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Cili Akuji
Sep 30th, 2002, 04:45:46 PM
Silent slippered feet walked quietly across the floor as she entered, the white streak in her hair almost glowing in the dim light.

"Hello? This is the shrine of the darkest lords of Sith Magic correct?" she spoke to the empty room/building/whatever.

Nathan Vergis
Oct 2nd, 2002, 10:27:59 AM
"Welcome to the shrine, I am Vergis Librarian of the Damned. Keeper of the Sith Secrets, and legacies of the Lords." The voice seemed to emmulate through the very walls of the darkened hall, yet the figure stood straight ahead of her. She blinked unsure whether she had seen him approach or if he had been standing there the entire time. "And you are?"

Cili Akuji
Oct 5th, 2002, 06:20:43 PM
She pushed aside any uncertaincies she had about this when Vegris appeared, and smiled slightly.

"Me? I am Cili Akuji, one who is blind awake and dead all at once. I have come seeking to learn the ways of the Sith Magics from those who have Matsered them, and if I am in the wrong place then I shall take my leave."

Nathan Vergis
Oct 6th, 2002, 12:47:08 AM
"For one that is blind you have a gift in finding your way around. Tell me child, why is it that you think you should learn the ways of the Sith Majics." Vergis extended an arm in a manner for which she could except him as an escort the rest of the way, "Answer that for me, and you may ask of me three questions to which I shall answer you."

Cili Akuji
Oct 6th, 2002, 06:11:42 PM
She blinked her dark blue eyes, but did not take Vergis' hand.

"I have found that one can be better in the Magicks when one cannot see the mundane world about them, that is why i wish to learn more then what I have figured out on my own....That is why I have come here....."

She smiled a cold smile as she stepped so she could stand beside Vergis.

"And I am not as young as I look Master Vergis.....I at least thought one of your kind would know that appearences are decieving."

Nathan Vergis
Oct 9th, 2002, 02:45:21 AM
"You speak with a great deal of wisdom for a mortal my lady." He said while calsping alight grip on her elbow, "You are correct in suggesting that I have a 'kind'. But I do feel that you are a great deal younger than many that reside here." He smiled a great broad canine grin before continuing. "But if you would follow me, I will see what I can do to accomodate you."

He lead her through the corridors of the shrine heading in no particular direction though they had a destination. "You speak of the mundane world, I myself did not understand this until I was honoured with my destiny, how is it so that you see passed it already?"

OOC: Welcom by the way, love the character. I will endevour to aid your develpment.

Cili Akuji
Oct 11th, 2002, 10:27:32 PM
OOc- Heh, thanks. And any help is greatly apprecated!


She smiled once more.

"How is it that I can see beyond the mundane? Simple, I have lost the sight of those who view thsi plain old world we are forced to live in.....As I said, I am Blind, Dead and Awake.....Blind meaning I do not see with my eyes psyically....."

She allows Vergis to lead her through the hallways and passages, enjoying herself in his company.

Nathan Vergis
Oct 12th, 2002, 01:57:26 AM
Though Cili did not posess the ability to see the doors visually he was certain that she would be able to appreciate their beauty. They stood over thirty feet tall of blood oak. Neatly embrased by tarnished gold and bone work. "My lady, I would like you to see my chamber. This is the Library of the damned." Nathan announced moving his hand in a slight gesture opening the largedoors to the large oval room.

Lines and lines of shelves all raced from the outer wall to a centre point. A lush red carpet covered its entire floor and supported the shelves and the statuets and busts of long forgotten Sith Lords. It's cieling was its greatest pleasure, an inverted black lake of hatred reflecting its illuminus lillies back down to the floor lighting the grand chamber of books. All these things Cili could not see in a conventional way, but Nathan understood that she could see something, probably more than he. But that was not why he brought her here.

"Can you hear them?" He asked, needing to share his destiny with someone, wanting to know that his sanity was true and not a charade.

Cili listened intently at the sound of the cielings ripples reaching the walls. Uncertain to what exactly she was supposed to hear, but then it became obvious, the whispering. It seemed that there could have been a thousand, if not a million spirits in this room, all chattering, "Where?" She asked supprised by the amount of chatter.

"The books. For over twenty years I have been the sole recipient of the books will. Their thoughts, their lost souls. If you succeed in the acceptance of the council, I wil teach you to undestand their languages, to understand their needs."

Cili Akuji
Oct 14th, 2002, 12:36:33 AM
She closed her eyes, allowing herself to drift through her thoughts as she heard the voices of the books, she then opened them and faced Vergis.

"I would enjoy that Master Vergis."

Nathan Vergis
Oct 15th, 2002, 02:26:42 PM
They walked toward the centre of the chamber arm in arm until they reached the Librarians Bone Throne. A most horrid fixture depicting mankinds lust for each others inner deamons.

The young agile Vampyre leaped into the chair and sank deep into its cushined interior. It hovered just above the floor without the aid of a repulsor lift or any other scientific means, it just disregarded gravity.

"My dear Cili." Nathan said as the colour slowly seeped away from his flesh. "I do not know where we could possibly begin." He continued with his muscles thinning and his athletic appearance fleeting away to a meer husk of a creature. A personification of Death, but for the animation of his lifeless body. "Do not fear, Cili. It is the chair. It drains me whenever I sit on it, though I resume natural beauty once I am free from its pleasure."