View Full Version : A meeting of a sorts
Sep 27th, 2002, 02:04:32 PM
Time, time passes slowly to those aware of its meaning. To the gifted ones, times moves almost at a crawl. To others the passing of time is a blur. But to the powerfull ones time is a weapon, as it passes their
power grows.
Deep with in his cave Lord Blood idlely scanned through a book. He was most bored with this endavour. A slow ripple throw his wings indicates
the displeasure he is feeling. He archs his eyebrows as the floating book in front of him bursts into flame. The red glow of the fire quickly consumes the age old pages. Disgusted he springs from his chair and walks
over to a book case in the corner. He had read each one a hundred times and there was nothing new he could gain from his studies.
However during his research he had come across the mention of a vampire clan of Force users. This was most interesting. As he kicked the book case over he makes the decision. Books fly in every direction. He will
seek out these vampires and study with them. Perhaps they will open up a new source of power.
Smiling slightly to himself he walks over to his cloak and pulls it over his form. He looked around his old home. Spinnning around he headed for the exit. Seconds later he stands before the shuttle he had used to come here. Entering the co-oridinates for the planet Roon Lord Blood's ship lifts off.
Reverting to real space around the planet he quickly scanned the surface of the planet for a suitible landing spot. Selecting a place that looked
deserted Lord Blood steered the craft through the atmosphere.
As he touched down Lord Blood stood up from the cockpit seat. He walks over to where his broad sword Blood Fury lays and picks it up. Although he came here to learn it never hurts to be prepared. The docking
platform lowers.
Lord Blood stepped out of his craft. He was now on an exciting path.
Wait in the Darkness
Sep 27th, 2002, 10:27:31 PM
Hovering and standing two massive machines stood apart from each other watching him. Both as night and day. One was sleek and dark meant for flight while the other was massive and bulky brownish rustic color it seemed made from the earth than alloy.
The Dark one slid forward hovering it seemed to drag the shadows with it.
" Greetings to the Shrine. ALL Hail the Keepers. You will keep your sword sheathed in they're presence." The Machine's voice was akin to a mountain scraping across ice.
Sep 27th, 2002, 10:33:11 PM
" Welcome to the Shrine. " Ghostclaw stated watching the creature before his Shadow wrought brother.
Sep 28th, 2002, 10:20:43 AM
Lord Blood wandered for days across the land in which he landed. There was no sign of inteligent life. Each night he made his camp hoping that he would spot someone tomorrow. One day his luck changed. In the distance he spotted a dark foreboding ediffce. As he neared the building two lifeforms aproached him. They looked like nothing he had ever seen before. The two then spoke to him.
After they had welcomed him Lord Blood looked at the two machines before him. Very interesting. Very interesting indeed. he thought to himself. In one smooth motion he unsheathed his sword, handle pointed to the two beings. Bowing down he layed the sword at his feet. Standing back up he smiled to himself slightly. The in a soft smooth voice he answered. "Greeting mighty keepers. My name is Lord Blood and I have come to the shrine seeking knowledge and allies.
Wait in the Darkness
Sep 29th, 2002, 06:50:56 AM
" Be at ease. We see you. We are not the Keeper. Yet we serve her and her Clan as the pact of the Giving of Title. The Coven will tend to your presence . Let yourself seek reflection while you await them. " WITD spoke while sliding back into position at the Gates. It's optic glowed in the shadows it seemed to generate.
Nathan Vergis
Oct 2nd, 2002, 10:33:43 AM
"Let him through." Came the voice on the wind, an evil ancient voice which its origin was unapparent.
The two gaurdians stood aside and let this so called Lord of Blood through the gates. The Vampyre watched him from the tree branch just six meters above him, he had no form, no shadow to cast. But he was there neverthe less. Watching, just as he did.
Lord Blood made his way up the path until the wind kciked up some leaves infront of him, he stopped and watched as they danced for him and no one else. Spinning around themselves reaching higher and higher as more and more joined them. Until a large spinning pillar of foilage stood infront of him.
He stepped back, wondering were the source of the sorcery could be, but the leaves fell revealing the very thing he sought. The Vampyre.
"I am Vergis. Librarian of the Damned. Who may you be?"
Oct 4th, 2002, 05:00:17 PM
Lord Blood watched the display. This one was indeed very strong. He felt lucky that he would meet such a one. Bowing deeply he said "Greetings Vergis. My name is Lord Blood and I have come to the shrine seeking knowledge and allies." He noticed the vampyre staring at his wings. Smilng slightly he said to everyone and no one in particular "My species is Fredaar and this our form. We evolved from a avian race on my homeworld. Sadly I am the last Fredaar in excistance."
Nathan Vergis
Oct 5th, 2002, 12:56:49 AM
Vergis listened to the mortals words, he was indeed strong...for a mortal being. "You seek immortality to preserve your species? Or do you seek it for power?" Vergis asked the newcommer, but quickly added, "That is of no consiquence. I will grant you sanctuary here at the shrine until we know more of each other. Know this now, there is no turning back any longer. You either succeed in joining us or die in the attempt."
"I Undertand." Lord Blood answered, using yet another unusual talent of command in his voice for a mortal being.
Vergis smiled back at him revealing two elongated fangs from his upper set of teeth, "Yes...I think you do. Come now. You have much to proove. But first, you may ask me three questions."
Oct 5th, 2002, 12:02:01 PM
A tingle of pleasure ran through his being. I seek only one thing, POWER ran through his mind. Then he smiled at the vampyre. The light glinted of his own fangs. "I will prove myself and more. As for the questions, I have many questions but these are the important ones. Where does vampyres come from? Why do they thirst for blood. When did you turn?"
Nathan Vergis
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:58:29 PM
"Very odd questions my friend, are you normally this inquisitive? Nevermind there is no need to answer that." Nathan wrapped hi arm around the Lord of Blood as they walked through the cool night air toward the double doors of the Shrines entrance. "We are all children of Ashiva, it is a delusion that we feed from the blood alone for it is the release of force from the mortal coil that we nurish ourselves on."
Nathan waved his hand and opened the large elegant yet obtrusive doors through the force. "And I was turned over two decades ago by Alana, I have trained under her supervision, but my unpredicted equalibriem with the books of the damned has excellerated me into the council. I could have waited centuries before being selected to become on of the seven." Vergis knew that his answers would bring more questions, and that was what they were meant to do. "No let me ask you this. Why do you think you are worthy to join us?"
Oct 11th, 2002, 06:35:01 PM
Lord Blood simply stood there for a few moments. His eyes glowing red with power. The earth began to rumble around his feet. Suddenly there apeared a massive crack behind him. A humanoid figure of immense preportion started to claw its way from the ground. Standing upright it was a lot taller than Lord Blood, but it just stood there.
Next the vampyre could the heat of the air around him being drawn to a single point. To the right of the earth elemental there was a spark. A conflaguration took root and a being comprised of fire stood up. The thing also quitely stood there.
The air around them began to howl. Currents formed and to the right of the fire elemental a being of pure air formed. It was almost formless, but it was there. Finaly the remaining moisture in the air was also withdrawn as a water elemental formed to the left of the earth elemental. Lord Blood smiled quitely at the vampyre as he turned around and addressed the four beings before him "Thank you my friends, that is all, you may leave now." The four nodded their heads and then returned to that which they were made off.
Lord Blood turned back to the vampyre. Chuckling quitly he said "Well I might be of some use to you."
Nathan Vergis
Oct 12th, 2002, 01:42:31 AM
"A very interesting technique. I for one have only ever seen a person have control over one elemental. They tend to be so needy, wanting attention all of the time." The Vampyre could have been a perfect poker player with his expressionless face LordBlood thought inwardly,
"Now Lordy let me show you around, perhaps meet a few of my kin in the process and then see what we can arrange. How does that sound?"
Oct 12th, 2002, 02:51:08 PM
Nodding his head Lord Blood shoulders sagged visibly. He hated showing weakness, but then it was imposible to do what he just did with the side affect of fatigue. He replied "Well it does take it out of you, controlling four. I would apreciate that very much. And your mention of the books of the damned have piqued my interest. Oh and by the way you may refer to me as Blood. My enemies feel the brunt of my full title."
Wait in the Darkness
Oct 14th, 2002, 08:18:23 AM
WITD hovered but a few inches off the ground. Waves of shadow rolled around it's ever blackening Mecha body. It's weapons held each spot from where the elementals had appeared. Massive fusions coils ready to consume the power used to animate slowly winded down till the threat had been reduced back to the basic starting blocks of fire, wind/earth and water.
The Power spike had drawn him across the shadows to the central chamber to defend the Coven Lords. The Keeper had stressed they're importance.
Watching the High Lord lead the Avian Organic deeper into the Shrine Wait in the Darkness watched them go studying and categorizing.
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