View Full Version : Live Blood on Dead Soil

Isthenthrel Saklena
Nov 1st, 2002, 10:00:29 PM
OOC: I'm not sure what you mean by OOC Application but I do for the IC one.


Isthenthrel walked towards the dark castle. Night had come an hour ago and she had gotten lost here. Nothing looked familer but some kind of energy drew her to this castle.

"Hello? Is any one around?" She called out into the night. Something moved behind her and she spun around. Her sword was soon drawn and point around.

"Whose there?"

Triton Ioa
Nov 3rd, 2002, 03:02:54 AM
" No need to panic Organic. I am like you looking to visit that structure up ahead." A Shadow with two glowing eyes disengaged it's self from the dark path behind her. A Giant Machine came to stand before her as it lumbered up to the walkway.
" The Name is Triton Ioa. " It said with a calm dignity. Isthenthrel gaped. She had expected almost anything from her worst nightmares to some palace guard but not a Seventeen foot Mecha with a sobering face and jutting chin.
" Shall we travel together?" Triton asked.