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Vladimir Vin Niktu
Sep 2nd, 2002, 02:13:43 AM
Vladimir stepped before the great gates that lay before him. They were massive and truly intimidating, taking much resolve to approach. He did, however, approach them. He was a creature of dark and was not afraid of its perrils or mysteries. However, this place contained much power that he did not yet understand.

Making his way to where his spirit willed him, he paused before great doors. This hall was truly a mezmorizing sight. He had seen it in his dreams; but reality was much more arrousing. His senses flared: others, like he, were in this midst. He would find them. He had been seeking them for almost a century now.

He entered the parlor. He could feel the presence of another, but the other would not show its figure. He bowed, with respect, to the unseen. Wishing only to make friends here, he hoped to avoid any conflict.

"I have come to this place to seek my own kind...I grow weary of loneliness." He spoke to the presence. "I mean no harm."

Pandora Damaris
Sep 2nd, 2002, 10:50:51 PM
Darkness within darkness...The scent of another came to her, beckoned her near...A caller at the gate's of fate awaited. Slowly the Ancient leaned forward in her luxurious high backed chair as she sat a jeweled chalice down in front of her. A smile played on her lip's as she felt the outlander near the Keep of the Damned. A traveler with purpose, a deep longing to be at one with his own...He was a creature like unto them...Vampyre!

That night was as any other typical night on Roon...The air was crisp and the pale blue moon cast the landscape in a serial setting that haunted the scenes. Like an oasis of Death, the Shrine of the Damned harbored unseen horror's and mysterious nightly event's about it's ground's that stayed the wandering mortal. Theses were sacred ground's...And the immortal inhabitant's within lay claim to it's ownership with vicious tenacity...Nevertheless, it was rare indeed that any approached the mammoth ebony structure...To do so was curtain death to those who braved it's venture...

"Only a fool would dare set foot on theses hallowed ground's..." Came a smooth voice from behind Vladimir. The outlander spun around in surprise to see a woman in black garb that gave only a subtle glimpse to the ebony armor she wore underneath. Her beauty was not evident as her form lingered within the murky black shadow's. Oddly the traveler sensed her not as he stood there for long moment's pondering what lay beyond the iron clad gate's...However her presence was undeniably noted now...She was Vampyre indeed...An Ancient to be exact!

Vladimir Vin Niktu
Sep 3rd, 2002, 07:21:25 AM
"Then 'a fool' will be my title." He gazed at the figure, trying to make out her shape. The voice was feminine--so was the scent--but he could not see her. She was most likely vampyre...he didn't think that many who would venture here were not.

"I seek to be found, as I have been lost for too long." He bowed to her, knowing little about her. One thing he did know was that she smelt...different. Different than any vampyre he had smelled before. She was more powerful, more experienced. Older, even, was a word that came to his mind.

"Please, pardon me if I have imposed," he spoke with his head still bowed. "I have walked the broken streets and sub-levels of Coruscant for too long. I am lonely...and tired. I grow weary of interaction with mortals. I wish to discover the beauties of travel, estate, and life with my own kind."

Pandora Damaris
Sep 3rd, 2002, 12:02:45 PM
Pandora stepped forward enough to allow the outlander to see her entire form. Her comeliness was breath taking, awesome, even to the young one that stood before her...It was known, a simple trait of vanity that was given unto the brethren of their kind...The "Dark Gift." With immortality the creature's of the Damned grew not only in wisdom and knowledge, but in timeless beauty...

Pandora let a seductive smile slip across her ruby lip's as she stepped closer to Vladimir. Her wicked ebony sword that was not noticeable in the inky shadow's glistened in the lite if the moon as it also came into view. Ancient silver runes ran down the body of it's serrated blade.

"It is a lonely life indeed...A small price for what we are my friend..." Pandora replied in low tone's as she let the tip of her sword drag the ground, walking slowly around Vladimir as she did so.

"And I suppose you will find comfort in this accused house before you?" Her word's were almost mocking as she came to stand in front of him once more, studying his every subtle movement. The woman's emerald eye's seemed to bore through him as they locked with his. The Ancient was reading his inner most thought's, his true purpose and intent...Nothing was hidden from her...It was her specialty.

Vladimir Vin Niktu
Sep 3rd, 2002, 11:33:47 PM
"I find comfort in the knowledge that others, like me, will accept me. I will find comfort here...or I will never find peace. It is fate." His eyes became lost in hers as the power that rested in her consumed him. He was merely a youth compared to her age, even though he had seen nearly a century pass.

Lost or not, his eyes were intense and serious. He had practiced this skill--conveying one's emotion through the eyes--many times. He found himself to be quite skilled in seduction and charm. Of course, this was with mortal women. He would not try it on this ancient. It wouldn't work. Above all, he wanted her to know that he spoke the truth of his own character.

He lowered his head, paying homage to her. He would not disgrace or impose, for he knew little of vampyre custom. Only of human civility.

Alana Stormcloud
Sep 4th, 2002, 12:21:39 AM
Alana stepped from the shadows and watched as Pandora stripped the new arrivals mind bare. Be it Vampire or Human it was an imposing sight. Alana bowed to Pandora as she approached. A small smile played on her lips as she turned to the Vampire. She was always intrigued by those not turned by her blood family.

She knew as she approached that had this man been anything less than what he claimed Pandora would have stopped her from coming near. Pandora was the protector of all who dwelled within the Shrine grounds. Had he been a threat he would in fact been laying dead at the ancients feet.

Alana's shining green eyes rested on the mans face. Though she had not yet achieved the timeless beauty of the ancient ones she was still a sight to behold. Her lips crimson and stained with the blood of many parted slightly, revealing two small sharp teeth.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." She whispered softly, her words falling softly on his ears, belying the strength her small frame held.

She fully understood what he said about needing a home. She had wandered alone and lost as a Human and as a vampire at one time. Until the Mother of the Damned had called to her and brought her to the Shrine. Alana threw the gates open and gestured for the Vampire to come closer, she slipped her arm in his.

"Welcome to the Shrine." She swept her arm wide in a gesture to show him all there was. Alana could feel the eyes of the mother watching the new arrival. She could feel Pandora's eyes watching, ever protective.

"Perhaps you will find the peace you crave, here, as I have."

Pandora Damaris
Sep 4th, 2002, 02:12:26 AM
Pandora glanced over to Alana as she drew near to them...Near the darkened column sprier that shadowed their form's she silently moved forward without stride...After Pandora's sister in blood spoke to the young Vampyre, her demeanor seemly changed towards the melancholy man.

A delicate hand moved slowly to Vladimir's face as he stood there in pondering thought of a home he desired, hoped for. With a tender and gentle cress, the woman lifted the man's face enough so that their eye's met once again...This time however, Vladimir seen a degree of pity in her porcelain like face, an understanding that was evident in her ageless emerald eye's...Much like that when a mother's empathy reaches for her child in the darkest hour of need. It was now an understanding between them. Nevertheless, before he had even uttered the bitter word's of his dissatisfaction to her, Pandora knew all that there was to know...It was only a matter of the man word's falling on her ear's from his own mouth, his Vampyre heart was what made it a determining factor...Perhaps she too had grown weary over the long eon's of her own dark life. Now only to find one that rekindled what she thought to be lost...The rarest quality that their kind could ever demonstrate,...Human emotion, sympathy... But this was only a cruel mask the ancient wore...It was all she had left from the ashes of her past...That trait had died long ago...

"Then I bid you,...Come, come with us lost soul, follow us hither to where your own will embrace you at last...Live among your own kind and find comfort in knowing that your long search is over." Pandora's soft word's were in his mind as she took his hand in her own. They lead him into the house of the Damned that night, into the heart of darkness, under the watchful eternal eye's of the Queen Mother...Vladimir was no longer estranged as he once was, on the contrary, he was now part of the blood clan that welcomed him, embraced him as their own...They were the only one's now who could fill the emptiness within his Vampyre heart...Contentment was indeed the sweetest lullaby...

Vladimir Vin Niktu
Sep 4th, 2002, 08:52:45 AM
"....Thank you. Thank you for this chance." He looked into both of their faces and they could see he was earnest. He felt a part of something now. He felt important. He almost wanted to cry, tears of relief and joy. He wasn't sure if he could.

But he didn't cry. He knew what and who he was--he had come to grips with it. He was a monster--a vampyre, a creature of the night. It was times like this--interaction with those who understood--that brought out any shard of humanity he had left in him. He thought it to be true, that a moment like this would make a century of cold bearable.

"If I may inquire, what shall I do next? What is the next step, my lady." He looked to Pandora for the answer.

Pandora Damaris
Sep 9th, 2002, 08:57:53 PM
ooc: Sorry for the wait...:)

As the trio entered the Shrine Vladimir could feel the prying eye's of other's watching him intently. A deep and foreboding evil fell over his seance's as they walked further into the heart of the Keep. Columns that reached from the floor to the ceiling were lost in the blackness high above as the new comer took in his surrounding's for the first time. The Ancient trailed her emerald eye's over to Vladimir as he questioned her...

"You will choose one within our family as your Master of course...One that will show you the true nature of the Dark-Side. In turn, you will learn to hone your innate abilities as we are all granted upon our receiving the "Dark Gift." But first thing's first my brother in blood...Your room awaits you." Pandora finished as they rounded a corner deep within the Shrine...The double door's swung open on their own accord as they approached. The two women paused, eyeing Vladimir for a brief moment.

"Make your self at home my brother. On the morrow you will be summoned." Pandora's word's were to the point as she then turned to leave with Alana.

Vladimir Vin Niktu
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:49:56 PM
ooc: no problem

"Thank you, my lady," he replied earnestly and began to settle into the room. It was very much to his liking. He did not fear the sunlight here--There were no windows in the room. He would get to sleep in a real bed for once. How comfortable.

The only thing to do now was wait. He unloaded some of his things and prepared for rest. He needed it--he had journeyed quite a bit this eve, and on little food. Indeed, he had only tasted one woman...she was delicious. He smiled and laid his weary head upon the satin pillows.

Death Knight Soth
Sep 18th, 2002, 07:11:05 PM
ooc: Mr. Vladimir Vin Niktu, I'm glad to announce that you have been accepted into the Shrine of the Damned as a member. :) When your ready to start a "Turning" thread at your discretion and have chosen a "Master," feel free to do so...Welcome aboard my Vampyre brother...

Vladimir Vin Niktu
Sep 19th, 2002, 12:18:16 AM
ooc: Thanks to all who have helped me make this possible! I am glad to hear that this is so. I will definitely begin with the next steps.

My only question is that since I am already a Vamp, how do I go about the turning process? Should I seek a Master and go from there?