View Full Version : From One Darkness to the next

Syndell Draclau
May 28th, 2002, 07:56:03 PM
The night was calm, a soft breeze blew about stringing a few leaves into the sky. A mild mist built up about ankle high over the ground. Butthere was yet another soft figure, a woman hidden under a purple cloak. She walked ever so sightly, barely making an audible sound over the pact dirt.

Her name was Syndell Draclau,and she was looking for something, or some creatures....vampires. She had heard about them from her brother Malice, with both of them being demons she listened to how he loathed them so. Since her and her broher had never gotten along, she figured she would break his heart even more by hopefully becoming one.

Syndell had reached a big building, the smell of death and decay saturated the very soil beneath her. That was how she knew she had arrived. Pulling back her hood, she let her black and silver streak hair down. It flowed ever so gently to her waist, the silver color being enhanced by the full moon which was out tonight. Two had convinced her to come and be one with them, They were the warlord Dalamar, and the lady known as Alana Stormcloud.

Walking up the steps she lifted up a hand, with a oft but powerful tap the sound of knocking verberated into the hallways of the shrine. Now all she could do was wait, and hope that a vampire wouldn't try and take advantage of her, for they would most surly be mistakened by her helpless appearence.

OOC: Hullo. Do not mind the jedi padawan thing. It's gonna be changed.

Alana Stormcloud
May 31st, 2002, 10:33:46 PM
Alana moved up quietly behind the young demon woman, a cold smile crossed her face. She had been invited by her and Dalamar because they had taken a liking to the dark heart she wore so proudly. They had met not long after the battle between Malice and Dalamar.

"You have finally come young one. I had thought perhaps you changed your mind." Alana said as she moved to face Syndell.

The demon girl was a beauty, Dalamar had chosen well. "How do you like our humble home." Alana said with a small laugh as she swept her arms wide. All around them were opulent furnishings, and unimaginable wealth's.

"Please make your self at home Dalamar will be here shortly to greet you. Walk with me Syndell and I will show you to your room. Then around the grounds if you would like." Alana said as she took the woman's arm in hers...

Vampyre Dalamar
Jun 2nd, 2002, 04:55:17 PM
Dalamar looked down from the pillar's of the Shrine. Watching as his lady love brought Dalamar's guest in and was taking her to her own rooms. He leapt to the next pillar keeping them in sight. The fever was growing in him, Dalamar knew he must feed soon. His grip tightened on the crossbar he was hanging onto "I'm not an animal I will control myself. For a little while anyway." He thought.

The Warlord leapt down quietly behind them, stalking his own beloved and his guest. He wouldn't attack of course but vampyre habits die hard. He could feel the powerful pulse of the female's heart beating in time with his own. The sound drummed in his ears with its primal beating.

Dalamar breath growing more ragged and harsh, giving his presence away. The two female's turned abruptly. Dalamar stood up all expression of the hunter was gone from his face and again he was a gentleman

"Welcome Syndell, welcome indeed." The Warlord said, with a smile.

Syndell Draclau
Jun 2nd, 2002, 06:06:17 PM
Syndell walked with Alana down the hall while looking all around her. Indeed it was very nice, every single furniture was beautiful and matched this place perfectly. Looking at Alana she nodded.

"This place is lovely. I always knew Vampyres lived lavishely, but never expected it to be this enchanting"

"I wouldn't dream of backing down from an offer to come here. And now I see I will not be disappointed"

Syndell agreed to go to the rooms and after thy wud see the grounds. But a sound had made them stop, Syndell knew who it was before she even turned, she sensed him through the force and her senses had picked him up. As the ladies turned to face Dalamar Syndell gave him a bow of respect.

"Thank you Dalamar. It is an honor to be here. Such darkness....such, evil fills this place. The death i sense, so much death, this would be a perfect place for me indeed"

Brushing back her hair, she gripped Dalamar's with her other arm. Now she was linked by both vampyres.

"Will you join us Dalamar. Alana was just about to show me more of your dark home"

Syndell was excited as well as nervous being here. Her demon side was on high alert and ready to come out incase something happened. She knew that her kind and the vampyres had never gotten along well at all. When she was a child she, remembered her father forcing her and Malice to watch him as he kill a vampyre that he had captured. But now was different, now she no longer had the hate for them that her father instilled ino her. Instead, she longed to know what they were like, how they lived. And she wanted to be a part of that.......for all eternity.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jun 4th, 2002, 06:09:53 PM
Dalamar and Alana walking in step. showing the dark lady the beautiful and decadent surrounding of the shrine. From the pillar of the damned to the blood room they guided her around. To say the least she was impressed. Alana for some reason was giving Dalamar an odd look he had never seen before. Could it be jealousy? He wondered.....

Syndell Draclau
Jun 25th, 2002, 06:44:10 PM
Syndell was quite taken back by all that was being shown to her. Everything about this place facinated her, and she wanted more. Looking at Alana first then to Dalamar, she spoke in a soft, but subduing voice.

"My dear friends, Am i to meet more of your kind. Or are the rest of the Vampyres here shy"

A small laugh escaped her small form. The three continued to walk around the shrine, sh saw the living quarters, the training grounds for those who wished to learn the dark arts, she also saw some sort of feeding room. The stench of blood and death filled the room as well as the hall way outsde of it. The smell tingled and teased her senses, creating the urge for blood within her already demonic senses.

OOC: Ok sorry for that REALLLLLYYYYYY long wait for this reply. At first i had writers block, then i got lazy. And finally when i tried to post i couldn't get in. Again i am very sory.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jul 7th, 2002, 09:00:27 PM
They are not shy the darkness in your soul was being looked into to see if you would fit in among the Vampyre. The taint on your soul is not human the examiners have already confirmed this. Regardless of your race you have been accepted the Shrine members have voted for your aproval while you walked these hallowed halls and think you will be a welcome addition to our growing ranks. Do you Syndel accept this offer.

Syndell Draclau
Jul 7th, 2002, 09:14:41 PM
Syndell grins as Dalamar had told her she hd been accepted. She couldn't help but think how her brother would feel having a vamp for a sister. Looking ito Damar's eyes, she speeks seductivly.

" I most certainly do accept"