View Full Version : New Forums

Mistress Tatiana
May 4th, 2002, 02:22:38 PM
Jimmie and I went ahead and created two new forums. One is title "The Roonstone Inn" which is for OOC crap and non serious RP's. That's where our bar will be.

The other forum is called "Cloak Of The Sith". This will be a password protected forum for the members of the Shrine. (Haven't put in a password yet.) We'll leave this forum closed for admin purposes and votes the council of 7 need to make.

Sound good? :)

Btw, I know some of the colors and graphics and stuff still need to be fixed, but Mara said she'd fix them when she had some free time. :)

Branwen Morcant
May 6th, 2002, 01:26:23 AM
Colors.... oh yeah... I forgot about that.

Will go and do that now. Graphics are up, and I even got the Profile Gallery Pic for Jedah up, finally.

Anything else?

Nicholas Kain
May 6th, 2002, 05:41:09 AM
Yeash, you must not have been kidding when you said Nya slept a lot.

I mean all the people I know around here who have newborns spend any time they can get sleeping, and here you are doing images.

Where do I sign up for a baby like that when the time comes? Or is it just a European thing?

Branwen Morcant
May 6th, 2002, 11:46:42 AM

Well, she sleeps about 4 hours each time, wakes up, wants to be fed, and then goes back to sleep. The only time she's a bit more active is around midnight, when she seems to be hungrier than other times. But it's not enough to keep me from getting enough sleep.

People keep telling me I should rest more though, but I really don't know what for... I feel just fine as it is. It takes some time getting used to waking up a few times during the night, but I seem to have managed to do that by now.

Besides, at the times I am online these days, there's almost no one on besides a few people with Away messages, so I get plenty of time to catch up on the work I've been putting off for so long.

Mistress Tatiana
May 8th, 2002, 12:43:04 AM
Glad to hear motherhood is going well for you. :) I saw the pics of the baby and she is so cute. Her name is Nya? That's really pretty. :) Good choice Mara. :)

Branwen Morcant
May 8th, 2002, 02:04:03 AM
Thanks :)

about the name... i've yet to see if the officials in this moronic super-bureaucracy I'm currently residing in will allow Nya as a name. There's a Welsh name Nia (Nia Ben Aur, or Niamh of the Golden Hair, a kind of fairy/pagan goddess for the Celts) but I pretty much invented the Nya version with the y...

oh well... I'll see...