View Full Version : Beyond The Towering Gate

Nyssa Damaskinos
Jun 1st, 2002, 11:37:07 PM
The patter of rain fell methodically against the hard concrete under foot as a figure cloaked in traditional black garb stepped towards the gates of the Shrine. Just feet from the large steal structures the dark frame stopped. The cloak, heavy from rain, immediately fell weighted down around the booted ankles. Slowly, the person lifted their eyes up to gaze at the very top of the gates. The hood slipped back from the face and cascaded down the back revealing a dark complexioned woman. Her ebony hair was neatly tucked up and held in place with a small gold disk and stick that coordinated with the grand golden choker about her neck. Each bore the intricate symbols and ruins of a recently vanquished clan of Vampyre.

The rain splashed upon her upturned face, spilling down the curves of her cheeks and jaw till it immersed with the trim of her cloak. After a moment, she dropped her site back down to ground level, staring out beyond the entrance. With their enhanced senses, she knew the inhabitants of the Shrine had her marked before she had even verged upon…and she waited until they came to her.

Death Knight Soth
Jun 3rd, 2002, 11:36:34 PM
The torrent's of rain lashed at Nyssa exposed face like sharp Sith dagger's, rebuking her arrival at the Fortress of the Damned. Dark and heavy cloud cover over the Shrine gave it a more gloomy and foreboding look as Nyssa stood there and gazed at it's immensity. Enormous pillars held the front of the entrance to the Shrine in place like powerful towering monolith's. It's ancient structure was mammoth, however, it's outside appearance was deceiving to the onlooker. Nyssa could not but help to think how it reminded her of some kind of huge mausoleum crypt.

As the outlander woman peered through the black and rusting double gate's, a dreaded cold fell over her soaked form. A bone chilling cold that gripped her very soul! Nyssa could feel the death that emitted from the keep, the eye's that were watching her from hidden place's that she could not see but knew were there.

"I have long awaited this day M'lady..." Came a low and even voice from behind Nyssa. Startled, the woman spun around to see who it was. Fear and an awful dark melancholy seized her in he track's as she turned to see the one the spoke to her. His ancient black clad armor could be seen under his equally black cloak. His deep blue eye's seemed to bore right through her as her own eye's locked with his. He was beautiful, mysterious looking at first glance. But there was also something deadly about him, something wicked and unnerving that Nyssa felt in his presence. Much like the keep she was looking at only moment's before..."But who was he?" She thought to herself. And as if he was reading her inner most thought's, the Death Knight spoke once again to Nyssa. Answering that question that now hung on her quivering lip's.

"Forgive me m'lady for my rudeness, I am Soth Nuevole." Soth bowed slightly, however his Vampyre eye's never left hers as he did.

"And you must be,...Nyssa Damaskinos m'lady?" Soth gave Nyssa a subtle smile, his piercing eye's narrowing a bit as he studied her, awaiting the answer he already knew.

Nyssa Damaskinos
Jun 9th, 2002, 09:39:23 AM
Nyssa continued to gaze at the abstruse Death Knight before her knowing quite well what he was. After living amongst the Vampyre’s for so long she had come to know their particular smell and demeanor quite well…and this Shrine was no different from the one she had left. Although seemingly much larger and respected amongst the Vampyre ranks, it still had the same feel about it. Mystery, loyalty, death… It was all the same. Perhaps with her past standings they would bring her in; give her shelter and a new home. Although still human, she did not belong amongst the mortal society, finding the taste of Vampyre life much more intriguing.

Nyssa seemed to zone out a moment, thinking back to the Clan she had left. Or rather, the Clan that had left her. Vivid and shocking images of the day that brought a final passing over for her father and his followers overflowed her mind. She would never be able to forget such an event…or forgive the human race for what they had done to her family…

At that moment, her gaze snapped back to the matter at hand - this new Shrine, the Dark Master standing just feet from her. She caught the tail end of his last question. Nyssa studied him, eyes narrowing slightly in thought. This Soth Nuevole knew her name already, she was sure of that, but she humored him with an answer nonetheless, “Yes, I am Nyssa.”

((OOC: I am extremely sorry for the delay! I just started a new job that is requiring 48 hours of my services a week <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":\"> and I’ve been doing a lot of singing “gigs” over the past couple of days. I won’t be this tardy in responding usually.))

Death Knight Soth
Jun 10th, 2002, 07:27:30 PM
A low distant grumbling could be heard in the churning clouds that boiled over head. Lightning flashed illuminating the area around the Shrine entrance giving it a momentarily skeletal look. The Death Knight continued to study Nyssa a he removed his black Sith cloak.

"Here m'lady, it's not much, but it will do for the time being, until we reach the inner Shrine." Soth slowly approached Nyssa and wrapped the somewhat drenched cloak around her form. Oddly it's inner lining was unsheathed by the heavy rain fall. Soth tucked it around her neck then clasped the hook broach together. It seemed warm and inviting as she tucked her shivering hand's inside. Nyssa could feel the darkside of the force envelop her. She had no doubt that the very cloak she was now wearing was enchanted with what some called Sith Magic!

Soth piercing blue eye's then trailed to hers, the two were only inches apart as he held her gaze. Her eye's spoke volume's to Soth as he glanced into the window's of her troubled soul.

"You have your mother's look about you m'lady. There are many thing's you must be eager to know. " Replied Soth as he turned and waved his talon glove towards the immense iron gates. Slowly the two massive gate's groaned then opened on their own accord.

"Come, this way...Let us depart now before you catch your death in this weather. I will answer your question's once we arrive m'lady." Soth's word's were kind and soothing, much like the warmth she felt from his black cloak.

As the two entered the Shrine of the Damned, leaving the two "Towering Gates" behind, Soth lead Nyssa to a lavish sitting chamber where he then told her to make herself at home. After the Dark Knight presented Nyssa with some clean dry linen, he made his way to a brandy rack in the sitting room. There he poured the two a drink then returned to her.

"Here, drink this, it will warm you my dear." Soth handed her a golden chalice half full of the rare brandy. A kind smile formed on his face as he looked down at her still trembling body.

"If you are hungry, I will fetch my servant's to attend to your every need. Whatever it is you wish m'lady, I will see to it that it be granted unto you. We can talk later on the matter's concerning why you are here." Soth finished in low smooth tone's, bowing slightly to Nyssa as he turned to leave.

OOC: No problem there gf...:) My sis and I have had an untimely death in the family and that's why we've been away our self's. Take your time...RL is always over RP here and we understand completely. I'll talk to you soon.

Nyssa Damaskinos
Jun 13th, 2002, 07:12:44 PM
Nyssa pulled the borrowed shawl tightly around her frame, letting it warm her entire body. She did not offer a smile to the Death Knight as he led her inside the Shrine, finding herself too cold for such a gesture. The Shrine was indeed as mystical on the inside as it seemed on the outer. Her eyes flitted from side to side, taking in every intricate detail as Soth led her deeper within. She memorized the way to the sitting room so as to guarantee herself a hasty retreat if needed. Her father had always taught her to adjust and adapt quickly, however she had a solid feeling that such a departure would not be needed.

Taking to a cushioned seat, Nyssa sat back, watching Soth as he gathered items hospitably. She drew her hands from beneath the cloak, taking the dry raiment appreciatively as it was supplied to her. Setting the stack on her lap as Soth offered the goblet, she immediately cupped the cauldron with both hands and drank heartily the contents within. As she finished the liquid and slowly set it in her lap she gently shook her head to the Dark Master when asked if she would like something to feast on. The brandy had not only quenched her thirst, but her appetite as well and she would not take such a benevolent warm reception just yet…

She would dry herself, change, and then talk. Nyssa indeed had many questions.

As Soth departed, she watched then stared at the closed door a moment. Realizing her fixed gaze, she blinked several times then shook her head. She had not been received with such warmth in her Father’s Clan…she had been human and they had just wanted to gourmandize on her blood. Yet here, at the Shrine, arms were wide open. It seemed odd to her and in her mind she sensed an ulterior motive. There must have been…

Setting the chalice aside, Nyssa rose from her seat and quickly doffed the Knight’s cape, letting it pool about her feet. Changing from her pluvial clothing into the Shrine’s furnished ones; she was not in the least surprised to find that they conformed perfectly to her body. Briskly folding and placing the other set of clothing on the vacant chair, Nyssa stepped to the door. Silently pushing it open, she popped her head outside, looking around before opening it just wide enough for her to slip through. Using stealth, she crept around the labyrinth-like halls of the Shrine, careful not to run into any resident Vampyre…

Death Knight Soth
Jun 14th, 2002, 08:48:42 PM
Death Knight Soth was a good way's down the Grand Hall when he felt a disturbance in the force. He was on his way to meet with another visitor of the Shrine when the felt the unmistakable signal of danger cross his mind. Soth paused in mid stride, his fierce blue eye's narrowed and his lip's tightened. Nyssa was in grave danger! If Soth didn't reach her first, it was certain that the wandering fiend's about the Shrine would make a quick meal of her!

With blinding speed the creature of the night spun around then traveled down the hall, blending perfectly with the inky shadow's as he move undetected. Nyssa had little understanding of what horror's this place could bring. Many a trespasser had lost their life's due to their foolish and over zealous curiosity. Nyssa was no different to the lurker's. They were respecter's of no mortal...They only thrived for one thing...Tender flesh and warm blood off the living! There were also other and equally lethal danger's unbeknownst to the female outlander within the mysterious Shrine it's self. Constantly shifting wall's and room that moved. The lay out of the Shrine could be completely changed in the matter of moment's. Thus, it made it impossible to ever map the immense keep. The Shrine had a will and life of it's own.

Finally Soth caught sent of Nyssa. With great stealth, the Vampyre moved in behind her. Soth glanced over to the many eye's that watch Nyssa as well, ready to pounce on her at any given moment. Soth waved his hand at the numerous blood thirsty fiend's as he stepped forth and took Nyssa by the waist. Stepping in front of her he uttered a power word of command.

"Be gone oh you foul inhabitant's...This one carries my mark upon her...It will be eternal death to any that even harm one hair upon her head!" The Death Knight's word's were firm and deadly. Nyssa could feel the dark energy of the force surround her and Soth as he caused the would be attacker's to flee in terror.

Moment's later a calm fell over Nyssa. Oddly, she felt a safeness with Soth. As long a he as near no harm could ever befall her here in the accursed Shrine of the Damned. Soth allowed his angry facial feature's to subside before he turned to Nyssa. Slowly he turned to her, his face was now expressionless. His eye's however seemed to bore right through her very soul.

"M'lady, you would fare well to stay where I last left you. This place,..." Soth hesitated for a moment.

"I made a vow of honor to your father Nyssa. A vow that no harm would ever befall you as long as you were in my care. I intend to keep that m'lady,...As long as you are here. Now please, allow me to escort you back to your room. What you do in the next life m'lady is of your own concern, however, as long as you are here at the Shrine you will abide by my..." Soth cut his sentence short once he realized where it was going with it. His anger was still kindled underneath the stoic facade. Slowly Soth put his right hand to Nyssa's soft cheek. A smile then etched it's way across his face.

"Forgive me Nyssa,...For my manner's. It's my word to your father and my concern for your well being." Nyssa could see the unmistakable loyalty and sincerity in Soth's nobel looking face.

"Come, let us return to your quarter's m'lady." Soth then held out his arm for her to take...

Nyssa Damaskinos
Jun 25th, 2002, 03:30:17 PM
As she traveled down the Shrine’s corridors she began to notice that her surroundings were not the same as they had been when she initially arrived. At first she began to wonder if she had indeed taken the wrong direction, but her memory wasn’t what failed her…the place had changed…

Her brows furrowed in concentration as she tilted her head to look around, wondering just where she had put herself. “Perhaps I should listen when told to stay put…” Nyssa muttered under her breath. Her pace slowed as she continued on her path. She cautiously darted her gaze around knowing things were watching her from the shadows. They molded well with the surroundings, which made it impossible for her to see…but she caught sent of their odor…and they seemed hungry.

Her legs ceased to move as she nervously watched the silhouettes around her. She just knew they would jump out at her at any moment and try to feast on her human flesh. Suddenly an arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her back from harms way. As the body stepped in front of her, she looked up to see Soth barking orders to the many Shrine inhabitants that had been stalking her. The shadows began to melt away as they left, leaving her alone in the hall with the Vampire.

His words came as a shock to her…she had not known him or known of him before coming to the Shrine, yet he had known her father…known him enough to be entrusted with his daughter’s life. She looked at him questioningly hoping he’d soon explain himself.

Soth offered his arm and she entwined hers with his as he led her to her quarters. “You knew my name when I showed up and you seem to know my father. How?” she twisted her head to look up to him as they ventured down the passage. This intrigued her...

Death Knight Soth
Jun 27th, 2002, 09:20:30 PM
As the two made their way to the sitting chamber, the young woman asked the Death Knight some valid but pointed question's pertaining to her late father. Soth admired that in the young woman. Long moment's past before he answered Nyssa, as if he was gathering his thought's to a time that needed careful consideration before speaking ...

Well, your father was a great man m'lady...A man with a futuristic foresight, and a deep wisdom that surpassed most men I have ever known." Soth glanced over to Nyssa as he continued, somewhat reluctant to continue.

"Your father and myself go back to a time when the Blood line of his kind, before I was what I am now...Vampyre!" Soth glanced over again at Nyssa and could already see the acceptance written on her youthful face...She knew, it was there in her mind, in he heart...Ready to germinate, blossom into the woman her father always wanted her to be...

"Surely by now you know what he was, his linage, ...your ancestry he hand's down to you Nyssa. Your destiny m'lady. A great destiny I we had both foreseen." Nyssa remained quite as Soth recounted the past of her father and the time when the ancient Death Knight knew him long ago. Nyssa could now learn volume's of her own past that at one time laid in obscurity. Of her father...And what was to be in store for her as a young fledgling of the Shrine.

"He formed what was known then as the "Collective," A body of close associates that could be trusted, other's that envisioned what he had foreseen as the "Great Turning." This faction would bring balance and power once and for all to the lawless. However, this secretive order had it's enemies as you can imagine...It's primary agenda was to reach out and put an end to those who had wished to corrupt the known system's with it's cancerous ideologies. The Jedi way's!"...Soth eye's narrowed at the thought, a searing thought that was controlled and held at bay for the time being. An overwhelming hate that he felt for the light sider's and their hypocrisy. There was always a time and a place for such thing's!...

"As for your name Nyssa...I have always known of you...Since you were but a were a small child..." Soth then smiled, changing the subject. His mind recounted the time he had seen Nyssa as such. So small and innocent, oblivious to what the future held for her.

"You have grown into a lovely young woman Nyssa. Your father would be proud of you. The smile remained on the Vampyre master's face as the two continued down the stretch of the Grand Hall.

"Your father and myself were great friend's Nyssa. He trusted me with his life as I did him...It was his..." The Death Knight paused before he finished his sentence. He would leave that part of her father's supposed disappearance and rumored death for later.

"Well Nyssa, it was your father's desire that I look after you. To see that you are trained in the art's and of the Sith way's...Our way's" Soth word's came in low tones as they rounded a corner to the entrance of the sitting room. Once more Soth paused and turned to Nyssa, a stoic look was now etched on his nobel face as he looked deep into her questioning eye's...

"I presume you are ready to meet the calling." Soth folded his hands in front of him as he awaited her answer.

Nyssa Damaskinos
Jul 7th, 2002, 08:14:54 AM
Nyssa remained silent after Soth’s inquiry. Thoughts were running rampant in her mind after hearing his answers about her father. She had known what he was, what he had started, but as she listened to the Death Knight she realized that her father had kept secrets hidden from her; his own daughter. It pained her to find such things out now. They had been so close, or so she thought. He must have been trying to protect her by leaving her in the dark…yes that was it; he was protecting his only offspring. Nyssa pounded that into her mind so as not to worry about such things while right now. She would have plenty of free time to sort her past out.

Tilting her head to look up to Soth she simply nodded. Her father had waited, keeping Nyssa a mortal and the reasoning behind such a choice was beyond her, but now her time had come. Soth offered that which her heart desired…freedom; escape from this mortal tomb of a body. She was ready; arms wide open to embrace her newfound destiny.

Death Knight Soth
Jul 7th, 2002, 11:20:22 PM
Soth blue eye's sparkled in the torch light as he stood there studying her...She had her question's, question's that had eluded her all her young life. Hid from her innocent heart for reasons that Nyssa could not understand until that cross road was met by fate's appointment. However, all thing's would come in good time...Some thing's were also best left alone.

"Come m'lady, let your heart be put to rest why you are here among us. We are your family now Nyssa Damaskinos. When the darkness comes...Embrace it's eternal invitation. Suffer not the lingering thought of what will be, rather think of what will become...Your new life as one of us...A child of the Damned!" Soth took her hand in his and pulled her slowly into himself, kissing her on her cheek ever so softly.

"It is but a journey we must all face...A step into a dream unimagined m'lady...To have what all mortal's seek,...Yet never can attain. Searching for immortality have they quested after in vain. But they die as pauper's in unmarked grave's...There riches are mine to squander...For I have the riddle of death here, here in the palm of my hand, to give or to take at my discretion...From light to night...A dark gift eternal at death's first kiss..." Soth then pulled away from Nyssa's ear. His whispered word's were cryptic, yet Nyssa fully understood what her choice initialed.

"Rest on this m'lady...You will know the time when it knock's at your chamber door." Soth let a subtle smile slip across his marble like face...How wonderful he made it all sound to her. Like a lovely dream that never had an end to it...Promised life eternal with all the heart's desire...At what cost though?...Her soul? Death was far from hospitable to it's intended. Even Nyssa in that moment knew the high toll that would soon be asked of her...Yet it was a choice, a free choice of will...Her freedom to be free at last!

Nyssa Damaskinos
Jul 14th, 2002, 08:20:04 PM
She kept quiet all the while even after Soth fell silent. How he worded divinity was just like a happily ever after fairy tale…but she knew better. She had seen what it did to her father; the emotional condition he was in when resigning to his quarters, how it ate away at his soul and seemingly physical appearance…

Her teeth clamped down as she set her jaw, a determination fixing in her eyes. Nyssa would do what was predestined of her, if not only to find more out about her father’s kind. She would give up whatever it took.

Without lifting her chin she raised her gaze to Soth. “I think I shall retire for the night. I greatly appreciate your hospitality and wish for you to keep me company with more information, but I’m afraid I’ve had enough for one day.”

((OOC: Lack of creativity!))

Death Knight Soth
Jul 16th, 2002, 09:20:18 PM
"Indeed m'lady...As you wish." The Death Knight studied her for only a brief moment more then turned to leave. As Soth began to walk off, he paused a few paces away from Nyssa. Slowly he turned to view her as she pushed in on the double doors to her room.

M'lady, If I may be so bold to say...It would be in your best interest to stay within your chamber's this evening. I presume you know by now that theses walls hold great danger's for the curious at heart." Soth folded his hands in front of him, letting his piercing blue eye's meet with hers once again.

"I will have my servant Wraith Soul guard your chamber door's until the marrow m'lady."