View Full Version : The time has come

Tomak Ohara
Aug 4th, 2002, 11:38:06 AM
Tomak needed something to stir up his blood. It was time for a match with someone. Tomak stepped into a large room and took to the rafters where he stood there upside down. Tomak looked at his metal blade. He drew it and watched the reflection in the light that was so dim in this room. It was then that Tomak realized that he did not want a gentler race he wanted an evil one like the one that was here. Tomak rebered Soth giving him the invitation. How he foolishly casted aside at first, but then realized later on that this was what he had wanted all along. But something was missing.

Aug 4th, 2002, 01:08:00 PM
Long before the intruder stepped foot on the unholy ground's of the Shrine...He was being watched! An armored Lich stood in the blackest of shadow's watching and waiting for the visitor to wonder in. His sooty armor told of war's long gone past and the enchanted Sith sword at his side bore testimony to a harden warrior that was skilled in both discipline's. A wicked creation of the Death Knight, Soth Nuevole always held contempt for unwelcome guest's...And a deep seated hatred for those who held no respect for the very grounds they stood on!

The Lich gripped his staff tightly as the intruder took to the roof...Tomak knew not that the evil arch Lich looked on as he did so. Soth had granted this Magi the power he now possessed and he would use it to teach Tomak a very important lesson in formal adequacy.

The large round jewel atop the Liches gnarled staff flashed as he held it out in Tomak's direction...A wave of force hit the unsuspecting intruder with an impact that sent him reeling, only to slam into an adjacent well feet away. Tomak then feel to the floor some fifteen feet below from the high vaulted ceiling's. Dazed, Tomak quickly looked about, but seen nothing...sensed nothing...All feel quite but the wind that blew through the open portal's of the Shrine window's...A low moan from a near by Roon tree that creaked as it gently swayed in the night air...And a sulfuric stench from the Sith Magic expelled still lingered on the cool night air...

Tomak Ohara
Aug 5th, 2002, 02:45:56 PM
Tomak looked at this small little man carrying a staff. "Who are you? Do you have something against me? I really do not think that was necessary." Tomak brandished his fangs and laughed. "Have you come looking for a fight., or for a brain perhaps?" Tomak looked at him once more and laughed.

Aug 6th, 2002, 10:18:04 PM
ooc: Hey bro...Read my post and you'll see that I alluded to the fact that Wicked Wraithie is not sensed or seen by your CHR. I will tell you he is well hidden and cloaked in the force...Your CHR can assume he is there as you might want to make reference too...But other then that your CHR. unless stated how would not be able to locate him in such a way...Thanks :) /ic

Only silence pervaded over the large anti-chamber as Tomak looked about the room that was mostly empty of material object's...A partially fallen inner wall that had collapsed many year's ago littered the floor with rubble as Tomak glanced around, trying to let his eye's adjust to the inky blackness that veiled the room in an unnatural darkness...Broken wood was strewn about the room as there where a few article's of torn clothing and an ornately carved wooden bar that sat in a corner emptied of all content's, a witness to another time when this room was once filled with festivity's hundred's of year's prior...

An uneasy feeling fell over the Vampyre as he panned the room..."How is it possible for one in a relatively empty room to go unnoticed?" Tomak wondered...

As Tomak walked a few paces from the spot he once stood in, he felt a sharp intense piercing pain in his upper right shoulder blade. A wicked black serrated point emerged out the front side of Tomak's upper chest near his deltoid...He had been ran through!...

Second's later he heard the hollow sounding word's of the Lich behind him..."Nos Fernum Inferno!...The blade ignited, causing Tomak's clothing to catch on fire!... Wraith-Soul viciously kicked Tomak in the small of his back from his ignited blade, sending the man sprawling to the floor...

A sinister laugh echoed throughout the vacant room as Tomak's mind screamed in agony from the flame's that were burning his tender Vampyre flesh...Much like the "Accursed Star's" that were set in the heavenly bodies was the swore enemy of all the Creature's of the Damned, so was the properties of fire when it burnt their unholy flesh!