View Full Version : And the place smelled of blood...
Valirion Thorn
Aug 4th, 2002, 04:56:40 PM
:: Valirion entered the room and took a short sniff. He liked it and the place smelled of blood, k\just like the rest of the place here. It was no different, except here there seemed to be an added effect of decay and rot to the air. It was almost intoxicating to Thorn. He wished he could be a vampire right now. Then he could really appreciate the effect. How lovely. He was bored.
Very bored. He felt like watching someone bleed over and over again. Maybe he was obsessed but then everyone had their moments. He sat down in a chair by the wall just to see who might be around of interest. He drew his sword and began to twirl it in his hands. The smell still slightly edging at his mind.::
Alana Stormcloud
Aug 7th, 2002, 01:42:17 AM
Alana entered the room that she knew Thorn was in. She had seen him wandering and had followed. She could feel his restlessness and she had decided to do something about it.
"Hello Valirion, How are you this night?" She asked softly. It was always night on Roon but she got a kick out of asking mortals that stayed here. Time at the Shrine lost it's meaning to all who stayed.
She was going to invite him along on her nightly hunting. She had never taken a Mortal hunting with her before but his blood lust almost rivaled a Vampyres call to it. Almost...
"How would you like to come with me to a small village I need some dinner." She said grinning...
Valirion Thorn
Aug 7th, 2002, 11:30:04 PM
:: Val looked up and smirked at the sight of Alana there. Excellent, this made things not so boring. A chance to go with a vampyre to see the humans be fed upon. He stood up and nodded.::
I am doing well, I would enjoy to accompany you as you feed tonight.
:: Valirion seemed to shrug but then he had to bend over for a moment. The bioenhanced armor seemed to split out of his back. He had made sure that the process had caused some pain, he reveled in it. He made sure that the helmet didn't come on. He didn't feel like covering it today. He wanted to be able to see everything that happened with his own eyes. The twisted armor finished spreading over his body.::
I am ready to leave whenever you are Mistress.
Alana Stormcloud
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:34:05 AM
Alana nodded and turned to go. He fascinated her. His lust for blood as a human was something one did not see often. His thirst for every experience life had to offer painful or not was pleasurable to Alana. he seemed to fear nothing but he also had a healthy respect for things.
Alana left from a side door and motioned for him to follow. There was a small town that was not to far. It was vampire feeding ground. "She moved swiftly through the night. Slowing her vampiric speed a little so he could keep up. "She stopped at the break in the trees. You can wait here if you want. Or come with me into there tavern. It is up to you."
Valirion Thorn
Aug 8th, 2002, 02:09:22 AM
:: Thorn followed as fast as he could, glad that his armor constantly tried to change to make him more at ease. She was incredibly fast and he had had a hard time keeping up with her until she slowed. She spoke and told him he could stay back or go with her. He sheathed his weapon but let it hang loose, he would not miss the oppurtunity to use it. It screamed for blood inside his head and his armor only increased the hunger within the pit of his stomach. She started to walk down the hill without looking back. He was right behind her, his helmet slowly creeped up his face until it was completely covering. All except for the eyes, he would see this with his own.::
Lead on mistress, I follow.
Alana Stormcloud
Aug 8th, 2002, 03:23:25 AM
Alana entered the dark tavern. She scanned the room quickly. The bar keep glanced up and was about to call out a greeting when he realized who had entered. His face paled and he turned away. A soft smile crept across Alana's face. She walked up to the bar and leaned over it. "New faces I see." She said to the bar keep.
"Yes Mistress Alana as always they travel from other towns. They come for my fine ale." He stammered.
"Have you been a good boy, and kept silent old friend?" She said coolly. "Of course Mistress for my family on my honor."
"Honor, such a Nobel thing, such a thing to pay a heavy price for. wouldn't you say old friend." Her tone mocked the scared man. He nodded and turned a way, His eyes hurt and broken.
Alana turned back to her Thorn. "Now the fun begins." She looked around the room and spotted a table that held three men. She moved slowly towards it and motioned for Thorn to follow...
Valirion Thorn
Aug 8th, 2002, 11:56:59 PM
:: Valirion hated this place. This tavern where humans wasted their time and drowned themselves in their own pitiful sorrows. How pathetic. Thorn watched Alana as she entered and seemed to be able to maniulate the spae around her. Eveything semed to be at her command here. She talked to the barkeep for a moment before starting towards a table with three men. She motioned to Valirion and he casually walked behind her. These humans stank and Val wouldn't have minded seeing their own blood fill those mugs in front of them.::
Alana Stormcloud
Aug 10th, 2002, 02:50:36 AM
Alana moved up to the table that held the men she had chosen for her own tonight. They leered at her as only a drunken fool would. They did not see her deadly intentions instead they saw a delicate beauty that appeared as helpless as a lamb.
"Hello kind gentle men. My friend and I are new to these parts. Would you be so kind as to let us join you at your table. She asked sweetly the words rolling off her tongue in a practiced manner. There minds she knew would be easy to manipulate as drunk as they were. She slid into the chair next to them when they had eagerly nodded and made room for Alana and Thorn. "Very kind of you." She said softly her teeth extending slightly, not enough for anyone to notice in the dim light...
Valirion Thorn
Aug 10th, 2002, 03:03:49 PM
:: Valirion in his twisted armor did not think he was a very becoming sight even to three drunk men but he liked how easily Mistress Alana had manipulated them. Valirion shifted his cape as he sat down next to her. What next? Would they die... torture in agony? Pain? Anything? He would have to learn more patience. Obviously this manipulation took time. Thorn didn't like the idea of having to wait anylonger to see these creatures die like they should. He wanted to see her feed, how it worked. He sat quietly and observed.::
Alana Stormcloud
Aug 15th, 2002, 11:44:47 PM
Alana sat back in her chair flanked by the two appreciative men. She smiled in all the right places when they spoke and chuckled when needed. Under her breath she chanted the words of her kind. There minds were like open books. She glanced into Thorns eyes and saw his eager need for there death. He already had a vampires heart.
She began to weave thoughts of sweet seduction in each of their minds. Thoughts of stolen moments with her in there arms. She could see there eyes cloud with lust and just as gently she sent in images of the men that were friends trying to take her from one another. There lips twisted his hate. There comments so friendly only moments before began to seethe with jealousy. Soon it would be time to reap the benefits. She leaned her shoulder against one asking in sweet tones for a drink. Leaning moments later against another to ask him a question. The tension built...
Valirion Thorn
Aug 16th, 2002, 05:39:21 PM
:: Valirion sat on the edge of his seat now. He waited the moment that the two men would fight and he would see their blood flow, he didn't know how she had done it but he had picked up on the gist of things and that had been just as quickly pushed to the side when he saw the conflict building. He would see blood, his way or her way, they both worked for him. His armor was slightly pricking him within, it wanted him to lunge and stab and thrust and kill and let them bleed, but in his own mind he could wait for this. It was fun!::
Alana Stormcloud
Aug 19th, 2002, 01:10:31 AM
Alana knew it was time to set things in motion. The rage had built to an almost palpable degree. She leaned toward the man nearest to her and began to whisper. His eyes grew more heated with each word she said. Suddenly he jumped from his seat and began to yell at his once close friend who wore at first a look of bewilderment that quickly turned to anger. "Take it outside. She whispered to no one in particular. All three of the men made there way to the door and out to the cold night air.
She turned toward Thorn and smiled. "Now it begins.."
Valirion Thorn
Aug 19th, 2002, 02:18:15 PM
:: Valirion stood up and with Alana, anticipation in his eye glimmered darkness in the old tavern. He had waited so long for this it seemed but he knew it wasn't really. His armor twisted tightly around his throat as it savored the blood soon to come.::
Alana Stormcloud
Aug 29th, 2002, 09:53:07 AM
Alana followed close behind the men as they walked from the bar. She shot her eyes to the bar keep as he opened his mouth slightly. She knew he wanted to call out to the men. She opened herself to the darkside further and sent a horrendous picture of his family slaughtered. His mouth snapped shut, almost severing his tongue in the process. He turned from the group. Alana smiled coldly and nodded.
The men began to argue louder as they left the bar and the warm breezes touched there faces. Alana singled one man out and eased his anger slightly. The other two stayed close to each other, screaming and cursing.
She whispered softly in an ancient tongue, they heavier man turned toward her with a big smile and vacant eyes. She nodded at him and drew him toward her. Wrapping her arms around his neck when he had reached her. "Let them fight, and you in the process will win." She whispered close to his ear." She could feel him nod slowly as his arms locked around her waist. Burying her face in his neck, she could feel the slow sweet pulse of his vein against her lips. Her teeth extended fully and sank in. He tensed at the sudden pain then relaxed totally against her. His death was by far sweeter than his life. She lowered him to the ground and pushed him against the darkness of the building. It was not him she was truly after, it was the one with the higher mediclorian count. She would savor him last....
Valirion Thorn
Aug 30th, 2002, 03:25:56 PM
:: Valirion wanted to laugh so bad at the sight of the cowering barkeep. What a pathetic human. To think that he could defy a vampyre's plans. He saw the man quickly turn with a mere glance from Alana as they walked outside. He observed the two other men begin to fight as alan took the other. He watched her bite into his neck and that was it. The blood flowed down his neck slightly and then my armor twitched a bit. As Alane turned to the other men I bent down next to the drained man. His eyes still in the ful view of shock as he had been killed. It was like a poem had been written inside those deadless eyes, a poem that called out to him and made his mortal blood churn and beg for immortality.
He reached a armored hand out to the man, a small mouth appearing in the palm of the glove. Thorn placed on the two holes that Alana had left. The armor slowly began to taste what little blood was left around the wound. And oh how it enjoyed the simple things in life. To taste someone else's blood other than Thorn's was like giving it wine when all it had was water so far. Thorn reveled in the feeling the armor sent through his body but resisted anymore. It wasn't his blood and it did nothing for him but make the armor happy. He stood up, as the armor screeched in his mind for more, he watched as his Mistress continued in her game.::
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