View Full Version : I'm lonely, and me is ah hungrey...

Kitty Nuevole
Jan 30th, 2002, 12:20:36 AM
The Death Knight walk's to his Love's room, Tatiana, as she rest's in her Vampyre sleep. Soth slide's the cryo lid to her coffin open as she stir's. He bends down to kiss her on the forehead.

"Tatiana,...Arise my love. I have something to show you."

Tatiana sits up as she sense's Soth near her. Both hands behind him he look's into he lovely eye's. A gentle smile play's across his face.

"For you my Dark Dream." Soth then brings the small wee little kitten to her lap as it meow's...

Mistress Tatiana
Aug 7th, 2002, 01:13:41 PM
A dream..... it was all a dream. It had to have been. The events that took place the night before could not have been real...... or could it?

The strong scent of roses filled the room in which Tatiana slept. It's strong fragrance began to bring her out of her slumber. She could feel Soth's presence near her. The sound of his voice brought a smile to her face as she slowly opened her eyes.

Immediatly her senses were subjected to the wonderment she had first expeirenced the night before. It hadn't been a dream. It was real. She was a vampyre!

She sat up and turned to Soth. His hands were behind his back as if he was hiding something. She gave him a questioning smile. "For you my Dark Dream." He then brought his hands forward to reveal a small kitten. Her eyes became wide with excitement. "Oh love!"

As he placed the little, white, ball of fur on her lap she gave him a very passionate kiss. "Thank you my love. He's adorable." She then felt a small tug at her hair. She looked down to find the little kitty playing with her long hair which draped over her shoulders. She giggled and scratched his little tummy. "What should we name him my Dark Knight?"

Death Knight Soth
Aug 10th, 2002, 05:41:29 PM
There was still a trace of sorrow in the Death Knight's deep blue eye's as he looked on his new lover Tatiana... The night before left him in a state of melancholy that was only intensified at what he had done and now seeing her for what she was...A Child of the Damned!

"There are none who could ever stand at your side, nor are there any in whom I've ever known to contend with such comeliness my love." His thought's washed over him in warm wave's and darkening cloud's of despondency.

Her extraordinary beauty was breath taking Soth thought as he studied her while gazed at the Roon cat in disbelief...She still carried with her a subtle innocence that Soth noted as she played with the gift he gave her out of a heart of regret. The Roon cat was a way of trying to ease the pain he now felt, mask the sin's against the one he had taken and now corrupted through his own selfish agenda's...

"I will leave that to you my love..." Soth word's were soft and low as he took a seat next to Tatiana and kissed her on the base of her neck...His eye's met with hers as she turned to view him face to face...

"My love..." Soth word's trailed off as he paused for a moment. Something inside of him, perhaps the noble side he had thought to have died off so long ago now reemerged in his being. But the Dark Knight was found wanting with word's as her beautiful brown eye's searched his troubled one's.

"I hope that you are pleased my love..." Soth's masked his feeling's once again, pushing the pain he felt deep down. This was not the time nor the place for such thing's he thought to himself as he let a smile slip across his ruby lip's...Nor would there ever be!...