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Gabrielle Dimitri
Sep 11th, 2002, 06:58:37 PM
A dark figure pulled the cloak closer around herself as she reached out with a pale hand to push open the gates. They creaked with resistance but finally swung open, allowing the woman to enter. Closing behind her, they clanked with displeasure.

Giving a slight shiver of delight, Gabrielle lifted her face up into the night sky. It was a blue canopy speckled with white as the Moon showered the earth with silver rays. The breeze pulled at her sleeve as if telling her to play.

She hadn't any time for childish games.

Ignoring the wind's persistence, Gabrielle's blue eyes gazed over the grand statues as she passed them. They were grand and noble - no doubtedly taking time to carve - and loomed ahead of her. The craftsmanship was noticably remarkable, and she silently praised the creator.

A dark castle beckoned her as she drew nearer until reaching the doors. After opening them, the woman stepped inside and glanced around. It was so dark she couldn't even see her shadow. The only light source were the few torches hanging on the walls. But it wasn't like she minded, infact, she came to join the Children of the Darkness... Those that were Damned!

Gabrielle could feel herself being watched as soon as she took step inside of Their noble home, and lowered her hood. Light brown hair fell over her shoulders as a smudge of dirt was seen on her right cheek.

"I've been invited by the Lady Alana herself," she declared, waiting for who ever it was to show themselves ... if they saw it fit.

Mistress Tatiana
Sep 14th, 2002, 03:19:26 PM
Tatiana watched as the new comer entered through the Shrine gates. She had sensed her approach long before she had arrived at the large dwelling, for nothing passed through them without the knowledge of those who dwelt inside.

The woman claimed to have been sent by Alana. Tatiana was very close to her fellow Shrine sister, and she hadn't mentioned of any guests coming to see her. She narrowed her eyes at the young woman. She could sense fear from her, fear of the unknown and rightly so! Who was this mortal to stroll through the Shrine halls? Such audacity! Having spent much time training under her Master, Soth, Tatiana rippled the Force around the woman to transmit even more fear.

The flames from the torches grew brighter, making shadows dance all about the hall. Suddenly, all the flames went out, leaving the young woman in complete darkness. Everything was quiet. Not a sound could be heard except for the intense, accelerated breathing of the young woman. Being a child of the damned, Tatiana's eyes were not affected by the darkness. She smiled, realizing that this young woman would make an easy prey for a meal.... too easy. Her tongue ran along her thirsty lips...... No. Not yet. She would first see if this woman was telling the truth.

"You say you seek Alana?" The moment Tatiana spoke, The torches in the hall were lit with large flames. Startled, the young woman gasped and spun around to see the lady vampyre standing before her.

Tatiana answered the young woman's unspoken question. "I am Tatiana, and you have entered the dwelling place of the damned." She removed the hood that surrounded her face, revealing her porcelain white skin, and red lips. "Either you do not value your life, or you speak the truth in that you seek Alana. Either way, it is too late for you to leave."

Gabrielle Dimitri
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:46:09 PM
Suddenly, as she waited, the flames from the torches grew brighter until finally they went out - leaving her in complete darkness. Running her tongue over the front of her upper teeth, Gabrielle drew in a sharp breath. Her breathing suddenly seemed louder than before as her heartbeat rung in her ears.

Then, a voice.

You say you seek Alana? The torches were suddenly lit again, this time with larger flames. Shadows flitted across the room as she spun around, only to see a Vampyre. From what she could make it, she was beautiful. Her skin was fair and her lips ruby red -- her eyes dark and foreboding.

"Forgive me, Milady," immediately responded Gabrielle, who dropped on one knee.

Bowing her head, the woman could feel herself tremble before the presence of one so powerful - and beautiful.

"No lie passes through these lips as I speak, for even though I am mortal, I am not foolish."

Mistress Tatiana
Sep 21st, 2002, 02:24:37 PM
Her eyes bore down upon the mortal. She found favor with the woman's gesture of respect and smiled in approval. "You may rise. I shall take you to the grand parlor where you may wait for Alana while I inform her of your visit." She turned away from the woman and proceeded to walk down the long and winding halls of the shrine. "Stay close to me. One can easily become lost forever within these walls." The two walked in silence in the dark halls. The only sound heard was that of the crackling flames on their torches as they passed by them.

Before long, they reached two large, ornate doors. Upon opening them, Tatiana stepped aside and gestured for the woman to pass through them. The mortal's eyes were wide with awe at the immensity and beauty that the shrine held within it's confines. The room boasted with a large fire place and plush furnishings fit for a palace. Tatiana reflected for a moment on her first impression of the Shrine when Soth had lured her to the planet. She too had an innocent perspective on all that surrounded her, but not anymore. She snapped out of her gaze at the woman. "What name shall I give to Alana of her visitor?"

Gabrielle Dimitri
Sep 21st, 2002, 08:05:38 PM
As Gabrielle rose, Tatiana began to walk away, causing the woman to hurry in her step as she heard the words of warning. Stepping alongside the Vampyre's side, Gabrielle was led to large doors embellished with intricate designs. She was almost tempted to reach out and trace her fingers over them.

She came to her senses when Tatiana opened them and gestured for her to pass through. When she did, Gabrielle drew in a sharp breath as her eyes took in the surroundings. It was large - and beautiful. It was furnished with purely the best of elegance.

Upon hearing Tatiana's question, she turned her head to face the Vampyre.

"Gabrielle," she whispered hoarsely.

Mistress Tatiana
Sep 22nd, 2002, 10:07:52 PM
Tatiana eyed the woman for a moment before speaking. "Very well... Gabrielle." She spat her name out with disdain. "You will wait for Alana here. Do not attempt to leave this room. If you do, you will have taken your last step. If I find that you have lied, I will see to it that your lungs will never take in the air again." Her tone was harsh and firm. She wanted to make it perfectly clear to this mortal that she was playing with fire.

With that, she left to inform Alana of her visitor, leaving the woman alone.

Alana Stormcloud
Sep 26th, 2002, 08:40:06 AM
Alana sat in her chambers. Her mind far from the confines of her room. The dark tendrils of the force wrapped themselves around her body, casting her in shadows. The twisted visions she had recently experienced from the mothers clouded her eyes and made her unaware of her opulent surroundings. The mothers bitter blood still stained her lips crimson.

<Dark memories of the mother>

"A young girl innocent, loved, a queen in the making. A city ruled by a doting father, a lover who would be her husband. Ashiva's human eyes peered around the corner, she sought to avoid her hand maiden. This was a night for love and she wanted no others to see her. He waited her lover, her soon to be husband. She found him, Hands clasped, they ran from the confines of who they were. Sneaking out of the palace gardens, a secret passage that led them to an abandoned house. A place they had claimed as there own, for indiscreet meetings.

Innocent, young, unafraid they entered and the demons waited. The young lovers hands groped, fumbling in there insecurity of youth. There mouths met. The demons attacked. The Mother and father of all Vampires were born to the night. In there wake a beloved father and king fell to be replaced by the Queen of the damned."

Alana gasped softly as each image flashed. So many memories that were not her own. Ashiva was showing her each step that had been taken to reach what they had all become... Standing up, Alana moved to the open window. It was just the beginning of the mothers story....

Gabrielle Dimitri
Sep 28th, 2002, 01:23:29 PM
As soon as Tatiana departed, Gabrielle sighed and looked around once more. A vase in the corner of the room caught her eye and she began to walk closer to it. It was huge, standing about thirty-seven inches in height, and on it were painted symbols.

Bending down to get a closer view, she realized that the heiroglyphics were golden - and moving.

Her eyes widened and she stood up, taking a step back. Suddenly a disturbing thought flashed across her mind - what if she was going to be left here?

Nathan Vergis
Oct 2nd, 2002, 11:08:48 AM
Tormented by the lack of stimulation Nathan had allowed himself to sink into the bone crafted excellence that was the floating chair of the librarian. It hovered close to the oily black ceiling which allowed the Vampyre to tease its surface with his elongated fingers. Watching the ripples disturb the illuminated lillies.

The books were quiet for this time of day, which was unusual. He normally could only tolerate them for an hour before hurling himself from the Librarians Chair. But for some reason these passed weeks things had become slower. He couldn't quite figure out why... But then after decades of being a vampyre, he had come to understand that not everything had a reason.

When the name whispered through the shelves he almost missed it. He retracted his spinley arm from the inverted black lake and lowered the chair to the tall black oaken bookshelves and listened. Nothing... He closed his blood red eyes in an eraly defeat only to hear it as plain as his mothers morning wake up call. "Gabrielle Dimitri."

The Chair lowered to the floor of the Library and the Vampyre rose from his relaxed posture, by the time he had reached the door his body had re-aligned itself to his vampyring beauty. His hair black as the crows, his eyes as blue as ice, and his skin as white as snow. The Vampyre Vergis, walked the long corriders until he reached the girl studying a vase.

He grinned revealing his impressive upper canines and leant casualy against the wall. He continued to study her as she studied the vase to the point of scrutiny. He could not help but clear his throat...

Gabrielle Dimitri
Oct 16th, 2002, 11:55:30 AM
It was then the sound of someone clearing their throat reached her ears. Spinning around, Gabrielle saw a man with enormous upper canines and realized he was one of the Shrine members. She bowed her head, all the while feeling his blue eyes on her. She could feel her heart beating slightly faster as she looked back up, taking in his beautiful features.

However, not knowing what to say, she remained silent...

Nathan Vergis
Oct 20th, 2002, 08:27:01 AM
"Beautiful is it not." The stranger said breaking the uncomforatble silence.

"Sorry?" Gabrielle was slightly confused,

"The Vase. I was just commenting on what wondrous craftsmenship we have collected here at the shrine."

"Oh. Yes, I see."

He walked up to her and took her left hand, planting a curtious kiss just above her skin. Knowing that to make contact between the lips and the flesh was a mark of utter disrespect. He held her gaze a little longer, "My name is Nathan Vergis. And I bid you welcome Gabrielle Dimitri."