View Full Version : Enterence of Darkness...

Darth Phantom
May 16th, 2002, 09:36:39 PM
:: The cloaked Sith Lord strode down the dimly lit passage ways, his Dark presence echoed through this Evil place alerting all that he had arrived. His red eyes dart back and forth looking over all as he walked down the hall ways, his right hand was placed on the hilt of his saber, he would not be caught off guard.

As he reaches the Parlor room he stops, still hidden within the confines of the Shadows. He lets the Dark Side flow through his vains and out of his body, searching this place of Death and Evil, a small grin forms as he feels the Carnage. There within the Shadows he waited, waiting for the Vampires to arrive. This time he hoped to join their ranks and serve the Darkness ::

Death Knight Soth
May 20th, 2002, 09:31:37 PM
Dark and foreboding clouds seemed to rush over the Shrine as a heavy rain began to fall. A deep cold front blew in from the East causing the portal's and the open Shrine window's to howl. Phantom almost felt as though the storm outside protested his return. The inner torches within the Shrine hall's flickered as the gust's of wind blew through threatening to snuff them.

Down the main chamber hall towards the Entrance of Darkness stood a lone silhouetted figure. Lighting flashed from behind the black form as it stood motionless at the thresh hold were the mammoth double door's stood to the Shrine. Phantom knew immediately who it was. It was none other then the dreaded Death Knight himself, Soth Nuevole!...Soth eye's blazed a familiar hot red hue from under his black cowl. Then Soth word's invaded Phantom's mind, his gaze locked with Phantom's...

"Why do you persist on tempting your fate here Phantom?..."Came the low lethal word's as the red eye's under the black cloak narrowed to thin slit's.

"Come hither young mortal, I wish to speak with you." The Death Knight word's seemed to echo in Phantom's mind as he awaited his reply.

Darth Phantom
May 20th, 2002, 10:02:07 PM
:: Phantom smirked a bit at Soth's comment, but it quickly faded and was replaced by an emotionless face. Phantom's eyes burned brightly, allowing his to see in the dimly lit room. ::

" I do not belive in Fate, Lord Soth. I control everything in my life. "

:: Phantom moved slowly towards the awaiting Vampire, he moved most gracefully for a mere mortal and a human at that ::

" As you wish... "

:: Upon reaching Sith Phantom dropped to one knee and lowered his head a bit, not removing his hand from his saber hilt, he would not be caught off guard. Phantom was quite aware of his surroundings, the Dark Side flowed through him as though it was his very own blood ::

" Yes M'Lord? "

Death Knight Soth
May 20th, 2002, 10:43:15 PM
The Master Vampyre fierce crimson eye's never left the outlander as he looked on him with great interest as the rain lashed at his back. Load thunder boomed as Phantom cautiously approached Soth. He was wise not to lower his defense. Soth also noted and admired his uncanny curiosity with their kind...The Children of the Damned! Even though Phantom was risking his life by retuning to this evil abode, there was a test in the making for the new arrival unbeknownst to him.

"Arise my friend,...There is something I wish to show you young mortal." Soth demeanor was much different from the last time Phantom had encountered the Death Knight...The last time he meant to kill the intruder, this time Phantom would prove his worth!

"Come with me Dark one. I will show you what it is like to kill indiscriminately, methodically, for it is our right to do so..." Soth word's were tipped with evil and purpose as he finished. Through the Darkside Soth called out to his sister in blood. The dark tendril's weave their way to her open mind as he summoned her to where they always went for their food. This night indeed would stand forever in the mind of Phantom, this would be the night when blood would flow like river's and mingle with the Roon rain as it fell, only to be cleansed on the marrow when the clouds had past.

"Come my bloody sister...Come, Let us take this night what is rightfully ours to take." The whisper of death had reached it's mark as she pressed through the darkness with a swiftness that no mortal eye could detect.

Alana Stormcloud
May 20th, 2002, 10:57:58 PM
Alana grinned knowingly as she heard Lord Soths call. A feast was on his mind. Moving toward him with a speed that defied nature she was in his presence within moments.

"You called to me My brother. Are we to hunt tonight?" She said with an evil glint in her eye."

"Who have we here? AH Phantom what a pleasure to have you back. Are you coming with us or are you the feast." Alana grinned wickedly.

She was surprised to see the Sith back in the Lair of the damned. She had seen him at the Sith Empire and knew him to be an apprentice of her own master, his dark heart fit in well with the Shrine Vampyre's.

So what's it to be tonight Soth, a diner for three, shall we visit that small village and play with a few locals?" She said cocking her head slightly. Pure evil etched her white marble like face...

Darth Phantom
May 20th, 2002, 11:35:48 PM
:: Phantom slowly rose, his hand having never moved from the saber hilt, his eyes having never moved from the sight of Lord Soth. The Dark Side swirled around him making sure it was not a trap of some kind. Phantom rose to his full height and looked Lord Soth in the eye ::

" M'Lord do I as a Sith not do the same? I kill indiscriminately and without mercy, never-the-less I am ready... "

:: Phantom's head snapped to the side as he felt the presence of Alana, he bowed his head slightly out of respect and smiled a bit at her comment ::

" The pleasure is mine Miss Alana, I doubt I'd be that good of a feast, to many chemicals. "

:: Phantom looked back at Soth with a raised eye brow ::

" M'Lord, I do not feed on blood as you do. Though I have drank the blood of my enemies. "

:: An evil grin tugged at his lips at the thought ::

" But I'm ready for what must be done. "

Death Knight Soth
May 21st, 2002, 12:18:17 AM
The lighting flashed once again indicating that the storm was not about to let up it's course...Neither were the Vampyre's that stood in it's terrible midst's.

"Yes, my sister, tonight we hunt. The outlander will observe. We will make our way to Keppen and there we will take a house that lay's on the out skirt's of the city. I have seen a family of six that resides there. The father, the mother, three boy's ranging in age and a daughter...Tonight they will all sleep in the earth!" Soth's stoic face held no expression as he looked into Phantom eye's. There was only death and emptiness there.

"Yes, I must say your thought's are true...However, you wish to see what fascinates you so outlander? Then follow me!" The Death Knight wiped around and darted into the darkness outside the Shrine. Phantom noted he would more then likely have to call to the Darkside to stay up with the Vampyre assassin's. Their innate speed was to great for him not to and if he didn't call on it's strength to aid him, he would loose sight of them in no time...

In and out of thicket's they went, over ancient site's that were lost to time. The down pour made it incredibly hard for the mortal to see as the inky blackness of the Roon night created another challenge as well. After what seemed hour's the trio emerged on an out lining forest clearing. There, not far away from them was a farm house. Inside Phantom could make out the lively laughter of those inside...Soth slowly trailed his gaze over to Phantom. A wicked smile played on his marble like face. Alana licked her lip's as she anticipated the bounty.

"Watch and learn Dark one. Yes, behold Phantom, for you will look into the eye's of fear... You will see why they truly fear the night!" Soth word's came through clenched teeth as he salivated. His eye's flashed as he turned his carnivorous attention back to the farm house. Within second's the two Vampyre's leapt from their hiding place were they left Phantom to observe. But little did the two creature's of the night know, they were in for a surprise them self's!

Alana Stormcloud
May 21st, 2002, 01:26:22 PM
Cold bitter wind snapped the clothing of all the ventured out on this fateful night. It cut to the bone but did not touch the marble skin of the two Vampyre's.

With eye's as fierce and cold as death itself, they watched the small house where the humans made merry. Innocent in there laughter and their chatter. Not knowing that the noise they made beckoned more than laughter.

On wings of death the two moved, stalking there prey. Sure that they would be met by the screams of the doomed when eye's were laid on them. Racing swiftly they were at the house and they needed no invitation to enter. The peaceful laughter of the inhabitants was more than an invitation in the eye's of the Vampyre's.

"Time to play brother." Alana said her teeth fully extended with hunger, her eye's glowing with an unholy light.

The Screams of humans filled the cold night, Blaster fire an unexpected surprise. Phantom had a dreadful feeling something had gone very wrong....

Jedah Lynch
May 21st, 2002, 05:47:09 PM
Rain poured down upon the darkened figure in the tree, an arm hung pale and lifeless from its shoulder as the figure sat slumped on the high branch, his back placed firmly to the bark of the tree that was old or older than most immortals themselves.

Rain beat down on that pale cold face, lifeless it appeared to be. Not a motion was made, no hint of a spark of being stirred in this man. His clothing was drenched to the bone making his flesh cold and clammy.

All about him animals lay hidden in the bushes huddled together or in warmer spots against each other to protect each other from the cold wind and down pouring rain. They were not only the beast about, this was evident. He knew this.

Call it a feeling.

Call it a hunch.

And either way you'd still be stupid.

He knew.

The screaming of voices echoed in the night air barely audio able over that of the crashing thunder and bright lightning. It flashed over that pale drenched body in the tree illuminating him in its light one moment.

The next time it struck he was gone.

Death Knight Soth
May 21st, 2002, 05:47:22 PM
As the two Vampyre's figure's approached the farm house, they immediately tore the hinge's right off the unsuspecting farm house. Terrible scream's pierced the night sky on Roon. It was know throughout the region that killer's were on the loose and the Father of the house was well prepared for any encounter's that might visit his humble home...Blaster fire erupted and the sound of snapping bone's filled Phantom's ear's as the melee raised to a fevered pitch. Phantom could hear the awful sound of lite saber's cutting through tender flesh. Alana emerged first with the first claimed victim that she drug outside by the nap of the neck...A cruel smile was etched on her beautiful face as torrent's of rain soaked them.

Then from the corner's of the farm house, two men on either side opened fire on Alana. Without hesitation Alana's saber snapped to life were she volleyed one of the blaster bolt's right back into the chest of one of the men...Mean while as Phantom looked on, he could hear the scream's and gurgling noises within the farm house grow deadly silent. Soth upon hearing the commotion outside leapt to the front of the dwelling entrance, his duel green saber in hand. But he was to late...Alana was shot through the shoulder by the man on the opposite side while fending off the other...Alana's body spun sideways as the first bolt tore through her flesh...Soth with unearthly speed cut the man entwine before he let off another shot. Phantom was told not to interfere and but found it hard not to react. Then to Phantom's surprise, the Death Knight was struck by an unseen bolt that tore through his powered armor with effortless ease. Multiple shot pelted his Vampyre body as he spun and fell to the ground...The shot's that were fired seemed to have no origin as Phantom looked on...No fire tracer's could be seen. Only the sound of the popping noise as it hit the flesh of the Dark Knight. As Soth fell from the hell of unseen fire, Phantom looked about to see where it originated from, but with no luck. He knew they were long distant shot's but from were?

Alana was again pelted as her body rolled to the side, trying to get out of harm's way. A few moment's later her cold body laid still and unmoving. The only occupant to get away was the small boy that Alana had drug out side. The boy had now disappeared into a near by thicket were he made his way to town not far away. Soth managed to crawl to the corner of the farm house were he took cover, but not before he was shot again at his retreat. Precious blood spilled from his gapping wound's, Alana didn't fare much better...Her wound's were critical!...If she did not feed soon due to the severity of her injuries, she would pass into oblivion this night. Her regenerative power's as a Vampyre were not sustaining her, she was dying!

Soth called to the Darkside to aid him then an unseen bullet tore through his neck...The shot was near fatal. His shadowed form slowly fell backwards as his limp body made a splashing thud when it hit the saturated ground..His power's had failed. But why?...Phantom could hardly believe his eye's as the anger rose in him...How could a Master Vampyre and the female Vampyre fall so easily when he knew better. How could something so easy as this be botched? The question's raced through his troubled mind like wild fire...It was like a bad dream come true! What was he to do now?...He was about to find that out the hard way!

JuJu Fett
May 21st, 2002, 07:06:42 PM
The screaming that momentarily fell silent in Phantom's ear's was quickly over taken by the sound of tree branch's snapping and breaking from above him. The high pitched whistling noise from the duel rocket booster pack allowed Juju to descend upon the unsuspecting figurer below him with a rapid decent. Juju let the full weight of his body bare down on Phantom, both feet first. Phantom smashed into the ground before he knew what even hit him!

The Fett's were close, very close to capturing their long awaited bounty! They had tracked a number of small transport's including Phantom's ship to the Roon planet below. The two Fett siblings patiently awaited an attack on the near by farm community not far from an ancient temple. It was an educated guess that the foul creature's would strike soon enough. They had taken the bait, hook, line and sinker. Juju and Jaslin knew they could track the humanoid's to this place and that they would wander to the closest location from were the old Keep was. Their hunch paid off.

The perimeter of the old farm house was encompassed with a number of caged ysalamari from the planet Myrkr. The previous day, the owner of the farm house was more then cooperative with the Fett's in aiding them since the rash of killing's had not ceased. Unfortunately, he as well as his family paid with there life's. The two bounty hunter's knew that theses foul being's would more then likely wield force skill's or strange power's, thus the Fett's had came well prepared to confront the threat. All the necessary precaution's were made. Their night scope's as well as their S. M. I. D. (Sound and Movement Indicator Device) allowed the two Fett's to easy track the movement's of the three creature's. Jaslin was successful in downing two of them from a secured location with a bird's eye shot to the front of the dwelling.

Phantom immediately felt a synth lanyard wrap around his neck and body as he arose to all four's. Two swift and hard kick's to the side of his face dazed him momentarily as his own blood began to spill. An odd and strange thought crossed his mind as he tried to gather his wit's about him.

"Why didn't I feel his presence, I should have detected him?" Juju's hold-out blaster was now extended towards his captive's head.

"Freeze!...Move and you die!" Came the monotone voice behind the rare mandalorian armor.

Nicholas Kain
May 21st, 2002, 10:07:26 PM
Nicholas had been following his brother and sister. More accurately he was following the mortal, he still did not trust this one despite what he had read after receiving access to Brother Lynch's TSE files. Simply because Phantom was a Sith did not mean that he could not betray the Vampyres of the Shrine.

Following from a distance he was unsure if his Vampyre siblings could sense his presence, they were more adept in the ways of the Vampyre than he, but he was fairly certain that the Sith did not know he was following.

Nicholas watched in glee as the Vampyre's began their carnivorous attack on the unsuspecting family. His face suddenly changed though. Blaster bolts and gun fire filled the air. Without a second thought Nicholas unclipped his saber and began to move. He was not worried about being struck by a shot as the speed at which a Vampyre moves far exceeded even the best marksman's eye.

Arriving behind the armored man just as he spoke, Nicholas placed his left forearm against the base of the mans neck just under the edge of his helmet and laced his right around so that the mans chin rested in the crook of Nicholas' right elbow. With a flick of his wrist Nicholas could snap the mans neck without a second thought, however almost for insurance, Nicholas' saber was in his right hand, the emmitter pointed directly into the man's head. Helmet or no helmet, a flick of the switch and the man would die with a splitting headache.

"I really do believe you are no longer in a position to make such a demand. Now I suggest you let him go."

Nicholas waited.

"Oh and I would suggest that your friend or friends not try anything, at least unless they wish to work in the future without your support."

Darth Phantom
May 22nd, 2002, 12:24:22 AM
:: Phantom closes his eye's as he try's to control his rage and fury, his eye's burn a dark crimson color as he sat on all fours looking down upon the wet ground. Clinching his fist he pounds it upon the ground as he would bow to no man. A flash of lightning illuminates the sky, showing two shadows upon the ground. Phantom cursed himself for not feeling the absence of the Dark Side ::

" Ysalamari... "

:: He said softly under his breath ::

" I should have felt it, Damn it. "

:: Phantom said in a normal voice, though it hard to hear due to the on going storm. Phantom never rushed into battle unprepared just for this reason. Phantom slowly wiped the blood from his face with the sleeve of his cloak. Idea's of escaping filled his head, but he was not a fool, the Bounty Hunter had the upper hand to try and escape would mean certain death. Though whatever the plan he'd better do it quickly because Soth and Alana both lie dying in the mud and that was unacceptable. Phantom slammed his fist into the ground and compiled with the Bounty Hunter ::

" I have done nothing... "

:: Phantom lies on his stomach and places his hands above his head, he would lie in wait until the time came where he could strike and then no force in the galaxy would keep him from disemboweling the Hunter ::

Jaslin Fett
May 22nd, 2002, 11:02:05 AM
Jaslin's high powered telescopic night scope panned quickly between the two men to her lower left. Jaslin was perched high above in a look out spot she and Juju constructed the day before. Her camouflage synth cloak hid her form in the surrounding tree canopy, perfectly mimicking and blending her into the natural greenery. She was also in the perfect position to make the "kill shot" on the man Juju now held in check.

Moment's later, Jaslin could see her brother being quickly taken from behind. It was more then likely another creature that they had been tracking. Theses damn so called vampires were coming out of the wood work, and fast!

Jaslin whispered into her chin com that was located under the purple vale that masked her face. Her word's came in low tone's and in a coded language that was only known to the Fett sibling's.

"I have the shot!" Came Jaslin word's in Juju's ear com. The vampire's would have no way of knowing or picking up her communication with her brother since the mandalorian armor that Juju wore was equipped with a damping device that was built right into the blue and silver helm he wore. Not to mention, the ysalamari creature's that surrounded the area in hidden location's would give the Fett's the edge they needed.

Jaslin steadied her long range sniper rifle and zeroed in on the hand that held the saber to Juju's head. The vampire's hand that held what looked to be a lite-saber was now only inches in front of her brother's head. That's all Jaslin needed to make the shot. She had made it a thousand time's before and this time it was no different. Her breathing became shallow and controlled. Her military training in the Imperial Navy (Black Squadron) as a "Sharp shooter" paid off greatly in her line of work as a free lance hunter. Jaslin's keen mind and sharper sense's added countless dozen's of "Kill Hit's" to her credit, this time it was no different. Slowly Jaslin tightened her trigger finger. The man's balled fist was like a large piece of Monferrel fruit in her powered scope. Juju stood perfectly still as the red score line's cross hair's centered on it's intended target. The silent Kook shell fired off as Jaslin squeezed the trigger. The muffled round tore through the top of unsuspecting vampire's hand and out through the other side of his saber. A shower of spark's illuminated the area as the saber snapped in two. The man that held Juju by the neck shrieked from the sudden shocking pain that caught him off guard. Juju wasted no time in reacting. He tore from the man's gripping hold as his jet pack whined to life almost instantaneously after the first shot. The duel engine's scorched the vampire badly as Juju soared quickly into the stormy night sky.

While the stunned vampire creature was getting his footing from the sudden take off of Juju, leaving Nicholas somewhat off balance, another silent shot followed quickly behind the first. This time it tore through Nicholas Kain's mid knee, spinning his undead carcass to the ground in a heap next to Phantom. When Juju was a good distance above the ground, Jaslin could see her sibling turn in mid flight and pause. Rapid blaster bolt's descended upon the two downed vampire's. One of the bolt's tore through Phantom's right shoulder while the other numerous shot's hit around the two men. Jaslin knew Juju to be a much better shot then that, however the wind tossed him a bit and the rain made an easy shot extremely difficult. The only chance that the two dark creature's had now was to take immediate cover. That or die on the very same spot on which they now laid!

Darth Phantom
Jun 11th, 2002, 10:09:58 PM
:: A wicked and sinister grin suddenly tugs at the corners of the Sith Lord's lips as he hears the boosters of the Bounty Hunter's jet pack releasing the Sith from his clutches, which in the end would turn out to be the worst mistake he had ever made.

Flipping back to his feet the Sith grabbed ahold of the fallen Vampire that lay near him, dropping to one knee he uses his left and and what strength he has in his right arm to grab ahold of the Vampire and place him over his shoulder, standing up he darts for the Forest which stands near to their location.

Now cloaked within the safety of the forest Phantom once again drops to one knee and removes the Vampire which lay upon him, grabbing ahold of him Phantom drags him into some under brush to hide him as he began to work.

Under different circumstances Phantom would have just waited for the Bounty Hunter to make a mistake and then take advantage of it, but he hadn't the luxury of time, two of his Vampire friends lie in the mud dying and to him that was unacceptable.

Moving swiftly under the cover of night and through the Shadows of the forest Phantom neared the small house where Soth and Alana lie dying. Upon reaching the house Phantom looked into the night's sky trying to locate the Bounty Hunters, lying on the ground he began to crawl through the mud to where his friends lay, using his pitch black cloak as camo ::

JuJu Fett
Jun 14th, 2002, 03:57:52 PM
Juju fought to control the jet pack as the wind tossed him back and fourth. As he stabilized his position he glanced down to see a figure crawling towards the farm house. His sophisticated infra-vision system in his Mandalorian helm allowed him to see the lone figure as plain as day. At that moment Jaslin contacted Juju through his ear-com and quickly explained the Slave V was on it's way through remote. Without further hesitation, Juju would end this once and for all.

Juju leaned his body forward, still fighting the lashing wind. He took careful aim in the general area where the man was. There was a high pitched whistle and then the micro-missile rapidly launched from the jet backpack straight for Phantom! There was a horrific explosion as the mini missile impacted only feet from were the lone man was. The concussion from the blast was so immense that Phantom had no time to react. The last terrible thought that ran through his mind second's before his helpless body was torn from the spot on which he lay was that awful whining sound from the lethal missile. Then all went black, an inky black, were death's fold's cloak the mortal eye's from the living. However, the admirable action's and bravery demonstrated from Phantom had not gone unnoticed. There were other that watched with great interest...And the bounty had now just been paid in full!

OOC: Phantom, please wait for the next post...Thanks :)

Pandora Damaris
Jun 14th, 2002, 05:27:47 PM
Phantom felt as though he was floating, his mind, his body. Had death finally claimed him? There was the feeling of emptiness and a sense of overwhelming peace that washed over his mind. Then from a distance Phantom could hear the sound of faint but audible chanting. It grew louder as he felt himself gravitating towards it's erie melodic sound. Moving without really moving! Was that even possible?

There was a flash of white then Phantom once again felt his mortal shell about him, he was alive but to what extent. Oddly he felt was no pain, just that damn awful chanting coming from all around him. It was strange he thought but annoying at the same time.

As Phantom's eye's adjusted to the dimly lit opaque room, he quickly realized he was in the company of other's. The circular council chamber had a staggered appearance, sitting the being's of the room over and around him. The chanting then suddenly ceased! He was now surrounded by the "Circle of Seven" Huge and strange symbol's were inlayed into the floor with precious metal's. Five in all, with four that surrounded a central symbol. Perhaps these symbol's and this room had more meaning and significance then met the eye.

"You have done well Phantom...We have conceded that you are now a human member of our kind. We have found you worthy." Pandora's eye's glistened in the torch light as she looked upon his kneeling form. All of the seven that were present wore fine silken black robe's that hooded their faces from Phantom's view except for the one that spoke to him.

"You will be required to pick the one that will be your Master. In a week's time you will give your answer. After this time you will be trained in our way's." Pandora paused for a brief moment as she let her word's sink into his mind.

"The test of the mind you have just passed is only the first step mortal. Always be wary of this, it will serve you well to do so." Pandora steepled her delicate finger's together as she continued.

"Your chosen Master will explain what is required of you as you begin your journey with us." As Pandora finished her word's the symbol's underneath Phantom's crouched form glowed and ebbed. A strange warmth enveloped him as all the symbol's one by one slowly faded back to their original state leaving one that remained glowing. It was the symbol of a setting sun. It's metal ebbed with a red hue as Phantom glanced over to it. Oddly Phantom somehow knew it represented his first path to their kind. The symbol's representation of when the setting sun, that accursed star that would soon set on his mortal life as one of the living...

Darth Phantom
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:27:01 PM
:: The Sith Lord remained on one knee as she spoke to him, his eye's glowed a deep crimson color as he had waited what seemed like an eternity to become a true creature of the night. As she finished he rose to his feet looking to each of the cloaked figures, Phantom looked to the symbol of the setting sun and he did indeed know it's meaning he griined slightly as he thought about it.

He had known from the get go who he wished to be his Master. He turned his attention back to Pandora and spoke in a low tone ::

" I wish for the Death Knight, Lord Soth Nuevole to be my Master and to teach me the ways of the Vampires. "

Pandora Damaris
Jul 18th, 2002, 09:21:19 PM
The woman in black leaned in and rested her elbows on the marble council table that arched in a half circumference high above the chamber room. Pandora studied the man below her for long moment's before she spoke.

"And this shall be granted to you young one..." Pandora dark eye's glistened as a wicked smile crossed her face.

"Are you so bold and quick Phantom to greet death? Are you truly ready to receive the "Dark Gift" with open arm's?" Pandora interlaced her slender vampire finger's together as she awaited Phantom's reply.

A lone figure amongst the seven stood, then disappeared into the inky shadows behind the other six that remained seated. Moment's later the black cloaked figure emerged on the ground floor where Phantom now stood. From what Phantom could sense, it was none other then the Death Knight himself, Soth Nuevole! The Death Knight Master took his place in the appropriate circle that symbolized his current rank in the Shrine of the Damned...As he did so the symbol on the floor beneath him glowed a luminescent gold, signifying his position amongst the other Shrine family member's...

Soth Nuevole: "Come Phantom, kneel before me...Pledge your eternal allegiance to me as your Master in the Vampyre way's and the life and power it harbor's. Now, in front of the council of Seven this night as your witness..." The vampire master paused.

"Death awaits you!" Soth word's echoed throughout the immense chamber, resounding deep within the mind of Phantom as he finished.

Darth Phantom
Jul 28th, 2002, 09:18:27 PM
:: A Sinister and Evil grin tugged on Phantom's lips as he listened to her questions ::

" I thank you, M'Lady. You shall not regret it. "

:: He bowed slightly as he spoke ::

" Indeed I am, I have been waiting for this for a life time and now mine shall end, and indeed I do greet it with open arms. "

:: The Sith Lord grinned and his eye's glowed as he lowered himself to one knee awaiting his future ::

Death Knight Soth
Jul 30th, 2002, 09:06:31 PM
The Death Knight eye's glowed with an unholy light as he placed a pale hand on top of the head of Phantom. Soth's gaze then trailed up to the Council of Seven as they all looked on with amusement. The room was deadly quite as a throaty growl admitted from Soth. He would enjoy taking the mortal life of this new family member...Death was now but only a whisper away...

Without warning, the Master Vampyre attacked Phantom, pulling this bowed head to one side with an incredible strength that Phantom could not withstand. Soth's ivory teeth bore viciously into Phantom's neck as he feebly clutched at Soth forearm's...The pain was excruciating as the Death Knight extracted his life force from him, draining him to the point of death. Only moment's passed before Soth let Phantom's limp form fall to the floor in a heap at his feet. The Death Knight slowly held his head sky word. Phantom's fresh blood stained Soth lip's, they glistened in the torch lite as he held his arm's out to his side, feeling the surging power of the mediclorians that now flow throughout his Vampyre body.

Phantom's body shook and trembled as the spasm's of death over took him. He was dying! However, he was to be reborn this night...Reborn as a Creature of the Night, ...A Child of the Damned!

The Death Knight glanced down to Phantom's body...Soth could see in his eye's the light of life fading quickly...Now was the time to return the favor...To bestow upon the newest member of their coven..."The Dark Gift."

Soth bent down beside Phantom and without hesitation, slit the wrist of his left forearm. Blood effortlessly poured from the fresh wound. It would now be the life sustaining fluid that would grant Phantom his new life as one of them.

"Drink my fledgeling,...Drink or die this night!...Awake and be renewed as one of us...!"

Soth's word's were through clenched teeth as he held his bleeding wrist to Phantom's mouth. The crimson liquid pitter-pattered on Phantom's lip's as it fell. It ran down both side's of his ashen cheeks, staining a trail to his neck where the two puncture wounds were now evident. Soth cupped his right hand under Phantom's limp head, for he had not the strength to do this on his own.

"Drink or die Darth Phantom,...Drink and live."

Soth whispered to the man's open mind, his smooth word's washing over him in cool settling wave, much like when death take one in their silent slumber...

Darth Phantom
Jul 30th, 2002, 09:51:57 PM
:: Phantom's eye's burned with fury as The Master Vampire attacked him with incredible speed and strength, though his own strength was great the Vampire's could not be matched not by a mortal anyway. The Sith Lord tired to free himself as the Vampire sunk his teeth into the Sith's neck, reaching into his cloak the Sith removed a long dagger, but by that time his strength faded and he was on the verge of Death!

Now he lies on the floor as he hears the voice of the Death Knight, telling him to drink and he shall live forever. The red fury in the Sith's eye's quickly fades to an almost gray color. As the Master Vampire lifts the Sith's head to his open wound he slowly opens his mouth, several drops of the immortal blood find their way into the Sith's open mouth.

Phantom slowly wraps his arm around the Vampire's forearm bringing it closer to his mouth, closing his eye's Phantom latches onto his arm and begins feeding, a rush of warmth and strength wash over Phantom as he drinks the immortal blood.

Phantom releases the arm and roars like a savage, opening his new Vampire eye's he looks upon the new world, his eye's change from a dull gray to a rich yellow ::

Death Knight Soth
Aug 4th, 2002, 04:32:48 PM
The Death Knight released his deadly hold upon Phantom then stood to his feet as the "Council of Seven" whispered in hushed tone amongst one another. Phantom's body writhed as is began the transforming process from mortal to immortal. After the stage's of agony that Phantom experienced, he opened his immortal eye's to what they seen...The once closed portal's that held mysterious intrigue to Phantom were now wide open for his eternal eye's to behold in awe and wonderment...What was hidden now became reviled to his hungry mind. He was now a blood member of the Shrine...A Child of the Damned!

Soth reached down after a few moment's and pulled Phantom to his feet...A subtle gesture that caught Phantom off guard somewhat...Soth was the last person, the last being that he would ever fathom would offer a helping hand. Nevertheless, it was so...Phantom could already recognize the tight nit fellowship this Vampyre family offered him...A bonded kinship that would always remain among there kind...As it had always been!

"Come my Shrine brother...Let your Vampyre eye's behold the wondrous world that we lay claim too...Come, walk with me where other's dare not tread!" Soth gestured with his pale hand to the massive iron clad door's to the Shrine council chamber...Outside theses door's, beyond the gate's of the Shrine it's self, past the reaches of Roon's planetary system, held unimaginable wonder's that awaited Darth Phantom bidding...It was now for him to decide what he would make of it...