View Full Version : In the Garden of Death
Syndell Draclau
Jul 20th, 2002, 04:47:11 PM
It was about 2 in the morning. The moon was high in the sky and showered the planet with it's enchanting blue haze. Syndell ha decided to take a walk out insde the shrines garden on such alovely night. It had been a week since she had been allowed to join, but still she remaind the same. No one had turned her yet and so she waited.
Walking along she first was on a trail with red roses lining the sides. Each one was red as blood and smelled ujust as good. There thorns too were sharp and uninviting. As she took a right turn she had now ended up on a trail lined with black roses. Each on blaker then the nght sky, and more menacing then a beast. Yet looking at one tends to enchant the on looker as it was as if you stared straight into an infinite blackness. Syndell had come across a bench in a stone circle. Here she sat and looked up at the sky. He demon half begged her to be let loose to fly through the night sky and ook over this planet. But she had come here for a reason.
Earlier that day she had given the vampire known as Dalamar a letter telling him of where the two could meet. Since she had first met him, she had been entranced by him. She could not explain it, though she guessed it was one of the powers of a vampire. The power of seduction. She didn't care as it made her feel good. So now, now she sat amongst the roses and waited, waiting for her black knight to arrive.
Vampyre Dalamar
Jul 25th, 2002, 08:51:55 PM
Dalamar had walked into the garden. Smelling the blood roses his mood was light another convert to the folds of darkness. Dalamar felt her thoughts and he approached. Fly into the night get a good look at your surrounding I will wait for you here. Then we will speak of your future.
Dalamar smiled, her beauty was intoxicating and Dalamar liked her excitement. Fly and then return I will wait I promise.
Syndell Draclau
Jul 25th, 2002, 09:00:44 PM
Syndell looked up as Dalamar had arrived. She felt him within her head, but decided to let him pry. After he had said what she wanted to do she smiled.
"As you wish, my dear Dalamar"
With that Syndell's body was suddenly enveloped by a dark purple light. Her form grew, and beame a little more bulky. She was not as big, nor as strong as her brother in their demon form....but the two Shi'idos were still dangerous. As the light faded, Dalamar now stared at a 8 ft tall, green demon. Her purple eyes were now red, and her long straight, smooth black and silver streaked hair grew out wild and untamed.
Her claws and teeth had grown, as well as a tail and a pair of wings popped out. Looking down at Dalamar Syndell made one flap of her wings. Within an instant her big bulk was already many meters into the night sky. Her demonic form looked asif it were weaving inbetween the darkness.
Alana Stormcloud
Aug 3rd, 2002, 03:25:15 PM
Alana had felt the presence of her lover Dalamar enter the garden just as she knew that Syndell was awaiting him. She watched the exchange between the two. A grim look in her eyes. It was not in the nature of a vampire to be jealous but then Alana was no ordinary vampire.
"To take a lover is one thing Dalamar be careful you tread no further than that my love." She whispered softly. Her voice as always reached his ears. As he turned to her. He could see her piercing blue eyes shining from the shadows. "What is mine is mine and will always be Dalamar. She may enjoy your body but your soul will always belong to me my sweet."
Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 3rd, 2002, 11:42:50 PM
Alana hmnn jealous are we? Fear not my soul is indeed is yours but there is always time to smell the flowers and enjoy the beauty of the universe. My mistress doesnt fear a little competition do you?
Shrine Guardians
Aug 7th, 2002, 07:31:38 AM
The Nagari watched with growing impatience. They had not been fed any flesh in days and there hunger stirred. As always they where in control obedient to the will of the Vampyre's so they watched and waited. Hoping that any of the many guest's would offend the Vampyre's and then they would be called upon to deal with them.
Syndell Draclau
Aug 23rd, 2002, 12:08:37 PM
Syndell kept in the air, even when she got tired, all she did was hover and too a look around. The very blackness that surrounded them seemed to give her strength. But why she was here quickly came back to her. So without making him wait any longer, Syndell decended from the night sky and made her way bak to the ground.
Upon reaching Dalamar's side, her form was enveloped by a bright white light, which quickly faded to reveal the human form of Syndell. Looking around, the female sith waked up to Dalamar.
"Sorry to keep you waiting. I got....carried away. So tell me Dalamar, are there anyother places within the shrine as beautiful as this"
She would not be blunt and say that she was ready to be turned. Instead, she would wait till Dalamar couldn't resist biting her. Sith woman were well known for their seductive behavior's. Syndell was no different. A soft breeze blew past the two, carrying the scents of the roses and other flowers with it, making the mood far more romantic.
Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 26th, 2002, 08:32:25 PM
Dalamar took her seemingly delicate hand in his. "Syndell It is time for you to join with the Darkness" Pulling her close he held her tightly. His eye's glowed a crimson red. Kissing her softly on the neck he moved slowly to the blood line. Kissing her deeply she went limp in his arms. Carrying her beauty into his private chambers he laid her down. "Die quickly my sweet" For your soul is now bonded to mine!"
Syndell Draclau
Sep 28th, 2002, 06:26:06 PM
Syndell lay on his bed, her body twisting and turning. She felt lke screaming but couldn't, the pain of feeling her very life sucked out of her was almost to much to bare. But then again, she knew hat she would be getting into,, and so she held it in. A single tear escaped her eye and cascaded down her cheek. Within a few moments her body began to move less and less....the caramel color of her skin turning to a milky color. The all signs of life seemed to cease within Syndell's body.
The deed was done, Syndell had sealed he fate for the rest of eternity.........the only thing left to do is wait....wait to see if Syndell was fit enough to join the ranks of the undead.
Vampyre Dalamar
Sep 28th, 2002, 06:44:47 PM
Dalamar admired the pale beauty before him as her last breath faded. Her breathing grew more shallow until it stopped completely. The Darkness will be yours and you can run the courses feel the wind on your wings. WIth a large gasp of air the change was complete.
Taking her by her hand the Warlord lifted her up from the bed. "Go Syndell feed and seal the transformation." Dalamar hander her a small ring case. Syndell smiled and opened the tiny onyx box. Inside was a beautiful ring. Lifting it out the Dark Lord showed her the blade underneath. "A gift my dear for your first kill use it well."
Syndell Draclau
Sep 28th, 2002, 06:57:27 PM
Syndell just stared at Dalamar. So many new sensations flooded her mind and body. She could feel no life residing within her, and yet she had never felt so alive before. Taking the ring, Syndell slipped it onto her finger, examining the beauty of it's crafting, as well as the beauty of the blade connected to it.
Looking up at Dalamar, Syndell spoke, her voice coming out soft and gentle.
"Thank you Dalamar, i will be sure to use your gift well"
With that said, Syndell bowed her head and turned, leaving his room. Upon reaching the main doors, Syndell noticed her purple cloak hanging up. Grabbing it she slipped it on, it would do nicely to conceal her till she saw fit. For in these part's, a parson with milky skin like her's would automtically be classified as a vampire.
Off she went, heading for the nearest town to the shrine. Feeling a renewed energy fill her body, she took to walking. Though in her eyes, things seemed to fly past her, as if she were flying at an incredible speed.
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