Nicholas Kain
Feb 10th, 2002, 10:20:52 PM
Upon Jedah's asking I have put together a second draft of the rules. There wasn't many changes to the rules, and this does not include the definitions of the ranks posted by Soth.
General Rules of Conduct:
1. You will respect the rights of all members. Flaming is unacceptable!
2. You will attempt to resolve conflicts between yourselves. If a conflict cannot be resolved other members can be asked to step in and mediate.
3. The good of the group comes before personal ambitions.
4. Treason is an automatic banning.
5 You will NOT use OOC information to benefit yourself IC.
6. Admission in to locked forums will be granted only after the person has proven himself or herself loyal and deserving (2 to 3 months on average). Ask and you will AUTOMATICALLY be refused and not be reconsidered for 2 weeks.
7. The Shrine is a family and everyone in the group will uphold that atmosphere.
8. To prevent problems secret IC information needs to be revealed to at least one member of the Shrine who is neutral and not bias.
13. Violation of the rules results in demotion/banning/exile.
14. Repeat offenders (over 3) will be banned automatically.
Admission to the Shrine:
1. Applications are invited to be made in an IC manner in the Grand Parlour Forum. A specially appointed "welcomer" takes the request and brings it before the Circle for voting.
·All new applicants will be voted on by The Seven, (the full members of the group). Until a decision has been reached, assume the answer is "No." All those wishing casual entry into our grounds must attain it through the gatekeeper, unless they have been invited as guests. All those found to be unworthy shall be denied, and often times methodically destroyed.
3. Participation or having a second character in another group cannot be a sole reason for dismissing a request.
4. Permission may be denied at the Council’s discretion.
Apprentice Training (Sith/Vampire):
1. Once deemed qualified it is up to each individual person whether they take on an apprentice.
2. If at all possible the limit to the number of apprentices at least three.
3. Before an apprentice can be promoted they must have been on at least two RP's with their master.
4. Training may take place on the boards, in a chat room, or an instant message medium. If the training takes place somewhere other then the boards the transcript must be posted in the appropriate forum for documentation.
5. A petition for promotion must be brought before The Seven for vote on it.
6. Every apprentice will be made to feel welcome at the Shrine to ensure a long career in the group.
1. The decision to ally with any group or person must have a unanimous vote, temporary or otherwise.
2. The alliance must not conflict in any way with current alliances
3. If an ally turns against another ally the Shrine council must have a unanimous vote on whether or not to stay out of the conflict or side with one group or another.
4. Alliances can be broken with a week's notice from the party severing the alliance. No reason need be given.
5. Even though a group is allied with us the council must approve the sharing of "Sensitive" information.
6. Information obtained from one ally will not be shared with another ally.
Governmental Structure:
1. The council will consist of 7 members and be called The Seven.
2. Simple majority will decide all votes unless otherwise stated in the guidelines.
3. The council is not above any laws.
4. Violation of any of the rules can result in your removal from The Seven.
5. Once the constitution is finalized a 3/4 vote in the council is needed to amend it in any way.
General Rules of Conduct:
1. You will respect the rights of all members. Flaming is unacceptable!
2. You will attempt to resolve conflicts between yourselves. If a conflict cannot be resolved other members can be asked to step in and mediate.
3. The good of the group comes before personal ambitions.
4. Treason is an automatic banning.
5 You will NOT use OOC information to benefit yourself IC.
6. Admission in to locked forums will be granted only after the person has proven himself or herself loyal and deserving (2 to 3 months on average). Ask and you will AUTOMATICALLY be refused and not be reconsidered for 2 weeks.
7. The Shrine is a family and everyone in the group will uphold that atmosphere.
8. To prevent problems secret IC information needs to be revealed to at least one member of the Shrine who is neutral and not bias.
13. Violation of the rules results in demotion/banning/exile.
14. Repeat offenders (over 3) will be banned automatically.
Admission to the Shrine:
1. Applications are invited to be made in an IC manner in the Grand Parlour Forum. A specially appointed "welcomer" takes the request and brings it before the Circle for voting.
·All new applicants will be voted on by The Seven, (the full members of the group). Until a decision has been reached, assume the answer is "No." All those wishing casual entry into our grounds must attain it through the gatekeeper, unless they have been invited as guests. All those found to be unworthy shall be denied, and often times methodically destroyed.
3. Participation or having a second character in another group cannot be a sole reason for dismissing a request.
4. Permission may be denied at the Council’s discretion.
Apprentice Training (Sith/Vampire):
1. Once deemed qualified it is up to each individual person whether they take on an apprentice.
2. If at all possible the limit to the number of apprentices at least three.
3. Before an apprentice can be promoted they must have been on at least two RP's with their master.
4. Training may take place on the boards, in a chat room, or an instant message medium. If the training takes place somewhere other then the boards the transcript must be posted in the appropriate forum for documentation.
5. A petition for promotion must be brought before The Seven for vote on it.
6. Every apprentice will be made to feel welcome at the Shrine to ensure a long career in the group.
1. The decision to ally with any group or person must have a unanimous vote, temporary or otherwise.
2. The alliance must not conflict in any way with current alliances
3. If an ally turns against another ally the Shrine council must have a unanimous vote on whether or not to stay out of the conflict or side with one group or another.
4. Alliances can be broken with a week's notice from the party severing the alliance. No reason need be given.
5. Even though a group is allied with us the council must approve the sharing of "Sensitive" information.
6. Information obtained from one ally will not be shared with another ally.
Governmental Structure:
1. The council will consist of 7 members and be called The Seven.
2. Simple majority will decide all votes unless otherwise stated in the guidelines.
3. The council is not above any laws.
4. Violation of any of the rules can result in your removal from The Seven.
5. Once the constitution is finalized a 3/4 vote in the council is needed to amend it in any way.