View Full Version : A Mother's Call....

Empress Akasha
May 14th, 2002, 11:53:59 PM
Ashiva moved restlessly through her rooms. The time was coming when she would reveal herself to her children. Her family was growing. A small pleased smile stole across her marble lips. Her green eyes glimmered. There were so many things they had yet to learn, her children of the damned. They thought themselves just Vampyre's but they were so much more.

Ashiva listened to the voices of her fledglings rise and fall throughout the Shrine. It had been her home for many millennia and it had been an empty one. She had let to many years pass. Sitting in her silent dreams, listening to the world grow around her. She had heard the cry of a distant blood line and had awakened. Now it was time to show them how powerful they could become. One by one she would teach them what her blood could do. Reaching out she sought each fledgling. Touching each mind momentarily, just enough to let them know she was there.

Moving from the room, nothing more than a blur, she made her way to the chambers of the young Vampyre's. She would taste there dreams and in turn give them the memories that resided in her dark mind...