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Alana Stormcloud
Apr 15th, 2002, 07:10:28 AM
Hey all :) this new guy who is applying Damon cannot get ims or anything like that and I ont know how o go about telling him that he cant just come in as a vampy. I need some help with this:) huggs all
Nicholas Kain
Apr 15th, 2002, 08:24:58 AM
Well he's got an Ezboard name so he has to have email.
Might do it that way.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 15th, 2002, 10:44:15 AM
:) thankie kain I sent him an email do you have any ideas on what i should ask him on this you know like about him applying as a vamp already?
Nicholas Kain
Apr 15th, 2002, 02:15:31 PM
Well I'd want to know a few things.
1) How he found the Shrine?
2) If he already RPs at Fans, and if so as who?
3) If not what kind of RP experience does he have (examples would be nice)?
4) Why he wants to join?
Those would be my four.
Apr 15th, 2002, 04:56:16 PM
Yeah...And ask him if he like's his steak rare or medium rare?...hehehe....:P Matt IM me when you see me on bro. We need to put a couple of thing's in the "Rule's" like level's and ranks and that peep inquiring about what our "vote" decision is during their wait is a no-no...Phantom IM me and asked, however I couldn't say nothing to him on it seeing it's not really stated in the posted rule's right now...I simply told him we would get to him this week....Pandora will be used to give him that decision seeing she's a neutral CHR and spokesman for the Shrine as soon as all the vote's are in. It already look's like he's been turned down for the time being so..., Ya Matt if you could IM Hollie on this or me maybe we can work the bug's out and stuff. Thanks bro.:)
Nicholas Kain
Apr 15th, 2002, 05:13:38 PM
Yeah IM's going to be an issue right now.
I had a few issues with my comp last week they seem to be fixed now, but have been having a time trying to get AIM (as in my computer reboots every time I try and download it. :\) Trying it again now but we'll see.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 15th, 2002, 06:06:13 PM
awwww kainie im sowyy bout yur puter :) I have the info you said to get from him and yea he has posted alot and has quiet a few nics i guess he was a tse member or still is ill send all the info to you so you can let me know what you think. he really wants to keep the vampy he has to maybe we can work on all of hi miss talkin to u :) get yahoooo heheheh lol
thought i migt as well post his info in here to lol :)
Here is the listed characters I have portrayed with their proper
Obryn Shan- I retired this Jedi not long after the the following
thread below. He had been a member of the GJO but I lost interest in
portraying a Jedi.
possably another chance...(open to a jedi) (
Rothmar Dujek- This is my sith nic whose fate remains unknown. While
building this character, RL took too much of my time and left the SW
RPs for a few months. He is a member of the TSE but as I stated
before, Rothmar's status is unknown.
A scoundrel arrives... (
The training of Rothmar Dujek... (
Rothmar Dujek ( pic)
Novi Paran- My bounty hunter nic whom is still active and remains one
of the main nics I will hold now that I have returned.
I need a drink (
Hunting Anbira... (
Damon Strand- Vampyre Sith I created recently, unfortunately does not
have any history of turning neither any history period. Something I
was going to work on later.
Jedi on the Hunt VII: Duel on Nar Shadda... (
Tassk- A bounty hunter nic that I created but as with my other nics.
RL got in the way, then this nic dissappeared from SWFans. I had
started one thread with Garrett Blade but went very cold as I was
being drawn away from RP too often.
Angel with the Scabbed Wings (Open challenge) (
Yes I am willing to enter the Shrine as an ordinary human ... portray
with his humanity and vulnerability realistically. But I have already
portray Damon Strand as an already turned vampyre in one thread
involving Alpha. I can finish up that thread then re-introduce myself
again with a new nic, how's that?
Use this link to send a reply message to Damon Strand: ( d&loginID=alanastormcloud)
Nicholas Kain
Apr 15th, 2002, 10:16:58 PM
I'm against letting him in.
There are too many negatives that I can see from that response.
The main one being the fact he has gone through so many characters, I have too but most of them are NPC's, from the look of it the ones he's tossed aside were meant to be PCs. He just gives me the impression of being one of the types of younger RPers that RP a character until they get bored with it and then try something new and just completely drop the boring character mid stream.
That's just my opinion though.
Apr 15th, 2002, 10:37:43 PM
That's defiantly a bad thing...I know it sound's like were being picky and all but we truly need loyalty and peep we can trust as well as peep that take a Vampie CHR and want to be serious with it. This is true Matt, I too have seen peep create CHR juz to have membership's at board's juz to say they have an in or for other reason's that in the long run cause other's in the group to suffer. I trust your judgment as I find it quite odd that "his" first post was to us here at the Shrine.
Mistress Tatiana
Apr 16th, 2002, 11:31:08 PM
I dunno. We can't just turn away everyone who wants to be part of the Shrine. I do see your point though that he hasn't been consistent, but maybe we should give him a chance. All of us can admit to a time when we left RP for a while because of RL reasons. RL is always more important than RP.
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