Death Knight Soth
May 2nd, 2002, 11:49:27 PM
Deep within the cold belly of the Shrine, Soth Nuevole sat in his Chamber's for long hour's watching a crimson candle burn in front of him. He fidgeted with his Sith dagger as he starred into the flame as if there within it laid the truth to his dilemma. His troubled thought's were on what would take place in the few week's ahead. Time had come full circle once again in his life as a Vampyre when further delay was out of the question. Fate, oh unmerciful fate, how it raised it's wicked head against him!... Sadly enough, it was now inevitable. A life hung in the balance, tossed to and fro like a mariner at sea against the perfect storm. If the journey was not well thought out, it would be one that could cost him his very existence. Sending Soth back to the pit of the abyss were Saurron his Master had summoned him from..The Death Knight was now forced to confront his own past, one that would lead him back to were it all started...
Death Knight Soth for some time now could see and sense the retched curse that was over taking the Angel, Evangeleen Starbreeze. How it was taking it's terrible toll on her, a griping deception she now had given into. The evil book of Cerrosh was now consuming her angelic mind. Yes, Evangeleen had been successful in defeating her long past foe, the arch fiend Valdemar Desmond, however it was at terrible price. One that would eventually lead her right to the heart of evil. Unfortunately to the same collective mind frame that doomed the male nephrum Valdemar so long ago. (
In a desperate attempt to dispatch Valdemar, Evangeleen had opened the sacred book of Cerrosh, an ancient and wicked tome that was bound by the most powerful of Sith magic. In turn, the unmanageable force's within the book were reaping the high penalty for doing so. The beautiful Iego Angel was now slowly going insane! All the sign's were evident in the madding Angel, fit's of rage and questionable action's on Evangeleen part brought the matter to close to home for Soth. Even in her wealth of wisdom and power, Evangeleen was not immune from the book's horrid curse. She was loosing all sense of reality and self-control and her mental facilities were disintegrating right before Soth very eye's! The Dark Knight was now drawn to an irresistible calling to set thing's right once again, his undying love for her, their long past together. He would not forsake her in her hour of need. But more over, if matter's were left unchecked, unattended at this point, Evangeleen would surly turn on the Shrine family in her maddening state of mind. Without question...Evangeleen would destroy everyone and everything in her blinded path. This would prove catastrophic to the Vampyre's if Soth did not act quickly!
The Death Knight sat the Sith dagger on the oaken table in front of him. He steepled his hand's in front of his face in idle thought. His troubled eye's sparkled as he continued to stare at the flame that reveled nothing but the burning truth. Closing his eye's, Soth reached out to the darkside. Letting his dark Vampyre mind sift over the creature's throughout the Shrine...There was one he was now looking for, one that could never hide from his mind's eye...A vile and evil servant that Soth himself had empowered. Yes, the lich called Wicked Wraith had exactly what the Death Knight needed...The necklace!
"Come Wraith, terry not...Bring the necklace that is stained with "Nadia Raine's" blood at once. I command you...!" Whispered the smooth even word's of the Dark Knight as he spoke to the mind of the lich.
Fiery red eye's somewhere deep within the Shrine of the Damned ebbed to life at that very same moment Soth uttered the word's of command. Commanding word's that demanded the highest respect from a Master to a servant...
Death Knight Soth for some time now could see and sense the retched curse that was over taking the Angel, Evangeleen Starbreeze. How it was taking it's terrible toll on her, a griping deception she now had given into. The evil book of Cerrosh was now consuming her angelic mind. Yes, Evangeleen had been successful in defeating her long past foe, the arch fiend Valdemar Desmond, however it was at terrible price. One that would eventually lead her right to the heart of evil. Unfortunately to the same collective mind frame that doomed the male nephrum Valdemar so long ago. (
In a desperate attempt to dispatch Valdemar, Evangeleen had opened the sacred book of Cerrosh, an ancient and wicked tome that was bound by the most powerful of Sith magic. In turn, the unmanageable force's within the book were reaping the high penalty for doing so. The beautiful Iego Angel was now slowly going insane! All the sign's were evident in the madding Angel, fit's of rage and questionable action's on Evangeleen part brought the matter to close to home for Soth. Even in her wealth of wisdom and power, Evangeleen was not immune from the book's horrid curse. She was loosing all sense of reality and self-control and her mental facilities were disintegrating right before Soth very eye's! The Dark Knight was now drawn to an irresistible calling to set thing's right once again, his undying love for her, their long past together. He would not forsake her in her hour of need. But more over, if matter's were left unchecked, unattended at this point, Evangeleen would surly turn on the Shrine family in her maddening state of mind. Without question...Evangeleen would destroy everyone and everything in her blinded path. This would prove catastrophic to the Vampyre's if Soth did not act quickly!
The Death Knight sat the Sith dagger on the oaken table in front of him. He steepled his hand's in front of his face in idle thought. His troubled eye's sparkled as he continued to stare at the flame that reveled nothing but the burning truth. Closing his eye's, Soth reached out to the darkside. Letting his dark Vampyre mind sift over the creature's throughout the Shrine...There was one he was now looking for, one that could never hide from his mind's eye...A vile and evil servant that Soth himself had empowered. Yes, the lich called Wicked Wraith had exactly what the Death Knight needed...The necklace!
"Come Wraith, terry not...Bring the necklace that is stained with "Nadia Raine's" blood at once. I command you...!" Whispered the smooth even word's of the Dark Knight as he spoke to the mind of the lich.
Fiery red eye's somewhere deep within the Shrine of the Damned ebbed to life at that very same moment Soth uttered the word's of command. Commanding word's that demanded the highest respect from a Master to a servant...