View Full Version : Issue I: Group Structure

Branwen Morcant
Jan 11th, 2002, 03:10:33 AM
The following ideas are up for debate. I offer my suggestions as a basic idea from where we can take the discussion about it.

(Some of these might sound a little strict, but in all honesty, I've noticed that that's just saving time and a lot of hassle for a lot of people involved - in the interest of fairness, it's sometimes easier to impose stricter rules than loose ones.)

1) There is no "Council". A council has some bad asssocitations it brings with it, and we don't want that. As we're all equal, each one of us, upon being made a full member of the Circle (anyone who is a member), has access to this forum, and a vote. Ranks do not count in here -as we are all members of the same family in here, we all have the same say.

2) Voting: On any subject, it has to be a total majority. It' s either everyone agrees, or none. One single vote decides the case. (e.g. if we are voting about accepting someone new, and we have 5 people in here, then to get the person accepted, he/she has to have 5 votes for him/her. One negative vote, and the person stays out)
This way might be more radical, but it saves time, and pointless bickering. Each member of the Circle, however, has to present a good reason for his/her point of view.

3) Positions: Each of the members in here gets a certain task. To the outward world, Ashiva is our leader, and therefore official spokesperson. However, we can appoint certain positions to make it easier.
a - a welcoming committee (or rather one person) to process any new applications or requests for information on the Parlour forum,
b - a spokesperson to represent Ashiva and us at SWfans in any IC/OOC matters,
c - an envoy to represent us to any of the other groups if there is any need,
d - any others we can think of...

4) The right to stay informed: As we are all a family, we need to know what each of us are doing. I've noticed it before that in small groups the actions of one are seen as the actions of all - hence we need to keep each other informed about what we are doing, and plan our actions accordingly. It is also important to take greater care in what is being said - people out there will evaluate ever word we say and judge us all by just one bad word.
So we need to keep each other updated on evolvements, first in here, later in an OOC forum if the group grows larger soon.

That's about all I can think of for now. Discussion can begin :p

Jedah Lynch
Jan 15th, 2002, 07:47:18 PM
(Some of these might sound a little strict, but in all honesty, I've noticed that that's just saving time and a lot of hassle for a lot of people involved - in the interest of fairness, it's sometimes easier to impose stricter rules than loose ones.)

That is true, it might cause some to cry foul in some circles or groups but its good to maintain a strict control than a loose one where chaos soons follows. That has been part of TSE's problem at times.

1) There is no "Council". A council has some bad asssocitations it brings with it, and we don't want that. As we're all equal, each one of us, upon being made a full member of the Circle (anyone who is a member), has access to this forum, and a vote. Ranks do not count in here -as we are all members of the same family in here, we all have the same say.

I do believe we should have a council to make sure a degree of control is maintained and no one person who joins and can cause trouble or try to take control of this group, though I do like the thought of calling it a circle more than a council. It seems to fit the role far better IMO and perfect for a vamp group. As it is if we make sure we all get along and can work together I think we need not fear having a council/circle. Make people feel welcome and they will do whats right in the end.

2) Voting: On any subject, it has to be a total majority. It' s either everyone agrees, or none. One single vote decides the case. (e.g. if we are voting about accepting someone new, and we have 5 people in here, then to get the person accepted, he/she has to have 5 votes for him/her. One negative vote, and the person stays out)
This way might be more radical, but it saves time, and pointless bickering. Each member of the Circle, however, has to present a good reason for his/her point of view.

Hmm at times I think this would be a life saver and a very good idea yet also believe that a 3/4 majority can work also. Not sure we can all be on the same wave length 100% so a 3/4 vote can or might save as much trouble as a 100% agreement. If we all always must agree it could cause friction if matters never happen due to less than a 100% agreement.

If someone wishes for a position or job I have no problem with that at all. Does anyone wish for a specific role within the Shrine?

4) The right to stay informed: As we are all a family, we need to know what each of us are doing. I've noticed it before that in small groups the actions of one are seen as the actions of all - hence we need to keep each other informed about what we are doing, and plan our actions accordingly. It is also important to take greater care in what is being said - people out there will evaluate ever word we say and judge us all by just one bad word.
So we need to keep each other updated on evolvements, first in here, later in an OOC forum if the group grows larger soon.

Agreed, what one person does can and will reflect upon the group in whole for good or bad. So its best we keep each other aware or any goings on that might be of importence. Some people tend to post links to what threads they are currently involved in locked forums so they can keep track. This might be a idea for us to do at the Shrine as well.

Branwen Morcant
Jan 16th, 2002, 11:18:10 AM
I do believe we should have a council to make sure a degree of control is maintained and no one person who joins and can cause trouble or try to take control of this group, though I do like the thought of calling it a circle more than a council. It seems to fit the role far better IMO and perfect for a vamp group. As it is if we make sure we all get along and can work together I think we need not fear having a council/circle. Make people feel welcome and they will do whats right in the end.
I think by the ideas I provided for membership, you would pretty much rule out the sort of trouble you are talking about. If it takes a longer time for anyone to be elected (as that would probably a good term for describing the process) then you have a lot of time to make sure in every way that most of the risks are out of the way. For anything else there is the Circle (as I said, the full and elected members of the Shrine).

Hmm at times I think this would be a life saver and a very good idea yet also believe that a 3/4 majority can work also. Not sure we can all be on the same wave length 100% so a 3/4 vote can or might save as much trouble as a 100% agreement. If we all always must agree it could cause friction if matters never happen due to less than a 100% agreement.
Would you believe me if I told you that the 100% agreement thing causes less friction than the 3/4 vote? I can't exactly explain why, but at TBH (... yeah, I think you're all going to hear that particular phrase far too often for your liking from me.... lol), with the diversity of people there, it often saved us all from a lot of conflict. And if something never happens due to the 100% agreement thing - well, why do something that even just one member of the group wants nothing to do with it?
We could of course make some room for a little bit of leniency to this rule: one can always abstain from voting rather than be against it. That way the person's vote would simply not count and everyone else makes up the 100%.

If someone wishes for a position or job I have no problem with that at all. Does anyone wish for a specific role within the Shrine?
The official spokesperson on SWfans I wouldn't have anything against being, although I don't know if I would always manage to be around. I do think it should be someone fairly "neutral", i.e. not someone who might have biases against him/her that might come to reflect on the group as a whole. (I saw how damaging that was with TBH and Jeseth speaking for it - I wouldn't want the group as a whole to have to suffer from anyone letting off their anger at one person by taking it out on all of us).
As I said, though - I am not sure if I would always be there. I do check there often enough and it's easier for me to post OOC than IC most of the time, but if anyone would like to propose someone else for the position, I'd rather someone else would be that.
Apart from that - if there was such a thing as an OOC position: just leave me to the design stuff and small admin features and I'm perfectly happy.

Agreed, what one person does can and will reflect upon the group in whole for good or bad. So its best we keep each other aware or any goings on that might be of importence. Some people tend to post links to what threads they are currently involved in locked forums so they can keep track. This might be a idea for us to do at the Shrine as well.
Well, that is also one thing the "Dream Escapes" forum in the Chronicles category is for: to record links to old and current RPs, not just to keep each other informed (about current, secret things it's of course better to do that in a private forum) but also to keep track of one's own RPs and one's character's own development over time.

Jedah Lynch
Jan 26th, 2002, 07:57:30 PM
Would you believe me if I told you that the 100% agreement thing causes less friction than the 3/4 vote? I can't exactly explain why, but at TBH (... yeah, I think you're all going to hear that particular phrase far too often for your liking from me.... lol), with the diversity of people there, it often saved us all from a lot of conflict. And if something never happens due to the 100% agreement thing - well, why do something that even just one member of the group wants nothing to do with it?
We could of course make some room for a little bit of leniency to this rule: one can always abstain from voting rather than be against it. That way the person's vote would simply not count and everyone else makes up the 100%.

Do believe the the 3/4 rule is good because the only problem I see with the one that TBH follows is that any one person can probably push their ides through if they get enough supporters and some might not want to rock the boat by voting against them. Granted the same could happen here but dont believe we got so many followers as such and more independent people and while we shall try to be a family minded group there isnt any family that ever agrees all time.(or doesnt get hit in the nose by a football) Do agree though a person should have the right to abstain from any vote if they wish.

The official spokesperson on SWfans I wouldn't have anything against being, although I don't know if I would always manage to be around. I do think it should be someone fairly "neutral", i.e. not someone who might have biases against him/her that might come to reflect on the group as a whole. (I saw how damaging that was with TBH and Jeseth speaking for it - I wouldn't want the group as a whole to have to suffer from anyone letting off their anger at one person by taking it out on all of us).
As I said, though - I am not sure if I would always be there. I do check there often enough and it's easier for me to post OOC than IC most of the time, but if anyone would like to propose someone else for the position, I'd rather someone else would be that.
Apart from that - if there was such a thing as an OOC position: just leave me to the design stuff and small admin features and I'm perfectly happy.

Well would anyone like to have the spokesmen job for the Shrine? I kinda do that duty at TSE sometimes and not always the best so rather someone else did the Shrine so didnt pull double duty or open my big trap when I shouldnt.

Well, that is also one thing the "Dream Escapes" forum in the Chronicles category is for: to record links to old and current RPs, not just to keep each other informed (about current, secret things it's of course better to do that in a private forum) but also to keep track of one's own RPs and one's character's own development over time.

So thats the purpose, until now I wasnt sure.




Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 5th, 2002, 03:14:17 AM
hello as for a spokesperson morcant remember the shrine guardians that i made they could greet people show them to there rooms make declarations or even be our army I can give everybody the generic password for the character once its uploaded and we can all use him like you said sorry about the no puntuation but its late and im going to bed so aha