View Full Version : How A Vamp Will Play...
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 26th, 2002, 12:27:11 AM
Alana wandered the halls slowly thinking of the newest member of the Shrine. She had turned him not so long ago and still had not spent the time with him she should have. She knew he had been studying a lot lately but what she wondered is if he had any fun recently.
Though vampyres loved to learn there was also a need o enjoy all the things that life could now bring them or death as it was. "Hmmm ill leave that question to Kain." She thought with a chuckle. Alana was more than alive in her mind and more than willing to enjoy everything offered to her. She passed a window that over looked a pond and had a wonderful idea, with a wicked grin she picked up her pace to Kain's room.
Knocking gently she opened it when she heard his voice call out. Walking in with a smile and a shake of her head. "Just as I thought I would find you Kain, reading.." She bent over and took the book from his hands. "I have not been a good sister to you, my brother, I have not shone you all that I can." She said in a sad voice and with a wicked gleam in her eye.
"Come Kain it is time to enjoy what we are, " She whispered softly and extended her hand...
Nicholas Kain
Feb 26th, 2002, 12:39:19 AM
A low growl escaped from Nicholas' lips as the book was pulled from his hands.
"How can I enjoy what we are when I have still not discovered what we are?"
Nicholas stood and turned to look Alana. She was the one that had turned him, and because of that he could only question her to such an extent and the look in her eyes told him now was not one of those times. It was not a look of anger, but one of playfulness. It would be of no use to argue with her.
Taking in a deep breath, Nicholas closed his eyes and let it out slowly.
"Very well, I suppose that it would be beneficial to my quest to participate in this."
His sarcastic tone let slip the lack of enthusiasm that he was truly feeling towards whatever his master had planned.
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 26th, 2002, 12:54:37 AM
"How can you discover what you are from books Kain, when what we are is in our unbeating hearts, it is in the night and in the hunt of all pleasure." Alana said in a playful tone. Grabbing his hand she took off in a run her legs moving with the speed her there race possessed. He kept up with her after the initial surprise and stumble at the beginning. She raced toward the water her hand griping his.
"There is something I want to show you Kain, something I want you to feel." She stopped suddenly at the waters edge her smile bright as she turned to him. " I just discovered this the other night on one of my walks, its truly beautiful." The water glimmered in the moon light gold streaks laced the water as if painted. She pointed at the water and his brows furrowed. "There is nothing but a Lake Alana." He said in an exasperated tone. Alana shook her head.
"No, Kain there is s much more her hand ran over his shoulder and across his cheek. "Open your vampyre eyes and see what lies beyond," she whispered seductively as she circled him. When she was behind him she suddenly shoved him forward, face first into the water he went. By the time he resurfaced she was no where to be seen. In fact all he saw was a pile of her cloths. Kain spun around at her giggle behind him. " See Kain, isn't it much better close up" She asked with a laugh....
Nicholas Kain
Feb 26th, 2002, 01:07:31 AM
"Much." He replied, the tone and inflection of his voice showing how truly unimpressed he was with being pushed into the water.
Finding that he could stand on the bottom and raise up out of the water he stood, his dark brown skin glistened as the moonlight reflected off the water on his skin. Once he reached the shore he turned and looked at Alana.
"Now if this is all that you wanted to show me, I believe I have seen it. So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go change and return to my work."
Without a further work Nicholas turned and scooped up all of her clothes and started off towards the Shrine using his new found Vampyre speed.
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 26th, 2002, 01:26:47 AM
"Oh no you don't ." She called out to him as ye ran. She leapt from the water and gave chase catching up to him she leapt on his back and took him to he ground. As she flipped him over and sat on his chest she shook her head in mock sadness. "Kain you are going to have fun this night if it kills you, my dear."
He also realized the she was wearing a sheath like bathing suit, it had mattered little to her that he had stolen her cloths. In Alana's mind it was the chase that inticed her and made her react.
She stood up and reached her hand out to him pulling him to his feet. gripping his wrist with all the strength born to her she once again took off in a run. This time not toward the water but toward the forest.
"She looked back at him with a smile lets see how well you hunt." She laughed as she whipped out her dagger and sliced his cloths from him. "Lets see how well you hunt as nature intended you to. Her laughter tinkled through the trees like a soft song playing....
Nicholas Kain
Feb 26th, 2002, 02:46:40 PM
Nicholas took in and let out a deep sigh. For a former bounty hunter she did not use very good tactics. Picking up his tattered clothes Nicholas walked back to the Shrine and his room which was attached to the library via a secret passage. Quickly changing he added a few items he had not been wearing previous, most important of those, his sword which now hung sheathed in the middle of his back.
Opening the passage way between his room and the library he made his way towards the room where he spent most of his time to lay his trap, and possibly get some more reading done.
As he entered he immediately lowered the light in the room from it's normal glow to the point where most of the room was cast in shadows except the area directly in front of the fireplace.
Walking over to one of the overstuffed leather chairs near the fireplace, Nicholas removed a small device and concealed it in the corner of the chair as best he could. Pulling a small remote from his vest he pressed a button and an exact replica of himself appeared sitting in the chair. The holo device was something that he had carried for years and always proved to be a valuable tool. Adjusting the display to include a book, Nicholas smiled evilly.
His trap mainly set Nicholas walked over to the small bar and poured himself a glass Corellian brandy, a vice that had followed him from the living world. Taking the full glass and a book he casually walked to one of the corners in the room that was completely engulfed in darkness. Taking a seat on to of the small step ladder that he had aquired from nearby he sat and started to wait, and read.
"Why hunt the prey, when the prey will come to you?" he thought to himself with an inward laugh knowing that even if she did not try and find him back in the library again that he would at least get some reading done.
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 27th, 2002, 12:44:40 AM
Alana's eyes narrowed as she watched Kain walk away. So he did not want to know the fun side of being what he now is. "Well, I'll just have to teach him the hard way." Alana thought to herself. There was now nothing that would stand in her way no matter how much he protested or what he did that would stop her in the quest of his enjoying his new life.
Alana made her way to his chambers baring a bottle of blood wine, she wanted to have a serious talk with him about his need to get out and enjoy things.
Knocking softy she stepped through the door. " Kain I'm sorry if I upset you with my ways, I brought you a peace offering." She said with a smile as she approached the figure n the chair...
Nicholas Kain
Feb 27th, 2002, 01:07:43 AM
Nicholas looked up from his book when Alana knocked on the door. As the door opened confirming it was indeed her, a wicked smile flashed across Nicholas' face. "Come into my parlour said the spider to the Vamp." he said inwardly to himself.
Carefully in slow movements he removed the small remote from his vest. The small holo emmitter had one more surprise in it for the Vampyre. Nicholas waited until she was less than 3 feet from the hologram and then depressed a button on the top of the remote. Suddenly the hologram disappeared, but before Alana could react a bolt of electricity surged from the emmitter. The blast was strong enough to knock out even the biggest man, and was more than enough to knock the Vampyre unconscious.
Quickly Alana's body fell to the floor in front of the fire, the bottle of blood wine landing softly beside her. Nicholas did not think that the blast would render a Vampyre unconscious for very long given their enhanced traits.
Quickly before she could wake he grabbed two glasses from the bar and made his way to the chair where the hologram once sat. Reaching down he retrieved the bottle of blood wine and poured some in both the glasses. As he put them on the table beside him he heard her begin to stir.
Reaching over his shoulder he removed the sword that sat at the middle of his back. Swinging it downward he placed the tip at the point of her nose so that when her eyes opened it was the first thing that she saw.
"I do believe this means I won." He paused and let her take in the fact that she was still staring down the length of a razor sharp sword. "Now would you care for a glass of that blood wine you brought with you?"
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 28th, 2002, 01:14:23 AM
Alana's eyes glimmered with fury and then softened as she chuckled. She raised her hand ad lightly ran her finger down the length of the sword. A trickle of blood pooled and ran down the sides. Her eyes bore into his. "So you think you have won Kain, and in doing this what have you won my pet." Alana whispered in his mind, she began to weave a dream over taking his mind with the sheer force of her power in this area. Though not easy to do to a vampyre he was so new to there ways she slipped in.
"Kain, look around you ," she spoke softly transforming the library in his mind with an illusion that they were out on a street with people moving around them. "Look at what we have to feed on, look at what the world offers to us. They are nothing more than our pets, our feeding ground." Alana stood in front of him. Her smile was as cold and evil as her heart. Reaching out she grabbed a young girl walking by thrusting her forward to Kain she bent the girls neck. The young one groaned in her grasp as fear coursed through her. "Feel her fear Kain, feel the power you have over her and then take what you need from her."
Kains eyes lit with a savage hunger at the sight of the pulsing vein in her throat. He grabbed her roughly and sank his teeth into her neck Moaning as the warm blood washed over his lips. His eyes slipped closed in ecstasy. When he opened them he was no longer in the illusion but back in his library, his sword lay unused on the ground. He turned and looked for Alana and found her sitting in his chair sipping the blood wine with a smile on her face. "Sweet isn't it..."
Nicholas Kain
Feb 28th, 2002, 12:28:59 PM
As much as he had enjoyed her little dream he knew he would have to work on keeping her out of his head so that further episodes such as this would not occur. it was quite unnerving to know that someone could enter your mind in such a fashion.
Pushing those thoughts out of his mind until later, Nicholas looked at the clock that adorned one of the few empty walls.
"Hmmm we have a few hours before dawn, perhaps a late dinner is in order?
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 16th, 2002, 08:10:35 PM
Alana chuckled softly. She had known when she had first met Kain that he would be a Vampyre to be reckoned with. He had withstood her games and played them well, even besting her.
Alana stood stretching her lithe form."Yes it grows late and I do need to eat before I sleep. Where is it you would like to hunt Kain? Perhaps somewhere we can find an innocent, someone young and sweet and scared is to your liking?" Alana said with an innocent smile reminding Kain of the vision she had tempted him with.
Nicholas Kain
Mar 28th, 2002, 01:43:56 AM
"Mmm... I do believe you have discovered my new favorite recipe."
A evil and mischievous grin spread over Nicholas' face. Walking towards the door he stood at the entrance and waited for her to go first.
"You have had more time on this planet then I. You would know where the prey is plentiful. So after you."
His hand cut a path through the air beckoning her through the doorway first.
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