View Full Version : "The Test of Passage...The making of a Lordess"

Death Knight Soth
Oct 1st, 2002, 07:27:27 PM
As the Death Knight of the Black Rose sat quietly in his shadowed chamber deep in thought, he studied the cylindrical shaped weapon of honor before him with great intent. Within his pale hand was the ornately crafted single bladed saber of his lover; Tatiana had crafted the lethal weapon month's prior as one of her many lesson's along the tedious path of refinement as Soth's personal apprentice. The mistress of the Shrine had modified the elaborate weapon to her own specification's, it's specialized abilities worked in harmony with that of the invoked magical properties therein. Their secretive and deadly function's were hers alone to know... Every light saber was a personalized weapon unique unto it's owner, much like a fine fitting glove to the hand...

Over the long month's, Soth, with meticulous care trained the once jedi knight in the way's of the Dark-side of the force it's self, in the way's of the Sith. The Death Knight had also taught his beautiful apprentice how to hone each specialized technique granted to her, each potential spell at her level, injunction with that of her innate skill's as a Vampyre of the Damned!...

Soth's lover devoured her studies with a tenacity and dedicated devotion like no other student under the Dark Knight had ever witnessed before. Like a true seasoned warrior with an unbridled purpose and an insatiable hunger to match, Tatiana learned very quickly in each dark discipline. Even the mysterious arcane magic of the Sith was readily available to the mistress, what would have taken most understudies year's to master, Tatiana had learned in mere month's. Her indurated aptitude for learning far surpassed any apprentice Soth had ever encountered over his long year's a Sith Master...The Death Master was more then pleased with her rapid gain's as his number one pupil, she was simply a natural.

Tatiana's proficient abilities as an illusionist, coupled with that of Sith Magic that the Death Knight himself had painstakingly taught her over the long month's at the Shrine made her more then a versatile adversary that was not to be taken lightly.

As Tatiana's Master, Soth had also showed the young woman the importance of preparation and how to handle any situation that would arise, even the unpredictable moment's she would face alone, how to utilize her new found skill's with each confrontation regardless of it's enormity or how small it may have seemed. Soth with pride tutored his lover as well in the ancient ways of saber play as he was accustom too when he had served the jedi code so long ago. Tatiana learned the "Craft of Making" as all apprentice hopeful's would master in time. Each pupil as it was customary would construct their own personal light saber when a master deemed them ready, this task alone was a lesson within it's self...Mastering one was another thing all together...

As Soth made his way to the Blood Pit, he called out for Tatiana to join him there. Of all night's, this night held a special significance to the Death Knight of old. Soth would test his lover sorely in the way of all the disciplines she had acquired and mastered to this point...He expected nothing less from her, on the contrary, Soth expected more as he seen in her the woman warrior at his side. Seasoned to perfection, knowing the deepest of secret's that Soth had opened to her only. Like all of the Death Knight apprentices when it came their time to the "Right's of Passage," Soth would show Tatiana no favor, nor would he grant her any special treatment when it came to the ensuing test's that she was soon to undergo. If his lover fought less then he knew her capable of, he would destroy her on the spot regardless of their dark bond's as heated lover's...Nonetheless,...It was the way of the Sith!

"Come Tatiana Nuevole,...Prepare yourself for battle...Tonight will mark your passage as a true Lordess amongst your brethren...This night you will earn your badge of honor m'lady." The Death Knight's firm word's were carried to his lover's mind as he stood at the entrance of the Blood Pit. Soth mumbled a few word's of Sith Magic before she arrived...

"You would fair best to do the same my apprentice." Soth thought to himself, a wicked smile etched it's way across his handsome face as he walked slowly to the center of the blood stained arena.

Placing his elaborate helm on, Soth awaited Tatiana. In his left talon hand he held her finely crafted saber, in the other, his own...

Mistress Tatiana
Feb 3rd, 2003, 11:25:38 PM
Soth's words reached Tatiana's mind as she reclined in a lavish chair in the Grand Parlor. She had been starring into the fireplace, meditating on all the Sith Magic Soth had taught her in the past few months. Now he called to her for one final challenge. Smiling, she took one last sip of her blood wine before making her way to him.

Pausing in the doorway to the Crimson Pit, she called out to her challenger. "I have come as you have called m'lord... Show yourself." The torches within the room flamed to life, revealing her Master who stood in the center. She took notice that he held her saber in his hand. She approached him slowly, stopping a few feet in front of him. "I believe that is mine."

Lord Soth
Feb 8th, 2003, 10:46:03 PM
As Tatiana carefully approached the Death Knight, she entered the massive Blood Pit some distance away from him. Soth smiled beneath his ancient helm, a crocked smile of deception that had meaning only to himself. Cocking his head slightly to one side, acknowledging her, Soth allowed Tatiana to come within ten paces of himself before he spoke. He turned his back from her slowly as if lowering his guard and examining the weapon's he now held.

"Yes, I do believe this is yours." Replied the Sith Master as he remained turned from her. Soth let his gloved thumb slip over both saber's ignition switch as he continued.

"I have been to lax with you Tatiana...Giving you special privilege's that I have not show the other students I teach..." Oddly, Tatiana could not quite discern what Soth was getting at from his cryptic statement. But his unfeeling word's stopped her dead in her track's as he went on.

"One can be never to careful, nor steadfast when they are blinded with such luxuries as partiality and favoritism...M'lady!" The Vampyre's word's carried a certain tone of steel with them as he spun in a half turn towards the unsuspecting Tatiana. Her own dark blue blade snapped to life, humming loudly as it bore down on her with blinding speed at Soth's release of it.

Mistress Tatiana
Feb 16th, 2003, 09:16:01 PM
Tatiana knew that this challenge her lover was setting up would not be an easy one. She sensed that their closeness would lend her no leeway in his challenge to her. She kept herself on full alert from the moment she had stepped into the room. She knew the challenge had begun the minute she walked into the pit. She was expecting the unexpected, and she expected nothing less from Soth.

Keeping herself attuned to the Force paid off, for the Death Knight was using her own blade against her. Quickly, she spun and dropped to the ground out of the way barely avoiding the deadly blade. The blue edge had managed to slice through the top her black jumpsuit, causing it to hang beneath her right shoulder. The saber fell to the ground a few feet from her. She reached her hand out and called it to her through the force just in time to roll onto her back as Soth's own lightsaber bore down on her.

An evil smile crossed his face. One she had seen many times before when he faced his enemies, but never had he directed it towards her. She knew he was being serious now, and this was far from some war game. This was the real thing! Either she would come out alive or be among the other corpses whose ashes filled the arena.

Lord Soth
Feb 17th, 2003, 09:32:59 PM
Flashes of brilliant strobbing light emanated throughout the high vaulted chamber as their saber's clashed in a deadly flurry. Blinding assaults and strikes from both combatant's were at an almost nauseating speed to behold to the mortal eye. The passion of the fight seemed to consume Tatiana and Soth, neither giving the other an edge as their lethal blades hissed and crackled in defiance to one another with each momentary pause of their blades.

However, the Death Knight would now add a new element and challenge to the deadly melee. Soth immediately spun his body in a hundred and eighty degree turn, slightly out and away from her after blocking Tatiana's saber with his own. His intention was to bring his extended arm around then follow through with a mailed fist to her face. Nevertheless, the clever seductress countered with a move of her own. Thwarting his move as she quickly stepped inwards towards Soth, turning her back to his as she did so. With fluent ease and calculated precision, the female Vampyre intercepted the Death Knight's over extended arm with her own. Tatiana then followed up with a sharp, thudding elbow to the right side of her lovers face. The sudden snapping blow sent the Death Knight staggering forward and away from her as she finished her movement...The Death Knight had taught her well...

Soth spun his armored form to face her, his startled expression concealed by the ornate ancient helm that he wore. Her tenacity and fervor was astounding...Soth thought to him self, taking a new stance for the onset of another attack that was sure to come.

"I'm impressed my love...Your skill's are beyond my estimation of you,..." Soth said coolly as he focused on one of the many wrought iron torch holder's that lined the Blood Pit.

"...And you are wise not to lower your defense!" The Death Knight finished in a heightened iron tone, suddenly reaching his left talon hand outwards towards the holder behind and adjacent to her. The torch holder rattled then tore from the stone wall as Soth directed its path to Tatiana. This was the diversion he was looking for, one he quickly acted upon.

With the innate speed that Vampyre's were know for, Soth rushed Tatiana, tucking his body into a roll when he came within feet of her then positioning himself firmly at her feet. Soth thrusted his right boot up and into her lower abdomen. The stunning kick was so powerful, it lifted Tatiana's small frame up and off the sandy floor and into the oncoming path of the rapidly approaching metal perch!

Mistress Tatiana
May 15th, 2003, 03:02:40 PM
The Death Knight was quick. She did not anticipate his attack in time to avoid the oncoming metal covering that had surrounded the torch. Her back slammed into the spikes and bore deep into her skin, tearing her flesh and muscles as she fell to the ground. She grimaced and cried out in pain as she rolled off the spikes onto her stomach. Blood seeped through her clothes. Her eyes flamed with anger, her wounds slowly beginning to heal. Reaching out through the force, she flung the flaming torch that lay on the ground towards Soth's face in retaliation, taking advantage that he was distracted by his wounded prey.

Although he was covered in strong armor, the flames managed to creep through the slits in his helmet that allowed him to see. Not waiting to see how he would react, Tatiana quickly stood to her feet and faced him just in time to see the flames completely engulf Soth's body, trapping him inside his own armor.