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Kaytor Surna
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:53:49 PM
Kaytor steped into the Shrine and looked about her. Her sword and blaster hung at her belt and her dagger hidden in her boot. As she walked, little sound was heard. The sound of her cloak rustling was it. Her black hair was pulled back into a tight braid and her dark brown eyes where alert, looking for anyone.

She had just come from Naboo where a small battle had started and ended. Starting with her a jedi and ending with her reliseing her mistake. During the fight, she had drank human blood for the first time in years. The one that she had drank from, the one that she had loved back at the GJO, was now laying in the med room at the order.

Kaytor searched for someone that would admit her to the Shrine or that she could talk to about joining.

Nathan Vergis
Aug 24th, 2002, 12:07:39 PM
Vergis had seen her come from distances unable to be measured by an eyes sight. From his library lair he had studied the books of the damned, slowly growing in the darkened power that they were embued with.

He had watched her enter orbit, had watched her land her ship, and had watched her approach the decadent shrine. Had admired her approach as he empathised with her, for he had too taken those tentative steps into the unknown....

He had even seen her turn and look straight through his shadow form, a trick learned from the pages of a book once read... She walked under his position as he crouched on the ceiling of the corridor, as soon as she passed him, he stood upright, his head although inverted from her own was at her eye level.

With a soft blink, his shadow form slipped from him like a blind being pulled open from a window, and he was visible once again. "Can I help you?" His charming voice broked the eerie silnce, and Kaytor span around to see the handsome face of the vampire lord.

Kaytor Surna
Aug 25th, 2002, 04:38:37 PM
Kaytor calmly turned around. She had sensed the man through the force. It had only been a matter of finding them. She calmly watched the man a moment, studing him before speeking.

"I was told to come here by the death knight, Soth, days ago."

Kaytor's dark brown eyes kept studing the man that was hanging infront of her.

Nathan Vergis
Aug 26th, 2002, 01:11:55 PM
He watched her studying him, attracted to her courage, sensing more than what met the eye. "Soth is my kin." He stated, "Yet I am afraid he is unable to attend to you welcome, perhaps if you had been quicker in you response to his request then he would have been here to greet you. But I hope that my efforts in greeting you will not disapoint yes?"

Kaytor Surna
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:27:30 PM

Kaytor glanced about her a second then back to the man.

"I am Kaytor Surna. I am already a vampire and was a former jedi padawan untill the past week or so."

Nathan Vergis
Sep 1st, 2002, 11:17:37 AM
He scutinaised her with far more interest than before, this one was strange, no vampyre had been fortunate enough to survive outside of their habitats for long. The galaxy was agaisnt them, did not care to believe in them and destroyed them on site as abominations. Yet this one had been created outside the Shrine....

He dropped from the cieling and confusingly landed upright though the drop had been far to short to have done it physically. He drew his cloak open and revealed his blue boned armour that hugged his corpse like a second skin. Ancient designs of forgotten scripts and lyrics etched in gold marked the signature of the Librarian.

"A fallen Jedi...I see. Please come with me. I have much to show you." He walked passed her giving the lady a fleeting glance before waving his hand toward a grand ornemental door that swung open revealing an expensive and lavish corrider.

Kaytor Surna
Sep 1st, 2002, 03:46:14 PM
Kaytor turned quickly and followed the man. He led her into a large room that was well decorated. She glanced around her as they walked.

"Where are we going anyways?"

Nathan Vergis
Sep 3rd, 2002, 07:24:41 AM
"To the Library, there your teachings shall begin." He walked the maze of corriders to the overwhelming scene which was the library, its oily ceiling rippling with hatred, lilly pads floating on its surface illuminating the grand chamber. The chamber of forgotten knowledge, the Library of the Damned.

"The dark path is different for us all, young one. But listen to the whispers within the chamber and you shall understand them so much faster." Vergis' words spoke truth as Kaytor could her the whisperings of forgotten lords and Vampyre through the aisles of book shelves.

Vergis stopped at the centre of the room and climbed into his skeleton ridled chair that hovered not more than an inch from the floor, he closed his eyes as he took control of the chair and lifted it high to one of the top shelves to retrieve a dust covered book. On his descent he looked into Kaytors soul and spoke,

"So, then I have shown you my home, tell me of yours."

Kaytor Surna
Sep 3rd, 2002, 03:54:06 PM
The younger vampire smiled and shook her head.

"My past has long been lost in my memory, let alone my home. I havn't had a real home for atleast four years now. Four years ago, I was embraced by a vampire on an unknown planet. I wasn't able to find out the vampires name before i killed him. Only bits and peices of my past can I remember and only the horable memories. The death of my parents, the loss of everything I ever had, the rest is gone."

Kaytor looked about her at the book shelves and such that were around. She could feel the presence of lost souls and beings in there. She could almost see them by how vivid the presences were. She then turned back to Nathan.

Nathan Vergis
Sep 4th, 2002, 03:12:00 PM
"Don't be so pesamistic my young one. You have a family now. And I if nobody else has much, yes, much much to show you." Vergis said as his chair came to rest at Kaytors Side.

His appearance had changed drastically since he had sat in the chair, his body become weaker looking terribly frail. An yet Kaytor felt an untolerable power within him as he sat there looking defensless.

"You fear that you will spend too much time in here? My home?" He smiled a skin testing grin baring rotting teeth. And yet with a simple step off of the chair his youthful looks returned to him. His hair darkened once again, and his skin flushed as if recently fed. "Do not worry my child. You must know what you are, and why you are. That way you will understand how to use your abilities in the most constructive ways."

Kaytor Surna
Sep 4th, 2002, 08:23:51 PM
Kaytor glanced at the book in his hand then back to the chair that he had, until now, sat in. She then made eye contact with him.

"And what things, milord, would you be able to teach me about killing the jedi that have betrayed me time and time again?"

Her question was backed with anger and hatred towards the jedi that she had left. Mainly the anger was towards the jedi knight, Xazor, her former master and friend.

Nathan Vergis
Sep 6th, 2002, 03:01:54 PM
"You have much hatred in you. That is good. That shall give you strength to overcome your enemies. But I will teach you how to focus the hatred."


"Imagine a bomb going off with no barriers. Imagine the explosion you hatred. Now imagine that same explosion forced through a tunnel or pipe, that explosion has more pressure, has more purpose, more direction. That is the explosion that your hatred shall be."

Kaytor Surna
Sep 7th, 2002, 10:36:53 PM
Kaytor nodded. She had remembered when she had finaly accepted what she was and the "explosion" of energy that had come out of her, drained her energy down to very little and changed how she had looked before. She then tried to imagin it focused but couldn't for now. She just found that there was to much power behind that and that it would just blow apart the barriers.

Nathan Vergis
Sep 8th, 2002, 11:45:28 AM
"But enough of this for now... It is good enough that you now understand what you will learn here, let me show you were you will be sleeping. There are others who are waiting for your acqaintence." He held his hand out in an offer to lead hers....

Kaytor Surna
Sep 9th, 2002, 05:19:14 PM
Kaytor accepted his hand and followed him from the library and down more halls.

Nathan Vergis
Sep 15th, 2002, 06:56:29 AM
"It is difficult to train in the arts of darkness my young one. The dark gift is different for each of us, which is why the training of these powers is complicated. I support your growth in these matters, accompany yout goals and advise your path... But there is little that I can actually teach you." He looked at her young and beautiful face, though his eyes denied him her true visage. Cursed he was in seeing the decay of everything... "Puzzled you are in my little speech my apprentice?" He grinned his fantastic fangs, "Well let me clarify it, you know how to bit someone's neck yes?" He chuckled lightly at the though of a vegetarian vampyre.

"But, I would like to see how good you are with a lightaber?" The vampyre lord turned to his apprentice and backflipped away from her in one movement, almost as if liquid. Kator heard the snap hiss of a saber igniting and the putrid green blade lengthen from Nathans grasp.

"On gaurd!" The vampyre took an allmost comical stance, echoeing the ancient fencing technique long since forgotten by the Jedi*.

OOC: *= before blasters the jedi used a technique of saber dueling that had to be re-thought when blasters came out.

Kaytor Surna
Sep 20th, 2002, 08:26:24 PM
"And that is where the problem lies, milord."

Kaytor unsheaths her only weapons other than a blaster. A long sword and a dagger. Both are able to stand up against a saber but neather could be used in such a light manor.

Nathan Vergis
Sep 25th, 2002, 06:59:48 AM
"I see..." Nathans face turned into one of disapointment, he was looking forward to a good scrap. "In that case we will have to build you one."