident know a whole lot and wasent very good at all so i think some chance to develop shold be given if new to rping.
Well, that's what the whole idea about making them participate in an RP to be welcomed and tested is about. That way we can test those people who have little experience on the boards in general - most of the time, if someone has potential to develop, you can see it.