View Full Version : Mara, the Info on "Roon/The Sith Book"

Death Knight Soth
May 4th, 2002, 12:37:58 AM
Thankie gf :) ...Here you go...Jumps up and down with glee...;)

System: Roon System
Terrain: Plains, seas, frozen wastes
Species: Humans, aliens
Language: Basic
Points of interest: Port of Nime, Roon Sea

In a remote pocket of the Outer Rim lies a navigator's nightmare ominously known as the Cloak of the Sith. This dark mass of seething gases and spinning asteroids is so hazourdous taht it is officially classified as impenetrable. For the brave few who attempt the crossing, the reward is worth the risk - the Cloak harbours the galaxy's only source of Roonstones.

The legendary planet Roon sits at the heart of the Cloak like a bright sapphire in a well of ink. It rotates on it's axis only once a year, so one side is perpetually lit while the other is cold and caliginous.

The world's inhabitants, an eclectic mix of humans, near humans, and aliens, arrived over the centuries by following the tails of the Rainbow commets. These itinerant ice balls pass close to Roon's small sun once a year and traec out the only safe path through the Cloak of the Sith.

Because of their nearly total isolation, Roon's colonists are tough and self-reliant. They seldom ride a land speeder when a sturdy mogo will do, and still use oar-driven wooden galleys on the sparkling Roon Sea. The annual Colonial Games pit the local provinces against each other in no-holds-barred relay races, the most difficult being the climactic "drainsweeper." The victorious territory secures bragging rights and a measurable political edge for the coming season.

Primitive mudmen are native to Roon, The semisentient creatures can be broken down into many smaller versions of themselves with a concetrated spray of water. The tiniest mudmen are sometimes captured in glass containers and sold as pets.

Roonstones drive the economy of the planet. These fist-sized iridescent gems are worth a fortune on the open market, but their scarcity prevents them from becoming a major export. For generations frustrated miners have drilled empty shafts in vain, searching from the elusive Roonstone source.

A number of years before the Battle of Yavin, R2-D2 and C-3PO journeyed to Roon in the company of their master, Mungo Baobab. Mungo hoped to discover the source of the Roonstones and establish a lucrative trade route in the name of the Baabab Merchant Fleet.

But the villainous Governor Koong had other plans. Koong, the ironfisted ruler of Tawntoom province, would settle for nothing less than the total conquest of Roon and the death of Mungo Baobab. With Emperor Palpatine's observer, Admiral Screed, watching over his shoulder, Koong's agents woke a ravenous shamunaar from hibernation, then tried to fix the Colonial Games. When both schemes failed to eliminate his rivals, Koong blanketed the Umboo province with germ-warfare gas.

To stop the power-mad governor, Mungo and the droids infiltrated his frozen citadel. There they discovered that the stronghold was built on a mountain of Roonstones but lost the gems when the fortress self-detonated.

Mungo, however, had salvaged a few. to his surprise, the rocks contained an embedded poem describing an eons-old battle on Coruscant. This amazing revelation hints at an ancient, alien origin for the Roonstones.

Artoo and Threepio eventually departed from Roon and soon found themselves on a barge bound for the Kalarba system. They thought their lives were about to slow down but they were in for a rude surprise.

From the SW Essential guide to planets and moons

::The Link for the Sith Book of Spell's::www.fallenjedi.com/sithspells.html (http://www.fallenjedi.com/sithspells.html)

Branwen Morcant
May 6th, 2002, 01:32:16 AM
Well, the Roon info goes onto the Background Info page of the Shrine Info site. Nicholas is doing that, I think, but I can do it if he doesn't have the time just now. I just don't have access to it and would have to upload the files to somewhere else.

As for the link - That's part of something else I had in mind for the side bar: a few useful links to information about Sith, Vampires, etc... If anyone knows anything interesting, let me know.

Nicholas Kain
May 6th, 2002, 05:49:23 AM
I was going to post these when I had more of the site done. But no time like the present.


Username: shrine
Password: DamnedWe

In the main directory there is a file called BaseCode.html This is the file that contains the code for the border but has no content. Just click edit and copy the code. You'll see that I set it up so that you can see where the header stops and the content starts.

If you haven any problems with it email me or I'll be on IM later on.

Oh and I'm working on something for a menu type thing instead of the sidebar but none of the pages that are uploaded have it on them yet.