View Full Version : OOC Apllication

Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:58:04 AM
Hi this is my character and I would like to join your board

Name: Lord Blood
Age: Undetermined
Sex: Male
Species: Unknown
Height: 2m 3cm
Weight: 150 kilograms
Lord Blood is a tall figure with milky white complexion. He has two large wings that habitualy folds around him. He always wears a dark cloak around him. Underneath the cloak he has a long ebon black hair that draps around his shoulders and face. Also
he posses three blood red eyes, that crakcle when he gets anrgy. When he smiles you can see the glint of four white fangs, that is normal for his species._ _ _ _
One two handed broadsword named Blood Fury. The weapon is constructed of a rare metal that absorbs energy to grow stronger. This alows him to withstand lightsaber blows
Dark, cold and calculating. He prefers to sus his victims out before striking. In combat he relies on the natural speed and agility of his people to protect him.
Lord Blood is the last of his species. They wiped themselves out in a terrible conflict. But he was away and was spared. Afterwards he wandered the galaxy in search of worthy allies.

Before their demise the people of his race dabbled in sorcery. This was fueled by the dark side of the Force. After eons of expirimentation they managed to divorce their practices from the darkside. This left them with the ability to manipulate the elements around them.
_ _ _ _
As a young one of his race Lord Blood was identified as a potencial wise man. This is what his people called their scocerers. He was taken from his parents and trained in their arts. Long and hard did he study and he finally mastered the lore. As a test of his devotion he was ritualy killed only to be awakened one week later. Passing this he was sworn in as a
wise man. Lord Blood suffered unfortunate side affects from this ceremony. He lost all his midi-chloriens. Thus he is totally unable to sense the Force. He also gained an unquenchable thirst for blood.

He hid this fact from his peers and went on a djemma. To purge himself of this evil. During his travels he saw the galaxy. The state of life on the planets convinced Lord Blood that the galaxy was slowly chocking itself to death. This led Lord Blood to delve into forbidden lore about death and the nature of life.

After his studies Lord Blood emerged anew. As a predator to cull the rapid explosion of life To bring some order into the galaxy. He also accepted the facts about himself. Signifying his new birth he took the name of LORD BLOOD

Okay thanks if there is anything I missed, I will gladly add it

Mistress Tatiana
Sep 23rd, 2002, 01:35:03 PM
Welcome Lord Blood. :) I like the bio you've set up for your character, and your sig is pretty fearsome. Remind me not to get on your character's bad side. lol I shall add your name to the list of applicants.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 01:47:04 PM
Thank you Mistress Tatiana. :) . Actually I am a pussycat OOC. Anyway I have posted the IC introduction of my character. If there is any problems we can talk about it. :D

Death Knight Soth
Sep 27th, 2002, 03:13:13 PM
ooc: Welcome Lord Blood,...Make yourself at home here...The Blood is on the house..." :)

Sep 27th, 2002, 07:34:41 PM
I will, thank you Soth. :D

Nathan Vergis
Oct 2nd, 2002, 10:24:33 AM
Welcome mortal. Your blood is our blood. When you proove yourself, then our blood will also be your blood.