View Full Version : I was born with the taste for blood... and death (Soth)

Valirion Thorn
Sep 30th, 2002, 02:20:41 PM
:: I stood in the pit and played with one of my new toys. Since gaining this new "life", I had discovered I had a few new gifts. After I had been able to drink the lif out my victims I dicovered I could make them still move with small concentration. They became like golems, mindless and very obedient, but they had to be just dead. Ones that had been dead for some time were incredibly hard to rise, I had to guess that my powers weren't totally developed yet... I would need to research these gifts more.
I stood there as one of the golems followed the exact same directions it had before, and like before, I stepped forward, testingthe new strength I had been given and easily cut the thing in half. And then I quickly made it pull itself tgether an form back so tht I could repeat the process. It was interesting how easy I cut through human flesh like it was water, where was the real fun now? The feling of butchering something real, my sword screamed for a real challenge and my armor was tiring of these mindless golems.::

Death Knight Soth
Sep 30th, 2002, 09:24:31 PM
The "Blood Pit" was a large cavity that was hewn from the very living rock deep within the belly of the Shrine, standing as a testament and witness to those who had fought and died within it's gruesome confines...

The unremarkable tan limestone walls arched up at a forty-five degree angle at every side, angling some fifty feet to an upper coliseum sitting area that circumferenced the whole arena. Two massive stone support column's sat center on the sandy ground floor, jetting skywards like two huge minarets until they were no longer seen as the dark shadow's consumed there very top's high above. Deep impressions marred the wall's from nondescript weapon's, marking the fierce battle's that had taken place countless times before. The rancid smell of death lofted on the stagnate air, blood and bit's of flesh were strewn about, giving the place a malodorous stench. This arena was also more then what it appeared to be, not only was it designed to house the entertainment to the upper host's that looked down upon the ill fated combatant's, it was a tomb for the warrior's who had fallen victim to it's cruel demise. The Death Knight knew the secret's of this chamber, he had fought and slain many here...Often time's he would allow his apprentices to practice here, to get a feel for what it would be like when their time had come.

The Death Master watched Valirion with great interest and amusement from the inky shadow's near one of the only two exit's of the Blood Pit. He noted the new fledgling's predominant thirst for blood and his eagerness for combat...The Death Knight then slowly stepped fourth. There was a snapping hiss as Soth's twin saber's ignited, breaking the dead silence as their humming blade's echoed throughout the immense chamber. Valirion spun around to face the Death Knight igniting his own saber more out of reaction to what had just surprised him.

"You learn fast my brother in blood...But come,...Show me what you've learned thus far." The Death Knight eye's blazed a hot orange hue as he circled the man, his every step seemed to glide over the sandy bottom of the pit as if he were walking on solid ground. As the fledgeling took a defensive stance, Soth immediately held out his left talon glove in his direction. A tremendous wave of force hit Valirion mid torso as he was slung backwards into one of the two mammoth stone pillar's. Pain shot up and down his back as he impacted the obelisk full on. The man slumped from the sudden blow but was soon back on his feet once more...However, Soth awaited him patiently, and the sickly green blades that the Dark Knight wielded pulsated and hummed in unison, begging for their chance to taste Valirion's Vampyre blood!...

Valirion Thorn
Oct 4th, 2002, 01:50:07 PM
:: I had slammed into the wall behind me but that had been nothing like it would've been to a human, or what I had been. I wish I could make a human form of what I used to be and cut it to pieces but at this moment my next ambition stood before me.
The Death Knight Soth, I had heard that name whispered in my ears as I had traversed the halls of the Shrine. I had seen distant visions of him ffrom the others minds as they had passed in the halls. And now he stood before me, his double bladed "light"saber in his right hand and the green blades creating a halo of erie light upon the ground. My own sword twisted like a tongue as the tip rested on the ground. A defensive stance was pointless if all this knight was going to do was use his seemingly unlimited power of the force. I had no clue of how to use the force other than what had come natural to me so far.
Soth was a death knight, and I called myself a blood knight. This would be very interestig if Soth hadany rules of honor and batle like I did. But becoming a vampyre had changed many of my mortal views, such as even the slightest hint of mercy or any attachment to anything that breathed. I stepped forward and my armor heaved a sigh of anticipation. The face of the demon on my helmet seemed to open its mouth in a silent roar and the eye on my hilt rolled as it waited for its chance to go against the green blades of Soth.
The shoulder gaurds, like claws, released my cape from me, I did not need such an aesthetic thing on me in this fight, I stepped foward and raised my sword to Soth, the golem by my side crumpled in to a heap of rotten meat and intestines as I let my hold on it go.::

Soth... Do you taste it in the air?

:: My will to fight and my growing thirst to see blood increased just standing there before this Master Vampyre. I was only a fledgling but I would taste this battle no matter of my new and inexperienced strength. I charged forward andmy sword screamed like a banshee as it came down the tongue of the blade reaching an eight foot long length as it rose in the air.::

Death Knight Soth
Oct 4th, 2002, 06:14:21 PM
The Death Knight stood motionless as the young fledgling sped towards him at an incredible speed, much faster then mortally possible. The lethal tongue of Valirion sword howled as it tore through the thin air at the Dark Knight. Soth quickly pivoted his form to the left side of the ensuing attack as the enormous blade buried it's self were Soth had been standing only milliseconds before...

Rotating his duel blade's inwards towards Valirion's over extended form, Soth clipped the young Vampyre across the back and upper left part of his deltoid, Valirion's armor taking most of the damage as the Death Knight's sickly green blade tore through it. Soth took full advantage of the man as he was left off balance from the over extended thrust. With his armored clad boot, the Death Master thrust the ball of his foot into the exposed rib's of Valirion, sending him flying to the sandy floor in a heap feet away.

"Your rage has unbalanced you my brother...Today I will take it upon myself to teach you the ancient way's of the saber, to learn it's deepest secret's..." Replied Soth in cool tones as he patiently waited for Valirion to return to his feet, ignoring his comment about the stagnant stench of death that hung heavy on the air within the arena room.

"Always keep your balance at all cost my friend... Now,...On guard! " Soth's sepulchral voice resounded throughout the immense chamber as he took a defensive posture. An unholy coldness now filled the room as the Death Knight eye's flickered beneath his charred blackened helm of the Rose Order.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 4th, 2002, 06:59:39 PM
Teach me then.

:: I gave a slight nod. My armor was angry now, not I. Soth's words had sunk in and struck home enough for me. The taste in the air had intoxicated me for a moment but the distant feeling of the pain of Soth's sabers had awoken my more... sensible area. It was still a trouble fighting the will of my own armor and sword though. How simple their basic lusts were. To kill and taste the kill. And how easy it would be to sucumb to it. but no t in this fight, not against Soth, it won't work now.
But I won the arguement with my armor, that seemed like minutes but barely a second passed. I looked up and Soth could see my armor slowly change proportions as my body seeked a better sense of balance. I came forward, fast but not reckless. MY sword let loose a whine as it cut air and I brought it toward Soth. As I had thought, Soth, still unpredicatbe but still within some bounds of thought began to move. I kicked sand forward and my armor let loose spikes towards Soth.
The spikes, like extra arms of liquid metal, flew towards Soth as my own sowrd writehed in the air. I beared down with my vampiric strength and speed, the whole time keeping balance at the center of my concentration. Adjusting my attack to the movement of Soth.::

Death Knight Soth
Oct 4th, 2002, 08:38:51 PM
Valirion was young and inexperienced, however his thirst for battle and blood seemed to dive him like a man possessed. Soth studied the fledgling's attack as if it were in slow motion. Once again Soth found an opening as the Creature of the Damned closed the distance between them. The Death Knight easily parried the unholy sword of Blood Knight, rotating the blades in a counter clock wise motion, slashing his rival's blade downwards to the side in one smooth movement. Their blade's hissed and crackled in protest as they clashed, the darkness within the room strobe hue's of green, periodically blinking in and out as if the light of the room was snuffed by the light steeling blade of Valirion.

The sand was a clever deterrent, however Soth expected as much from the fledgling, nevertheless, what followed caught even the Death Knight off guard. Four steely liquid spike's tore through the ancient armor of the Death Knight, protruding slightly out the back side of Soth as he rolled out of the unpredictable attack. Soth grunted loudly as the wretched simbiant spike's returned back to their host...

As the Dark Master spun away from Valirion, he quickly detached the seemingly single hilt of his saber, making two sperate saber's as he swung both blade's backwards and to his left flank. The emerald blade's tore through Valirion's left thigh and out the backside of his heavily muscled leg. The Death Knight was now crouched low, his back turned completely to the young Vampyre. Without hesitation, Soth delivered a powerful kick backwards to the mid section of Valirion, sending him reeling backwards as the green blade's exited the man's leg. Soth turned to face Valirion once more as he hit the sandy floor.

Blood poured effortlessly from the four holes at Soth's side for a brief moment. As Valirion slowly returned back to his feet, the hideous wound's under Soth's ancient armor began to close, Soth's regenerative properties as a Vampyre began to rapidly seal them shut.

A wicked smile formed beneath the ancient helm of the Death Knight as he spoke.

"Impressive...Most impressive I must say..."

Valirion Thorn
Oct 4th, 2002, 09:30:33 PM
:: I clutched my leg for a moment until the armor grafted itself back together and my leg inside the armor slowly sealed back up like the holes I had made in Soth. A battle of the titans this seemed. And my armor roared at the notion of this. My sword cried in slight pain that it had to do most of the work, fighting the strength of the blade and Soth's own power. I quickly silenced it as I renewed my grip on it.
But I had wounded him, Soth. I had damaged that which I had seen as untouchable, this told me that I had completely underestimated the power of immortality and vampirism.
But I'm not sure that the same strategy would work this time. So I would ned to modify it this time. Increasing my defense was needed too, Soth had penetrated it as if cutting through water before. The armor let loose extending spikes all over, Soth would have to risk the random thoughts of my armor now. It was not too happy and it was hissing revenge in my ears.
I walked forward, the spikes stabbing at random currents in the air, I tried to keep my senses about me as much as possible. MY sword's eye swiveled about till it found Soth again, it stared for a moment then blinked and when it opened again, the eye was dilated. I could sense its thoughts, its primal needs. It wanted to pierce THAT flesh, go through THAT armor, and make THAT creature bleed. It protested that it was not fair that the armor was to taste the wounds of Soth and that it only had to meet the lightsabers. I gave it that much.
I lunged forward and this time, two hydralike spikes flew from my shoulder blades and attacked Soth as I came in with driving force with my sword screaming as the light was sucked into its path.::

Death Knight Soth
Oct 4th, 2002, 10:45:51 PM
The wicked smile continued to play on the Death Knight's marble like face as Valirion moved towards him, his deadly blade absorbing the light of the room as he cut a path for Soth...

The glistening simbiant spike's preceded the foul creature as they shot fourth once more, however Soth greeted the duel grim appendages with a fell stroke of his saber's, cleaving them in twine as they fell to the sandy floor and liquefied immediately. There was a low ghastly scream from the life form that was Valirion's armor. Soth paid no heed to the ear piercing shriek as he held his duel saber's in a "V" formation, intercepting the downward blow of Valirion's sword. The Death Knight stayed the powerful blow as his green blade's arced once more in defiance. In one swift movement, Soth wrenched the lethal sword from Valirion as he rolled his saber hilt's in a tight counter clock wise motion, dispatching the tongue blade from the Blood Knight and out of his grasp. This forced it's trajectory to the right of the Blood Knight and opened a hole in Valirion's defense.

Soth, with blinding speed, rotated his body in a hundred and eighty degree turn were he savagely ripped into Valirion's already tender midsection with his saber's as they followed the Dark Knight's sudden movement. As the Blood Knight's lumbering form pitched sideways and adjacent to Soth's own body, the Death Knight reversed the momentum of his twin blade's back upon the same path on which they fell prior to their stroke. Once again the sickly green blade's passed through Valirion's armor and flesh as he stumbled forward.

"I admire your courage young one...But you still have much to learn...Apprentice!" Soth word's were like cutting steel as their tone's echoed throughout Valirion's open mind.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 4th, 2002, 11:10:38 PM
I fell to one knee and my sword screamed silently within my mind that it demanded to be retirieved and my armor was slowly moaning about its wounds on my shoulders. And how it bled! The armor was bleeding now freely but it was beggining to heal the same. I dragged over to the still squirming pieces of the armor and slowl picked them up. The holes in my stomach were not healing as fast as I would have wanted so I just stuffed the two pieces of armor in the holes. They melded with the rest of the armor and felt the healing process quicken.
I bent to retrieve my sword and I watched as my own blood ran down the blade. The blade squirmed at the taste of the blood. The eye rolled back and around. It loved the taste of vampiric blood. I sheathed it though in my back and cut off my link with it. The armor still screamed though for revenge. And in a burst of its primal anger a power I did not know I possessed flew forward like an invisbile fire and flew at Soth. It knocked the vampyre off gaurd and he fell into the same obelisk I hand been thrown into.::

I have much to learn, true.

Death Knight Soth
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:31:30 AM
The Death Knight's powered armor made a metallic thudding noise as he slammed hard into the minaret column some ten feet away from Valirion, stunning Soth momentarily as he hit. The heat of the Force blast dissipated within feet of the bone chilling cold front that was always about the Death Knight; as he was immune to it's searing elemental effect's.

As Soth dropped to his feet after the sudden impact, he raised a talon glove in Valirion's direction. The Blood Knight was immediately ripped from the ground from were he stood and hurled through the air in Soth's vicinity. Valirion's body picked up tremendous momentum as Soth waved his armored glove back towards himself, directing the path he choose for the fledglings body to take. A low crunching noise resounded throughout the Blood Pit as the young Vampyre careened face first into the stone pillar high above Soth. The Death Knight then made a rapid downwards movement with his arm, in turn causing Valirion's prone form to hurriedly descend to the floor uncontrollably. It was most fortunate for Valirion that the Blood Pit floor was of sand, however the fall was not without it's consequences. As the young Vampyre hit the floor below, his right knee gave way under his own body weight, hyper extended backwards as he collapsed in a pitiful heap just feet from Soth.

The Death Knight thrust his twin saber's out in front of him in a quick and sudden wiping motion, striking only air as he did so. However, in Valrion's pain ridden mind the "Kinetic Mind Blast" reeked unseen damage to the naked mortal eye. The young Vampyre clutched at his pounding head, the pain and tormenting pressure was so incredible to Valirion within that moment, he felt as though it would explode at any moment! Blood streamed like water from his ear's and from Valirion's tightly closed eye's. Bubbles of blood emerged from his mouth in silent gasp's as his head shook in writhing agony...Soth stood poised, unmoving...His emerald saber's outstretched in front of him, they hummed a fateful tune of unmerciful death until finally the man's tattered form collapsed onto his side on the sandy floor, scrumming to it's wicked and unforgiving power.

"Conquer the mind Valirion,...And the body will soon follow after it." The Death Knight's word's were deadly as he narrowed his brightly burning eye's at the man's stricken form...

"Are you so eager to die demon...Or do you wish to learn from me young one?..." Finished the Death Master as he continued his relentless hold upon Valirion fast fading signature, swallowing his darkened mind into the depth's of the abyss it's self!...

Valirion Thorn
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:03:10 PM
:: My clawed gauntlet shifted in the sand and my hand clenched for a moment. My armor shuddered as I slowly pushed my self up. What ecstatic pain! My sword lay next to me and I could see the envious glare it gave me. It wanted to know this new plane of agony I had reached in these last few moments. And I could still feel the urge to get up and try my sword to Soth again but I found it pointless with the wounds that I susstained now. I would rather enjoy them while they lasted. I didn't want to pull out of this blissful existence of pain, I would rather stay there for eternity than return.
I stood up and my helmet fell back into my neck and I wiped the blood from my eye. The impact with the walls had been worse than I'd thought. My jaw bone had been smashed against the insid eof my helmet but it had healed fast enough. I snapped my nose back in place and it healed also. And the jolt I recieved when I did that! How wonderful. And the blast to my mind! Even my eyes had bled my immortal water across my face. I had been a fountain of eternity for that distant moment and now it was as if it were a dream.
I faced Soth and smiled as my sword gradually drifted from the ground to my hand. I sheathed it back in my spine and heard it snap into the lock. It hissed at not being able to see the events now but I ignored it. I listened to Soth and responded with a clear voice, the broken ribs had healed enough to let me do so.::

I have at least conquered death so far. but I heed your words. The mind and the body... I am eager to crave life and blood, therefore I am eager to be one with death as it harbors all life under its massive reaper. But I would learn how to harbor death to my own as you use it. Teach me more than what you have already shown me now.

Death Knight Soth
Oct 8th, 2002, 06:27:02 PM
Slowly the Death Knight relinquished his unseen grip upon Valirion's agonizing mind. Lowering his twin saber's, Soth studied the young Vampyre intently. Valirion had taken his first step boldly into another darker realm, the metal was now ready,...Ready to be molded and crafted and into a lethal killer of the night...

Over the long month's that followed after the intense spar in the Blood Pit of the Damned, The Death Knight tutored the fledging in the basic arcane way's of Sith Magic he himself had mastered at the Coven from his once Sith Master, Saurron Lestat. And over this time period, Soth spent long hour's with Valirion, teaching him how to hone his innate Vampyre abilities as well, coupling them with his unique simbiant armor as an effective single force that worked in harmony with one another. The area of the mind through Sith magic was as well explored over this extensive time period...Valirion had a natural gift in this area that Soth carefully addressed...A power that Soth knew to be one of Valirion's strongest asset's regardless of the verity of confrontation's he might face in the future to come.

Almost two year's later:

"You have done well my brother in blood...There is little more that I can teach you Valirion, as I am not your master. Your Master will now guide your true path as she deems fit. Alana herself will now show you the rest of what I have only started with you... " Soth replied smoothly as he turned to face Valirion. It was not like Soth to take on another Vampyre's apprentice, however, the Death Knight had foreseen a great potential and promise in the young warrior. Valirion devoured every lesson taught him by the ancient Death Knight with a tenacity that was rare amongst the Vampyre pupil's within the Shrine domain.

The Death Knight sipped at his blood meed, his keen focus now fell on a small ornately crafted box that rested on the elaborate mantel that adorned the mammoth fire place. Reaching up slowly, Soth removed the elongated box then returned back to were the young fledgeling stood...With his pale Vampyre finger's, the Death Knight opened the box in front of Valirion. Within it was a breath taking Sith Dagger that was encrusted with beautiful Roon Stone jewel's. Along it's ebony swerved blade was etched rune's of power...A weapon that predated the Death Knight himself.

"Take this Valirion, it is now yours...Indeed, this dagger is of the rarest quality, one of a kind as their is no other to match it's equal." Soth lifted the rare and ancient dagger from it's beautiful case and then handed it to Valirion.

"Be mindful of it's potent and deadly properties my friend...The blade alone is capable of cutting through any known armor, the sting there of is most lethal as well young one...Dos-vul Tunis Venus..." The Death Knight's strange word's were foreign to the young Vampyre ear's...An ancient language as old as the weapon in Valirion's hand.

"It mean's "Dagger of Venom." A simple pierce of the skin and the unfortunate host will die within the hour of it's deadly sting if not properly treated. And a warning to you my friend...We Vampyre's are not immune to it's deadly effect's either...It will not kill us, however over time, our flesh will rot, consumed if not treated as well..." Soth paused then turned away from Valirion, folding his long Vampyre finger's behind him, the Dark Master walked to one of the many fine painting that hung on his chamber walls.

"Go now...Seek your Master Alana...I wish to be alone now." Soth finished in low tone's as he studied the haunting picture in front of him.

ooc: Proficient abilities Valirion Thorn has acquired and learned from Death Knight Soth, They are as follow:

1. :: "Wave of Fire"::
This ability allows the necromancer to generate a powerful wave of fire that radiates outwards from his or her body in a sixty foot circular radius. Much like a "Force Push" in nature with the exception that any "flammable material's" on the intended victim or victim's are set on fire. {i.e. Clothing, any exterior combustible's or flammable material's, etc.} and the unfortunate victim's of this blast will suffer 1st degree burn's {no saving throw} unless a proper magical barrier/armor or fire related repliant's of a magic origin that are stated by the RPer in question. The Wielder of this ability "Wave of Fire" is completely immune to it's most loathsome effect's.

2. ::Rage::
{Sith equivalent to Emptiness, when you come out of rage, all Force skills are greatly increased.} *See Sith Book of Spell's. www.fallenjedi.com/sithspells.html (http://www.fallenjedi.com/sithspells.html)

3. ::The Harrowing::
{This is taught to all Sith Warriors upon their becoming a Sith Warrior. It affords the Sith Warrior the ability to "sense" another Sith or Jedi near. Giving salt to the saying one cannot sneak up on a Sith.} *See Sith Book of Spell's.

4. ::Control Pain::
{Control Pain lets a Dark Jedi/Sith continue a task despite great pain.} *See Sith Book of Spell's.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 12th, 2002, 03:50:16 PM
:: I stood and accepted the dagger, how beautiful its blade, that which was possible of so much pain... But then this, the end of the lessons. I had craved them like the blood and now I realized how quickly time passed as an immortal. The killing and the events of the past two years seemed as if nothing, and to me, they weren't. But this, I had expected, I had known from the beggining there was only so much that I could learn from Soth before I would return to Alana.
And my armor had gotten used to Soth's presence, at times it had even tried to mimic the old style of Soth's armor. But I was grateful that he had taught me at all. A privilige it had been to study and fight under him and then to recieve the dagger, "Dos-vul Tunis Venus." But to move on now, to meet the next lesson in immortality. That was what was aheaad in the eternal path I now walked.
My finger ran over the hilt of the dagger before an indention opened in my chest, I placed the dagger in its new "sheath" and the armor covered up the blade and it was safe. I would be sure to test its abilities as soon as I had the chance. I nodded to Soth as he said to leave and the armor's demonic face drooped slightly in what I could only guess was some kind of attachment to Soth. I silenced it with promises of what was in store later and the face came up into a malicious grin. And with that, Soth noticed me leaving and didn't hear any footsteps, it didn't matter, two years was long enough to teach many things, no matter how long I noticed it.::