View Full Version : Hunter, or prey?

Nicholas Kain
Jan 17th, 2002, 01:01:55 AM
A lone figure dressed all in black stepped out from the end of a shadowed path and began cautiously walking over the fairly open terrain towards the decaying ruins of a building less than a hundred meters in front of him. Unfortunately the moon over Byss was full this night and casting down more light than Nicholas would have liked, but it wouldn't matter in the long run, he would simply have to be more cautious than if there was no moon at all.

At twenty meters from the building Nicholas stood and looked at it in disbelief.

"Okay, he has to be kidding." Nicholas spoke out to noone but himself.

He was here on what he had thought would be a routine job. That is if you could call what he did for a living routine. He was here to kill someone that had pissed off his employer. However now that he was here something just didn't seem right. This guy, Lynch, was supposed to be the head of a medical corporation that did something to do with blood. It had all been in the dossier that he had been given, but he had only skimmed over that part. Now that he was where he was supposed to be, he had questions about the accuracy of the information.

A corporation of the type described should have been clean, well kept, and modern. This was nothing more than a pile of ruins that might have once housed a tavern, or some lesser establishment.

Feeling somewhat more secure knowing that the building had long since worn out its purpose Nicholas moved over the last twenty yards quickly, only pausing sporadically to scan the area. As he approached the arch where once had probably hung a large pair of doors, Nicholas took one last look around before entering.

As he had though it had at one time been a bar or tavern. He was also correct in his assumption that it had long been left to rot with age. There were several tables and booths around the room, all of them layered in over an inch of dust, grime, and cobwebs.

"Well this has been a waste." Nicholas sighed heavily. He was not a man who enjoyed having his time wasted by others. As his eyes continued to scan the room they fell on the bottles behind the bar. Some of them seemed to still have liquid in them. "Well maybe not a complete waste after all."

Walking over Nicholas examined the bottles on the shelves. Most had already been opened were worthless, their alcohol long since turned. However mixed in the bottles of rotten booze Nicholas found one unopened bottle. It was Corellian Brandy, and 200-year-old Brandy at that. Whoever had owned the bar obviously had had good taste.

That started Nicholas' mind working. Who's bar had this been? Looking around what he thought looked like a sign buried behind a thick layer of dust caught his eye. Walking over he brushed the filth off to reveal three words "Rogue Sith Order"...

"Oh frell."

Although he was new to this part of the galaxy he knew the name. It belonged to one of the most feared groups ever to exist, and now he was in their turf, or what had been before their obvious departure. Nicholas was not one to take risks, and being anywhere that had once housed Sith was one risk he was not one he was about to take. Grabbing the bottle of Brandy from off the bar, Nicholas headed to the door. He moved as quickly as he felt he could while maintaining a high state of caution.

As he reached close to the halfway point between the bar, and what he considered the safety of the shadowed path he heard soft footsteps behind him. Diving behind a large boulder he tried to hide his presence as he slowly closed his eyes and prayed that whoever it was behind him was only a local to Byss, and not the former owners.

Jedah Lynch
Jan 22nd, 2002, 09:28:53 PM

A place he had not journeyed to for some time now. The former home world of the Rogue Sith Order of which he had created along with that of several comrades. A planet they had left protected but largely unused after the re merger of both members of The Sith Empire and the Rogue Sith Order into one faction. It seemed like an eternity ago although it had not happened so long ago in mortal years.

The Sith had been traveling with his apprentice Alana Stormcloud for the past week going from planet to planet showing her both the astounding beauty and subtle horrors that lay around every nook and cranny in the known universe. He had been training her the Sith arts but one could not ignore the basic fundamentals where knowledge could keep an apprentice alive where they would otherwise end up dead due to ignorance of that which surrounded them.

With a long staff in hand the Sith obscured by a black cloak and hood lead the young Sith apprentice and vampyre fledgling Alana beside him as they made their way towards the old bar that had seen its share of battles and stories of victory. Gesturing towards the building Lynch began to speak in a low tone. "This once was the place were many of my comrade in arms did rest, here deeds song to the praises of the Sith could be heard from every corner from those that worshiped us as Gods. Time has passed and those songs here are silent but listen well and you may hear them yet."

Turning to face his fellow cloaked apprentice he judged her progress to be moving on schedule, there was no need to rush her for now. She would be given days where her limits would be tasked to the breaking point and beyond.

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 23rd, 2002, 08:14:26 PM
Walking quietly along side her new Master she took in the surrounding area. Thinking what a glorious place that this must have been at one time. Her masters voice spoke softy but he had a way of recounting things that made her see the past as he saw it. She could almost hear the songs that he spoke of.

Alana had come along way under the tutelage of the Sith Master Jedah and she knew that there journeys together would only bring her closer to what she wanted. He was a hard teacher but a fair one, he expected a lot from his apprentice, and she planed to deliver. Alana had already traveled many hardships as a human. She was not new to surviving unbelievable odds. Though her uncle Mockadane had taught her how to battle with weapons and grappling, she knew there was much to learn of the Sith ways. Being a vampyre, though it made her extremely powerful was not all that she relied on. She wanted to be able to wield the force and to do it well.

She was still a young vampyre and still was at odds with her past, under Lord Soths and Jedahs care she knew she would become powerful. Soth had taught her to steal into peoples dreams and manipulate them. It was a powerful gift he had given her with that. Her new master who was a powerful force to be reckoned with as a Sith was teaching her to hone her abilities.

Alana's eyes took in the crumbling bar, her senses open to all that was around her as they entered the bar she felt a presence and heard a shuffling noise. "My master we are not alone." Alana said turning to Jedah. He nodded at her a smile twisting his cruel lips. "No, my apprentice and we have not been alone here for some time," his words soft and evil...

Nicholas Kain
Jan 27th, 2002, 01:37:33 AM
So they knew that he was here. Had he been seen or heard him? God he hoped so, cause if not that meant they had the ability to sense him, and right now that would be the worst thing possible for any hopes he had of seeing tomorrow. Whatever the truth he only had one choice, make a run for it.

By no means was Nicholas a coward, he had been in his fair share of battles, and won them all, but he wasn't stupid. He knew that there was a chance that this was one fight that he would not be able to win no matter how good he was, and those were not the kind of odds that had kept him alive. No the smart move was to try and make a break for the tree line and hopefully with the cover, escape the area.

Setting himself up as best he could without completely giving his position away Nicholas took a deep breath and readied himself. One, two, and on three he began to run for the trees not fully knowing who or what stood behind him.

Jedah Lynch
Jan 28th, 2002, 08:04:55 PM
Standing still with one hand draped over his arm he rowed his head from one side to the other and smiled as he listened to the hidden individual break off into a run, the vampyres gift had enhanced the Siths sense of hearing far beyond that of a normal humans, in a land deprived of life the mans breathing had stood out, even the mans heart beat betrayed him to as Lynch spoke to his apprentice. Exactly why the man was here was yet to be clear.

It did not matter, the man really stood no chance at all. There was no force presence emitting from the man nor anything that the Sith vampyre master could detect to be a possible threat, the only thing he knew of the man was that he was in good shape. It was almost certain the intruder had some blaster or blade with him.

Lowering his face Lynchs eyes glowed green as he spoke. "Alana my dear it seems a bit of sport has been dropped into our lap. It would be a good time to test your capabilities, go retrieve this interloper and teach him to know his place, but do not kill him. We need to find out why he is here."

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 29th, 2002, 07:21:42 PM
A wicked smile played across Alana's face as she turned to Jedah. Her fierce sharp eye's glistened at the thought of hunter and prey. This is exactly what a Vampyre lived for, the thrill of the chase. She slipped her cloak off, dropping it to the ground. This man before them, was indeed, in for a big surprise. Alana watched in amusement as the man darted to a Baskin tree for cover. His strides were long and fast. He was obviously making his way to a transport vehicle somewhere near by. Little did he know, he wouldn't get to far.

As Kain made it safely to the large tree, he crouched, sucking in deep breaths. He quickly tried to gather his thoughts. As he ran by, his peripheral vision caught sight of two figures, a man and a woman. "Why were they here? Was this the man he was looking for? And who was the woman at his side?" As Kain peered around the trunk of the large tree, he could see the man just standing there, staring in his direction, but where was the woman?

A coldness fell over Kain, a coldness that he had never felt before, like death itself! It was far to late for a reaction from Kain. Alana silently slipped her right arm around Kain's neck, while her left arm pressed down against the back of his neck. Kain at this point was more than shocked at the sudden smooth touch of the female that now held him fast. The guillotine choke hold was now cutting off his air supply. As Alana dragged Kain out from behind the Baskin tree, Kain fought feebly against her immense strength. Never did he feel strength from one such as this, let alone a female! As a Vampyre, Alana's innate physical strength was that of thirty men combined. He was simply helpless.

"Nicholas, why do you hide from us?" Alana whispered in his ear in a mocking voice. "We wish you no harm, Nicholas." She crooned to him, placing a gentle kiss on his neck, as she drug his fighting body across the abandoned court yard. "

Nicholas Kain
Jan 29th, 2002, 10:50:51 PM
He gasped for air. A myriad of thoughts raced through his mind, but they were only partial thoughts and hazy at best, as the oxygen flow to his brain was severely cut back, but not enough to cause him to lapse into unconsciousness.

In the semi daze he was still able to recognize that she was dragging him towards the male figured. Such a move helped Nicholas decide that the male was in charge here, if he wasn't then he probably would be dead already.

"Who are you?" The male snarled. Nicholas could now see a pair of wings protruding from around the male's back. His target was supposed to have wings, could this be the man that he was sent to kill?

Nicholas tried to answer but his airway was still cut off, with a wave of his hand the male signaled for his captor to ease the pressure on his neck enough that he could talk. After coughing for several seconds Nicholas felt that he could finally talk.

"Kain. Nicholas Kain. And fate being the cruel daughter of a Gungan she is, you would have to be Jedah Lynch, no?" There was no response but the look in the mans eyes were enough to tell Nicholas that he was right. "Mind you I don't know who your extremely strong and lovely friend is. Nor do I intend to stay to find out."

His foe had made one mistake. She had used both of her arms to put pressure on his neck, and paid no attention to his hands. Slowly his hand slipped to his belt. In a second his captors heard a "snap-hiss" that was familiar to them. Before either of them could act the yellow blade of lightsaber sliced through the female's side, it's tip protruding the opposite side.

Whether it was pain or surprise that caused her to let go, Nicholas did not care, he took the opportunity. Slashing out and missing the man, Nicholas turned and ran again, as he did he reached up and withdrew the sword that was sheathed at the middle of his back. He might not stand much of a chance if the man was in fact Jedah Lynch, but he would go down fighting if they forced the issue.

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 31st, 2002, 12:04:33 AM
Alana snarled in surprise as the lightsaber slashed through her side. Releasing the man involuntarily. He was off and running fast for the break in the trees. Alana ran her fingers across her already healing side. Raising her now crimson stained finger tip's to her mouth, she ran the tip of them across her tongue.

"Intriguing, no one has ever escaped my grasp before in such a way." Alana smiled. If Kain would have turned then to see Alana and the wicked smile that stole across her face, he would have been horrified. Her sharp eyes flashed, then ebbed, glowing an unholy green.

"So you want to play then Kain? It has been along time since someone has offered me a challenge. Lets hope your up to it." Alana whispered softly to his mind.

She darted out quickly to the side using her vampiric speed so he would not see her. She scaled the near by tree in front of him within seconds, the same one he was headed for. As he reached the base of the tree, he was directly under the limb she was now sitting on. Alan swung down backwards her legs, still clinging to the branch. Grabbing him by his shoulders she lifted him from his feet flinging him forward into another tree, knocking the breath from him as he hit hard. Flipping down to the ground she unstrapped her light saber from her belt. With a snapping hiss, Alana ignited it, not extending it to it's special length yet. It's eerie glow lit her face. Her smile was playful. Her eyes were fearsome to behold.

"You are most intriguing Nicholas, your mind is quiet fascinating. Perhaps when all is said and done, I will get to know you better, ... if you live that long!" Alana finished with a sinister laugh.

Nicholas Kain
Feb 1st, 2002, 05:28:22 PM
The force of the impact against the tree caused Nicholas to drop his sword, which landed with its tip buried into the ground. Once he regained his bearings he reached over and pulled the sword from the ground.

As he did he noticed the silver and black hilt of his lightsaber on the ground three feet away. Judging the distance and his adversary he did not know if he could reach the saber before the female could.

Holding his sword in a defensive position he eyed the saber. With quick movements he stood and ran towards the saber, jumping at it. Hitting the ground, Nicholas rolled and grabbed up the saber at the same time and recovered in a crouch with one knee on the ground.

A familiar sound snapped his head around towards his enemy. She had ignited a lightsaber. So this was a Sith he realized. As he prepared himself for the hard fight that stood before him he heard her words.

"My mind is none of your business and do not worry about me living that long. You need only worry about your future." Nicholas snarled as his saber snapped back into existence.

Alana Stormcloud
Feb 5th, 2002, 01:12:45 AM
Alana smiled at his words. He had a strong heart and a dark one at that. "How sweet his blood will be on my lips.." Alana thought to herself. She twirled her saber in her hands at a speed so fast that no mortal eyes could track it.

"I never worry about my future Alana's soft words caressed his mind as she launched herself at him. Her saber in front of her in a defensive position. As she reached him, she quickly snapped her saber downward towards his head.

This "first kill" strike caused Kain to react in such a way to raise his own saber to block the deadly move. The two lightsabers locked with a crackling hiss, Alana then swiftly brought her leg up and kicked him in the stomach, sending him reeling backwards with the powerful blow. She was at his feet within seconds! Flipping her blade so that it pointed downward, holding it in both hands as she clutched the hilt. Nicholas's eyes widened as she brought it down upon him, her intended aim was his heart.

If Kain's instinctive reaction was a fraction of a second slower, it would have meant certain death! Kain quickly moved his saber to the side, trying to parry the strike by deflecting the blow to the side. But the intended fatal blow glanced off his own saber. As it did, Alana's purple blade burned deep through his right shoulder and out the back side of him instead.

Groaning at the horrible pain, Kain instinctively kicked his legs out, slamming them into Alana, pushing her back from him.

Alana smiled at the wounded man. "You are quiet good Nicholas, You remind me of my Uncle Mockadane. He to was a great fighter who never gave up." Alana raised her eyebrows, she was more than fascinated with this one.

"Tell me Nicholas if I offered you eternity instead of death would you take it?" Alana said as she flashed her extended teeth at him...

Nicholas Kain
Feb 5th, 2002, 01:02:42 PM
Nicholas brought his arm up to his shoulder which was sending shocks of pain through his entire nervous system. He had never been injured by a lightsaber and was surprised to see that the wound was already cauterized.

"I know not of this Mockadane of whom you speak, but judging by your skills I will take your words as a compliment."

He rose to his feet his sword and saber still in his hands.

"Eternity rather than death? Oh, and how do you propose to offer me that?"

Alana Stormcloud
Feb 6th, 2002, 09:03:23 PM
Alana cocked her head to the side. She studied Kain, her eyes glowing an eerie green. They seemed to peer into his soul. She began to speak to his mind, her voice soft and sweet and utterly brutal with its words.

"What I offer you Kain is immortality, a life of utter darkness. It is more than just being one with the darkside, it is being darkness itself. You will become more than just immortal, you will be powerful. You will be able to walk in the dreams of others and give them the fantasies they crave or give them the horror of what you are. There is nothing sweeter than the fear of a human, begging to live and you knowing their life and death lay at your lips. I can offer this to you Kain and I will only offer it once." Alana paused her eyes searched his. She had already found him worthy of the dark gift. Now he had only to let go of his human side and embrace what she offered, the choice was his.

Alana's teeth descended fully, blood dripping from the tip as it cut across her full lips. Her eyes flashed, and the smile that twisted her lips was cruel and calculating.

"I can offer this to you Kain because I'm a Vampyre, a daughter of the night. I'm immortal." Alana gave an evil laugh at his shocked expression.

"What's it to be Kain, will you feed me this night and die, or will you wake my brother of the night?" Alana questioned him. Moving faster than his mortal eyes could see, she was behind him as her words settled into his mind. Her arms surrounded him, and held his own firmly to his side. Her breath was warm on his neck as she spoke. "Nicholas, which is it to be?"

Nicholas Kain
Feb 6th, 2002, 10:28:19 PM
Nicholas could hardly believe what was being said to him. Could it be true? Could she really offer him this? He had heard rumors of creatures called Vampyres. Creatures of the night, surviving off the life giving blood of others. Now he was faced with the proof of such an existance, not only that, it was being offered to him.

Long had the darkness something inside him been pulling him towards the darkness of human nature. He did not know what it was, only that he did enjoy the feeling that it gave him, the pleasure he felt in taking the lives of others.

He weighed the decision in his mind. In the simplest way the answer was an easy one. it was human nature to take any risks to save one's life. But was this going to save his life? He remembered her words. No he would not be alive, but he would not be dead either, and if one was not dead then they must be alive in some fashion. Didn't they? It was a most perplexing question, one which Nicholas' mind wished to examine further, one which must be experienced first hand.

His mind made up, Nicholas closed his eyes and dropped both his sword and his saber to the ground, and spoke in a whisper so light it was almost inaudible.

"There is only one choice... Grant me eternal life."

Alana Stormcloud
Feb 7th, 2002, 08:31:17 PM
Alana smile grew wide at his thoughts. He was so much like her, he took great pleasure in defeating a foe. The pleasure of being powerful and wanting more ran hot in his blood as it did hers. Alana held him in the position a little longer savoring his strength, his lack of fear at the inevitable.

"Nicholas, you will make a beautiful Vampyre." Alana whispered softly. Suddenly she released him, she dashed in front of him, knocking him to the ground. She sat on his chest, looking into his eyes. Her grin was playful and full of hunger. Kain looked steadily back at her, his eyes never wavered from her own. Alana nodded and swiftly turned his head to the side. Her teeth pierced the tender flesh of his neck, she moaned at the taste of his sweet blood.

Kain could feel his life leaving him quickly, if he had wanted to struggle against the death that overwhelmed him it was far to late. She pulled back, her eyes bright, her lips stained with his blood. He still kept his gaze steady on her face though they were growing dim, taking on a flat lifeless stare. Alana took her golden dagger from her belt and slit her wrist. Her blood poured over his lips.....

Nicholas Kain
Feb 10th, 2002, 12:04:30 AM
The pain was excruciating. More than he had ever felt. Every cell in his body was slowly dying as the darkness swept through him. As much as he tried he couldn't take his eyes off her, he didn't even know who she was yet, only that a feeling inside him knew that he was hers forever. Not as a slave, something more, something that Nicholas could not yet explain.

Suddenly his vision became cloudy and then began to clear as the climax of pain came and passed through him. His sensations began to return, and with it came an odd taste on his tongue. His mind knew that it was blood, but now it was perceiving it differently than before.

Finally the pain was gone. Nicholas laid back and closed his eyes for a minute and took in all that had just happened. Part of his mind still could not perceive it completely, the rest was enthralled with the curiosities that it brought. When he opened his eyes he saw things differently, the trees, the rocks, everything had taken on a new look to his reborn eyes.

Slowly he stood feeling the new power that flowed through his body. Reaching down he retrieved his weapons and returned them to their place. This would be a journey for him, a very interesting one at that. Turning to his new master Nicholas spoke softly, and not completely to her as much as to himself.

"Let the journey begin."