View Full Version : Invitation of a life time

Valirion Thorn
Aug 3rd, 2002, 11:44:39 PM
:: Valirion enters the parlor and doesn't bother to take in his surroundings. He was not here to gawk at the scenery. He was so tired of humanity. Not tired, but bored. Bored of there stupid mood swings. One day they scream for peace and friendship and the next day they screeam for blood. Thorn had always screamed for blood, no matter what day of the week it was. He swished the contents of his wine glass around. He was here to become what he knew he had been destined to become. He had always wanted to see his family bleed for what they had done to him. They had bled, bled until the fountain in their courtyard had overflowed with it. But alas, he was still human, and the crave for blood did him no good but yet to crave it more to no end.
His family had tried to make him pacifist through torture, they tried to marry him off to some noble priss that would have made him into a social slave. politics had never been Valirion really, he always liked speaking through the tip of a blade. They hadn't met his terms in negotiations so he had been enjoyed to let their blood make rivers across their meeting table. His constant tales of bloodshed had earned him a reputation with the authorities and when the time had come to be arrested, he resisted and barely survived. He made sure he was not forgotten when the police were found outside their HQ hung and drained of their blood. He had been confronted by an Alana Stormcloud sometime after the event had gotten out to the public. Valirion had been interested in the offer but had been unsure of the price he was to pay for such a blessing, but then he didn't really care either.::

Alana Stormcloud
Aug 4th, 2002, 12:02:19 AM
Alana entered the Parlor after she had been told a long awaited visitor had finally arrived. She smiled at the man who stood before her. His back facing her. She studied him and gently probed his mind. It was very appealing to her. His dark chaotic heart spoke volumes to her vampyre heart.

"I see you have made it here safely Valirion. It is a pleasure to see you once again." She greeted him softly. her eyes glowing a soft blue her fangs partially extended biting into the tender flesh of her lip.

"Alana motioned for the servant to bring in more wine and the preferred drink of the shrine children. She sipped her blood wine and sat down. Motioning for him to join her.

"So does your heart still ache for the taste of blood my friend?"

Valirion Thorn
Aug 4th, 2002, 12:14:27 AM
:: Valirion turned to the familiar voice. It was the vampyre that had invited him here in the first place. How nice... He greeted her with his smile. It had never been warm so he had never tried to make a warm smile. But then he didn't think that she would care if she was given a warm smile or a cold one.::

The pleasure is mine, I am grateful to be here Mistress Stormcloud.

:: She smiled and exposed her fangs, fangs that he ached to have so that he too could blissfully drink the blood from the pathetic cattle named humans. She motioned to him and he sat next to her. She asked him a question that he had already answered to himself.::

I will always ache for the taste of blood Mistress.

Alana Stormcloud
Aug 5th, 2002, 01:10:58 AM
Alana smiled at him. "As you should Valirion, as we all should." She sipped her wine and studied him over the rim. His eyes told his story. Cold and calculating, but honorable to a fault. It was not a bad thing to have honor if applied properly. Dalamar was such a man that knew how and when to use his honor.

"Come Valirion. I would like to show you around our home. I would not advise on wandering around without a Shrine escort. The halls and rooms have a tendency to shift. One can become quiet lost." She stood and motioned for the servant to clear there drinks. "Dinner for our guests will be served shortly. Until then I will give you the grand tour." She said softly her eyes cool her face like set marble. Only a hint of a smile graced he lips...

Valirion Thorn
Aug 5th, 2002, 03:47:53 PM
:: Valirion stood up when she had finished. He held his hand out to her as he spoke.::

I would be glad to get a tour of this wonderful place. It seems so much like my home before I left it. And dinner doesn't sound bad either. I am very hungry after my trip and the food around here probably is delicious.

:: This palce did infact remind him of his home, she was right about it twisting, but his home had been warped after he had left. It had seemed that his very presence in his house had twisted the place to look very similar to this. It was wickedly beautiful to Valirion now that he looked at it but he turned back to Alana and waited for the tour.::

Alana Stormcloud
Aug 6th, 2002, 06:42:46 PM
Alana placed her hand in his and allowed him to assist her. She was hungry but it would wait until she had settled her guest. She led him into the hall. The black floor glimmered under the soft light. The shadows shifted and moved with a life of there own. She pointed out the statues. There white marble was laced with delicate cracks signifying there age.

Cries of pain could be heard coming from distant rooms. Alana ignored the sounds. One became accustomed to it. They had an other worldly sound. Giving the impression that they were not if this time but the screams of what was remembered by the ancient walls.

She moved toward the immense dining area where a table had already been lain. "She sat down and motioned for him to sit. "Please eat, drink." Alana picked up a grape and tucked it into her waiting mouth.

"Perhaps after dinner I can show you the grounds and more of my home. What you have just seen is only a small portion of what there is. She motioned for the servant girl to fill there glasses. Alana's hungry eyes fastened on the girls throbbing vein. The servant trembled. "No worries my dear. You will not meet your clumsy sisters fate." Sitting back she watched her guest enjoy dinner and nibbled at another grape...

Valirion Thorn
Aug 6th, 2002, 06:52:18 PM
:: She had led him down the hallway where he had heard the screams of pain. It was like music to his ears. A cacophony of screams orchestrating music that could be no sweeter. He would've wanted to stay longer but she led on. She led him into the dining area and he saw the food already laid out for any guests. He sat once she had taken a seat and began to fill his plate with all the meats that were available before him. The servant came by and filled their glasses. She trembled when she neared Alana and Valirion wnated to laugh but he found it awkward to laugh while he ate. Alana spoke again of showing him more of the grounds. He ate a few bites before swallowing and spoke.::

I would enjoy that very much. From what I have seen of this place, I find it very much to my liking.

:: He gestured before the table.::

Do you have guests often? Not many seem to be here and there is so much food.

Alana Stormcloud
Aug 7th, 2002, 12:22:02 AM
Alana smiled and nodded. "We entertain at times. I find it comforting to have a nice dinner laid out. A human frailty I still hold on to. One of many." Alana popped another grape into her mouth.

"We have a loyal staff that enjoys the work. Can't let them grow bored now can we?" Alana stood up and wandered over to the bar. Reaching behind it she pulled out a bottle of blood wine. She needed to take the edge off her hunger. She looked at her hands. They had grown pale almost translucent and they glimmered softly. She drank the wine in one swallow.

"I will have to leave you to your room after I show you around a bit more. I need to do something." She said without turning...

Valirion Thorn
Aug 7th, 2002, 10:39:40 PM
:: Human frailty... Valirion shifted in his seat at the mention of what he still suffered from. He had tried to become something... else. Something above the human average, tried to become what he was now. But he wasn't complete, the hunger for blood gave him no plus whatsoever, just increasing the craving more.::

I am grateful for the food and the tour. If you have something of more importance, waste no time further with me. I will enjoy place just as well, the food should keep me occupied for a long time.

Alana Stormcloud
Aug 8th, 2002, 03:13:46 AM
Alana turned and nodded. Her face as pale as white marble. She watched intently as the vein pulsed in his throat and then her eyes traveled up and latched onto his eyes. "It would be so easy to take him now, to bend his neck her hungry mouth. He wanted what she was. He craved what she did. She sighed softly. Her body trembled slightly at the thought of his sweet blood. "I will leave you to your own devices then." She reached into the folds of her dress and pulled out a Roon stone. It shifted and glimmered with color. She brought it to her lips and uttered a few words. Tossing it to him she smiled. "Keep this with you at all times. It will give you safe passage here and mark you as my guest."

With that she turned and left before the hungry pushed her to take him...

Valirion Thorn
Aug 8th, 2002, 11:50:34 PM
:: Valirion grabbed the stone out of the air and slipped it under his gauntlet. He watched as she left.... she had been staring at him... Not really at his face, but just lower. His neck? Had she been tempted. His heart skipped a beat, what pain that would've been, what a pleasure. To be turned then, t he knew that there were regulations to it. He ate more food and when he was finished got up from the table and left to inspect this wonderful new place.::