View Full Version : Summonings to the RED RIVER.

Triton Ioa
Nov 3rd, 2002, 02:54:46 AM
Standing before the Shrine entrance a Massive Mecha standing nearly at seventeen feet named Triton Ioa studied the intricate etchings along the cold walls in great interest. His optics found them pleasing for some reason. He would have to consider them at a later time once he was done with his current assignment for the Council on Neo Cybertron.

" How does one do this with Organics?" Triton pondered at gaining the attention of those that could let him in. It would have been in bad manners to just barge in or park the Mountain Size Diplomat Barge Ship over they're homes. No He would knock and see what came of it.
Stepping to the gate he tapped his massive fist gently as not to damage but with enough to garner some attention against the door.

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 10th, 2002, 03:19:32 PM
Hearing the massive banging of the Shrine door Dalamar directed the guardians to let whomever in. "Place them in the attendance room and I will get there as soon as Im finished here. "