View Full Version : Soul search

Salem Ave
Apr 9th, 2002, 07:22:28 AM
The evening was placid and covered in a blanket of calm akin to that which was present before a storm. The air seemed to be thick and stale to taste, as if death had worked his wicked way one too many times here. Salem would have expected no less from such a place, after all - those who dwelled within were death incarnate. Their lives had long since passed and they lived now as whispers.

Whispers that Salem wanted to hear.

He'd spoken with one of them; a female, named Alana Stormcloud and had found her lamenting of life to be drab in parts, though he had no empathy and thought that perhaps things he considered trivial were highly important to her. Never the less, he was here now with more questions to pose ... hopefully to the others.

And their would be others. You do not get a single vampire, the concept is simply impossible. The fact that Salem had spotted a few others about the Empires headquarters backed this up also. Though he would not have had the nerve to approach them whilst going about their own business, he thought he quite fine to engage in conversation here.



Alana Stormcloud
Apr 10th, 2002, 03:11:53 PM
Alana moved through the ark halls lit only by the candles set on antique tables. She listened to the sounds of the Shrine, the soft murmurs of the other vampyres, the clashing of steel as someone practiced sword play and of course the screams of the dying. Alana laughed there was always so much going on at the Shrine.

Moving her fingers over the marble walls she thought of the Mother of the damned living here all that time in sleep. Not moving, not feeding, just existing. She wondered what the mother saw when her eyes fell on the opulent surroundings.

Alan cocked her head there was someone here familiar to her. Someone she had met not to long ago. Moving toward the parlor she began to grin. "Salem, that's was who was here." She thought to herself.

Walking with quicker strides she went to meet him. Wondering what had drawn him here. She knew he had a deep curiosity about her kind and thought perhaps more questions had brought him to the home of the damned..

Nicholas Kain
Apr 10th, 2002, 08:50:55 PM
Nicholas had beat Alana to greet Salem, if that is what you could call a meeting with the vampyre version of Nicholas Kain.

He had come up from darkness behind the mortal. Sniffing the air a scowl crossed his face. "Why must they infest our sanctum", he wondered to himself. This was the third mortal to visit the Shrine, and for Nicholas that was three to many. Moving around the side of Salem, Nicholas began to speak.

"Do you know what you are mortal? A plague... A disease that ravages the universe......."

Nicholas paused and stopped directly in front of Salem, his face less than a centimeter away and his black, lifeless eyes looking straight into the intruders. Speaking in almost a growl Nicholas continued.

".... and I'm the cure."

Salem Ave
Apr 11th, 2002, 05:50:56 AM
With matching solid ebony eyes, Salem stared down into the face of the Vampyre with an unchanging expression that showed no hint of feeling. The Sith inhaled softly in a fashion that mocked how Nicholas had tested for his scent.

"And doesss thi-sss currre go by any other name?"

The corners of his thin pale lips tugged upwards very slightly and his right eyebrow twitched into a quirk.

"Vaccine perrr-hapsss?"

Nicholas Kain
Apr 11th, 2002, 10:31:31 AM
Nicholas smiled sarcastically at Salem's attempt at a joke.

"You can call me whatever you want mortal. I suggest you make it something pleasant though, for it will be the last thought of your life."

With the speed only possessed by a Vampyre Nicholas moved behind Salem while removing the sword from its sheath in the middle of his back. Kicking the back of Salem's knee Nicholas caused Salem to fall to his knees. Swinging his sword down Nicholas stopped it just short of slicing off Salem's head, but far enough away that one flick of his wrists would allow Nicholas to complete the job.

"Any last words mortal."

Death Knight Soth
Apr 13th, 2002, 04:47:11 PM
As the outlander fell to his knee's, his mortal neck exposed to the blade of the "Deadly One," a dark foreboding feeling washed over his sense's. Salem's blood ran cold, making the hair's on his body stand on end. Salem slightly glanced back over his shoulder towards the killer that stood poised to strike. Then he felt an icy hand take him gently by the lower jaw, turning him to face what was now in front of him...It was a familiar face he had seen some week's back at the Eye of the Dragon. It was the Death Knight, Soth Nuevole! Soth's face was grimaced with the look of evil written upon it. His fang's protruding just enough to show the wander the seriousness of his trespassing.

"Ah, yes, Salem,...I believe we have met before. Do you look at your life as something so easily squandered as to tempt your fate here?" A low throaty growl admitted from the Vampyre's voice as he finished his sentence. The Dark Knight was now within inches of the startled man's face. Soth eye's glowed a stark baby blue against the black back drop of the Shrine. Before Salem could reply, the Vampyre slowly run his long razor like finger nail along the man's lower jaw. Blood oozed from the fresh wound as Soth brought his index finger to his mouth and savored the mediclorines within it. It was what all Vampyre's hungered for. The sweet nectar of the unsuspecting.

Soth glanced up to Kain who was ready to run his eager blade through the neck of the fateful intruder. Soth could feel the hate festering in his brother.

"My brother, this one I know. But I know not why he has made his way here. Perhaps he is eager to rest among the dead here." Soth let out a sinister laugh that was soon joined with Kain's. The intermingled laughter echoed throughout the immense hall's of the Shrine of the Damned as Salem's life hung in the balance!...

Salem Ave
Apr 14th, 2002, 02:22:17 AM
Like a blur, events transpired. The first Vampyre floored him and now had a sword poised for the kill, then another more familiar face appeared and proceeded to join in the mockery of the Sith Disciple. Salem remained impassive, his expression not changing from that which it always was - a bleak visage.

"What is life without danger, Soth? To live as fates plaything and allow oneself to simply follow the tides is a planktonic existance ... one I do not wish to have."

He did not resist the blade, but instead allowed himself to be held captive. It would be futile to try and force the two away, for it would be the end of him.

"Without such encounters as this, life has no meaning."

The solid black of Salems eyes seemed to swirl and mesh as he concentrated. His eyes watched Soths always, trying to catch subtle hints that he and the other Vampyre might pass between themselves..

"If I am such a disease, then cure me. Rid me of my humanity."

Nicholas Kain
Apr 14th, 2002, 12:18:06 PM
Nicholas knew what he meant. That seemed what all of them wanted. Like it was to be some gift just handed out to those that thought they were worthy of it. Their asking only showed Kain how unworthy they truly were.

Pulling his sword from Salem's neck Nicholas rotated it in his palm and slid it back into its sheath. Turning he walked away muttering in an ancient language unknown to either of the remaining men in the room.

He had no want to deal with those like Salem. He would leave the wannabe to Soth.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 14th, 2002, 02:32:12 PM
Alana walked into the parlor as Kain was walking out the door with a disgusted look on his face. When she entered she saw her guest Salem bowed on the floor looking up at Lord Soth. Her anger boiled at the sight. She had invited Salem here because of his true interest in the Vampyres. To see her guest treated in such a way was to much.

"What is this, why is my guest on the floor like some offering." Alana growled in anger, her eyes flaring red and her teeth bared. "Is everyone subject to this kind of treatment without even asking them why they have come Lord Soth. I will not stand for it." Alana moved toward Salem pulling him to his feet with an almost apologetic look. Her eyes shot daggers at Soth. Opening herself to Salem's mind she saw what had transpired before she had arrived. Her eye's narrowed at the sight of Kain with his sword to Salem's throat.

Calling out to Kain with the force. Her voice ripped through his mind with anger. "Kain, my Shrine brother, My fledgling, Meet me in my room later we have much to discuss." He could hear the pure fury of her voice in his mind. Alana had never called herself his master, she had never called him a fledgling. For her to do so showed se was in a foul temper. "

Turning to Salem she grimaced. "Salem, my apologies. They protect the Shrine and other things here and sometimes they are over zealous. They need to learn to ask before they strike at times.. "

Alana looked to Soth a low growl boiling in her throat. Alana who had a kind heart towards her vampyre family and was unusually playful for a vampyre had been pushed to her limit with what had occurred....

Salem Ave
Apr 16th, 2002, 10:03:18 AM
He let a sickening laugh escape his lips, for once, as Kain retreated from view. He knew his kind hated to here pleadings from humans, offering themself to the kindred way. What better way to rid the encounter of the Vampyre than to drive him away in such a fashion?

Once he had passed from view, and Alana had entered, Salem rose to his feet in a rigid fashion. His eyes traversed the floors for a brief second then flicked up to Alana's.

"No apologie-sss needed. I underrrssstand."

In truth, he was not sure he understood why the damned were so protective of their home, for surely they could sense that he was here not with ill intentions, but to learn more. Surely a well educated peon was too them more useful than a moron? Either way, he imagined without Nicholas this meeting would be much more ... pleasant.

With a bow, Salem achknowledged Alana.

"It i-sss good to sss-ee you again frrriend."

Death Knight Soth
Apr 16th, 2002, 05:01:27 PM
The Death Knight let his fierce gaze fall on that of his sister of the Shrine...The skin between his eye's folded in a tight grimace as his eye's grew to a hot red. A low growl emanated from his throat as he stood poised, his Vampyre teeth fully extended. He knew Alana's standing with the Ashiva. And he dare not test the water's of fate. This in turn would prove undoubtedly a battle he would loose.

It was a know fact that the Nosferatu female's held higher favor with the Queen of the Damned over the Vampyre male's of the Shrine. This was simply the pecking order in the Keep and this infuriated the Death Knight to no end. The "Ancient" female Vampyre Pandora also made damn sure that this would always remain that way! Even though the Dark Knight was only protecting the Mother and her interest's, Soth was out of place in his thoughtless action's to convey the point to the new comer. However, Alana knew also that she dare not tempt fate with the Death Knight, even though they had a deep bond in blood, Soth was not one to be underestimated and trifled with in his end mean's of revenge!

Soth eye's cooled to a stark white as he stepped away from Salem. Alana had won this day and he understood with the look she gave him that something's were best left alone.

"Make no mistake my sister...I will be watching this mortal always while he stay's within theses walls. One can get lost quickly here and I would hate to think his blood would be on your hand's if this were to be so."

Soth then eye'd Salem for a moment, his eye's seemed to penetrate the man as if he was reading his inner most thought's. The Death Knight then turned on heel and faded in the inky blackness of the Shrine hall...

Salem Ave
Apr 28th, 2002, 09:37:44 AM
[ OOC: *bump* ]

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 28th, 2002, 11:31:45 AM
Alana watched the Death Knight leave She could feel his anger at her use of power here. She shrugged her shoulders in irritation, she would use what she had to when it came to protecting her guests.

Turning to Salem she offered a fleeting smile, her eyes still burned with anger at the situation.

"Come Salem I will show you to your room and then give you a tour of the grounds. As you heard Soth say it is easy to become lost here and in the process fall to danger. If you want to go somewhere or want to explore ask the guard I will post by your door to go with you or have him fetch me." Alana sad as they walked.

Coming up to a door Alana paused. She turned to Salem. "Perhaps you are hungry my friend. Would you care for something? We can retire to the dining room and talk there about ... things?" Alana said with a small smile...

Salem Ave
Apr 28th, 2002, 11:39:01 AM
As the Vampyress spoke, Salem offered only a nod in reply. He understood the pitfalls he was subject to in such a place and if one of them was scrutinization from the male Vampyres, so be it. They began to walk, and he followed in his friends wake until reaching the doorway, where upon Alana stopped and spoke.

"Aye, Alana. I have much sss-till I wisssh to talk to you about, and my sss-tomach is churrrning with hunger, "

Salem hissed, staring at Alana with ever-ebony eyes.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 28th, 2002, 11:58:28 AM
Alana nodded and turned away from the door. "We can always settle you in your room later. Alana moved through the long hall ways. The black floor reflected there images. The white marble statues watched them pass with cold, dead eyes.

Distant cries of pain or ecstasy could be heard as they walked. When people come here they thought they would only hear a resounding silence but instead were treated to the cries of the doomed or the moans of desire. Music could be heard playing in some distant room. A soft sad voice that had an almost angelic sound could be heard singing.

Alana swung the dinning room door open and let Salem enter first. The table was laden with fruit and wines. The servants moved in and out of a small door with pots filled with everything a person could want.

"Please sit and eat you fill and ask your questions Salem. Alana sat in the chair next to the one she motioned him to. Grabbing a grape she popped it into her mouth....

Salem Ave
Apr 28th, 2002, 12:07:57 PM
Though he was not often a man to indulge in the pleasures of the flesh, a banquet was something he could not turn down. To do so would be to insult Alana's hospitality, something he dreaded the thought of. Salem sat comfortably in one of the chairs that was at the foot of the table. He perched himself on the edge of the base, whilst gripping the underside of the table tightly.

As a servant passed by with another vintage flute of wine, a deep lusting moan resounded throughout the whole room. The female slave yelp then tripped forward over one of the paving stones that lined the floor, shattering the vials of wine across the stone.

Salem glanced down to the side at the girl, who was now scrambling to her feet. One look at the void that he was sent fear into the hearts of weak minded people, and he revelled in this.

"Harrrd to get the rrr-ight sss-taff," Salem snorted.

He lifted one of the other bottles on the table - marked Jardinier, with three orange bands around the neck - and poured himself a glass full.

"Beforrre I begin, I musss-t asssk, how am I to repay you forrr thisss generosity?"

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 28th, 2002, 12:24:32 PM
Alana sighed softly in irritation as the servant girl slipped and broke precious bottles of wine. The girl found her mistresses eyes locked on hers. The girl grew pale as she looked in to the cold depths of Alana's eyes. She was now marked for death and knew it.

Sipping the blood meed she had poured for herself. She watched the girl scramble from the room. "Yes, they are hard to come by an even harder to keep." Alana said with a cool grin. Lifting a piece of meat with her fork she nibbled on it.

Leaning forward after a small sip of wine she arched an eyebrow. "You can repay me by telling me more of yourself Salem. You intrigue me.." Alana said with a grin.

Salem Ave
Apr 28th, 2002, 12:32:01 PM
"There isss verrry little to tell, I imagine I would have to tell my life sss-tory thrice over to amount to anything at all."

Salem browsed the platter of food lain before him, selecting a green apple. He took a bite of the sweet fruit, wincing inside as the flavour made his inards swirl. He did not grimace visibly, but instead offered a weak smile.

"If a sss-imple sss-tory interrrests you, then mine will be fitting."

Alana Stormcloud
May 3rd, 2002, 10:28:16 AM
Alana sipped her wine, watching Salem talk and eat the fruit that did not agree with his tastes. "A simple story can sometimes be far more telling Salem." Her voice whispered softly. Her own story though simple told why she was what she had become.

"Tell me Salem, Your simple story. Then tell me what you think you will get from joining us in eternal darkness. Why you want to be a Vampyre?" Alana extended her teeth as the young servant girl walked by. A soft moan escaped from the servant as her eye caught Alana's evil grin. Turning her eyes to the scared girl Alana raised an eyebrow. "Get out of my sight before I kill you now foolish child."

Turning back to Salem she sat back and waited for him to begin...

Salem Ave
May 3rd, 2002, 10:45:15 AM
“Asss you wissh,” he hissed, then begun...

“I had, as I sssaid, an uneventful childhood. Due to my unusual rrrace I was shunted from birth by many, howeverrr as a toddlerrr I was sss-elected from my village to be taken away to what my father called a ‘Sss-pecial school’. I was told that I had a remarkable natural ability, an adeptness in the Force which allowed me a sss-mall frame of techniques that I could ultilize.”

He lifted the apple again and bit into it, ignoring the taste.

“The Illtrum Academy, asss it wasss called, was based in the depths of great cavernous mountains, out of reach of yourrr everrryday man. The owners themssselves had complexes similar to mine, and made it their duty to sss-eek out and aid ‘poor, unfortunate’ youngsters such as my self.”

Salem shifted in his seat, smirking,

“It was their opinion that without a prrroper upbringing we would become monsters. So we were taught a variety of things there, ranging from studies into sss-orcery history to basic combat. Though I myssself did not pick up on the physical element of combat to a great degree, my thirssst for knowledge was unquenchable.”

He let his smirk remain, holding his lips in a dis-satisfied curve.

“It was because of this yearrrning that I located the Sssith. Many of my classssmates took interest in the occult; the black magic under current of the school wasss surprisingly large, and many ssstudents speculated that past pupilsss had died because of ill-perrrformed dark spells.”

With a light gesture of the hand that contained the apple, he spun it on the tip of one finger.

“Piqued was my curiousssity,” he murmured, “And thus I sought out the Sith Orderrr, naïve to other dark covens. I trained a short while under the ‘angel’ Jessseth Cloak, then left and found otherrr tutelage within the Sss-ith Empirrre, under Laran Katern.”

Letting the apple slip back down into his palm, he scraped at the skin lightly with his dark nails.

“That is all I can say for myssself, I have lead a life of indoctrination and education.”

He gave a light shrug, and offered a semi-pleasing smile before taking another chunk out of the apple.

“Asss for why I have sssuch in interrrest of people of your kind, it is simple. Life for I, and many others, is but a flickerrr. We ssstand out on the stage for our performance, then time devours us and we become nothing but dust. What more can we do than attempt a little of a show? Time would not abide us remaining to play out a more intricate piece, it would not allow a lengthy time for us to fulfil our potential.

You however,” he said with a soft pause, “have all the time you could ever want to add to and improve your sss-elf, to tailor what you want from exissstance … it is this, friend, that I find intriguing.”