View Full Version : Awaits his Master

Nicholas Kain
Apr 14th, 2002, 04:34:34 PM
Nicholas has been slightly startled by the message from his Master that had entered his mind short of his leaving the mortal with Soth. Instead of making his way back to the library he walked straight to his Masters chambers. Arriving he found the door open but decided it would be wisest to wait for Alana outside her room.

He had gotten the gist of her message and the fact that Salem was her guest. Nicholas didn't care if he was her guest, the mortal was still there for one reason and one reason only, even if he entered under another pretence. Nothing that Alana could say to him would change his feelings on the matter.

He knew she would probably say that not long ago he was mortal too. And although that fact is true, he is not like the others that had been arriving or late to the Shrine. She had chosen him to become Vampyre, he had not asked her for the dark gifts. Yet two out of the three of those that he had felt in the Shrine of late were not here to "visit". No they wanted the gift, but it wasn't up to him to decide if they were worthy or not, but they were still mortal... and more than that, they were food.

Sighing Nicholas leaned against the wall across from her door. He knew that his Master may be a while, but he would wait. Better to wait for someone who is angry, than to make someone who is angry wait for you.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 18th, 2002, 10:38:10 AM
Alana walked briskly toward her room where she knew Kain was waiting for her. She could feel his defiance at her words and a smile grew on her lips. She had chosen him for the dark gift for that very reason. There was so much anger in him and he used it well. He had even at his turning and during there battle defied her. He had in fact pushed her to do her worst. What she had seen in him that day was the true heart of a vampyre.

Alana moved up behind Kain. She ran her fingers over his shoulders. Her anger had faded with the memories of his turning. Moving in front of him she looked up into his eye's. They, as always studied her face, taking in every nuance around him.

"Kain, I know why you feel so much animosity toward the humans that come into our home. I know you are just protecting what is rightfully yours." Taking his had she led him into her chamber while speaking.

"What you did to my guest was understandable but it was also unacceptable. I know your dark heart rages at the smell of life. Just as I know you view them as no more than a meal but there is a time when you need to curb your hatred and stand down." Alana turned from him and poured them both a glass of blood wine. Turning back to him she offered it.

He still stood defiant as always. She knew he would not give in to her. He believed what he wanted and stood by it fully. It was what made her so partial to him.

"What do you say Kain, give the petty humans a break. I know they come for the gift as you do. As you also know it is then our choice to give them the dark gift or not. Isn't that enough or do you mean to kill all that come to us?"

" One day you will meet someone that wants to be what you are to have what you have and you will see in them what I saw in you. Will you kill them because your eyes are closed to possibilities or will you turn them?" Alana asked in a cool tone.

Sipping her drink she studied Kain as she waited for his answer. He was truly a vampyre. His heart dead to all things his soul ripped from him at her dark kiss. He was what she had made him, a vampyre....

Nicholas Kain
Apr 22nd, 2002, 10:22:27 PM
Nicholas sipped his wine as she spoke.

He could understand her words, but she did not know all of why he approached all unknown visitors the way he did.

"It is not simply that the come begging to be one of us. Yes it is true that I do not believe it is anyones place to ask for the gift. Yes it is true that I believe that we should choose those we allow to join our ranks, but we should choose from those we meet, not those that come to us.

You chose me because you saw my true spirit, my true Vampyre inside. These mortals come because they want to be one of us for the sake of being one of us. They are looking for a boost to their ego. Why? Are they not good enough to exist as mortals? Then why allow them to become one of our dark siblings? If this is how you want to approach each new person that approaches you then I am not the man to tell you otherwise. However there is another reason that am the way I am when it comes to mortals and their coming to the Shrine."

He paused to sip his wine, but more over to let her wonder a moment or two longer about what he was talking about.

"You see there are a force out there that I have discovered. A group called the Sarafan. People who watch Vampyre's. We do not know what they want or whether they do more than simply watch us. The fact remains however, the more mortals we allow to come here, the greater the risk of our discovery by the Sarafan. That is if they are not already here now. And if they are, how do we know that one of our "guests" is not one of them? You see, there is a method behind my actions. One in which I place great emphasis.

The safety and security of my brothers and sisters here. And if that means killing every mortal that enters the Shrine before I know why they are here, I will do so."

Alana Stormcloud
May 3rd, 2002, 10:39:03 AM
Alana sighed softly at his words. She understood now why he acted in he way he did. He was protecting a family he had come to love.

"Watchers of Vampyres. Why is it we do not sense them Nicholas? What is it they want of us? Do the seek to destroy or to just learn?" She asked in curiosity. She had no worries that the Sarafan people would hurt the Shrine members before the Vampyres killed them.

"Tell me of these watchers Nicholas, what you have learned of them and what we should do to stop there....foolish curiosity." She said looking into his eyes a small smile playing over her lips...

Nicholas Kain
May 3rd, 2002, 01:56:49 PM
"I don't know what they want. I assume that we don't sense them because they keep enough distance that we can't. Noone has ever seen them other than their own members. I only know of them because of the books that I have recovered.

The only thing that myself and Soth have found is that they all wear a tattoo on their forearm. However if one was to try and infiltrate the Shrine it can be speculated that they would have the tattoo removed before they tried."

He took another sip of the wine.

"We are trying to get more information, but the search is taking much longer than I had anticipated."