View Full Version : Stumbling upon a Dream... maybe a nightmare to others

Valirion Thorn
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:32:42 AM
:: Valirion walked down the hall slowly. If he even walked normal the ground would seem to curve and he would become slightly disoriented. He had been wandering the shrine for so long it seemed but he knew that really it hadn't. It had only been a few days since his arrival and he had grown accustomed to the music of the screams and the timid servants that shook and almost cried when one neared them. But the place seemed to change on him. One day he would enter a room through a hallway leading north and the next time he walked down the hall way, he would be somewhere totally different. He would learn how to use this to his own advantage once he learned how it worked.
But today he had meant to go to the pit once again, he loved the smell of the place there, almost intoxicating. But today he had stumbled upon a new room. One that left a feeling of... He couldn't really tell what it was like but his crave for blood seemed to increase. What was this place. Why had the shrine's twisted hallways brought him to this place. To torture him, for whatever resided in this place made him crave that which he could not taste yet.::

Alana Stormcloud
Aug 24th, 2002, 03:46:38 AM
Alana sat at her table writing in her ever present journal when she felt the presence of Thorn draw near. After writing a few more lines in her book she closed in and got up. She walked in as he entered her chambers. A soft smile played on her lips.

"Thorn to what do I own this pleasure?" She asked in a lightly mocking tone. She knew why he was there, why the Shrine had led him to her doorway. "Please come in , sit. Would you care for some wine?" She herself had already poured herself a goblet of the sweet blood wine.

Valirion Thorn
Aug 26th, 2002, 03:40:49 PM
:: The armor beneath his skin shifted slightly and quivered. The wine was sark red and the sword sheathed in his spine hissed in his mind. He slowly handled a goblet and took a sip before speaking.::

Thank you, excuse the intrusion Mistress Alana, I hadn't meant to co-... on a second thought, perhaps I did. I am merely investigating more of this wonderful place.

:: Thorn took a larger drink and felt the armor warm at the taste of it. Thorn relaxed a bit as he came to a chair and sat next to her. His cape slightly shifting as he sat, he decided not to bother with sipping the exquisite wine and just gulped it down. He placed the empty goblet on the table and turned back to Alana.::

Are these your quarters? If they are, I am deeply sorry for appearing. These halls seem to have a mind of their own and then some.

Alana Stormcloud
Aug 30th, 2002, 11:41:52 AM
Alana nodded and smiled. "I am glad you find our home so pleasing. One can get lost among it's many wonders. No apology necessary, if the "Shrine" wanted you here then there must be a good reason." Alana grinned, her teeth flashing slightly.

Moving to the small table she poured herself and Thorn more wine. "Tell me... What do you think of the life we lead? Is it to your liking as well?" She asked softly...

Valirion Thorn
Aug 30th, 2002, 03:35:18 PM
:: The armor quivered a bit as he tasted more of the wine. The intoxicating feeling was welcomed so far, he had no real reason to push it away.::

I crave your life Mistress, but to be immortal... powerful... and to drink the life of the weak mortal! A life I would kill a many for, and without, I would have to watch them all bleed anyways. As long as I could live.

:: He brought a clawed gauntlet up in a fist before him. How he would like to see the moons covered in the red of men's life. How beautiful it would be. And to watch it forever, his sword tasting flesh and his armor twitching with anticipation of death. And the pleasures of the night. Of the life where the sun is the only weakness, where the moon is the new sun. How he craved for such. So bad that his eyesight was going red with blood.::

Alana Stormcloud
Sep 2nd, 2002, 03:01:02 PM
She watched the blood lust rise in him. He did not have the vampire blood in his veins but he hungered it for as much as she. She smiled and moved closer to him. Her teeth pushed into her lower lip, drops of her blood welled there. She moved suddenly like a striking snake and grabbed him pulled him to her. Ripping at his throat and letting his sweet blood fill her mouth.

He moved against her, not in pain as most did but in pleasure. She let him fall back when she had drained him to the point of death. His eyes were dull and his heart beat was slowing. "I do not need to ask you to make a choice, I know what your answer is. I have never seen another crave this life more than you." Alana said as she slashed her neck with a small dagger she held. Pulling him up she placed his lips to her throat and waited for his new life to begin...

Valirion Thorn
Sep 2nd, 2002, 03:18:19 PM
:: Val had been momentarily surprised by the quick movements, the armor had shifted beneath his skin at the sudden pain in his neck and then the loss of blood had made the armor's reactions slow and his mind seemed to slow for a moment, not mentally but as if in time. He was suddenly very aware of everything around him; how slow the blood slipped from the gash in his neck, how Alana drew a dagger and cut her own throat and pulled him close to her neck, and his lips against the wound.
At the point of death, Thorn only had one desire, a inhuman instinct to feed, as he knew he had been born to do, to fufill his destiny and to become one of the lords of the night. He pushed his weakened human body against Alana's throat and took in a deep drink of the blood. He tasted in in his mouth and craved more, he took another drink and then leaned back against the chair. His hand clasped so hard in a fist that his nails caused more blood to flow from his palm. It was done... his ambition as a mortal had been fufilled and now he had achieved godhood. A god of blood...::