View Full Version : "Dead end game's"
Jul 20th, 2002, 10:56:18 AM
As the late hours of the night progressed on Roon and Nyssa fell deeper and deeper into subconscious, an unseen evil entered her chamber room. Slowly the dark figure glided over the surface of the floor to stand at the foot of the sleeping woman's bed... Nyssa stirred for a moment then rolled over as if she sensed the evil within her room.
"Sssleepp..." Came the whispered word's of the Arch Lich as he waved his knurled hand in a silent gesture. The powerful Sith spell that the Death Knight, Soth Nuevole had taught Wraith Soul took it's desired effect almost immediately on Nyssa.
Nyssa found herself once again walking the halls of the Shrine. Her white lacey gown flowed as she her pace quickened. Nyssa felt drawn to a location deep within the Shrine, she pressed on as if she knew the place well...As if she had been there many time's before. The Shrine surrounding's this time took on a more enchanting quality. Color's seemed to dance in her eye sight, music played faintly in the background while a sweet smelling fragrance floated on the air.
Soon after, Nyssa found herself in the Grand Hall. It's inner walls jetted at least forty to fifty feet above her...Beautiful statues adorned either side of the immense hall way as she walk in. But there was someone else there...A dark cloaked figure...his back was turned from Nyssa as she reluctantly approached...Nyssa could have sworn on the spot that it was the Death Knight, Soth Nuevole!...The figure that was some fifteen or twenty paces away from Nyssa now stood motionless with his hands behind him, admiring a beautiful statue in front of him. Even the smell of fragrant roses were present as she neared him...Nyssa could now make out his long raven black main as the shadow's gave way to her sight. The Grand hall danced in a glittery fine gold dust...Everything seemed so inviting...So pleasant to the senses. Nyssa was now only feet away...
Nyssa Damaskinos
Jul 22nd, 2002, 10:57:13 AM
The same dream every night, the same ending every time… No matter how hard she tried, there was no alternating the end result; her entire Clan wiped out leaving her alone to aimlessly wander and find her own way in the galaxy.
She had sensed something was terribly wrong that early morning while still in her robes, tucked under her covers. Her eyes snapped open as blood curdling screams could be heard through the walls. Throwing back her blankets, she clambered out of bed as fast as she could. The stone tiling on the floor was cold on her bare feet as she ran through the halls.
She remembered it all as if it were just minutes ago...
Her heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming faster as thoughts raced through her mind. She had a dreaded feeling in her stomach of what lay before her, but she prayed such a thing would never happen…
Abruptly the entire scenery changed around her. She didn’t slow or stop, instead quickened her pace. Things were different. There was no longer screaming; instead lovely flowing music. The scent of blood was replaced by the fragrance of sweet flowers. Nyssa continued her route and although it had completely adjusted, she still was drawn to a particular place.
She came across a large room that boasted immense carvings of beautiful statues. The walls protruded up what seemed like forever as she tipped her head back to look at them.
Suddenly she felt as if she wasn’t the only one in the room. Slowly she dropped her view down to look around her. There he was; gazing at what looked to be a figurine before him, his back turned to her. Soth? It appeared to be him. Slowly she approached him from behind. As she neared close enough, she reached out a hand to gently place on his arm…
Jul 23rd, 2002, 12:27:46 PM
The soft melody played in Nyssa's open mind, soothing her seances as it made it somewhat easier for her to approach the dark robed man in front of her she thought to be Soth. The perfumed air about her lulled her closer, ever so closer...She reached out her delicate hand to touch the Death Knight's shoulder...
"M'lady, what brings you here so late into the evening?..." Soth turned to view her with a seductive smile etched on his marble like face...His lip's wet with anticipation and eye's that seemed to bore through her vestures. The Vampire reached out slowly, taking Nyssa by one hand and placing a gentle kiss upon it. His eye's glimmered in the torch light of the Grand hall...And his ivory fang's protruded slightly at the thought of her tender flesh.
"I am honored with your beauty this evening m'lady...Will you stay awhile and talk with me?" Soth word's were smooth and inviting as he pulled her in closer to him. Then oddly the scenery changed, the two were now standing on an outside rotunda of the Shrine. The moon light bathed them in soft blue hue's that silhouetted there form's to the eye's of the many inhabitant's that looked on in curiosity.
The Death Knight was now within inches of her calmly face...There was something written in his crystal blue eye's that Nyssa could see, but was unable to read.
"Is not this night enchanting M'lady?" The Vampire's eye's grew soft as he looked deep into Nyssa's own, both of his pale hand's slipping to the small of her back as he finished.
Nyssa Damaskinos
Jul 25th, 2002, 10:30:36 PM
Soth spoke just as Nyssa’s fingertips brushed his clothing. She slowly drew back her hand only to have it encased in one of his as he brought it to his lips, placing a warm kiss upon her flesh.
Why had she come…? “I…” she looked away from him a moment completely forgetting just why she had come here. Surely she had a reason…
She lifted her brown eyes back to him, her cheeks flushing slightly at his words. He certainly was charming… Her head nodded gradually to his request at staying to talk with him awhile as he drew her in nearer to him. Just as she was about to voice her approval the air around them altered and the image shifted. Nyssa turned her head to look at the new scenery that unfolded around them.
It was absolutely gorgeous. The backdrop was washed in an array of shades of shimmering midnight blue. The moon’s glow from above in the speckle painted sky added a hint of magic, casting a trace of golden hues. Nyssa found it to be quite spectacular as she drew her sight back to Soth.
Her eyes creased slightly as a small smile lit up her face. “This is wonderful…”
Jul 28th, 2002, 10:15:33 PM
The wicked Lich moved closer and still closer to the side of Nyssa''s bed. A gentle smile played on her lip's as the ghastly figure sprawled out his thin arm's, hovering over her like a predator ready to pounce on it's intent victim at any given moment. His dark dream was weaving it's charm over her mind as he intended it to.
"The Death Knight lifted Nyssa's chin until she looked upon him once more. His mouth slightly parted as his eye's locked with hers...Yet there were no word's that formed as he slowly gravitated towards her.
The Lich's hideous face was now within inches of Nyssa's own. He could smell the sweetness of her hair and form linger on the night air as he moved in for...
There was a brilliant flash, then an ear piercing shriek within Nyssa's bed chamber's. The Lich howled in defiance...His plan had been foiled as the Master Guardian entered the room, the door's to the chamber smashing open as he slowly walked in. Nyssa awoke and sat up in her bed, holding the silken sheet's to her bosom as the Vampyre entered...
It was the Death Knight, Soth Nuevole. His head was slightly tilted downward as he eye'd the Lich that now coward from his presence. The orbital of Soth eye's blazed a hot red hue that exuded shear anger, illuminating his facial feature's that were now in a hateful grimace
Wraith Soul: "My master, I was only standing guard as you demanded of me..." The Lich hissed through clenched teeth as Soth held out a talon glove in his direction...
Nyssa Damaskinos
Aug 7th, 2002, 09:25:59 AM
Nyssa woke with a start as the scream shattered the dream that the Lich had created in her sleep. She let out a little squeal of her own as she saw just what had been hovering above her moments before. Her fingers clenched the covers and drug them to tuck under her chin as she pushed her body back against the headboard. Her brown eyes were wide, as she looked from Soth to…it. She wasn’t frightened…at least not yet, more confused than anything. What exactly had he been doing? The look in Soth’s eyes made her believe that what this thing would have done was nothing but wrong.
“What…is going on?”
Death Knight Soth
Aug 10th, 2002, 04:55:08 PM
The Death Knight heard nothing the vile Lich had to say as his word's fell on deaf ear's. The Lich backed away into the shadow's as Soth approached him with his hand still extended in his direction. The Lich's body was then jerked from were he floated and violently cast to the side as if a large hand swatted him. Glass and wood shattered as Wraith-Soul slammed into a large oaken table feet from Nyssa.
"You dare tempt your Master with such thoughtless and foolish disregard as this!" Snapped Soth as he lifted the Lich once again into the air, stripping him of his "Rod of Power" as he did so. The Wraith howled in defiance as he met a stone wall face first. As the Lich hit the floor he quickly spun on all fours, groveling as Soth walked up to his cowering form...
"I have made you and granted you the power's you now wield Wraith-Soul...Perhaps I have underestimated my decision in doing so..." Soth's pointed teeth protruded as he spoke to the Lich.
"Be go oh foolish Wraith...I will deal with you soon enough!" Soth word's were lethal and unfeeling as the Lich wasted no time in making a hasty escape from the Vampyre Master...
Moment's after the Lich had made his flight from Nyssa's chamber room, Soth trailed his still cooling eye's to her...
"Did he harm you m'lady?" Soth turned slowly and approached her bedside, a concerned look now masked his face as he sat on the foot of her bed..
Nyssa Damaskinos
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:33:01 AM
Nyssa flinched as wood splintered and glass burst, landing harmlessly on the folds of her bed. She drew her legs up instinctively, her knees protruding through the covers as she brought them against her chest. As things crashed around her, she pulled the sheets up higher, her hands moving to half cover her ears from the intensity of it all. Her body curled into a ball, her mind trying to push the remnants of the dream as it seemed to be clouding her senses.
Just as she thought she had fully waken, the entire room fell silent. A single, dark eye opened to peer out from around the blankets. Her legs unfolded, sliding along the bed to fully stretch out as she drew the layered covers from her face. Soth sat just at the edge of her bed. She gazed at him a moment before becoming aware that he had asked her a question. “No…at least I don’t think so.” She cast her gaze to the door that ‘it’ had just excited. “What was that?”
Edit: Let's try hittin' the HTML button...
Death Knight Soth
Aug 15th, 2002, 02:09:29 AM
The Death Knight slowly stood up then walked to an over turned table in a vain gesture to fix what had been broken. How could he explain something as complicated and mysterious as Wraith-Soul and what he truly was? What the wicked wraith had become was more then just a simple nuisance, he was a deadly psychotic killer that was now bent on over throwing Soth. The Knight of the Black Rose was well aware of this when he still resided at the Coven Citadel, however even now the wicked Lich knew not of Soth's knowledge of such a coo. As time passed the Lich had become more bold and brazen, testing the Death Knight's patient's to an end that served him best. Soth would not have it as such...Soth's power over the Lich would always remain, not even the manifested power that Wraith-Soul possessed could ever sway that in his narrow sighted favor.
"The being that you encountered this evening m'lady is nothing more then a haphazard creation by my own foolish hand." Soth paused as he placed a porcelain vase that had been knocked over back to it's up right position. Turning back to face Nyssa, Soth continued as he placed his hand's behind him.
"He is the embodiment of Xanatos Etanial...A wayward soul that I have granted power to over the year's. He has corrupted and used those power's to plot and undermine me that he may be free from his service I hold him in bondage to." Soth's blue eye's reluctantly trailed over to Nyssa's, knowing that what he had just told her was more then most had ever known.
Nyssa Damaskinos
Aug 15th, 2002, 10:29:59 PM
Nyssa watched Soth in his aimless wanderings about the room to fix what he had upset. His sudden mood change and expression engraved on his face gave hint to what he was about to tell her. This was something he didn’t speak of often and it almost seemed as if he didn’t quite know how to state it. As words began to spill forth from his lips she realized he wasn’t all too pleased with his own self for creating this “Wraith-Soul.” He…rather it, this Wraith, was beginning to test just what kind of hold Soth had on it and whether it could upset it’s Master’s power. Made her wonder just what had possessed Soth to create such a thing in the first place…
“What was he doing in my room?” the thought suddenly crossed her mind. What had the Wraith’s intentions been?
Death Knight Soth
Aug 16th, 2002, 07:45:09 PM
Soth knew her thought's and the question before it was asked of him. How terrifying close Nyssa had come to the Lich's wicked plan for her...A gruesome fate that would have left her disfigured and somewhere in between life and death it's self!...
Yes, there were many horror's that lay within the Shrine of the Damned. Many mysterious and unimaginable nightmare's that lurked in the murky shadow's, ready to claim an unwary victim for there own...sustenance to other's! However, the Death Knight's watchful eye had always been on Nyssa, even before she ever set foot on Roon soil, he was always aware of her...near to her.
"He wished for you to be as he is m'lady...To transform you into what he desired...A flesh fiend, mindless and subservient to his command only." Soth paused as he moved closer to Nyssa's bed, seemingly floating on the air as he approached her.
"Your destiny Nyssa is here...Here with me and our kind..." Soth reached out and gently took her hand in his own, his word's were smooth and even as her locked eye's with her.
"Come hither child...I command you!" The Death Knight's word's resounded in her open mind, so appealing were they, so irresistible and compelling that Nyssa felt powerless to resist Soth's beckoning call to her...Word's that echoed in her mind as if she stood within a great canyon. Word's of power that gripped her very soul!
Nyssa Damaskinos
Aug 20th, 2002, 11:24:28 AM
Nyssa’s dark eyes became fixed on Soth, seemingly hypnotized by his voice that echoed in the confines of her head. He offered what she had always wanted, her turn at the darkness, immortality, an essence of her father.
She was like a child, eager for the present retained before her. Drawn to and captivated by the promise of something great. She found herself moving closer to him as if what he proposed was held in the palm of his hand. And perhaps it was…
Such alluring promises of something better were too tantalizing for Nyssa to wait any longer. She wouldn’t beg, the pleading in her eyes enough to let the Death Knight before her know what she wanted. What she wanted to become for all eternity…but was she truly ready?
Death Knight Soth
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:20:46 AM
It was the subtle thing's in life that most mortal's took for granted...The look in one's eye, a simple brush of the hand against the cheek...Mortal nature, it's painful flaw's were only remedied at the high cost of suffering through experience and broken heartiness. Soth would now lift Nyssa from this never-ending chasm of frailty and inhibition's of life...No longer would she have the daunting worry of where her path would end, fall ill or grow old. In turn, the dust of her path would blow on the wind's of time, only a subtle reminder of once was...The future would be hers to command...To shape and mold as she deemed it so...
As the Death Knight held her gaze, Nyssa found herself having to look away from the eternal eye's that peered into her open soul. Yes, it was the subtle thing's that most overlooked...Nyssa's glance away from him was an invitation that would not be passed by. Nyssa's time as a mortal was now about to end whether she wanted it so or not!
Before Nyssa knew it, the dark master Vampyre's breath was upon her delicate neck. She felt a sudden pain, then soon Nyssa fought for consciousness. Her life's blood in the matter of moment's was drained from her,...To the point of death! Her lovely brown eye's grew dim as her surrounding's faded. She was dying! Scene's of her life flashed in her mind, a time when she was a small girl, friend's that she had made,...Her loved one's. Precious memories that caused tear's to well and stream down her cold cheek's...
Soth pulled away from the woman and laid her gently back upon the bed. Death's hand took it's hold on her form as she shook in fevered spasms for the last time ever as a mortal. The Death Knight reached to his wrist with a sharp thumb nail, puncturing it just enough so that his own precious blood flowed freely from the self inflicted wound.
"Drink Nyssa...Drink or die...The Dark Gift is now only a sip away." Soth word's seemed to echo in her mind as he held his wrist to her mouth. Blood pitter-pattered on her blue lip's as he took her gaze once more...Immortality's price had now been paid in full as Nyssa's life hung in the balance on a razor's edge. It was far to late now in the scheme of thing's to ever return, this was a one way ticket that could never be redeemed...
nyssa damaskinos
Aug 26th, 2002, 10:12:19 PM
In that split second that she had looked away, she had changed her life forever. Soth’s mouth was upon her neck, his teeth piercing the layers of skin. She had always wondered just what it felt like, to be the one going through the change and not watching from a distance.
She remembered seeing her father and the other Vampyre turn people. The look of sheer horror that crossed their face as life spilled away. The spasms that wracked their almost lifeless bodies, the contorting and moving as if a demon or invisible hand were taking control. The window shattering screams that echoed down the halls as the Dark Gift gave and caused yet more agony.
The pain came almost immediately. Her body jerked back instinctively, but the Death Knight held her in place. A gasp escaped her lips at the pleasure…the pain that swept through her every vein. She stared out beyond him, the room around her doubling and growing blurry as the very life she had been living just moments before was drained. She knew she couldn’t fight it, but her body tried. Her lunges wheezed for air, but found no air to breathe. Her body ached, wanting what it couldn’t have. Long slender fingers rose slowly to clench the folds of the Vampyr’s clothing at his shoulder as if grasping onto what little life was left.
Lids drooped heavily, her eyes rolling back into her head as she slumped forward against him, convulsions shaking her entire body at mere second intervals.
She could almost feel herself being moved back against the bedding…almost. It was all so terribly far away, like some dream. Then something was on her lip and mumbled words could be held in the background. She was unaware of even her surroundings now, disconnected from her entire body. Her mind seemed to wander…towards the brightness in the distance. But suddenly she was sucked back in as the droplets of blood ran down her throat. She wanted more.
Nyssa Damaskinos
Aug 26th, 2002, 10:12:29 PM
In that split second that she had looked away, she had changed her life forever. Soth’s mouth was upon her neck, his teeth piercing the layers of skin. She had always wondered just what it felt like, to be the one going through the change and not watching from a distance.
She remembered seeing her father and the other Vampyre turn people. The look of sheer horror that crossed their face as life spilled away. The spasms that wracked their almost lifeless bodies, the contorting and moving as if a demon or invisible hand were taking control. The window shattering screams that echoed down the halls as the Dark Gift gave and caused yet more agony.
The pain came almost immediately. Her body jerked back instinctively, but the Death Knight held her in place. A gasp escaped her lips at the pleasure…the pain that swept through her every vein. She stared out beyond him, the room around her doubling and growing blurry as the very life she had been living just moments before was drained. She knew she couldn’t fight it, but her body tried. Her lunges wheezed for air, but found no air to breathe. Her body ached, wanting what it couldn’t have. Long slender fingers rose slowly to clench the folds of the Vampyr’s clothing at his shoulder as if grasping onto what little life was left.
Lids drooped heavily, her eyes rolling back into her head as she slumped forward against him, convulsions shaking her entire body at mere second intervals.
She could almost feel herself being moved back against the bedding…almost. It was all so terribly far away, like some dream. Then something was on her lip and mumbled words could be held in the background. She was unaware of even her surroundings now, disconnected from her entire body. Her mind seemed to wander…towards the brightness in the distance. But suddenly she was sucked back in as the droplets of blood ran down her throat. She wanted more.
Death Knight Soth
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:31:16 PM
Soth winced in pain as Nyssa held his exposed arm tightly to her hungry mouth. With each passing moment her strength increasingly grew while Soth's dwindled. She was now one of them...Nyssa's skin now took on a fine porcelain look, her hair seemed to glow in the candle light of the room.
"Enough!..." Snapped the Death Knight as he pulled back from Nyssa, weakened by the ordeal that taxed him to the point of collapse. Her lethal lip's sparkeled with the crimson stain as she eye'd Soth for more.
" will feed...Soon m'lady...Soon."
It was the Death Knight's plan to take the newest fledgling of the Shrine on a hunt...One that would pay in great dividends...This night the blood in the near by town of Morden would flow like wine!
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