View Full Version : Bloodlust(Challenge to Nyssa)

Ambrose Braeden
Oct 27th, 2002, 01:27:47 PM
Ambrose walked slowly around the Crimson Pitt. Studying every detail on the wall and floor. They seemed bran new, yet, were so old. Some of the places that he had seen while he was still a human were fantastic. But now, it is like they are worthless compared to the Shrine. Now that he was a vampire, everything was diffirent. And yet somehow the same. The statues seemed to move but didn't. The shadow's seemed to walk but stood still. And now, even the faintest smell of blood makes his heart beat just a little bit more. Because, instead of eating food, the young vampire lived off of the blood of the humans. He circled the large dimly lit room once moor, studying everything, making sure that he had studied every mantle piece, every piece of carving on the walls. And then, to himself, started chanting the war cries of his family.

"White Dragon. From this world to the next/My voice cries with life."

The young Fledgeling Vampire started moving his arms in such a way, that it looked like he was cutting the air in half. He began to repeat the martial arts technic that he had learned, and was still learning to this day. The way he was moving was like a dance. Like the rythm to a song. But no music. He stretched out with the force and began to medatate. While continuing with his practices. It was like the best of both worlds.

All of the sudden, like expecting someone, Ambrose stopped what he was doing and looked towards the door. The door did not move. It just hung there like a ship in space. But he could feel that there was more to it than that. Then, as if the door could have been reading his mind, a being steeped into the room. The young Vampire waited in the dark to see who it could be.